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General Campaign Information, maps etc

A 5e D&D campaign starting at 1st level in and around the city of Waterdeep in the Forgotten Realms.

Waterdeep: City of Splendours, seat of many thousand plots. Are they opportunities for success, or for an untimely demise?
Will the adventurers sit safely in their comfort zones? Or will they risk their all to carve out a slice of Realms history with their names on it? Puppet or puppeteer?

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General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Waterdeep - Ward boundaries
Waterdeep Wards.png
Waterdeep Wards.png (1.56 MiB) Viewed 38800 times
Pretty much everyone from or living in Waterdeep is aware of the following detail & landmarks:
Castle Ward: Home to Waterdeep's administrative buildings & buildings of state.
C1: Spires of the Morning (temple, A, 3)
Consisting of eight linked towers standing in their own walled, tree-cloaked compound, this large and splendid temple dedicated to Lathander greets the morning sun before any other part of the city.
C6: Blackstaff Tower (wizard's domicile, B, 4)
Official residence of Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun, Archmage of Waterdeep, his lady Laeral and their apprentices.
C7: The Cynosure (city building, A, 2)
In the immediate aftermath of Myrkul's defeat and the ascension of Midnight and Cyric, many Waterdhavians heard the voice of Ao over Mount Waterdeep. Within a month, a marble temple known as the "Temple of the Overgod" was built upon the ruins of Trader's Way (the site of Myrkul's death) with the enthusiastic support of Waterdeep's guilds and noble houses. Many worshipers flocked to the temple, including many nobles intent on following what seemed the latest fashion. Yet, after six months, the temple's flock was reduced by both mortal and divine disinterest. Soon, the temple was empty save for a few sporadic services. In the Year of the Serpent (1359 DR), the Lords of Waterdeep annexed the temple building and put it to use as a public hall, available for rent by nobles and wealthy merchants for parties, balls, weddings, and other events. Now carved into the frieze is "The Cynosure," a name both apt and ironic given the existence of the plane of the same name and the purpose it serves as the meeting place for the gods.
C15: Tower of the Order (guildhall, B, 4)
Rising on the Street of Bells, this is the seat of the Watchful Order of Magists & Protectors. It is visited by those desiring to arrange a guild fireguard on their property.
C52: Mirt's Mansion (villa, A, 3)
This fortress home is the official residence of Mirt the Moneylender. It nestles on the slopes of Mount Waterdeep amid stands of trees and can be reached from Coin Alley, Tarnished Silver Alley, or from its own dock, aptly named Sumgglers’ Dock.
C72: New Olamn (school, A, 4)
New Olamn is a center of education and bardcraft in Waterdeep and up and down the Sword Coast. It can be reached by means of the Cliffride, a steep, treacherous gravel track that runs along the western edge of Mount Waterdeep's northern spur and is constantly exposed to the sea winds and spray of the ocean below. A more pleasant path passes through Mount Melody Walk, a continual flame-lit tunnel dug through Mount Waterdeep's northern spur and staffed by a four-person contingent of the Guard at all times. Practicing bards have adopted Fetlock Court, a large paved courtyard adjoining the Palace paddocks and stables, as an impromptu concert area for, in preference to their own chilly quarters at New Olamn. Fetlock Court is actually the staging area for any mounted contingent of the guard before they head out of the city for outlying patrols.
C75: Piergeiron's Palace (city building, A, 7)
Built in the Year of the Smoky Moon (1287 DR), the white marble Palace of Waterdeep, now commonly known as Piergeiron's Palace, still stands as a shining symbol of the Lords' Rule, unblemished by corruption. The Palace is the main office location for many city officials, the majority of which are dedicated to the administration of city services, such as the Watch, the Guard, city clerks, and the Loyal Order of Street Laborers. The Lords' Court meets in a large chamber on the second floor, just up the grand staircase from the echoing, open entry hall.
There are also embassies here from many other countries and cities, although such embassies need not be located in the Palace. The most elaborate embassy in the Palace is the Silverymoon Embassy.
C76: Castle Waterdeep (city building, A, 10)
Waterdeep's great fortress is a thick-walled stronghold that broods over Castle Ward from the flanks of Mount Waterdeep. Pennants and banners are often hung and flown from its battlements to signal the arrival of diplomats or the commencement of ceremonies. The great height of the castle walls makes such signs readily visible in the southern half of the city. The castle's walls average sixty feet thick, with rooms and passages tunneled out of their great bulk.
Signal beacons, horns, and mighty catapults capable of commanding the entire harbor of Waterdeep as far as Deepwater Isle and the Torchtowers are kept ready on the battlements.
C87: The Market
The largest open space in the city is an open marketplace surrounded by stone buildings (many moneylenders and pawnshops among them) that enclose the maze of temporary stalls and carts that appear here day and night. The Market is the best place to haggle for the lowest prices on almost any trade good imaginable, though there's no guarantee of finding anything.
C88: Mount Waterdeep
The mountain on which the city is built is a bald, rough crag with a peak some 1,500 feet above sea level. A lookout tower and griffon-steed eyrie sit atop this mountain. On its seaward flanks are emplaced eleven gigantic triple-catapults for hurling loads of rock and burning material out to sea against attacking ships. Several sea caves pierce the base of its western flank.
C89: The Jade Jug (inn, A, 3)
On the northwest corner of the intersection of the High Road and Waterdeep Way standsWaterdeeps’s plushest inn. Every detail has been though of and all is tasteful and subtly extravagant, suitable to those of aristocratic taste and purse. (30-50gp/night).
C90: The Walking Statue of Waterdeep
Standing on Gull Leap, a northern cliff of mount Waterdeep, is the 90 foot tall stone golem, created by Khelben “Blackstaff” Arrunsun, Archmage of Waterdeep to protect the city in time of need. It is sometimes used as a guiding beacon for expected ships during very rough storms.

Sea Ward: Sea Ward is the wealthiest ward in the city. In the summer months it is home to most of Waterdeep’s noble families who play here with as much gusto as they do on their own estates. Lashed by sea storms, Sea Ward is almost deserted in winter. The major avenue of this ward is the Street of the Singing Dolphin, from where many-spired and grand homes of the nobility can be seen hunkered behind their grand walls.
$5: The Shrines of Nature (temple, B, 2s)
This is a major shrine to Silvanus and the other goodly nature gods, its walled and forested area subtly but clearly demonstrating the wealth of the City of Splendours.
$10: The Temple of Beauty (temple, A, 3)
Dedicated to Sune.
$18: Aurora's Realms Shop, Singing Dolphin Catalog Counter (business, B, 1)
Outlet of the famous Faerun-wide all goods retail chain.The hansome male counter clerk, Orloth Theladrin, provides service with impeccable taste and great tact. Saerghon ‘The Magnificent’ Alir, whose bearing and deportment are in accord with his self-anointed title, unfortunately greatly outstrip his arcane abilities, is the extremely adequate service mage.
$19: The Tower of Luck (temple, A, 2s & 3s)
This fine building complex is dedicated to Tymora. It rivals the House of Heroes and the Spires of the Morning in size.
$21: The House of Wonder (temple, A, 5s)
Dedicated to Mystra.
$38: The House of Inspired Hands (temple, B, 3s)
Dedicated to Gond, this is the fourth grandest temple in Waterdeep at present, but may soon ascend to third spot.
$56: The House of the Moon (temple, A, 4)
Found off Diamond Street and dedicated to Selune, an important religion in any port city; especially so for Waterdeep.
$58: The House of Heroes (temple, A, 3)
Standing just to the north of Field of Triumph stadium, this complex, the largest temple in Waterdeep, is dedicated to Tempus.
$70: Heroes' Garden (city building, n/a)
Waterdeep's only public park outside the City of the Dead is a large, lush area of grass, trees, and ponds once covered by the sprawling school of wizardry known as the Tower of Yintros. A number of statues decorate the area, including large marble statues to the Open Lords Baeron and Lhestyn (in her guise as the Masked Lady). It is often the scene of adventurers retelling tales of their exploits to others and attendant local children.
$72: West Gate (city building, A, 3)
The area south of the West Gate, formerly just an area of mud flats, has been covered with sand and turned into a beachfront. While only used as such at the height of summer when water temperatures rise to near-tolerable levels, “Sea's Edge Beach” is also used for reflection, solitude, and as the terminus of Auril's Blesstide Cliffs Run.
$77: Field of Triumph (city building, A, 5)
This huge open-air stadium is the site of many spectacles staged for the populace of Waterdeep. From late spring to late autumn, thousands of people flood through the awe-inspiring Lion Gate to witness shows of magic, martial skills, horse races, and monstrous exhibitions of creatures big and small. The Field also acts as a public forum for such important public events as the Open Lord's proclamations to the city and special gatherings for foreign dignitaries.

North Ward: North Ward is the quiestest ward of the city and home to most of Waterdeep's wealthier middle classes and lesser noble families.
N50: Aurora's Realms Shop, High Road Catalogue Counter (business, C, 1)
Outlet for the Faerun-wide all goods retail chain. It is staffed by stunningly beautiful, but sharp-tongued counter clerk Phandalue Tarinthil and a mysterious and sinister service-mage, Quirtan Ondever.
N56: The Grinning Lion (tavern, C, 1)
This place, adorned with battle trophies from all over Faerûn, is as raucous as taverns get in North Ward. The music is loud, with male and female dancers in fantastically styled and revealing mock armour swaying and pirouetting among the tables. Real, if broken, weapons hang on the walls everywhere, so bouncers swiftly discourage any disputes. Folk come here to drink zzar and wine and eat fried onions and eels. The proprietor, Unger Farshal, is male and human despite his outlandish adornments
N80: Endcliff Tower (city building, A, 3)
Guards in Endcliff Tower & Watchway Tower are watch for incursions of orcs and trolls. Cliffwatch, a 100’ high sheer cliff, is unobstructed by walls or rails and presents a beautiful which both view of the countryside east and south of Waterdeep.

Trades Ward: This ward is, as one might expect from its title, almost entirely given over to commerce. Middle-class workers and merchants dwell and ply their trades there. Trades Ward is also home to a great number of Waterdavian Guilds.
T16: Aurora's Realms Shop, Street of Tusks Catalogue Counter (business, B, 4)
Outlet for the Faerun-wide all goods retail chain. Staffed by matronly counter clerk Orgula Samshroom, lanky service-mage Shaunryl Zalimbar and three serious guards.
T38: The Plinth (city building/temple, A, 6)
The Plinth is a temple open to any faith and employed by worshipers of gods who lack sizable congregations in the City of Splendors. This mighty, needlelike tower resembles a tall, thin, pyramid with the top cut off. Small balconies spiral around the tower in slow descent. City laws forbid the sacrifice of intelligent beings to any god, but a lot of folk leap (or are "helped" to fall) from these heights each year. The flat roof is often used as a landing place for aerial steeds by the city's wealthy and powerful.
T52: Court of the White Bull
This place is a packed-dirt plaza named for the birth of an albino calf on this site when it lay outside the city walls. The calf's owner eventually built the White Bull tavern, which thrived for years until destroyed by Thongalar the Mighty and Shile Rauretilar in a great spell battle. It is now a natural meeting place and market for caravan owners to peddle their wares from wagons.
T53: Virgins's Square
This market and traditional hiring place for warriors is named for a local legend that virgins were sacrificed to dragons on this spot, long before the founding of Waterdeep.
T54: Caravan Court
This place is usually a dust-shrouded melee of cursing, whip-wielding drovers, bawling beasts of burden, and creaking wagons and carts. Most caravans entering or leaving through the Southern Gate muster or disband in Caravan Court, making it a scene of nonstop activity and chaos.

Dock Ward:This, the most notorious and colourful of the wards of Waterdeep, does valiantly well to try and keep up with the thousands of travelers' tales from all over Faerun. The harbour is very much a working place, full of sweating, swearing dockwollopers loading and unloading vessels oft assisted by crewmen. The salty tang of rotting fish clings to one's clothes for a day or more; sightseers, you have been warned!
D12: The Thirsty Sailor (tavern, D, 3)
Beneath Thirsty Sailor and the neighboring the Fishscale Smithy building lies an abandoned gladiatorial arena once owned (indirectly) by Elaith Craulnober.
D71: Old Xoblob Shop (business, B, 3)
This curiosity shop is filled with lots of battle trophies and souvenirs from Undermountain. The shop is untidy and ill-organized but worth a look, if only to see the stuffed beholder for which the shop is named (hanging by the main counter). The proprietor, Dandalus Ruell, loves to tell the tale of his victory over Old Xoblob.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

This section has been updated for Castle, Sea, Dock, Trades & North Wards.
South Ward will be next.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Note on Pick Pockets, aka Sleight of Hand (Dexterity):
I'm setting this at DC15 for a single coin (or equivalent) and DC20 for something the size of a dagger for the attempt to be unnoticed.
Advantage is gained with surprise.
Disadvantage if known to be there.
Distractions, crowds, size of item, lighting can modify the above.
The above is the baseline for one-on-one situations.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Waterdeep Coat of Arms
Waterdeep Coat of Arms.png
Waterdeep Coat of Arms.png (263.75 KiB) Viewed 38680 times
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

The Peace Knot
Movement within Waterdeep sporting weapons of war* is discouraged but not necessary illegal. Such weapons are routinely bound to their sheaths (or equivalent) with a complex "peace knot" tied by the City Guard. City Guard are exempt. At need the knot can quickly be cut off (1 round). Other weapons are permissible for self defense and are not subject to a peace knot.
For a first-time offender unsecured weapons of war are subject to confiscation and a fine of up to the same value. Registered Adventuring Bands are exempt from the peace knot but the entire band is held responsible for violence committed within the city limits by one of its members with a weapon of war.
A perpetrator of violence has the onus of proving innocence. City Watch, Nobles, Waterdavian citizens, employees in the lawful discharge of their duties and Registered Adventuring Bands are given greater leeway (in that order).

*For 5th Ed weapons of war are melee weapons with a base damage greater than 1d6 or any primarily ranged weapon, including trident, spear & javelin.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Nocturno »

So when so was on patrols for the watch his long sword and javelin would have been knotted?

If that was the case he would not have removed them.

Also nice to have the application fir the party.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Anyone native to Waterdeep will know that it has numerous street gangs and that the City Watch increase their patrol size and frequency according to the level of gang activity.
Some gangs are known to have a symbol, akin to a tribal totem.
While some of the gangs use street urchins as 'runners', that is a minority. The majority are either completely unaffiliated or, more recently, part of an unofficial 'Association of Beggers and Panhandlers'.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

The Waterdavian City Watch are effectively its law enforcement organization.
In addition to street patrols have powers of entry to any building within Waterdeep unless decreed otherwise by a "Black Robe" (Magister) or, far more rarely, by one of the City's Masked Lords.
The city walls, towers, City Guard buildings and sewers are the domain of the City Guard and City Watch do not have right of access unless in "hot pursuit" or by decree of a "Black Robe" or Masked Lord.
However, forceful entry by the Watch into recognized religious buildings, principally temples, and to a lesser extent the homes of Nobles is almost certain to be rigorously reviewed by a Black Robe.
The City Guard are Waterdeep's military and are outward focused whereas the Watch are inward focused.
Entering the sewers is a crime for citizens, including Nobles and religious orders, unless either a member of the Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild in pursuance of their lawful duties or else directly authorized by the City Guard.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Anyone native to Waterdeep will know that it has numerous entrances to the sewers, typically a 3' wide removable metal (or metal-banded wood) cover which is locked in place by the Cellarers' and Plumbers' Guild. The covers remains virtually unnoticed by passing citizenry.
Security of the sewers are the domain of the City Guard. The City Watch are only permitted access if requested by the Guard (or higher Waterdavian authority) or if in 'Hot Persuit' of a law breaker.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Magic Item Identification
When an item is known to be magical (Detect Magic) and a character takes a rest (short, 1 hour, or long, 8 hours) in intimate contact (skin contact) with the item, the character gains an intuitive understanding of the item's properties. The Identity spell adds little more and RAW explicitly states that it does not reveal Curses.
I think that this makes the Identify spell redundant and intend to allow the spell to reveal the exact number of changes where applicable and will make a roll modified by the item's rarity to see if any curse is also revealed. Therefore rest will not reveal Curses nor exact number of charges.

Feedback welcome.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Tales tell of Undermountain, reputedly the largest dungeon in Faerun, being an endless source of lost wealth, magical item and knowledge. Many stories may be may fanciful, such as 'how great-uncle Jareth barely escaped the embrace of 26 maedar and medusae' but many bore witness to the giant silvery snail ridden around by Castle Ward by the Company of the Cleaver. Certainly many adventuring bands have emerged relatively unscathed from the depths including Waterdeep's own Company of Crazed Adventurers and also the famed Knights of Myth Drannor. A silent toast is often raised in memory of the less fortunate: the elves of The Merry Banner, the dwarves of The Red And Black Axes, and the men of The Company of the Silver Dragon, The Company of the Brown Bear, and the Brotherhood of the Hydra.
It is said that a city exists far beneath Waterdeep in the depths of Undermountain.
The best stories of fabled Undermountain are to be heard in the tavern 'The Bowels of The Earth' where the exploits of brave dungeon-delvers of Undermountain are lionized.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Chris1234 wrote:Waterdeep cps, sps, eps, gps, pps are:
neb, shard, sambat, dragon, sun.
Taol is a square piece if brass, worth 2 dragons in the city but virtually worthless to anyone not trading with Waterdeep.
Habour Moon is a palm-sized piece of platinum inset with electrum and is worth 50 dragons in Waterdeep, only 30 dragons elsewhere.
Both taols and habour moons are pierced to enable the bearer to string multiple coins together.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Cellarers’ & Plumbers’ Guild

Masters: Hilithimm Turnstone, Master Plumber (CG hm expert 4); Jhalossan Turnstone (LG hm expert 3), Turnstone Plumbing and Pipefitting, Belnimbra’s Street, Dock Ward (D2)
Headquarters: The Old Guildhall, Gaustus Street, Trades Ward (T26)
Requirements: 5 gp; acceptance by the guild master only; Dues: 7 sp/month
Skill Training: Craft (carpentry), Craft (stonemasonry), Knowledge (engineering), Profession (engineer)
Members: 300 Masons; Resource Limit: 3,000 gp;
Livery: Deep orange caps and cloaks, with a red line trim border around all hems and cuffs
Titles: Initiate = , Officer = , Commander = , High Commander =

This guild is small, highly trained, and somewhat scornful of the “thick-fingered clods” of the Carpenters’, Roofers’, and Plaisterers’ Guild, whose work they constantly encounter in the course of their duties; with the advent of the Loyal Order of Street Laborers, they have even less respect, as that guild’s trade in street repair used to be a primary source of income for this guild. The Cellarers’ and Plumbers’ Guild is now strictly concerned with digging
building foundations, and keeping the sewers of the city functional and safe.
The guild is engaged in constant small repair jobs in the sewers about the city, but is no longer responsible for restoring the surface of any street or courtyard dug up; they simply send a runner to the Loyal Order promptly upon completion of the work, and that other guild handles the repair. Their
reward for hours of muck and backbreaking digging are the highest fees of any of the service guilds: 2 gold pieces per man per day or part of a day (most crews are two or three men in size) plus materials, and a “crew head” (food and drink retainer) of 10 gold pieces per day or part of a day.
Materials commonly used include lots of pipe, fashioned by other guilds, depending on whether it is made out of metal or clay; the cellarers and plumbers lay it, support it with stones and talus or wooden collars of their own fashioning, and seal everything with various secret mixtures of
pitch, gravel, lime, sand, and similar materials. Members of this guild unearth many things during the course of their diggings. By the rules of the guild, they are bound to tell only the owner (most will do so only if the owner is observing, or asks directly) upon request, or fellow guild members, of treasure, skeletons, valuables, secret passages, and the like (they may keep any of these that they can make off with undetected by the owner or the watch, by guild rules). Most senior guild members, in their work of draining cellars or repairing the sewage plumbing of old buildings, learn the general layout of the city sewers in 2-5 (1d4+1) years. Some believe that members of this guild know of underground pipes and cavities that lead nowhere,
but are used by this guild for storing weapons, magic, and treasure—and disposing of the occasional corpse—where only earthquake or the guild will find it. Some believe that this guild knows of, or even makes, hidden tunnels leading into the treasure vaults of nobles, and the cellars of the Palace itself. Some are correct.
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Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »


In the Forgotten Realms, five factions have risen to prominence, each having its own motivation, philosophy & goals. Some factions are more heroic than others, each seeking to further its own agenda, but all band together to thwart major threats to the folk of Faerûn..
Factions are an important part of the D&D Adventurers League experience, but characters don’t have to become a member of a faction right away, or at all. Belonging to a faction sometimes means having responsibilities, but it also carries with it support and rewards for service.
If you ever switch factions or leave a faction, you lose all ranks and renown with the old faction, and must start at rank 1 with zero renown with your new faction.

As a character allied with one of the factions goes on adventures, he or she earns renown for accomplishing tasks that align with the faction’s goals. Renown points are awarded at the end of an episode or adventure. Completion usually earns 0 renown (no interest to the faction), 1 renown (some interest to the faction), or 2 renown (great interest to the faction). Each faction can award different renown points to adventurers.
As characters earn renown, they progress in the ranks of their factions, granting them greater authority and additional benefits.

Rank Renown Other Requirements
1 0 —
2 3 —
3 10 5th level, 1 secret mission
4 25 11th level, 3 secret missions
5 50 17th level, 10 secret missions

This is the rank a character receives when first joining a faction. It is available at character creation or any time the character wishes to join.
• Participate in Faction Activities. You can participate in faction-specific activities.
• Earn Renown. You can earn renown points in your faction and advance in rank.
• Receive Your Faction’s Insignia. All new faction members receive an insignia of their faction, fashioned into a wearable or held item.

Agents have shown alignment with the faction’s goals & readiness to for more responsibility.
• Secret Missions. During certain adventures, you might be given the opportunity to undergo a secret mission on behalf of your faction. Completion of these missions might earn you additional benefits.
• Apprenticeship to an Adventurer Mentor. Your character can be apprenticed to another higher-ranking adventurer from your faction.
• Faction Training. Your character has access to accelerated training programs specific to your faction. This training takes half as long (round up) as usual tool or language training but you must pay an additional 15gp weekly training expense.

Stalwarts are reliable faction members, entrusted with many secrets and deserving of additional support during adventures.
• Item Procurement. By performing minor faction adventures (represented by downtime days) & performing bribes, charitable acts etc (represented by the expenditure of gold) magic items (for personal use only) may be acquired from your faction.
• Faction Downtime Activity. You gain access to faction-specific downtime activities that grant you additional benefits when used.

Mentors are trusted voices within the faction’s leadership. They are looked upon as champions of the faction’s beliefs, and as mentors by those of lower rank.
• Faction Downtime Activity. You gain access to faction-specific downtime activities that grant you additional benefits when used.
• Apprenticeships. You can designate Agents or Stalwarts as your charge. You can have multiple charges if you wish [up to CHA bonus, minimum 1]
• Faction Philanthropist. As a Mentor of your faction, you may choose to pay for, or cast, Raise Dead, Resurrection, or True Resurrection spells for a member of your faction after an adventure is completed—even if you were not adventuring together.

Leaders are deeply ensconced within their faction and have a great degree of influence, guiding faction decisions.
• Become a Faction Leader. You may make decisions on behalf of your faction and influence current and future faction direction. You can choose lower ranked members of your faction (Agent or higher, one group numbering up to CHA bonus, minimum 1) to begin the game with Inspiration. If not used by the end of the game session, it is lost.

This clandestine network of spellcasters and spies seeks to tip the scales in favor of the innocent, the weak, and the poor within the Realms. Harper agents pride themselves on being incorruptible defenders of good, & they never hesitate to aid the oppressed. Because they prefer to work behind the scenes, they are rarely noticed as they thwart tyrants, depose rulers, and head off any growing force that is rumoured to have evil intent. The Harpers has its finger on the pulse of power in the Realms and works tirelessly to even the odds for the downtrodden.
Individual Harper agents operate alone, relying on their wits and extensive information networks to gain an advantage over their enemies. They know that knowledge is power, so gathering intelligence beforehand is paramount to their success. They are well-informed & always have access to aid, magical and otherwise. Veteran members have access to secret caches of knowledge stashed all over Faerûn with trusted sources stationed in every major town & city.
The organization is always on the lookout for powerful items, expressly to keep them out of the hands of evildoers. To this end its agents use various guises and identities to gain access to carefully guarded secrets such as ancestral maps, buried cities, & mages’ keeps.
The bond between Harpers is strong, and their friendships are nigh unbreakable. Rarely do they operate in the open, but on rare occasions they must, because there is no other choice. When that happens, you can be sure that a fellow Harper is watching closely, ready to emerge from the shadows and help a comrade at a moment’s notice.

“A Harper is first and foremost self-reliant, for once you are autonomous then no one can tempt you into using power as a crutch. You are sovereign unto yourself.
“Therefore, a Harper’s soul must be incorruptible. Many believe themselves to be so, but power comes in many guises, and it will surely find your weakness. Of this you may be certain. Only a true Harper can pass this test and transform weakness into strength. That is why we are the hand that stops the tyrant, feeds the oppressed, and asks for nothing in return.
“We are the song for those who have no voice.”
— Remallia “Remi” Haventree
The Harpers is a scattered network of spellcasters and spies who advocate equality and covertly oppose the abuse of power. The organization is benevolent, knowledgeable, and secretive. Bards and wizards of good alignments are commonly drawn to the Harpers.

• Gather information throughout Faerûn.
• Promote fairness and equality by covert means.
• Thwart tyrants and leaders, g overnments, and organizations that grow too powerful.
• Aid the weak, poor and oppressed.

• One can never have too much information or arcane knowledge.
• Too much power leads to corruption. The abuse of magic, in particular, must be closely monitored.
• No one should be powerless.

Harper agents are trained to act alone and rely on their own resources. When they get into scrapes, they don’t count on their fellow Harpers to rescue them. Nevertheless, Harpers are dedicated to helping one another in times of need, and friendships between Harpers are nigh unbreakable. Masterful spies and infiltrators, they use various guises and secret identities to form relationships, cultivate their information networks, and manipulate others into doing what needs to be done. Although most Harpers prefer to operate in the shadows, there are exceptions.

• Watcher (rank 1)
• Harpshadow (rank 2)
• Brightcandle (rank 3)
• Wise Owl (rank 4)
• High Harper (rank 5)


The Order of the Gauntlet is a relatively new organization dedicated to smiting evil wherever it lurks and without hesitation. The Order understands that evil wears many guises, playing games and tricking others in order to spread. That is why its members act on their own authority, identifying threats and smashing them before they can grow.
Because the seeds of evil are nourished in the shadows, the Order of the Gauntlet rides out to the most dangerous dungeons, the darkest caverns, & the foulest pits to weed out wrongdoers. But the Order is keenly aware that the shadow of evil lies within everyone, waiting for a moment when it can gain a foothold on their souls. Thus, its paladins, monks, and clerics spend long hours deep in prayer to keep their inner eye vigilant & focused on their own thoughts and emotions. In this way they purify themselves from within before taking up their swords to cleanse the world.
The Order of the Gauntlet believes that all sentient beings must come to the light of reason and goodness of their own volition. That is why it is not interested in controlling minds: it focuses only on deeds, setting an example to the world in hopes of inspiring and enlightening others. The Order holds that faith in one’s god, one’s friends, and one’s self are the greatest weapons in quelling the hordes of malice.
With such devout conviction, the Order’s members can be depended on as a source of strength to themselves and others, a bright light against the darkness. They are not preemptive bullies, though. A strict code of honor allows them to strike only when evil deeds are being committed. Thus, the Order of the Gauntlet is hyper vigilant, using every resource at their disposal—both divine and mundane—to know where and when dark deeds will occur.
“That’s the thing about evil: it is darkness, it is shadow, it hides in your blind spot. Then, when you are distracted, it sneaks in. Evil is a master of disguise—and what is the greatest disguise, you ask? Yourself. Evil will cloak itself in thoughts and emotions pretending to be your own, telling you to get angry, to be greedy and envious, to hold yourself above others.
“People aren’t born evil—it takes time for evil to fool you into thinking that its voice is yours. That is why to know who you truly are is what the Order requires from each hopeful who wishes to join our ranks. Bravery isn’t fighting the dragon out there—it is fighting the dragon within. That is what we do in our prayers. Once you have slain that dragon, you have overcome the darkness lurking within yourself. Only then do you have the capacity to know true goodness. Only then are you ready to take up the sword and wear the badge of our Order.” — Kajiso Steelhand
The Order of the Gauntlet is composed of faithful and vigilant seekers of justice who protect others from the depredations of evildoers. The organization is honorable, vigilant, and zealous. Clerics, monks, and paladins of good (and often lawful good) alignments are commonly drawn to the Order of the Gauntlet.

• Be armed and vigilant against evil.
• Identify evil threats such as secretive power groups and inherently evil creatures.
• Enforce justice.
• Enact retribution against evil actions—do not strike preemptively.

• Faith is the greatest weapon against evil—faith in one’s god, one’s friends, and one’s self.
• Battling evil is an extraordinary task that requires extraordinary strength and bravery.
• Punishing an evil act is just. Punishing an evil thought is not.

The Order of the Gauntlet is a dedicated, tightly knit group of like-minded individuals driven by religious zeal or a finely honed sense of justice and honor. Friendship and camaraderie are important to members of the order, and they share a trust and a bond normally reserved for siblings. Like highly motivated soldiers, members of the Order of the Gauntlet seek to become the best at what they do and look forward to testing their mettle. There are few, if any, “lone wolves” in this organization.

• Chevall (rank 1)
• Marcheon (rank 2)
• Whitehawk (rank 3)
• Vindicator (rank 4)
• Righteous Hand (rank 5)


The Emerald Enclave is a far-ranging group that opposes threats to the natural world and helps others survive in the wilderness. Branches of the organization are scattered throughout Faerûn and often operate in isolation from the others. This existence teaches the Enclave’s members a fierce self-reliance and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills.
A ranger of the Enclave might be hired to lead a caravan through a treacherous mountain pass or the frozen tundra of Icewind Dale. A druid might volunteer to help a village prepare for a long, brutal winter. Barbarians and druids who live as hermits might appear from nowhere to help defend a town against marauding orcs.
Members of the Emerald Enclave know how to survive and, more importantly, to help others do the same. They are not opposed to civilization or progress, but they strive to keep it in balance with the wild. They restore and preserve the natural order, even as they root out and destroy all that is unnatural. They keep the elemental forces of the world in check and keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying one another.

“The Emerald Enclave exists as gatekeepers to that vast space beyond the city walls. We are the defenders of the wilderness and of the society that does not understand it. Most have forgotten that there is an ancient, natural order that existed long before our intellectual concepts of it. To come into contact with that primal order is to touch the power that guides all of life.
“Those who walk the way of the Emerald Enclave are in-fused with this power; we embody it, and it moves us to do our work. That is why we are never alone. Even in the midst of a noisy, crowded city we can feel the presence of the natural world inside us, fresh, strong, and alive. The Enclave seeks to make awareness of this power available to all.
“Freedom. Is not this the highest of callings?”
— Delaan Winterhound

The Emerald Enclave is a widespread group of wilderness survivalists who preserve the natural order while rooting out unnatural threats. The organization is decentralized, hardy, and reclusive. Barbarians, druids, and rangers of good or neutral alignments are commonly drawn to the Emerald Enclave.

• Restore and preserve the natural order.
• Destroy all that is unnatural.
• Keep the elemental forces of the world in check.
• Keep civilization and the wilderness from destroying each other.

• The natural order must be respected and preserved.
• Forces that upset the natural order must be destroyed.
• Civilization and the wilderness must learn to coexist peacefully.

Members of the Emerald Enclave are spread far and wide, and usually operate in isolation. They learn to depend on themselves more than others. Survival in a harsh world also demands great fortitude and mastery of certain fighting and survival skills. Members of the Enclave who dedicate themselves to helping others survive the perils of the wilderness are more social than others who are charged with defending sacred glades and preserving the natural balance.

• Springwarden (rank 1)
• Summerstrider (rank 2)
• Autumnreaver (rank 3)
• Winterstalker (rank 4)
• Master of the Wild (rank 5)


The Lords’ Alliance is an association of rulers from cities and towns across Faerûn (primarily in the North), who believe that solidarity is needed to keep evil at bay. The rulers of Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Neverwinter, and other free cities dominate the coalition, and all lords in the Alliance work primarily for the fate and fortune of their individual settlements.
Alliance agents include sophisticated bards, zealous paladins, talented mages, and grizzled warriors. They are chosen primarily for their loyalty and are experts in observation, stealth, innuendo, and combat. Backed by the wealthy and the privileged, they carry fine equipment (often disguised to appear common), including large numbers of scrolls scribed with spells of communication.
Agents of the Lords’ Alliance ensure the safety and prosperity of civilized Faerûn by standing united against the forces that threaten civilization. They proactively eliminate such threats by any means, fighting with pride for the glory and security of their people, and for the lords who rule over them. However, Alliance operatives are often glory hounds, looking to gain a leg up on their counterparts from other Alliance cities. The leaders of the Alliance know that the order will survive only if its members support each other, requiring a balance between pride and diplomacy. Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but defections have been known to occur.

“Everyone wants to sleep at night and feel safe in their homes, but how many want to do what it takes to keep the tide of evil at bay? To stand in the cold and rain, waiting for battle while hunger gnaws at their bellies? Many wish to reap the rewards of a good harvest, but few care to remove the stones and till the fields for planting.
“The Lords’ Alliance fights the things that the shopkeeper in his bed has never even heard of. We remove threats before the town mayor even knows about it. We make bad things go away. That’s what we’re good at.”
— Rameel Jos

The Lords’ Alliance is a loose coalition of established political powers concerned with mutual security and prosperity. The organization is aggressive, militant, and political. Fighters and sorcerers of lawful or neutral alignments are commonly drawn to the Lords’ Alliance.

• Ensure the safety and prosperity of cities and other settlements of Faerûn.
• Maintain a strong coalition against the forces of disorder.
• Proactively eliminate threats to the established powers.
• Bring honor and glory to one’s leaders and one’s homeland.

• If civilization is to survive, all must unite against the dark forces that threaten it.
• Fight for your realm. Only you can bring honor, glory, and prosperity to your lord and homeland.
• Don’t wait for the enemy to come to you. The best defense is a strong offense.

In order to seek out and destroy threats to their homelands, agents of the Lords’ Alliance must be highly trained at what they do. Few can match their skills in the field. They fight for the glory and the security of their people and for the lords who rule over them, and they do so with pride. However, the Lords’ Alliance can only survive if its members “play nice” with one another, which requires a certain measure of diplomacy. Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but defections have been known to occur.

• Cloak (rank 1)
• Redknife (rank 2)
• Stingblade (rank 3)
• Warduke (rank 4)
• Lioncrown (rank 5)


The Zhentarim, or Black Network, is an organization of well-trained mercenaries, savvy rogues, and crafty warlocks who seek to expand their influence and power throughout Faerûn. Agents of the Zhentarim feel that if they play by the rules, nothing gets done. Ultimately, they want to make the rules— and, in some cases, they already do. They walk a fine line when it comes to the letter of the law and don’t shy away from the occasional shady deal or illicit activity to get what they want.
To the Zhentarim, wealth is power. Its agents know that nothing else inspires such confidence and dispels doubt so well. In an instant, wealth speaks louder than a thousand bards. Zhentarim agents routinely carry the finest weapons and armor, with no expense spared. When a merchant needs an escort for a caravan, when a noble family requires bodyguards to protect its holdings, or when a city is desperate for trained soldiers to defend its walls, the Zhentarim provides the best warriors money can buy.
The organization encourages individual ambition and rewards innovators who take matters into their own hands. Results are all that matter. Those who come into the Black Network with nothing can become major players within the organization through their own moxie and hard work.

“Membership in the Zhentarim is like a key to a thousand doors, each one a gateway to fulfilling a personal desire. Most people shy away from this kind of freedom. They like their restraints, laws, and swaddling—it gives them the illusion of security.
“The Black Network provides what I need to explore realms and dimensions that would tear apart minds accustomed to limits. Only in such places can I find magic powerful enough to defeat beings that know no such thing as time, fear, or mercy. You might not like the Zhentarim’s methods, but when a demon crawls out of the Abyss and comes for your family, you’ll be glad that I have gone to the darkest of realms to find the answer to your problem.”
— Ianna Asterion

The Zhentarim is an unscrupulous shadow network that seeks to expand its influence and power throughout Faerûn. The organization is ambitious, opportunistic, and meritocratic. Rogues and warlocks of neutral and/or evil alignments are commonly drawn to the Zhentarim.

• Amass wealth.
• Look for opportunities to seize power.
• Gain influence over important people and organizations.
• Dominate Faerûn.

• The Zhentarim is your family. You watch out for it, and it watches out for you.
• You are the master of your own destiny. Never be less than what you deserve to be.
• Everything—and everyone—has a price.

A member of the Zhentarim thinks of himself or herself as a member of a large family, and relies on the Black Network for resources and security. However, members are granted enough autonomy to pursue their own interests and gain some measure of personal power or influence. The Black Network is a meritocracy. As a whole, it promises “the best of the best,” although in truth, the Zhentarim is more interested in spreading its own propaganda and influence than investing in the improvement of its individual members.

• Fang (rank 1)
• Wolf (rank 2)
• Viper (rank 3)
• Ardragon (rank 4)
• Dread Lord (rank 5)
Posts: 9781
Joined: Wed Nov 25, 2015 11:58 pm

Re: General Campaign Information, maps etc

Post by Chris1234 »

Secret sewer hideout
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