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Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

The Liora has a curse, no one will sail her, will you take the Councils Offer to rid the ship of its curse?

2nd Edition game for up to 5 players.

Moderator: SilverBen

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Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by SilverBen »

As the characters descend the stairs, they hear a strange joyful celebration ongoing - the first thing they hear is the skillful and rapid playing of pipes from the Commons room (OOC: I added a hyperlink to the words "joyful celebration." Click there just for fun. Otherwise, see Map 7, Area 2).

When they turn at the stairwell landing, they see one satyr playing his pipes from the tabletop with a host of soldiers dancing around on the stone floor.

The soldiers tap their feet and take turns seemingly enjoying themselves but their faces look terrified and confused. It quickly becomes apparent that the soldiers are not voluntarily dancing but under some kind of magical enchantment of the satyrs.

Meanwhile, the other three satyrs clap hands and stomp their hooves to the beat from the far end of the room.

(OOC: Each player, please make a successful saving throw vs. spell or else become enthralled by the music and begin dancing with the crowd. If successful, your character has free action.)
Blue stars are soldiers..<br />Yellow diamonds are satyrs.<br />Green star is the party
Blue stars are soldiers..
Yellow diamonds are satyrs.
Green star is the party
Map 7 - Commons dance.png (298.65 KiB) Viewed 12721 times
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by cryominer »


OOC: I rolled a 6. Balderdash. :puke:

The music was strangely interesting to Fezor who never took a real interest in music at all. The tune bit and cut into his concentration as he felt his arms and legs beginning to move to the beat of the pipes. With the last bit of free will Fezor whispered, "...horn and hoof, whistle and bray, merrily lost, a Saytr's sunset with no time to play..." and then he bounded off into the crowd joyfully dancing with the soldiers.
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by mike_c »

if it is charm based spell like elves ae 90% resistence
rolled 54 so resisted
if not rolled 17 made save

Varis looks at Fezor " we have a mission to do there is no time for dancing"
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by holly_e »

resisted with 34 if charm based if not rolled 16 made save

shakes head looking at Fezor "this is no time for fooling around, we have a life to save and battles to fight. I have fought Hobgoblins before you will need all your strength. they fight hard unless they are disarmed. Then they run like cowards. " Her memories racing in her mind, knowing she survived by her speed and wits. Anticipating what's to come.
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by cryominer »


The sounds...the whirling...such great company! Fezor only distantly hears the elves chastising him. Fezor sings a baldy tune in passable elvish, "what for, what for, the song calls your name! Whisper and shout! What a wonderful game!"
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by michaelslate »

(OOC: I'm sorry, it's been a while. Is Save vs. Spell under or over? I rolled a 4, and my save is 14)
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by mike_c »

OOC save vs spell you need higher than number
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by SilverBen »

michaelslate wrote:(OOC: I'm sorry, it's been a while. Is Save vs. Spell under or over? I rolled a 4, and my save is 14)
(OOC: Saving Throws must be greater than or equal to the target number to succeed. Your result failed, so your character will being uncontrollably dancing to the Satyr's melody.)
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by SilverBen »

Brother Graingrower and Fezor join the Satyrs frenetic, joyful dance! Greystreet, Ushakov, and several of the soldiers also stomp in rhythm and slap each other on the back as they rotate counterclockwise in a tight circle around the edge of the Commons room. Fezor's lyrics impresses the Satyrs and the cheer him on with celebratory cries! Meanwhile, Willow and Varis look on with contempt from the landing of the stairs.

  • +175 XP to Fezor for additional lyrics... nice touch, cryominer!
  • +150 XP each to Varis and Willow for Mike_C and Holly_E role playing their characters but, I admit, I'm disappointed. I was hoping the elf couple would join in the celebration even though they are immune from its effects. Afterall, these guys are celebrating survival, why not partake?
  • Additional XP still available to Jakob Graingrower if the priest can "bust some moves."
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by michaelslate »


As I walk down the stairs and hear the music, I find myself unable to stop from joining the dance. Even though I definitely don't want to, and Gods know I'm not any good, off my feet go and I find myself doing a square dance style from back home. It's not easy to do while wearing armor and mostly sounds like a lot of clanking around. But hearing Fezor bust into lyrics gives me an idea. "This is no time for song and dance, but here they play and here we prance! Lysshea's the girl they want to see, so bring her here and set us free!" I chant out loud in time with the music.
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by SilverBen »

michaelslate wrote:(Jakob)

As I walk down the stairs and hear the music, I find myself unable to stop from joining the dance. Even though I definitely don't want to, and Gods know I'm not any good, off my feet go and I find myself doing a square dance style from back home. It's not easy to do while wearing armor and mostly sounds like a lot of clanking around. But hearing Fezor bust into lyrics gives me an idea. "This is no time for song and dance, but here they play and here we prance! Lysshea's the girl they want to see, so bring her here and set us free!" I chant out loud in time with the music.
(OOC: Ha! That's great, okay, +175 XP for Jakob as well. I'm hoping we can get SpiderReaver back and introduce the new player Alnus January. Stay tuned.)
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by SilverBen »

The satyrs end their celebration and all the dancers regain control of their own movement as the musician finishes on his pipes by sliding it into a leather holster around his waist.

The four satyrs gather near the fireplace on the southern wall. All appear very similar, standing just shorter than humans but are covered in thick brown hair. Each satyr bears various scars distinguishing him from the others.

One of the four, bearing a small V-shaped scar near the top of his shoulder begins with a sigh of enjoyment and then speaks calmly in a heavily accented Common tongue of men: "Thank ye. Thank ye all. We enter. We dance. Now, we drink with ye?"

Lord Mayor Ushakov steps forward to object in a tone of mild annoyance: "Our elf friends have spoken appropriately, now is not time for song and drink, my neighbors! We fear for the survival of a woodland being under our care."

The satyr pauses in thought, looks indifferent, and raises a clenched his fist above his head continuing: "Aye, 'ere we come to steal d'hobgoblin saw an' save r'sister, Lyssehea! Call me Ithai, an' my brothers - Emnos, Finne an' Teadel. He looks inquisitively at the party assembled, as they are obviously not wearing the uniform of the sentries. "She call us 'ere t'help d'others, r'ye all 'ere to steal d'saw?"

(OOC: Willow and Varis will already know that the dryads are speaking poetically about Lyssehea being their sister and merely a statement that they are woodland creatures sharing a habitat.)
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by cryominer »


The buzz in Fezor's head was slowly fading after the music ceased. Every moment that passed brought additional realization and free will back to Fezor. The knowledge that he had been the victim of magic that took his will, however innocuous, darkened his mood and threatened to boil over. Not for the last time, he vowed that one day his power would be such that there was no chance for him to be controlled in such a manner. His muttered curse at the realization was a feeble attempt to regain control, "woolly charlatan goat cheese toad herders...if I get my hands on those pipes...." His voice trailed off as he bit back more color and established his discipline to listen.

Hearing the Mayor and the satyrs speak, Fezor spoke up, "we are those that seek the saw." The disdain in his voice should have been plain enough for any to hear and understand. If that didn't get the message across, the look on the mage's face through narrowed eyes would have made it clear.

Fezor's hand was inside his cloak, "tell me...friends...should we expect more instances of charming with your music? If so, please let me know now."
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by michaelslate »


I hear Fezor's comment as I come out of the magical trance as well, but my mind takes a different tack on it. "More importantly, can you control whom you might effect? Or is it just anyone who can hear the music, other than our redoubtable elves, apparently."
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Re: Act 3, Episode 3 - Huddle in the Commons

Post by cryominer »

michaelslate wrote:(Jakob)

I hear Fezor's comment as I come out of the magical trance as well, but my mind takes a different tack on it. "More importantly, can you control whom you might effect? Or is it just anyone who can hear the music, other than our redoubtable elves, apparently."

The mage's rage abates a little upon hearing Jakob's reasoning, looking over his shoulder at Jakob, "as chipper as ever, good cleric." Fezor turns to the saytrs, "so...can you control your musical charms to be selective?"

Fezor knew these creatures were summoned by the dryad to help them in their quest, but being charmed against his will was more than enough to earn his distrust.
Cryominer - Ut fortuna fortes