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CH. 14: Darkest Hour

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (Grand Market)
The audience murmurs among themselves warily, not sure who is right and who is wrong. The prefect's butler steps forward and says, "Spread word of this momentous day to everyone in the city! Let it be known that the prefect will suffer no one who endangers this city or its citizens!"

By the time Kendra has finished vomiting, the audience has mostly cleared away and the soldiers have wrapped up the bodies in cloth and tossed them into a wagon.

Gobax and Shima (West Haven Sewers)
Gobax tosses another stone, missing again. Shima mechanically swings his club at the rat before him without emotion or concern, cracking its skull. The other rat bites him and the third rat moves forward and bites him, too, but the dwarf does not seem worried.


Gobax (1d10+3): 3+3 = 6
Shima (1d10+4): 4+3 = 7
Giant Rat 01 (1d10+3): 10+3 = 13
Giant Rat 02 (1d10+3): 6+3 = 9
Giant Rat 03 (1d10+3): 6+3 = 9

Round 2!

Gobax throws a stone at Giant Rat 01 with excellent aim (+2 hit) [TH 11] (1d20+2): 5+2 = 7, miss.
Shima swings his club with no proficiency (-2 hit) at Giant Rat 01 [TH 10] (1d20-2): 17-2 = 15, hit for (1d6): 5 damage. Giant Rat 01 dies.
Giant Rat 02 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying a masterwork shield (-2 hit) [TH 15] (1d20): 18, hit for (1d3): 3 damage. Shima is now seriously wounded.
Giant Rat 03 moves forward and bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying a masterwork shield (-2 hit) [TH 15] (1d20): 17, hit for (1d3): 1 damage.
Giant Rat 01 is dead.

(OOC: Actions for Round 3?)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

Once down emptying her stomach of its contents, Kendra leans up against the wall and then slides down into a sitting position with her knees up. She hugs her knees and starts crying softly into them. It was one thing to kill a nameless cleric that had tried to harm innocent people while trying to hurt the army, but to kill someone she knew that was a good man for the most part was completely different. She knew that crying about it wasn't going to change the fact that she had now killed an innocent man for her own sake and for the sake of trying to free her husband. The guilt she felt was overwhelming, hence the crying in a dark alley.

After about ten minutes, Kendra realizes she needs to pull herself together. She wipes at her eyes to clear away the tears, which weren't really cooperating, then stands and puts her breastplate back on. She takes in a couple of deep breaths, wipes her eyes again, and starts back for the prefect's mansion.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

The dwarf hits another rat.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by TristenC »

'Gobax' throws another stone [Rat 2]
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Haahque »

Haahqae will attempt to pick the lock on the door to the southwest.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Prefect's Mansion)
Picking the lock, Haahqae opens the door and finds himself in a small wash room. It extends into another room that reeks to high heaven. There are several chutes leading down somewhere dark and even smellier. It looks like this is where the staff dump their chamber pots, down into the sewers below.


Haahqae attempts to pick the lock on the southwest door [OL 70%] (1d100): 59, pass.
Prefect's Mansion 08.jpg
Prefect's Mansion 08.jpg (223.43 KiB) Viewed 8157 times
Kendra Synclair (Prefect's Mansion)
Kendra returns to the mansion, feeling rather empty inside. Once she is inside, she is directed to the prefect's office upstairs.

"So it seems things went rather well," Tethys muses. "Perhaps this means the rebel threat is truly ended? Or was it because they didn't have enough forewarning to stage an attack, I wonder?"

Tulbas Erogund (Mageware Shop)
It had been over two weeks since Tulbas left for the Tower. Now he was back, and sporting a new look. When he and Magnus finish materializing from the teleport spell, the familiar sights and smells of home flood his senses.

"I need to report in to the prefect, and catch up on what we've missed over the past two weeks," Magnus says. "I trust you can stay out of trouble until then."

Gobax and Shima (West Haven Sewers)
The battle of the century rages on, as Shima is bitten again but everyone else misses their attacks.


Gobax (1d10+3): 6+3 = 9
Shima (1d10+4): 7+4 = 11
Giant Rat 02 (1d10+3): 7+3 = 10
Giant Rat 03 (1d10+3): 5+3 = 8

Round 3!

Giant Rat 03 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying a masterwork shield (-2 hit) [TH 15] (1d20): 15, hit for (1d3): 2 damage.
Gobax throws a stone at Giant Rat 02 with excellent aim (+2 hit) [TH 11] (1d20+2): 5+2 = 7, miss.
Giant Rat 02 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying a masterwork shield (-2 hit) [TH 15] (1d20): 3, miss.
Shima swings his club with no proficiency (-2 hit) at Giant Rat 02 [TH 10] (1d20-2): 11-2 = 9, miss.

(OOC: Actions for Round 4?)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I'm of the opinion that the threat is over," Kendra says. "After seeing an execution like that, I think that would give anyone pause."
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

Shima continues to hit a rat.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by TristenC »

Hopung to make it into legend, the goblin throws another rock at one of the attacking rats...
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas, used to the stings of Magnus by now, bows his head and after Magnus is gone he goes looking around the house to see that all is in order.

(OOC: What time is it? How long is it to curfew?)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Synclair (Prefect's Mansion)
"Perhaps so. I suppose we'll find out for sure, one way or another, given some time. For now, though, you've done well. Take the rest of the night off and we'll discuss the release of your husband in the morning."

Tulbas Erogund (Mageware Shop)
Tulbas looks around the shop. The unseen servants that Magnus left to keep the place clean have done their job, so even though nobody has been here for two weeks, the place is still clean. There is no sign that anyone else has been in here and everything seems to be in order.

(OOC: It is currently Eleventh Watch, or 5 PM. Curfew is at Last Watch or 8 PM, so about three hours.)

Gobax and Shima (West Haven Sewers)
The battle lingers on, with no side gaining a clear advantage.


Gobax (1d10+3): 1+3 = 4
Shima (1d10+4): 9+4 = 13
Giant Rat 02 (1d10+3): 6+3 = 9
Giant Rat 03 (1d10+3): 1+3 = 4

Round 4!

Giant Rat 03 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying a masterwork shield (-2 hit) [TH 15] (1d20): 8, miss.
Gobax throws a stone at Giant Rat 02 with excellent aim (+2 hit) [TH 11] (1d20+2): 5+2 = 7, miss.
Giant Rat 02 bites at Shima in leather armor (+2 hit) while he is carrying a masterwork shield (-2 hit) [TH 15] (1d20): 4, miss.
Shima swings his club with no proficiency (-2 hit) at Giant Rat 02 [TH 10] (1d20-2): 5-2 = 3, miss.

(OOC: Can you two name your targets? Otherwise, I have no idea which rat you are attacking. Also, I think that was Gobax's last stone. Actions for Round 5?)
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra gave a nod to the prefect, and then took her leave to go home. Of course, she was going home to an elf that was angry with her, but that just meant that he wasn't going to talk to her. Of course, she was of the opinion at this point that she didn't have any right to have him talk to her. Norris even deserved better than her, and providing that she could get him released she was going to beg him to divorce her. She had no right to be married to him.
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Chris1234 »

Hit rat #3
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by Haahque »

While Haahqae’s initial reaction to such a smell is revulsion, after he backs away and thinks about it for a bit he realizes that this room probably connects the mansion to some sort of sewer system.

Big cities like this often build sewers so that heroes in the most desperate of need can get places that villains never suspected without alerting the guards. And what’s more; this tunnel is located right beside Ismene’s cell.

But there’s still plenty of questions that need answering. First off; is this actually an enterance to a sewer system or is it a trick and a trap? Secondly, where else does the sewer system lead? Third… is there a good spot to hide in the sewers? The army seems to have the city in a lockdown, but what if he goes down below the city? Do they even consider that?

And there’s also lots of questions about to how to get Ismene out. Given the right weapons; Haahqae Might be able to kill one before they can react, but the second one would cause him significantly more difficulty. And if he gets unlucky, things could go very poorly very quickly.

Miracle, do you think you could get back up here if you went down to explore the sewer down there?

OoC: Can Haahqae use a cantrip to clean up miracle or mask the smell when she gets back up?
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Re: CH. 14: Darkest Hour

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Prefect's Mansion)
Miracle looks down one of the holes. It's about a ten foot drop with no ladder or other means to climb up. 'I am not sure I would even survive the fall. But I would not be able to climb back up.'

(OOC: An Abjuration cantrip could clean her. Likewise, an Illusion cantrip could mask the smell, but only as long as he concentrates on it.)

Kendra Greylock (2527 Market Street, Greylock's Gorgeous Gems)
Kendra returned home, escorted by her usual honor guard. When she steps inside, she doesn't see Sadron anywhere. But she can hear footsteps upstairs, in the bedroom.