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Races of Arkuth
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Places in Arkuth
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* Graemoore
* Furra'zan Reach
* Barnweal
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* Jungle Gnomes
* Jungle Trolg
* Jungle Rhino
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PC Classes
* 2E Monk
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* 2E Assassin
* Shaman Warrior
* Dwarven Bard
* Arkuthic Knight
* Giant Killer
PC Races
* Bugbears
* Half Dwarves


Arkuth - Ehiennthurst

"To Rule Fairly, is to Rule Justly for All"
King Bremr Guluhfson the II.

Adania's Crest

Nation's Title/Designation Kingdom of Ehiennthurst
Current Ruler King Guluhfson the III
Population 275,000
Capital City Graemoore
Other Cities , Towns & Villages Bremr, Groeml , Durn
Demonym Ehienite / Ehienites
Ethnic Slurs Given Thursters, Scabs, Lurkers
Year Founded 317 AWoR
Primary Languages Common 90%, Gnomish 7%, Various 3%
Demographics Human 85%, Gnome 7%, Half-Orc 1%, Half-Elf 3%, 4% Various other races
National Colors Green, Silver and Gold.
Monetary System Standard
Natural Resources and Manufactured Goods Silver, wood, weaponry, rice, fish, lettuce, livestock
Wealth Average
Government Type Hierarchy
Government Stability Strong
Allies Barstmour
Enemies Faeringtun
Primary Mythos Norse 98%
Other Gods/Religions Demi-Human 2%
Climate Temperate / Hot
Terrain Jungle / Forest / Hills / Mountains / Rivers / Creeks / Lakes


In the mid southwest region of Ralynkhorme rests Ehiennthurst. This nation of man has existed for several hundred years, having been forged by Ehien, son of Lord Hurst VI. Ehien fled his kingdom when revolt over taxation led to a violent civil war. Here he founded a new nation with many of the other refugees from the northlands.

For centuries Ehiennthurst has stood as a bastion of civilization in an otherwise wild and untamed landscape. Dense jungle surrounds the kingdom, and because of this the population has become hardened over time. Having come from the northlands, where the climate and terrain were very different, the cities were carved from the jungle, rather than built within it. Harsh stone walls surround the cities, forest are generally cleared for one half mile around them.

One common phrase among many Ralynkhormite's is "Brighter than the Fires of Ehiennthurst". This is because these walls are always topped with great bonfires that can be seen from miles away. These fires are meant to play two roles, one is to pay homage to Jorym (God of Fire), the other is to act as a ward against Jungle Trolgs. These fires are ever burning, and indeed burn brighter and hotter than normal fires, being fueled by "Fire Rock", a strange black rock that is found in great quantities around Ralynkhorme's many silver mines.

The people of Ehiennthurst are culturally reserved. It is thought that this stems from their status as refugees in the relatively near past. They dress in colors that are more reminiscent of their ancestral home than the colorful jungle that surrounds them. They are strong willed, and known to be stubbornly unyielding to persuasion. Between this general attitude and their location within a dense jungle teaming with wildlife and Trolgs, the people of Ehiennthurst are indeed lacking the merchant traffic a kingdom of it's size might otherwise enjoy.

What few merchants do venture out this way mainly deal in export, taking the products of the kingdom to the rest of the world. The silver work by the smiths of Ehiennthurst is renowned throughout the realm, their is enough silver within the kingdom that Ehiennthurst has minted its own currency. Also, the Iron shaft spears that Ehiennthurst readily manufactures are also highly prized by elite infantry forces across the land. The Blackiron Tree grows only within the depths of the oldest jungle growth, usually found around sinkholes. The wood gathered from these trees is nearly as strong as steel. In fact, special blades have to be imported simply to cut and shape the wood.

Having access to rich soil, now cleared from the Jungle, the nation also enjoys a rich agricultural base, from which several exports are also made.


Ehiennthurst is settled within the dense jungles of Ralynkhorme. This terrain had been considered to be nearly uninhabitable for hundreds of years. And indeed, it was by refugees with little choice that the settlement was done. The land is also hilly, with fast flowing, rapid rivers crisscrossing the terrain. The climate varies from deep tropical to subtropical by the seasons. The growing season lasts all year long, while the flowering plants generally flower in what would be traditionally known as "Spring" in other lands. While the entirety of Ehiennthurst would be considered hilly by any standard, the northern borders become as foothills to the mountains, leading up to Lake Groeml, from which many of the rivers flow.

Because of the jungle habitat, it's flora and fauna are of great importance. The plethora of species whether being plant or animal make the majority of them actively dangerous. There are insects as large as dogs, creatures known as Jungle Rhinos which are taller than any horse and even plants with appendage like structures that will trap and devour men. Traveling across the country side off of much traveled roads is considered unwise, both for the risk of becoming lost and the risk of being eaten alive. This is aside from the monsters that also settle here.


Ehiennthurst has existed for over three-hundred years now, having been raised and settled by Lord Hurst's first born son Ehien. Ehien fled his beloved motherland at the young age of 18 to avoid a violent civil war he dared not partake in. He founded this new nation with the help of a few thousand other migrants that also sought refuge from the northlands. Over the years Ehiennthurst has prospered and continued to grow in population as the generations pass and many other immigrants make their way to this so called "wondrous new land" by word of mouth.

To the south of Ehiennthurst lay the kingdom of Faeringtun, a relatively new formed kingdom of men that constantly grows in power and influence. Faeringtun's soldiers are constantly invading the borders of Ehiennthurst and Barstmour, taking what they want and ignoring the warnings of their neighboring kings. For decades now these three kingdoms have fought over common ground, yet the massive distances between their major cities and main castles has prevented any of these three kingdoms from destroying the other.

Seeing the problem of Faeringtun's steady rise in power, Ehiennthurst has made a pact with their neighbors to the north, Barstmour. Now with these two kingdoms united, Faeringtun has become somewhat dormant in their attacks, yet both King Guluhfson and King Burynskuller feel that Faeringtun's forces are simply growing in number and will someday soon march on one of their capital cities.


As with all hierarchy's religion is paramount to this nation. All religious figureheads are treated as direct profits of their gods and are positioned in social rank above most others. Large churches are erected throughout Ehiennthurst and usually control the general populace with popular religious ideals and if need be threatening claims in which their god(s) might deny their people prosperous times, food or monetary gains. Other then an elevated religious aspect to this nation, a normal feudal system takes place and a strict social ranking takes grasp on all who choose to live within Ehiennthurst's borders.

Justice System:

Ehiennthurst justice is enforced by the Order of Scales, a division of the King's guard which operates domestically. They have complete authority given by King Guluhfson III. Order is enforced to the strictest degree and much like the landscape the penalties are harsh. Typically non-violent crime is repaid by doubling whatever losses the victim suffered and if the perpetrator cannot pay, he is forced into servitude for the King until such time that his service pays the fine. Violent crimes of smaller severity are met with public punishment in the form of wounds being inflicted to the perpetrator that are similar to that which were given to the victim. This policy is known as "Hand for Hand". Rape and murder are capital crimes. Rape itself is punished by castration and being thrown into a sink hole. Murder is punished by beheading. Those who are in violation of a Kings decree, who are found to be guilty of treason are fed to the fires. All accused criminals are given a trial by three elders, two of which will be the same sex as the accuser, one of which will be the opposite.


Ehiennthurst's military is composed mainly of the Kings guard and whatever mercenary forces are hired during time of war. The majority of the force is lightly armored foot, with hide armor from the Jungle Rhino and spears fashioned often from obsidian. But the greatest asset have been the Rhinomann, a group of heavy cavalry which have tamed and ridden the Jungle Rhino. These men and beasts are armored in steel, and sometimes stone. They have been known to shatter cavalry and footmen alike. Many times they are harnessed to pull great machines of war as well. There are more than several tales of a single Rhinomann shattering the gates of a foreign city in a single charge.


As mentioned above Ehiennthurst has it's problems with retaining regular merchant traders in the kingdom. These difficulties are most likely the only reason the economy doesn't grow more rapidly. A constant stream of exports leaves the nation via the major shipping ports along the coastline. Arable land is plentiful, so massive crops and agriculture in general are busting at the seams.

Importing is difficult as most other nations have still not come to trust or recognize the nation of Ehiennthurst in whole. However Ehiennthurst does have most common commodities and services and thus can provide quite adequately for it's people.


Ehienites live and act much the same as their ancestors from the north. They are a hardy people that enjoy strong ale, large meaty dinners and hard work. Ehienites dress in much the same manner as the northmen of the realm, yet have adapted some of the local adornments as well. Color is not part of their decor, yet design and ornate patterns are. At first glance Ehienites may seem that of a dull and gloomy people, yet to the contrary, they are welcoming, cheerful and passionate for life. Great halls full of drunkards telling stories and laughing at one another's unlikely accomplishments are a major pastime.

Most Ehienites do not believe in slavery, yet have been known to capture fellow humans and treat them with little respect or provide them with basic needs in times of war. Women are not treated as equals to men, although they have their respect and their place in society. Prostitution and gambling are also considered normal amongst Ehienites and little if anything will be done to those participating in such events.

Magic Use:

Magic is welcome throughout Ehiennthurst. The magic arts are deemed a necessary part of life and are viewed as helpful in society in general. Clerics are treated well and are typically assigned to positions of great power, while magic users are granted small school's of magic to teach others their craft. All who wield magical abilities are watched closely however, either by their peers or by local officials who keep track of magical creations and any abuse of powers one might normally construe as safe.

Notable Legends & Lore:

  • The rise and fall of Guluhfson I.
  • The Gullhyrndr Goðahús (Golden Horned Temple)
  • The legendary Svartr Konungr Api ( Black King Gorilla)
  • The Immortal Jungle Trolg Veesha.
  • Black Water Keep

Regional Maps:

Exploded view of Ralynkhorme



Copyright © 2012-2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Owned and Maintained by Cole E Austin
Original site design and world design by Cole Austin
World of Arkuth (The Sundered Lands) - Copyright © 2010-2012
All artwork is copyright © by the original artists