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CH. 16: Homecoming

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn shifts a bit and digs out the remaining of the PP for the slave girl. "I'm sorry. I forgot you trusted me with the rest of your money," she says to Ouragana as she hands over the platinum pieces.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Breila »

(OOC: My bad. I didn't look and my memory had 10 GP for 1 PP. I would have acted otherwise, I wanted the transaction to go smoothly.)
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by BishGada »

"Crap!" Baeros shouts, "I was sure they would fold! Stupid thieves! Since when did they grow courage?!?!" He blurts with agony as his wounds clouding every thought he might haved! "Are you ALL OK?" he finds it hard to control his voice. "Crap!"
After few minutes of shouting and walking off the pain like madman Baeros recompose itself and tell the others. "Crap! Jocelyn is still there! And now I am in hellish condition to help! Maybe the pistols will give us leverage!" He looks at Brock ready to be washed by criticism. When that is finished he searches the bodies of the victims. "I did warn you I don't want your blood to dirty the guns!! I said we killed demons did I not?!" He curses under his lips all the time suffering great pains.

I see my OOC post was too late. Hope you would consider what I wrote there even if it wouldn't change the outcome.
JadedDM wrote:Female Human Gunner fires her coat pistol at Baeros at point blank range (+2 hit) [TN 10] (1d20+2): 20+2 = 22 critical hit! for (1d3): 3 damage plus (1d3): 3 damage plus (1d3): 2 damage for a total of 8 (x3) = 24 damage.
I didn't expect THAT to happen!! (and before reading few minutes ago the OOC thread I didn't know guns damage is unlimited)

*edit: BTW... pheww! That was close :) *breathing in relief*
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by spyguy1503 »

Gallath stores his bow. "That was foolish, but it worked." He searches the bodies, and grabs the weapons that Baeros doesn't grab.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn and Ouragana (Warehouse/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
Jocelyn hands over 28 platinum pieces.

"You let your slave carry your coin? That's not very smart," Gabanth remarks smugly.

Accepting the coin, Sanson waves them off. "Take her then." He looks to the slaver who introduced them. "Escort them out. Then tell the men to start packing up the rest of the cargo. We're shipping out now."

Jocelyn and Ouragana are ushered back outside with Naishe, the young slave girl being pulled along with them.

Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Enott Harbor/Sardonx 15th, 10 PM)
Surprisingly, the criticism does not come from Brock, but Drav. "If you have a death wish, try not to drag the rest of us with you next time," he mutters, sheathing his blades.

A quick examination shows that nobody else was hurt other than Baeros. He and Gallath search the three bodies. The male human is carrying 2 silver coins and some kind of letter. Baeros cannot read it, but it looks like it's in Common. (If Gallath reads it, he learns it is a letter written by some kind of debt collector demanding he turn in a hundred gold coins within a week or he and his family will be enslaved and sold to pay off the debt.) The female human is carrying 4 silver coins and what appears to be a series of pictures that were clearly drawn by children. The dwarf has 7 silver coins, 3 copper coins, and an old silver locket. Inside the locket is a hand painted portrait of himself standing next to a dwarven woman and child--his family, perhaps. The locket itself might be worth a few silver if pawned.

Aside from that, each of them is wearing leather armor and carrying a coat pistol and three spare bullets each.

Just as they finish their searching, the door to the warehouse swings open and Jocelyn, Ouragana and Naishe are escorted out. They have with them a young woman, perhaps 15 or so in age.

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Naras heals up Val a little, and then at the request of the undine, she heals Serenna even less. But it's better than nothing.

"We'll have to be careful from here on out," Serenna says. "Their spellcasters are especially dangerous and we are now out of healing. We'll have to fight smart, when we can."

Cye looks around the large chamber. "No sign of mother here. Let's search the place, and see if we can find any clues."


Naras casts Cure Light Wounds on Val, restoring (1d8): 8 HP. Val's condition improves to seriously wounded.
Naras casts Cure Light Wounds on Serenna, restoring (1d8): 1 HP.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

XP is as follows:

Jocelyn Blaine (Cleric 6)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Discussing the change of plans with the party - 100 XP
Deciding to stop the Poison Curse peacefully - 100 XP
Questioning Penta - 50 XP
Disabling Naishe and Penta - 108 XP
Siding with Naishe - 100 XP
Interrogating Penta - 50 XP
Voting to destroy the cannon - 100 XP
Discussing options at Golden Tooth - 100 XP
Bribing the barkeeper - 100 XP
Meeting with Raven - 50 XP
Deciding to deal with Bloody Chains peacefully - 100 XP
Acquiring slave girl peacefully - 1,300 XP
Sub-Total: 6,150 XP (+10%)
TOTAL: 6,765 XP

Ouragana Stormbride (Mage 5)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Discussing the change of plans with the party - 100 XP
Agreeing with Jocelyn's new plan - 100 XP
Questioning Penta - 50 XP
Casting Hold Person on Naishe - 100 XP
Disabling Naishe and Penta - 108 XP
Siding with Naishe - 100 XP
Interrogating Penta - 50 XP
Chat with Naishe about race - 50 XP
Voting to destroy the cannon - 100 XP
Discussing options at Golden Tooth - 100 XP
Playing the part of a ruthless slave-owner - 100 XP
Acquiring slave girl peacefully - 1,300 XP
Sub-Total: 6,258 XP (+10%)
TOTAL: 6,884 XP

Val Urgan (Amazon 5)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Chat with Javos - 50 XP
Half-hearted stab at character development - 100 XP
Discussing tactics with party - 100 XP
Defeating Ixitxachitl (x9) - 63 XP
Defeated Blessed Ixitxachitl (x2) - 26 XP
Defeated Ixitxachitl Shaman - 13 XP
Defeating 15 HD worth of enemies - 750 XP
TOTAL: 5,102 XP

Val reaches level 6 fighter!
*She gains 1d10+1 HP
*She gains +1 to hit
*She gains +1 WP and +1 NWP

Baeros Axewielder (Ranger 5)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Discussing the change of plans with the party - 100 XP
Disagreeing with Jocelyn's new plan - 100 XP
Disabling Naishe and Penta - 108 XP
Siding with Naishe - 100 XP
Chastising Naishe - 50 XP
Voting to keep the cannon - 100 XP
Discussing options at Golden Tooth - 100 XP
Meeting with Raven - 50 XP
Love Confession to Jocelyn - 100 XP
Asking Gallath about his relationship status - 100 XP
Provoking the locals - 100 XP
Killing the locals - 26 XP
Defeating 3 HD worth of enemies - 150 XP
TOTAL: 5,184 XP

Baeros reaches level 6 ranger!
* He gains 1d10+1 HP
* He gains +1 to THAC0
* He gains +6% to Hide in Shadows
* He gains +7% to Move Silently
* He gains +1 WP and +1 NWP
* Tracking bonus improves to +2

Gallath (Thief 6)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Discussing the change of plans with the party - 100 XP
Agreeing with Jocelyn's new plan - 100 XP
Convincing Penta he isn't a demon - 50 XP
Disabling Naishe and Penta - 108 XP
Siding with Naishe - 100 XP
Convincing Sierra to destroy the cannon - 100 XP
Discussing options at Golden Tooth - 100 XP
Chat with Naishe about leaving Penta - 50 XP
Chat with Naishe about Sable - 50 XP
Killing the locals - 26 XP
TOTAL: 4,784 XP

Dahn "Granite" Tohstubson (Illusionist 4/Thief 4)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Sub-Total: 2,000 XP/2,000 XP (+10% Thief only)
TOTAL: 2,000 XP/2,200 XP

Drav Arellax (Fighter 4/Thief 5)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Disabling Naishe and Penta - 108 XP
Siding with Naishe - 100 XP
Killing the locals - 26 XP
Defeating 3 HD worth of enemies - 120 XP
Sub-Total: 2,250 XP/2,250 XP (+10% Thief only)
TOTAL: 2,250 XP/2,475 XP

Drav reaches level 5 fighter!
*He gains 1d10 HP
*He gains +1 to hit
*He gains +1 PPDM save
*He gains +2 to BW save

Naras Stonebreaker (Cleric 6)
Fourth Year Anniversary - 4,000 XP
Chatting with Hofur - 50 XP
Casting Detect Evil on Undine - 100 XP
Apologizing to Serenna - 50 XP
Learning the name of the chieftainess - 50 XP
Chat with Cye about Val - 50 XP
Chat with Cye about shapeshifting - 50 XP
Discussing tactics with party - 100 XP
Defeating Ixitxachitl (x9) - 63 XP
Defeated Blessed Ixitxachitl (x2) - 26 XP
Defeated Ixitxachitl Shaman - 13 XP
Sub-Total: 4,552 XP (+10%)
TOTAL: 5,007 XP

Brock Brewmaster (Fighter 4)
Killing the locals - 26 XP
Defeating 3 HD worth of enemies - 120 XP
Sub-Total: 146 XP (+10%)