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Races of Arkuth
* The Elves (álfr)
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Places in Arkuth
* BlaydKurn
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* Graemoore
* Furra'zan Reach
* Barnweal
* Elspir
* Jungle Gnomes
* Jungle Trolg
* Jungle Rhino
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PC Classes
* 2E Monk
* 2E Barbarian
* 2E Assassin
* Shaman Warrior
* Dwarven Bard
* Arkuthic Knight
* Giant Killer
PC Races
* Bugbears
* Half Dwarves


Arkuth - Bryn

"Protect your people and they shall offer protection for you "
King Ulrit Tydedrun the II.


Adania's Crest

Nation's Title/Designation Kingdom of Bryn
Current Ruler King Ulrit Tydedrun the II (a.k.a Tydedrun the Great)
Population 2,200,000
Capital City Agoria (752,000 Inhabitants)
Other Cities , Towns & Villages Brincmoore, Steel'Bourne, Maston, Port Creed, Marrshank, Reyen, Port Sarem, Kelspern, *Shoreside, Hollowmourne, Elspir, Edgeworth, Fort Keel, Murndurst, *Barnweal (* indicates border towns / protested land)
Demonym Brynian / Brynian's
Ethnic Slurs Given Ninny's, Ryn's
Year Founded 762 BWoR
Primary Languages Common 91%, Taulkish 6%, Various 3%
Demographics Human 86%, Taulk 6%, Half-Orc 1%, Half-Elf 3%, 4% Various other races
National Colors Gold, purple and white.
Monetary System Standard Northern
Natural Resources and Manufactured Goods Gold, silver, iron, wood, weaponry, wheat, fish, potatoes, corn, cows, sheep, pigs
Wealth Average
Government Type Feudality
Government Stability Strong
Allies Valtarum, Khmunekhen
Enemies Ekothia, Borme
Primary Mythos Norse 94%
Other Gods/Religions Egyptian 4%, Demi-Human 2%
Climate Temperate / Hot
Terrain Forest / Hills / Mountains / Steppes/ Flatlands / Rivers / Creeks / Lakes


Bryn is the largest of the human dominated kingdoms within Ehriidore. Here heraldry, social structure and hard work hold the kingdom together and most people within Bryn hold these values close to their own hearts. Nobility and knightly codes go hand-in-hand in Bryn and those that live within the this region respect these lawful figureheads and trust they will uphold the king's virtues, giving back to the people when possible. This strong bond between knight and serf, noble and peasant creates an almost unbreakable society and allows the king to function beyond the normal qualities of a typical ruler.

Knightly codes and virtues are very strict and perhaps the most respected throughout the human nations. The knights of Bryn are highly trained warriors and are second to none at mounted combat. They ride into combat often and frequent the borderlands offering their expertise and military minds to the many lords and other nobles who commonly share the same enemies and serve the king as they do. Some of the more famous knights in Arkuthian history have risen to glory from within this powerful kingdom and surely they shall not be the last.

This kingdom is ruled by King Ulrit Tydedrun the II and his somewhat homely wife Doskella, who he loves dearly and stands proudly by her side. Together they provide secure borders and protection for all within their lands. The people of Bryn show their appreciation by celebrating a special holiday each year that's dedicated to the royal family. Agoria's population almost doubles during these times and can be difficult to navigate through for anyone not familiar with this cities massive expanse.

Like many other nations, Bryn still has it's woes however. A somewhat constant push by the nation to the south (Eastern Ekothia) and the neighboring kingdom to the west known as Borme are a mainstay of worry for King Ulrit and his army. These borders are heavily protected and the kingdom's second largest fortress castle and city rests not far from these areas in Steel'Bourne. The threat of war is always present from both of their opposing nations, yet this onslaught seems to have died down over the last few years. Small raiding parties are still plundering the Ekothian/ Brynian borders though and the king is currently planning a unique construct in this area to help resist these attacks.

Just as the other surrounding nations, Bryn is filled with villages, towns and other much larger communities. These cities include; Brincmoore, Steel'Bourne, Maston, Port Creed, Marrshank, Reyen, Port Sarem, Kelspern, Shoreside, Hollowmourne, Elspir, Edgeworth, Fort Keel, Murndurst, Barnweal and the capital city known as Agoria. All of which are within the nations current borders.

The people of Bryn cultivate massive farmlands of wheat, barley, corn, alph-alpha and other common foods of the local nations. They also export 62% of the entire kingdoms wood products, including tables & chairs, firewood, trunks, barrels and wagons. Much of Ehriidore's more common wildlife can also be found within Bryn, giving hunters plenty of opportunity to feed their families.


The kingdom of Bryn hosts plenty of enchanting forests, rolling hills, tattered mountain peaks and large bodies of water including one of the continents largest fresh water lakes set within the southern region of the Kingdom. This massive freshwater lake is known as Lake Gol'. Lake Gol' covers a total land mass of nearly 480 km in length and 360 km in width at it's widest port to port location. Hundreds of small creeks and rivers flow into the lake keeping it's water levels very consistent. This allows for shipping routes to maintain solid trade runs with great efficiency and those who fish the lake never worry about a lack of fresh fish to catch.

History: ?

Government: Bryn uses a traditional feudal system as it's government structure and has maintained this form since the capital city of Agoria was raised. A king has always ruled these lands as no queen has ever succeeded a king before passing themselves, or at least before the grand prince was proclaimed "King" of Bryn. Traditional precedence holds true in Bryn and estates and titles are generally inherited.

Justice System:

A feudal ordinance that works very well. Punishments are strict and unswerving, but they are fair. Every man or woman remains innocent until proven guilty. Thereafter typical feudal punishments are enacted. All cases are handled in order of severity, being found innocent or guilty by the appointed judge. Petty crimes are offensive to most common-folk and are not usually handled in the same manner as other criminal activity, however these offenses are still dealt with and those who commit them are usually humiliated publicly in some fashion of another.


King Ulrit's military might is extensive and is spread across his borders quite evenly even though the kingdom's only real threats lie to the west. The Brynian army consists of approximately 40,000 soldiers, split into 4 battles of around 10,000 troops each. The main battles are comprised of soldiers stationed near or within the stronghold cities of Steel'Bourne (vanguard), Brincmoore (mid-guard) and Maston (rear-guard). An extra battle known as the "Imperial Legion" is stationed directly within Agoria and surrounding areas. All auxiliary troops are strewn about the rest of the kingdom within the many large fiefs controlled by various Lords of Byrn.


Bryn's economy holds stable even in the worst of times, yet lacks the natural resources and export opportunities that other kingdoms sometimes possess. These issues are not a concern for the king, yet it stands between Bryn becoming a dominate economic nation or at least a much wealthier one.


Brynian's partake in all traditional norse holidays, including minor festivals such as Einherjar, Sigurdsblot and Mabon. Brynian's enjoy each other's company tremendously. As often as you'd like you can find some sort of party or smaller social gathering being held within most towns. People tend to get along quite well overall and share tall tales and mythical stories of the lands as often as they share a fine brew. Brynian's work as hard as they relax, however most of the day these people spend working the fields, mining local caverns and tending to massive herds of sheep and cattle. Many fresh water sources are also found across Bryn. Fishermen are bountiful, bringing fresh fish of all kinds to the markets across Bryn regularly.

Magic Use:

Magic within Bryn is common practice unlike most other regions within the realm. Here arcane magic is tolerated accordingly; meaning those that practice these arts are expected to use them responsibly. Those found to be misusing their talents are usually punished appropriately by the local authorities. Divine magic is considered a staple across these lands. Clerics and other priests are held with the highest regard and are found within almost all communities within Bryn. Clerics who use their god given powers for evil or simply to harm others are usually exiled from Bryn or in some cases imprisoned for life.

Notable Legends & Lore:

  • The Gore Beast.
  • The lost mine of Drundle
  • The ghost ship of Gol'
  • The headless knight of Hollowmourne
  • The craggy keep of Murndurst

Regional Maps:

Exploded view of Ralynkhorme



Copyright © 2012-2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Owned and Maintained by Cole E Austin
Original site design and world design by Cole Austin
World of Arkuth (The Sundered Lands) - Copyright © 2010-2012
All artwork is copyright © by the original artists