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Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

A fun, open-to-all, fly by the seat of your britches D&D5e adventure that happens in a town you probably haven't heard of to the tune of a bard's song you definitely haven't heard of. Strangers will unite in strange places and meet strange people before the day is done.

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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Chris1234 »

Nova Lunis wrote:...After engaging the dragon he tells you I'm Drago. Wizard home now. Afraid of death. Need to live forever. he glances at the gem in it's pedestal...
...He also seems protective of the 6 eggs he's hovering above...
"Drago," repeats Rowan with a smile and a nod. "OK, quickly, why's the wizard need to live forever? What's the Gem and it's relationship to the wizard (or to you)? And does the wizard use your eggs as hostage?"
Nova Lunis wrote:...a shield with a mirror-like reflective surface. When you pull it out you notice the ceiling - it reflects the sky outside. It appears to look like it's about to storm, thick black clouds swirl about. You think you see lightning in the distance.
Does the shield reflect what Rowan can see when looking where the shield is reflecting from?
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Nova Lunis »

Sornin picks up the broomtar and jams the tattered hat on his head. He instantly disappears. Everybody in the room can see the broomtar floating in mid-air. From the empty space you all hear "Someone has arrived, hopefully this wizard so we can all get some answers"
You can definitely pick some potions up off the table. If you tell me what kind/color of bottle you'd like I've actually got 100 pre-made here (they're all home brew some are pretty awesome) so we'll say you pick up some random ones, you let me know what they look like in your next post and I'll write down which ones you took, you can inspect them to find out or guess based on how I describe them.

Joe is afraid of Rose and doesn't want anybody touching him. He huddles with his books he plans to throw at anyone threatening in his hands and shakes when Rose reaches him.

Rowan takes a moment to look up and marvel at the ceiling. The shield reflects what is actually there - the ceiling is clearly displaying the weather outside
Think harry potter guys
He turns his attention back to the dragon and nods. "Drago. Ok, quickly, why's the wizard need to live forever?"
Drago- Needs more time to learn book
"What's the gem and it's relationship to the wizard or you?"
Drago - Gem holds souls.
"Does the wizard use your eggs as hostages?"
Drago - Eggs are brothers and sisters. About to hatch. Not sure why he has us. Im oldest. He breathes a gentle breath of hot flame across the eggs and they glow softly.

Carrion looks inside his bag and pulls out 2 stones. They both comfortably fit in the palm of your hand. Looking at them you mutter 'What are these?' You notice one stone glow, then fade. Then the second stone glows dimly and your voice comes back to you, "What are these?"

Maharron reaches inside his bag and pulls out a ring then moves to the top of the stairs. If you decide to put it on now, you don't notice any change

Pik climbs to the top of the chandelier - slowly and painfully - and disappears, then pulls out a small cube a few cm squared. It emits a very faint greenish yellow light when squeezed in your hand - and you can suddenly see Sornin again.

Rose tries to console Joe but he shoots you a look like if you come any closer he's going to hit you with one of the books in his stack.

Grognak is somewhat stuck in his bag - he can feel something squeezing his arm. Carrion grabs the bag and starts pulling and you manage to pull your arm out- with what looks like a zombie land-shark on it. It's clearly got the body of a shark with legs that remind you of a lizard's, and it's clearly un-dead. You land on the ground with a thud and the shark removes itself from your arm and tries to lick your face. It then stops and sniffs, looking up to where Pik is hiding. It can't see you but it can smell something He moves below the chandelier and starts pacing in a circle. Grognak pushes himself off the floor. You appear to have a pet.

The wizard appears at the top of the stairs and looks around.
My, my. Made ourselves quite at home have we. He notices the Gem on the floor and mage-hands it to his side.
It's such a shame. If I kill you all I'll have to replace you and you seem like a worthy group of souls.

For reference, the room is actually quite large, about 100 feet in diameter, and it is round. You likely cannot reach from one end of the room to the other with one move so if you want to describe where your character is feel free. Pik, you are in the middle of the room so about 50 feet from the stairs. I may be a little rough with the combat rules so if I call something wrong, just pm me - or call me out right here, I'm 100% cool with that - and we will fix it all ASAP.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by TristenC »

Pik stares at the glowing cube and back at the Sornin that only he can see, So cool.... he thinks to himself.

When the mage returns he readies his bow and draws the string back, hoping it's magical enough not to need ammo [:lol: praying, really]. Pik waits to see if the mage means them harm or is going to attack.

If it seems combat is inevitable he will wait until someone else attacks to 'fire' at the wizard. Planning to use the other party member to gain his sneak attack and 'party tactics' bonuses

Pik init vs 'Mad Mage' [1d20+2] = 7+2 = 9

Attack would be [1d20+4] to hit
Damage [1d6+2] + 1 (kobold 'party tactics' dmg) +[1d6] (dmg for sneak attack): [2d6+3]dmg :D
All of this assumes the bow actually fires without arrows and doesn't provide any bonuses to hit or dmg.

He will hide himself again after firing [1d20+6]
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Rivi »

int [1d20] = 1+2

rose stands still not acting waiting to see what happens before blasting an arrogant mage for being more or less arrogant "sir mage before anything rash happens why have you brought us here? seems to me like your looking for something to help you complete some great work or spell."
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
Classic Puzzle-Cait aka the angel of death
Tales from Golden City-max aka Lady Red Fox
The Forge-dm
Genwald-Elden aka the SoulForger
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Nocturno »

Sornin will strum the Broomtar in a long slow motion, hopefully drawing attention, and cutting the tension.

Initiative Dex(2): [1d20+2] = 11+2 = 13

"Fellas, let's all calm down, the box clearly implies we should take a bag, just don't put them into each other."

Sornin will then play a few licks hopefully to calm the mood, but just incase he will try to have it upbeat enough to inspire the group a bit.

Bardic Inspiration to Maharrom. [1/4]

Edit - Sornin is by the crate, where he was throwing the bags out to everyone from.
Last edited by Nocturno on Tue Sep 27, 2016 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Chris1234 »

Is a room map available, please?
Nova Lunis
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Nova Lunis »

Chris1234 wrote:Is a room map available, please?
Yep but it might take til tomorrow for me to upload it :/ I'll do what I can to get it online tonight :)
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Chris1234 »

Thanks very much; that would be really helpful.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Lithain »

Initiative roll [1d20+3] = 2+3 = 5

Watching everyone else play with their new toys, he eyes up the unknown ring.

"I'm not one to say no to fancy jewellery, but I have a feeling this is more than just a pretty ring."
Maharoom examines it closely to see if he can figure out what it does.

Attempt at Arcana [1d20+1] = 3+1 = 4 [Ooc: la sigh, lol]
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by NickKage1 »

Initiative [1d20] = 10

After thud-ding to the floor and seeing this land-shark lick his face. Gets up hurriedly, Nods towards Carrion for his effort, "Grognak has many thanks." And watches the Shark circle around where the Kobold has hidden in the chandelier. He nudges Carrion, a bit too aggressively and laughs, "Hah ha, looks like he has good taste!, I like him." He grins between Carrion and his new pet in admiration.

Grognaks enchantment of his new pet quickly dissipates when the wizard appears at the top of the stairs. "Kill Us!? The only thing to be killed is your head! Now, explain this sorcery." Grognak brands his axe threateningly.

Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 Cha + 2 PB [1d20+5] = 9+5 = 14

[OoC: Grognak is standing by the potions table and underneath the brim of the chandelier closer to the stairs, facing the wizard]
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Chris1234 »

Time permitting during all this, Rowan will try to secure some sealed potion bottles into his bag of holding. Preference given to any that look familiar or to have good, old fashioned dwarven qualities, so solid, stonelike colours. (Thinking potion of healing etc, giant strength etc).
If there are pairs of the same potion type, Rowan will try to take them in pairs, so one to waste and one to use at a key moment. He will continue to do this until such time as combat kicks off, not wishing to give the mage the pleasure of a unanimously witnessed entrance.

When the mage starts droning, Rowan interposed in a loud voice, "Don't be a drama-queen, mage, you don't have the cheekbones for it. Get on with your real message!"

OOC: I'm abroad with a clunky Kindle interface and a seriously low data rate. Can't get onto unseen servant, so please would you make the init roll for me? Other possible rolls, Insight on the mage, Alchemy/Spellcraft/Arcane on the shield (previously) and potions. Thanks...
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by CarrionStyles »

Carrion gives Grognak a nod and clasps his shoulder "worry not, I am happy to scratch your back if you scratch mine." He watches the landshark circle the chandelier with an amused look on his face and responds to Gnognak's comment about taste with a chuckle, "There really is no accounting for taste is there?."

He reaches his hand into the bag and pulls out the two stones... he askes "What are these?" and sees the one stone glow and the second stone repeat what he just said. "Most interesting, these may come in handy if I ever get out of here." he thinks.

His thoughts are broken when the Mage walks in Carrion takes a defensive stance and raises the hatchet in preparation to throw it, as he is also by the potion table he grabs a vial that is full of some bubbling green substance and prepares to throw it if necessary hoping it's acid or something equally unpleasant. He finds himself chuckling against his better judgement about the checks comment and waits for the Mage's response. He is sure there will be a battle, and he is sure his going to kick some Mage ass, but he is willing to wait for a moment to see what is going to happen.
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Nova Lunis »

I'm trying to upload the picture and it's fighting with me guys. I even used an app to do it on the computer lol. (it was pretty sad) I'll try again tomorrow :( I'll also respond tomorrow morning :)
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by NickKage1 »

[OoC: This is the rendition of Nova's sketches for the Wizards tower.]
Fun Sketch of the Wizards Tower :D
Fun Sketch of the Wizards Tower :D
Wizards Tower2.jpg (61.8 KiB) Viewed 8652 times
Rough Sketch of Wizards Tower. 50 ft from center to wall.
Rough Sketch of Wizards Tower. 50 ft from center to wall.
Wizards Tower 1.jpg (71.42 KiB) Viewed 8652 times
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Re: Chapter 2: The Dark Tower

Post by Chris1234 »

{OOC: I'm not sure about the rest of the players, but I was waiting for GM to announce the effect of the init rolls. But if people are waiting on me and I've missed something, pls send me a PM}