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CH. 16: Homecoming

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Nuke »

Val swims directly toward target #1 and lets loose a net from the Trident.....once it goes off she turns to the others
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Breila »

"Yes, please, do so" Ouragana says with a nod to Jocelyn. She looks at the girl appreciatively, her mind racing. Were they to pay money for that slave girl? And whose coffers would it have to come from?. Then she lifts her head up to the Storm Sorcerer. Is she anyone she has met?
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by BishGada »

Baeros blinks at Gallath question, twice, and then says, "Yes. I think. Oh, just come with me all of you." He turns to the group from the bar making sure the others follows him and then approaches the group. "Hey. What are you looking for? We recognize you from the bar. Are you following us?"
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn and Ouragana (Warehouse/Sardonx 15th, 9 PM)
The cleric of Renos steps in Jocelyn's way, blocking her approach to the slave. "Hold on now," he says, annoyed at being ignored. "What is she doing here?"

"The sorceress's slave," the slaver responds.

"An Octhanian priest as a slave?" The cleric chuckles. "What a novel idea. Wish I thought of it. How much do you want for her? Maybe we can work out a trade."

Ouragana looks at the sorceress who just called her a stranger. She has never seen her before. She is about 10 years older than Ouragana or so, so she would have graduated from the academy before Ouragana even started. "Where did you acquire her?" she asks, gesturing to Jocelyn. "I don't know of anyone who sells clerics for slaves. Or did you capture and subdue her yourself?"

Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Enott Harbor/Sardonx 15th, 9 PM)
The group all appear caught off guard when Baeros brazenly approaches them. The dwarf is the first to speak. "We're tax collectors," he says. "Everyone who comes into town has to pay the entrance tax or be arrested. You lot didn't, so we're here to correct that."

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Val dodges one of the Ixitxachitl that dives at her and readies her trident. Naras, meanwhile, keeps an eye out behind them. But she doesn't see anything approach.

However, one of the Ixitxachitl stops short and begins just hovering there in the water. Strange motes of light begin surrounding it. "Watch out, it's a shaman!" warns Serenna, but it comes too late. Naras suddenly finds she cannot move at all. The three undine seem to suffer the same fate, as each one sinks to the ground, frozen in place. Val is the only one unaffected, perhaps because she was further ahead and outside of the spell's radius.

The third Ixitxachitl comes at her, biting her leg. It's not too deep, though. She retaliates by firing one of the spines of her trident at it. A net unfurls from the spine and envelops the creature. It sinks to the ground, struggling in vain against the ropes.

However, there are two remaining and one is a spellcaster. The other one does its best to defend the shaman, blocking out Val's line of sight to it.


Val (1d10+5): 7+5 =12
Naras (N/A)
Serenna (1d10+7): 5+7 = 12
Cye (N/A)
Shin (N/A)
Ixitxachitl 01 (1d10): 8
Ixitxachitl 02 (1d10): 2
Ixitxachitl 03 (1d10+5): 2+5 = 7

Round 1!

Ixitxachitl 02 moves toward Val and bites at her [TN 13] (1d20): 8, miss.
Ixitxachitl 03 begins casting a spell. Serenna saves vs. spell [14] (1d20): 2, fail. Serenna is paralyzed. Cye saves vs. spell [TN 14] (1d20): 6, fail. Cye is paralyzed. Shin saves vs. spell [TN 12] (1d20): 4, fail. Shin is paralyzed. Naras saves vs. spell with dwarven resistance (+4) and strong will (+3) [TN 14] (1d20+7): 2+7 = 9, fail. Naras is paralyzed.
Ixitxachitl 01 moves toward Val and bites at her [TN 13] (1d20): 14, hit for (3d4): 1,1,2 = 4 damage. Val is now lightly wounded.
Val fires a net of snaring at Ixitxachitl 01 with her trident of the hunter (+2 hit) [TN 10] (1d20+2): 9+2 = 11, hit. Ixitxachitl 01 is caught in the net.
Serenna is paralyzed.

(OOC: Actions for Round 2?)
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn steps back towards Ouragana once the cleric of Renos steps in her way. She looks towards her "master", and says. "Trading me for her might be the best way to handle this situation."
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Chris1234 »

Presumably being paralysed prevents one from casting Command ?

{OOC: If it's a paralyzation spell, wouldn't the first saving throw column apply? i.e. PPDM = 9 for cleric L6 in which case 2 + 4 +3 = 9, saves..?}
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Nuke »

Val, ignoring the warrior, swims for the shaman, and let's loose another spine from her trident.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Breila »

Ouragana looks down at Jocelyn with a benign smile. "But you are far too valuable to me, Dear."
Then she turns to the others. "She came to me and mine willingly, for protection. Life is not easy for a Cleric of Octhanus around here, as you have pointed out."
After a pause, she adds: "So we would need to pay you more than 500 gold to get the girl? how much more?"
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by BishGada »

"I've paid the tax at the orphanage house. You can ask my steel." He draws his swords ready for fight with a wicked almost crazy smile, "However we can still make a deal if you wish. Do you know the owner of the warehouse over there?" He gestures with his head to the warehouse holding the women of the group.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn and Ouragana (Warehouse/Sardonx 15th, 9 PM)
The Renosian cleric and Storm Sorceress both chuckle. "Yeah, I bet she's really good at servicing you however you like," the cleric says grinning.

The swordsman shakes his head and gets to his feet. "Make an offer and we'll consider it," he says. "But I know the current buyer is probably willing to go as high as 500 for this one."

Baeros, Gallath and Drav (Enott Harbor/Sardonx 15th, 9 PM)
"Whoa, easy now," the dwarf, says taking a step back. "The warehouse? That belongs to the Bloody Chains, one of the most powerful factions of the Slaver's Syndicate. Nobody messes with them, not unless they want to wind up as slaves themselves! They have a storm sorceress and a cleric of Renos on their side, so they can use magic to mind control their slaves and keep them in line. That's all I know, really!"

(Baeros makes a STR check for intimidation [TN 17] (1d20): 14, pass.)

Val and Naras (Ixitxachitl Lair/Sardonx 12th, 1 PM)
Val focuses on the shaman, but this leaves the other ixitxachitl free to come up and bite her leg, drawing more blood. Ignoring the pain, she fires a second net at the shaman, but it misses entirely. The shaman begins casting another spell, and a globe of magical darkness suddenly envelops the half-orc, rendering even if her infravision useless.


Val (1d10+5): 4+5 = 9
Naras (N/A)
Serenna (N/A)
Cye (N/A)
Shin (N/A)
Ixitxachitl 01 (N/A)
Ixitxachitl 02 (1d10): 5
Ixitxachitl 03 (1d10+5): 9+4 = 13

Round 2!

Ixitxachitl 02 bites at Val [TN 13] (1d20): 14, hit for (3d4): 2,2,1 = 5 damage. Val is now moderately wounded.
Val fires a net of snaring at Ixitxachitl 03 with her trident of the hunter (+2 hit) [TN 10] (1d20+2): 6+2 = 8, miss.
Ixitxachitl 03 casts Darkness, centered on Val. Val makes a saving throw vs. spell [TN 14] (1d20): 11, fail. Val is enveloped in darkness.

(OOC: It's not a paralyzation spell, but a holding spell. That's why your WIS modifier is added. I just called it paralyzation for flavor purposes. Sorry if that wasn't clear. And yes, one cannot cast if they cannot speak or move.

While enveloped in magical darkness, Val suffers a +4 to AC and -4 to attack.

Actions for Round 3?)
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn wanted to know why they wanted to spend such a large amount of money upon this one slave girl, but she was hoping that Ouragana would ask that question. She, once again, tries to make her way around the cleric of Renos to check on the slave girl.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Breila »

"I wonder what qualities she has, to be worth that much..." Ouragana says in a musing tone.
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by JadedDM »

Jocelyn and Ouragana (Warehouse/Sardonx 15th, 9 PM)
This time Jocelyn is allowed to approach the girl without being stopped. As far as she can tell, the girl is healthy. But she seems dazed and out of it, like she's been drugged. She doesn't even seem to notice Jocelyn's presence when she approaches, but rather has a far-off look as she stares into nothing.

"The younger they are, the more valuable they are, of course," the swordsman answers. "But this one is also a virgin, which makes her of special interest to the other buyer." He shrugs. "Don't know why, and don't really care. Honestly, what makes something valuable is how much people are willing to pay for it, I suppose. 'Supply and demand' and all of that."
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by BishGada »

"Do you know how many are they in here?" Baeros asks. He waits for their answer and then "So, as I said we have a proposition, we might need to rescue someone from inside. Not a slave if it is a concern to you. If you are brave enough and want to gain fame and power, join us and you would also get a fair share of the spoils. If you double cross us, I'll first hunt you down before hacking the Bloody Chains. Interested or are you cowards?"

(OOC: Trying to play correctly the low charisma. Obviously calling people cowards is not the best way to get them to help you, but it might work for such people who value respect by others highly and might want to use to opportunity to gain power over the salves industry...)
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Re: CH. 16: Homecoming

Post by Nuke »

Val shoulders her trident and swims toward the last know location of the Shaman with the intent to grapple anything that she feels.