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Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

A homebrewed world I’ve been working on that dearly needs some people to come in and flesh it out through their adventures. I’m open to a party being formed together, or meeting in game through their exploration, or possibly meeting as enemies. I’d like to keep the character options as unlimited as possible.

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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"I tried to help. I really did. I didn't mean to cause all of this!" Star shudders in the cold her wings wrapped around her to keep herself warm.

"Whatever I did, I did for us." Star stands resolute, her eyes looking straight forwards. "You all hate me, don't you?" Her voice breaking she moves to the door.. "I made a mistake.. Haven't any of you made one of those? Oh no. You are all so perfect aren't you Robin?"

"Spinner. I erred, I made a mistake. I regret it, and now I have to live with it. I LOVED Snowberry. She was.. special to me."

"I won't stay, if the group ask me to leave, I'll never worry you all again."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

"It's just... your mistake hurt as all. Two of us are gone for good. Will we ever recover? I just don't know what to do..." Replies Spinner

"I do! And that's get her gone! Snowberry made a mistake choosing Stardust to take her place and paid the price. Should we all continue to suffer? I say no! Leave and good riddance." Shouts Robin Vehemently.

Noble Sway stands next to Star with a look of sadness on her face as she takes in the group, many of whom are beginning to show signs of obviously agreeing with Robin. Sways mouth opens and closes several times as she attempts to find the words to say to support her friend though she has trouble finding them. "Your judgements are hasty friends, now isn't the time to... In the morning maybe we will see things more clearly. This meeting is over if no one has anything constructive to add... and Robin, your words are not appreciated.

Sway begins to eye Robin, supicious of her motives and uncharacteristic attacks upon Stardust*.

Sway whispers to Stardust aside from the others "We can make our way to my home and avoid the others if you'd like, till morning, or camp here if you fear the storm."
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

Star doesn't say a word as the others attack her, she deserved it, she had brought this nightmare on her people.

"I.." She begins to say, "Can we go to your home? I will leave in the morning.. While no one is watching.." Head down she allows Sway to lead her.. She doesnt say goodbye to anyone, no one would miss her.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Sway leads the way out of the cave draping an arm around Stardust in comfort. She rambles slightly in her attempts to cheer Stardust up as they step out into the storm. Sway takes an immediate left out of the cave mouth and leads the way to her nearby home.

Sways home is built into the base of a large tree, a heavy cloth drape hangs over the doorway snapping violently in the winds. Sway leads the way in and Stardust is given her first glimpse into Sways private life. Her feet are met by a small red rug thrown before the entrance way, the rest of the floor is soft green moss that gives way to bare patches of smooth dirt. The room is lit by four glowing stones set strategically to provide illumination in all corners, a table takes center stage with various sundries piled on it's surface and in the far corners of the room sit a bunk bed for two opposite several neatly piled small animal skins and blankets. The only other obvious items are to the left of the doorway, a storage area of several baskets with closed lids.

Stardust examination of the room is interrupted suddenly as Lark appears in the doorway and meekly moves into the room. Lark moves in stutter steps, unsure of her movements, making her way to Sway and giving her a friendly hug of greeting and support. She pauses when she takes in Stardust but an encouraging nod from Sway prompts her to overcome her temerity and welcome Stardust in the same manner. Lark maintains her normal silence and moves to the bunk bed, silently fluttering up to sit on the higher bed.

"Take the bottom bunk Lady Prettywhisk." Offers Sway with a reassuring smile, pointing to the lower bed before pointing at the piles of blankets and skins. "I'll be fine right over there for the night... Also, If you're determined to leave us I'd like to give you something to help ease your way."
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"No, I'll sleep on the floor. I don't want to be the one to throw you out of bed, after all you have been far too kind already." Pulling off the pack she slumps down to the floor, her back against a wall..

"They all hate me, do I have a choice? Perhaps with me gone you can rebuild the grove.. Snow would have wanted you to take her place. Watch Robin.. That girl with be trouble, tomorrow you need to do something for me. And I need you to promise you will." Her eyes flash with a little life, becoming more animated..

"Throw me out of the glade tomorrow, tell them you never want to see me again. When they see you hate me too, they will trust you." Fixing Sway in her vision she lifts her head. "I know you won't mean it."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

"I can't and I won't make that promise Star, you'll always have a home here." Sways eyes have a hard "don't argue with me" look to them as she says this and she sweeps her arms out wide, she means her own home but could be indicating the glade in general.

The melancholy Lark even speaks up saying."I don't hate you Stardust..." her words trailing off as she looks away from the two other Pixies, staring at a faraway spot in the corner.

"I won't fight you for the floor but if you leave who knows when you'll next have the luxury of a soft bed?" Sway moves towards her bed saying. "Hold you're thoughts one moment my friend." She kneels at the foot of the lowest bunk and reaches beneath it, lifting up a secreted trap door and reaching within. She withdraws a long and slender object wrapped tightly in a blanket and turns back to Stardust moving towards her. "I was going to wait until morning to give this to you when we say a proper goodbye... but I don't want you sneaking off without it." She unwraps the blanket revealing a rapier. The metal reflecting the light smoothly, it's pointed tip fattening to the base, drawing the eye to its ornate ivory colored grip. Carved into the shape of a Pixie in flight, the wings forming the basket hilt and outstretched arms an aggressive crossguard.

She extends the weapon to Star pommel first as she says. "I've held onto this for a long time, hoping I'd never need to use it. I'm hoping you won't have to either but... outside our glade is more dangerous and I fear you will have need of it." Her eyes are sad as she says this, contemplating the violence of the outside world.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"You might have to." Star sighs dejectedly.. "I fear.." She trails off, she had the anger under control, the darkness hidden.. Surely Sway could sense it. ? Even just the evil from the stone? "I fear I might cause you trouble, and lots of it."

"Thank you Lark, you are too kind.. I made a mistake, perhaps I got too.. Big for my wings, but it was a mistake." Pulling herself up she offers Lark her arms, willing to embrace the quiet Pixie if she accepts the offer.

"That is beautiful.. A work of art.." Receiving the blade almost reverently she runs her fingers across the hilt, stroking the details. "A pixie to remind me that I'm still loved?" Rubbing her bloody sleeve on her face she tries to catch the tears, only succeeding in spreading blood and dirt over her face. "I shouldnt take it.. Or the bed, but something tells me arguing is futile."

"I will treasure it, always... Thank you." Moving to Sway she holds her close, huge sobs wracking trough her tiny body as the energy drains from her muscles, the sword falls suddenly from her grasp as she collapses on her friend. Her home was gone, she had one dress.. Which was ruined.. No one trusted her..
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

"No fear here, tonight Star! You're with true friends now... If you insist that this be your last night lets make it a happy one, right Lark!?" Replies Sway in an attempt to Cheer up Stardust, motioning Lark from the bunk to join them at ground level.

Lark hops down and nods at Stardusts explanation, her lips even twitching into an almost smile. She moves to accept the embrace and replies softly. "It's okay... I've made my own mistakes before." She breaks the hug quickly and pulls back a ways but remains on the ground.

As Stardust slumps into Sway the other Pixie holds her firm and upright. "You're exhausted! You're darn right there's no arguing now! About the sword or the bed."

Lark glances at the red splotches that now dot her own clothing. She looks to Sway and remarks. "She needs new clothes... me to now and you." Though she says the last bit with no malice.

"How could I have let you go in front of the others like that? Oh, what a fool I've been, no wonder Robin was able to move them so easily. Don't worry I've something for you to change into("and I! that you can take with you." remarks Lark) ... and maybe you could talk to the others again without the... mess. Maybe they'd listen better?" Sway gets excited at the prospect of swaying(haha) the others to Stardusts side and begins to animatedly dig through her things looking for something appropriate, Lark joins her digging through her own things.

OOC: Wow, can't believe I forgot about the blood on her dress >.< Sort of an impression maker! Sway wears tight fitting leathers most of the time, and lark wears what I would describe as, I guess, Emo-Teen(kinda, maybe not) wear(short to long skirts and multiple thin tops layered, of dark hues interspersed with bright colors)
Some additional background/personality of the two. We sort of know Sway as being outwardly strong and kinda loud about her thoughts/opinions/beliefs while Lark is the silent one, less physically resilient but with her own inner strengths. They rely on each other to make a whole in a way, covering the others faults and bolstering each other to succeed.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"There is nothing we can do.. They won't listen." Star sighs her bottom wedged on the floor. "You are too kind.. I don't deserve it, not at all." Barely moving she watches the flurry of activity around her, she should get up, move.. But her body refused to move, "I can't..." She sighs again.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Sway and Lark dress quickly, tossing their sodden and blood stained clothes into a corner. Sway moves behind Stardust and gently tugs at the straps of her dress and shoulder. "Come one, come on! A change of clothes will help you see things brighter! She suggests smiling brightly in an attempt to brighten up Star. Sway will attempt to pull Stardust to her feet and get her interested, stopping short of actually dragging her.

Whether Stardust gets up or not Sway will change the topic quickly, trying to keep Stardust from dwelling on the recent past. "And how about some food, and something to drink? When's the last time you've eaten, you must be starving!" She laughs lightly during her questions, to show their is no pressure on Star to hurry.

Lark moves to the table in the center of the room and leans against it, her gaze is unfocused and she seems lost in her own thoughts.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

Stardust takes some convincing but eventually she rises to her feet, her body shaking she barely notices when Sway pulls at her dress. Almost in a daze she pulls it off, dropping the ruined blood soaked gown to the floor. After a few minutes she grabs one of Larks skirts and a plain top (which fits quite snugly on hrer chest).

"Food? It feels like a long time. I don't know.. Days..?" Lifting her head fully she moves to Lark.. "Thank you, for everything."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

Sway snatches up the discarded dress and tosses it into the corner with her own. Smiling she sits on her knees next to Stardust as she sorts through the clean clothes and lends a hand, offering comments and recommendations. Though Stardust settles on something completely different than Sways style she still loudly voices her approval.

"Then lets get you some food!(haha)" Sway rushes to their small pantry and begins rummaging through it swiftly, piling choice foods onto a small tray.

While Sway digs for food Stardust approaches Lark saying "Thank you, for everything.". Lark withdraws slightly at the intimacy but recovers and reaches a hand to rest on Stars shoulder. "Hey now... It's a big world and we gotta look out for each other... or we should." Her voice starts bright but drops low again as she bemoans the actions of the other Pixies.

Sway Brings over the tray piled with small fruits and berries setting it on the table lark is leaning on. She also sets a trio of small wooden cups and a jug, that sloshes loudly, on the table. "Help yourself! And... Well, if this is your last night is there anything you want to talk about?" Sway and Lark lean around the table without eating any themselves though they each grab a glass and pour a dark purple liquid from the jug into them.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"Please this is your home, sit down and eat with me." She begs trying to feel comfortable in the borrowed clothes. "Have you even been further than the lake? I mean to the big ones village, I really need to know what I can.. I guess going there would make sense."

"The others hate me, I'll just have to cope with that." She sighs and tucks in to the food.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Namenlos »

(OOC: I've changed some things from what I had suggested before and I hope that is okay with you, and that it still fits what you imagine.)

Sway and Lark lean to rest against the table and begin to pick lightly at the food. They keep the conversation to a minimum, mulling over the recent troubles.

sway responds to Stardusts inquiries on the lands of the "Big Ones", thinking her answer over carefully before speaking. "...Annabelle... Snowberry, that is. She handled the Big People and their business for us. I know she usually would head northish."

"North and East, Snow said they're everywhere... but she usually went North and East." Lark joins in to comment as she picks lightly at a small piece of fruit. "They're nicer that way, I think... More willing to work and trade with Snow."

Sway takes the wooden jug by the handle and fills the three cups to the brim and passes one to each. The liquid is a bright green juice, with a fruity, sweet smell and small particles(or chunks/pulp) bobbing to the surface.
The fruit slices are filling and each sip of her drink seems to drag Star further and further into sleep, her eyes heavy, and fluttering to stay open. Sway and Lark remain at the table, watching Star, and they remain quiet allowing her time to think and relax.

Stars eyes begin to lose focus and her vision becomes fuzzy as she fights to keep them open and stay awake. She is able to barely notice that Sway and Lark have moved to stand beside her, each grasping an arm to support her. She feels her body lift from the floor and float away, her eyes closing peacefully as she comes to rest on the bottom bed.


Dark days... so subtle... out of favor... if it's meant to be... Dark days. Dark days. Dark days.

Stardust awakens to a sharp pain along her back, rough ground and jagged stones jabbing into her. A dull roar pounds against her head, more pain racing through her forehead as the she pushes off the ground lightly. Her first steps put her perilously close to the edge of a cliff, the sound comes from below and peeking over the edge reveals a deep fissure passing from "north" to "south" as far as she can see either way. Rushing black waters pound against the walls of the chasm, a steady beat, calling out and pulling her closer to the edge. Feet slipping on rough shale Star trips a little but a steady hand grips her arm and drags her back into a firm embrace.

She knows who it is, her scent and her touch awakening fond memories. Star raises her head to view her rescuer, she knew, It's Annabelle... It couldn't and shouldn't be true, she'd seen the devastation in Snowberrys home, blood and death, Stardust had burnt the remains herself! But maybe, she'd wanted a miracle, That's what the stone Bhantuf had given her was supposed to be. So it worked, here they were together and safe.

"Don't fret Precious, I'm here." Whispers Snowberry lightly into Stardusts hair. Strong arms press Star back to arm's length, allowing them to look directly at each other. Two pair of bright eye's glitter back at each other and Stardust feels a tug of a smile reaching her lips, to match the one on Snows face.

White teeth flash brightly as Snowberrys mouth continues to pull wide, far past what was Pixie possible, displaying more and more of her open mouth. No tongue, a black spot at the end of a red tunnel glares angrily at Stardust from within Snowberrys expanding mouth and the white Orb of her left eye wanders it's way slowly down her cheek trailing a slippery red vine of viscera. Almost casual as it rotates wildly finally centering to glare at Stardust, the lidless orb blinks... winks? at Star before rolling it's way into the gaping orifice of Snows mouth. The trailing line of nerves pulls and drags as the orbs spins down the cavernous opening, the colors that make up Snowberrys face and head bend and bleed into a hypnotic whirlpool, swirling down the too big mouth until all that is left is a wet red hallway, with a dark opening at it's end, balancing perfectly still on Snows rigid body.

The distended hole of a mouth shudders as faint whispers reach out to tickle Stars ears with promises, threats and platitudes. "I'll never leave you, love." She whispers, cool whisps of air caressing Stars face. "WORM, WRITHING, PUSTULE OF DESPAIR. YOU ARE MINE! NOW AND ALWAYS!" He shouts, bloody phlegm spattering Stardusts face. "Rest precious, I will make it better, tomorrow... we live..." It moans, the words tickling Stars ears.

"It's not too late... it is, not so bad...Go on, nothings wrong... Take me home, Love" Whispers Snowberrys voice, cool and calm.

"GIVE INTO ME! MINE, MINE, MINE! DO AS I LIKE! GIVE INTO MEEEEEE! I AM WHAT YOUR ARE AND I AM." The voice is raspy, deep and vaguely masculine as it shouts on repeatedly, stumbling on words and meshing them together.

"They don't care about you... Like I do...Lay your head down, child..." whispers a voice devoid of emotion and neither masculine nor feminine in it's tone.

Three voices cry out as one, calling her name as a curse and refuge.
"Prettywhisk!". "PRETTYWHISK!". "Prettywhisk...".

Soft hands grasp Stars shoulders, a firm grip sliding up to grasp tightly at her throat, voices mumbling wildly at the edge of her consciousness. Anger and hate over the past day, days?, events rushes through her as she jerks to a sitting position, eyes sticky with dried tears pry themselves open, nervously glancing in every direction at once. Hands clenched in tight fists raise to pound at the offending appendages holding her tightly. She can feel her wrath pounding through her veins, veins that feel as if they've been sliced opened a thousand fold, purple fire burns within her searing her wounds shut and traveling along her arms to burn her attacker and free her from their grasp.

A soft cry of pain is cut short, only to be echoed by a keening dripping with anguish and horror. The room finally focuses and Stardust awakens once more to tragedy, Lark stands in the center of the room her mouth wide uttering a seeming unending cry and sway stands in mute horror her body twitching slightly undecided whether to move to Stardusts side or not. The center table is in ruins , wooden boards poking rudely through a twisted and bleeding body, a slight shift in the wooden frame reveals the face of Robin, alternately shifting between pain and fear. Robins wings flutter weakly as her eyes spin in their sockets before finding their way to glare at Stardust, blame and anger burning deep within her bright green eyes that are swiftly losing their luster.
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Re: Dancing in the Dark[Stardust Prettywhisk]

Post by Jenara »

"Nooooo.. Snow... Please... Come back to me!" Stars voice breaks in pain and anguish, pushing aside her attacker she stares down at Robins form.. "Robin, no.. Not you." Reaching down she watches the life drain from her attackers eyes.

"Snow is out there.. I saw her." Star mumbles her mind in turmoil, "I did that?? Oh my.." Her head falls the darkness draining from her body, the blackness of her hair fading to the familiar purple.. "I have to go, I have to leave NOW!" She shouts her eyes flashing in anger, flames surrounding her fingers, engulfing her arms.

(Deleted the last line, added after)
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi