What other hobbies do you guys have?

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What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by Meph »

Just like the topic says, what other hobbies do you guys have? I have been a PC gamer all my life but these days my main hobby has gone back to my childhood hobby, I collect and restore Arcade and Pinball machines. It also happens to be my side business since more of them end up going out my door than stay. I also build custom jukeboxes. The one shown here is a 1937 Philco Radio cabinet, fully restored with a 15" touchscreen added, a computer with 1500 albums, and a 200w 2.1 sound system in it. I can't seem to get enough so this weekend I just picked up 2 NBA JAM Tournament Edition cabs, a Dragons Lair 2, and another Capcom Big Blue to restore.








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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by Roxoff »

That is so cool. I bet your electric bill is sky high! You might even be interested in this: https://archive.org/details/internetarcade although you've got access to the real thing.

Personally, I got hobbies that involve sport - I'm a football fan and (to a lesser extent) a Formula 1 fan and a cricket fan. And I write a bit of software for a few websites (especially for my tabletop games website). And I do quite enjoy playing the odd computer game.
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by Stik »

Find me a Defender: Stargate machine and I'll be your friend forever. Although it won't matter, of course, because I'll be too busy playing Defender: Stargate to have any friends.

Hobbies? I'm a medievalist, which means I spend time going to dinner parties in funny clothes, and a heavy weapons fighter, which means I spend time in heavy armor, hitting friends and strangers with wooden sticks. I'm also a calligrapher and illuminator and do some pencil sketching.
And I spend too much time on computer games.
And I don't know if you'd call it a hobby, but I read a lot. At any given time I have two or three books going. It's usually one fiction, and one non-fiction to make it easier to keep track.
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by Crasez58 »

I'm an outdoors guy hunting some fishing in my spare time I build ar-15's.
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by Brightmantle »

I am a very physically active person. I enjoy hunting, hiking, bush craft, and archery. I have a project car, a 1968 Chevrolet Chevelle I am slowly restoring. I also work out, I love exercise and have been lifting free weights for 6 + years. This is my favorite hobby.
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by RPG Dinosaur »

Did someone say Dragons Lair 2? I'm into the arcade games too, and to a lesser extent the pinball games. I crossed off a bucket list item by getting to play an arcade version of DL 2 last year. I was seriously planning to someday take a road trip out of state if neccessary to play that game when I moved to La Conner, WA two years ago and found it by chance in a nearby town. I was a fan of the original even though the gameplay was limited and was foaming at the mouth to play the sequel after reading the gameplay for it was improved.
Music is an essential, what's that saying it is the fourth basic need? It is for me. At least every other day.
I used to do abstract drawings, abstract because I lack the skill to do fine detail drawings. After running out of ideas, I now just print out coloring pages off of websites and fill those in with a set of Crayola pens that work just fine. If anybody wants to try it just type in 'adult coloring pages' in your search engine of choice or at Pinterest and you'll get more than enough to choose from (with a decent selection of Fantasy stuff).
Also riding my non-motorized bike and reading, mostly non-fiction.
I enjoyed your pics Meph and also enjoyed hearing from the other posters as well. :up:
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by Cole »

Well... that's a funny topic as I'm known as the man of a million hobbies around town here. I don't finish anything... I start a million things :lol: some of my passions are (no offense to those reading if they choose to take it that way)

- Fishing yep! (spend a fair amount of time in the fall fishing on the ocean, rivers, etc) BC is king of fishing! Most here take on this hobby.
- coding (avid programmer and administrator)
- Comp tech (builder PC's etc)
- renovation (I restore domestic houses / small businesses etc) listed as a hobby as I don't really do this any more.
- D&D (a lifetime hobby)
- Cook (was a sous chief for years), now just cook for my family but love it
- Adventure hiking (If and when time permits, I like going where nobody else dare go) dark caves, steep cliffs, glaciers etc. We have a ton of weird locations around here and I've only done a few. As soon as my kids are old enough to take care of themselves, I'll get back into this heavily.
- Car restoration (I have almost completely restored my baby 1967 XR-7 Cougar now), also working on my wife's car currently 1967 Mustang 302. Have done plenty more in the past.
- Drag racing (watching, will some day participate)
- Travel (I've been to many us states, denmark, sweden, germany, mexico, Caribbean and plan on many more. New Zealand is top of my bucket list.
- RVing... so camping, part of travel I guess, but I usually go way further then most people would do. I like big adventure and want my kids to go "real" camping not to these local kid zoos most parents call camping.
Alcohol Collecting/drinking - I'm far from being an alcoholic, I just don't have an addictive personality so I tend to collect and occasionally drink rare and fine liqueurs from around the world. If there is decent beer out there I've probably tried it. I also collect single malt scotch, whiskeys, rums mostly. I currently have a vast amount, probably more then most rich people as I don't drink a ton. :lol:
- Hockey... probably my biggest hobby. I watch CHL, NHL, AHL and KHL almost daily. I'm an avid fan from birth pretty much and take great pride in my hockey knowledge and skills.
- other sports, I'm good at most of them... well I used to be. Kids have thrown this off track for now. Used to be an avid outdoors guys, but now I'm confined to the house pretty much, so I took up indoor hobbies (see above).

other minor hobbies, to many to list....

Wifes car mostly done short of upholstery, cut/polish, tranny work;

My car mostly done in this pic, short of bumpers, chin spoiler and cut/polish;

Things I don't do;

Read. I hate books. I only read magazines, manuals, instructions etc. Novels just don't appeal to me.
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by TigerStripedDog »

Well, despite not being classified as a hobby my wife and two children make up the majority of my time. I also do a lot of the paperwork, filing, and financial work for Titan Games in Champaign, Peoria, and Springfield IL. I am co-owner in the corporation that owns the stores. I read a lot. Mostly my bible and medical literature, but occasionally some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy (most recently read Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, it was great). In the summer I try to spend as much time as I can outside. Preferably up north at the lake.

I have recently taken up interest in firearms. I enjoy going to the range and putting rounds through my Jericho 941 .40 S&W. Looking at getting an FN Scar17, but have just started the process.

I also enjoy Magic the Gathering, the occasional PS4 Game (currently working through the Uncharted series).

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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by spike »

- practice jeet kune do, here's a sample of it

-work out/jog
- annoy friends with crazy get rich quick schemes
-draw, write, design, paint
- practice cello during winter months
- retro gaming
- read books
- cook (big foodie)
- meditate
- walk the dog
- travel (been to many places thus far)
- karaoke! (I'm 1/2 Korean, kind of a must)
- drinking, gambling (Texas Hold'em, blackjack)
- play online chess
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by TigerStripedDog »

Very appropriate that a guy named Spike practices Jeet Kune Do. I studied JKD for almost a year in College, but transitioned to Choy Li Fut after residency. Got about 2.5 years in before I had to move. Haven't picked it up since (about a year ago). Really want too, but just haven't had the time (had a second kid, work 50 hours a week).

Also, you may be interested that my name was originally a reference to the tale of the Tiger Striped Cat. But, I am not a fan of cats, so I changed it.

I have also said if I ever get a tattoo (though I almost certainly will not) it would be one phrase: "You're gonna carry that weight."

Thanks for posting!

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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by spike »

@Tiger: cool! Yeah that jogged the mem now that you mentioned it.

actually before Bebop there was a bar back in undergrad I'd go to to shoot pool and get my drink on, and this cool older man who was a regular and a good conversationalist always had something interesting to converse about. He'd call me spike because of my hair style so the nickname sorta stuck.

I was wondering why people would tell me 'Oh, Cowboy Bebop that's an awesome show man', sorta funny how life imitates art and vice versa.
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Re: What other hobbies do you guys have?

Post by LadyWinterWolf »

Hiking, Climbing, Photographing and Writing about the Four Corners Area (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah) mainly; it's not unusual seeing me hanging off a ledge to get a great shot.

Of course I'm still cooking and creating new recipes, reading (mainly mysteries) and for those really quiet times, quilting and cross-stitch.

What? You didn't think this she-wolf could be as quiet as a lamb???

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