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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

The music echoing through the Crystal Club is practically magical as Pyros dances spritely with the fair-haired Halfling. The sundress twirls about her stunning figure, and a small crown of daisies adorns her head. She laughs and smiles as they dance, tiny droplets of sweat beading her brow. The song ends and the couple stand breathless, holding each other a few moments while the crystals ring their harmonic resonance. The sound slowly fades away as Pyros stares into her rich brown eyes. A blush and a glance to the side as she leans forward, planting a kiss on his cheek. All this dancing is making me thirsty! Why don’t I get us a couple of drinks.

Elsa turns and practically skips to the bar, casting a glance and a wink back at the Kender. The music begins again, this time a man singing. The words are alien to Pyros, but there is something compelling about them. The hall to the stage is temporarily unattended as a small crowd moves to congratulate the latest musician and toast her work at the counter. It may take Elsa some time to get the drinks with the new group ordering, and the passage will likely not be open long… Making a quick decision, Pyros ducks into the unlit tunnel, concealing himself in the darkness there.

Silently he makes his way through the damp passage, the music growing louder and more compelling as he goes. At the end he notes how the tunnel turns away from the stage-front to conceal the entrance… clever… Listening attentively, it’s almost as if he can understand the words… they call to him… nobody would notice a Kender… Without thought he steps slowly onto the stage. The view is magnificent! He can see the entire Amphitheater, the green and all the way back to the Harmonic Hall! Hundreds, if not thousands of people enjoy the show, enraptured by the song and completely oblivious to the trespasser. Something about the music draws him onward, tugging at him from the inside. Silently he steps closer to the singer, a tall man with a deep voice and thick, long greying hair. A high-collar coat of red wool falls below the knee and brushes his high-top boots but obscures the rest of him.

A chill shoots through the Kender, and he recalls that night in the tower with Elsa as she gazed through the wooden door. Her obscured face and the flickering lamplight played tricks on his mind… but this… Without realizing he had closed the distance, Pyros finds himself but a pace or two behind the man. Abruptly the song ends, and the figure turns revealing a furred muzzle and a row of dagger-sharp teeth! The golden gaze of the wolf-man burns into his core as a mocking grin crosses the canine mouth. You should not interrupt, little one… his heavy bass voice says, unless you bring a drink to soothe the throat… something nice and thick and red… The creature turns fully and razor-sharp claws already dripping with bright blood gesture for Pyros to come forward.

Struggling against his own body, he takes a jerky step towards the figure! Then another! The clawed hand reaches out, but stops as the beast looks at something beyond him. Straining his peripheral vision, Pyros sees her… Elsa! He tries to cry out, but his throat seizes up! The Halfling moves towards them, fighting every step, tears streaming down her beautiful face. A dagger appears in the Kender’s hand as she reaches them. Slowly his arm rises, as does the terror in her eyes. … P… please! Rapidly the dagger descends… Jerking and shaking himself Pyros sits bolt-upright, the bright sun streaming in through a gap in the wooden shutters. He sits sweating on the warrior’s bed, Yasir having never returned to the room. Cal lays passed-out on the other bed, face down in the covers…

Cal marvels at the number of beautiful women around. This party was definitely one of the best he had ever attended. Young people milled around, mingling and sipping their drinks. He knew some of the others were here somewhere… wherever he was… In the corner he saw Elsa and Pyros talking… she looked beautiful as always, but the constant resistance was frustrating… Plenty of fish in the sea… Artanis’ words echoed in his mind as a dark figure passed by, obscuring his view. It was difficult for him not to go over and jump into the conversation, but the thick crowd kept him back a little. A gentle laugh nearby pulled his eyes away for a moment.

What does a girl have to do to get noticed, hmm? The voice was sultry, and he realized the figure that had passed in front of him a moment ago was standing to one side. Long, straight raven tresses cascaded down her shoulders and framed her face and bust in a most enticing way. The black silk dress clung tightly to her impressive figure, and luscious red lips pouted just a little below those blue-violet eyes. She was obviously talking to him, but he couldn’t seem to make his voice work. What is such an intelligent looking man like yourself doing staring into space? Buried deep in thought on some complex matter? she asked, innocently. The alluring accent made her words flow smoothly and stirred something inside of him.

Extending a slender arm she offers her hand, which he instinctively takes. You may call me Chandea, and what is your name? Taking her offered hand, Cal plants a light kiss on the back as he mutters something that might have been his name if he had been able to think straight. A small burst of laughter flows from her like the tinkling of silver bells, What a gentleman. She says, caressing his arm lightly as he releases her hand. Shall we sit? she asks, not really waiting for a response. Looping her arm delicately through his, she leads him to a cozy loveseat nearby. She is taller than he, but only by a foot or so.

She shakes her hair back as she sits, providing him with a more interesting view of her low neckline. Drawing him closer to her, she pats the space beside her. Another glance back at Elsa reveals she and the Kender are sitting quite close now, holding hands and speaking intimately. He sits slowly, more because his knees feel unsteady than for attention to his new companion. Cal feels her warm breath on his nape, and that smoldering voice continues, I’ve always found intelligence very attractive… her nails lightly scratch his shoulders and upper back, playfully tracing lines and sending shivers through his body.

His position makes it difficult to watch Elsa without turning in an obvious way, but here was a stunning beauty practically begging for his attention… still he couldn’t resist a glance to his party members… Ah… I see… getting over someone… The comment makes him look back at his new companion, her green eyes regarding Elsa with dismissal. Cal turns back to watch the Halfling as the woman continues, She seems to be happy there… why not give me your attentions… her moist lips brushing his ear as she speaks. There are other fish in the waters… and I am not used to being ignored. The last comes with a painful scratch at the back of his neck.

Muttering something noncommittal he looks at the dark-haired beauty. Her face is perfectly shaped, and the longing in her eyes is palpable. The way her shoulders press forward it is a wonder her dress can contain the rest of her. An elegant arm extends and she traces a line down the side of his face to his chest while the other hand massages his neck. Perhaps we can help each other… you know… you scratch my back, I scratch yours… Her fingers begin to work wonders on his back and shoulder, and he steals one final glance at Elsa, but she has gone! A hand presses into his chest, the nails digging in as the woman presses him firmly onto his back on the loveseat. Pain fires at him as she digs in her sharp nails. Looking up in panic from his back, the panther sinks bloodied claws into him. That too-beautiful face replaced by the creature that hunted him only a day ago!

Awaking with a start, he gasps for air and feels at his chest for a wound; those sharp green eyes burning their memory into his mind…

Artanis' eyes flutter open. The warm sun caresses his face as the babbling stream lulls him with its song. The Ranger checks his fishing line absentmindedly. A small silver fish dangles from his silver hook, briefly casting back sparkling sunshine before he returns it to the water. A small pool near the bank with a shallow entance keeps more bait, but his fish-trap was only an afterthought. When one wasn't hungry, fishing was more about relaxation than success... The land of Kartakass was quite beautiful during the day, when the wolves weren't trying to kill you... Such an odd place...

Artanis' eyes drift closed again as the wind brushes his auburn hair. Drinking in the fresh, early-spring breeze with his lungs a sense of contentment permeates him. What a dream-like world... then again, perhaps this is a dream afterall... If I fall asleep in a dream, would I wake... or dream more deeply... A faint rustling from afar rolls like a wave towards him. The wind was picking up, but there was something odd about it… In a thick forest one could always hear the wind begin from far off, every tree and branch rustled and whispered and spoke if you knew how to listen. His training had taught him it was one of the best ways to move quietly, letting the natural sounds cover your own. Windy weather was some of the best for stalking, so long as the direction was consistent and you could stay downwind… Direction… That was it, the wind had come from the wrong direction…

Slowly opening one lid to just a slit, the half-elf scans the area as best he can without revealing his wakefulness. Through his blurry eye he spots a large brown shape on the far bank. Gradually both his lids open and he watches the grizzly as it tests the air with a huge chestnut hued muzzle, the big black nose twitching back and forth. Satisfied that Artanis bears no threat the shaggy, massive creature meanders unconcernedly to the stream’s far bank, peering down in to the clear water. I guess this is a good fishing spot… It wasn’t unusual for animals to treat him so casually. Often they just went about their own business, or followed and studied him with curiosity… very rarely did they become hostile.

The grizzly raised one powerful paw and swatted the water with a loud, echoing crack! In a spray of glittering water a glistening trout sailed from the creek onto the stones nearby, flipping and turning and trying to reach the water again. An ill-defined tingle tickled the back of Artanis’ mind. At least someone is having some success fishing… he thought, wryly. Again the ursine peers into the water, biding its time. Maybe I should try it that way… the half-elf chuckled to himself. Another thunderclap of paw on water and another trout lay flopping on the bank, bigger than the first. Satisfied for the moment, his new friend picks up the larger fish in its mouth and rolls onto its back, holding the catch in both paws. The wind picked up again, moving in the right direction this time, and that odd sensation returned. The bear too seemed to sense it, ceasing the happy indulgence to look Artanis’ way.

Glancing around the half-elf cannot see anything amiss, but he learned too long ago to trust his instincts. Again the bear’s snout tests the air, the fish quickly forgotten as his shaggy companion climbs to its feet. Hopping up to its back paws, the grizzly reared to its full, imposing height. The narrow creek between suddenly seemed small barrier between the two. He couldn’t be protecting his kill from me… but… Rolling to his feet Artanis drew his longsword and whirled about in one smooth, practiced motion. Barely did he have time to see the horse-sized wolf before it crashed into him!

Sprawling backwards into the rushing water, a sharp pain erupted in his arm and head as his body crashed into the hard stones of the creek. Longsword slipped from numb fingers, and a thickness clouded his thoughts. Damn… the fish… won’t catch anything now… The view of the world around him began to narrow and dim, his head swimming and spinning as he fought for breath. With a start he awoke in sweat-stained sheets, face down on the small bed at the Wayfarer’s rest. His right wrist lay twisted in some odd position beneath his chest, arm having long-since grown numb. Shaking the limb out he quickly regained feeling… everything seemed to be in place. Cross lay on the floor using his spellbook for a pillow, but tossing fitfully.

Moving cautiously through the dense fog, Cross the dagger mage crept with all the silence an elf expecting certain death could muster. He would not run any longer, but that did not necessarily mean he thought he could survive… there was always a way, though. Even if I can’t see it yet, he thought, there is always one slim chance… He had learned that long ago, when he met Gar. Something so unexpected… there had been no way he could have known beforehand… no way he could have seen what would be… but it had been there, that one slim chance. The alley, the sewer… they had been much the same. Gar had saved him… they were linked…

A small clearing in the mist came on abruptly, almost shockingly. A single figure stood within, facing away… the size and build… the age… even the knives at the figure’s waist spoke of a familiarity… Dan… it has to be… but didn’t he… Creeping closer as silently as he could, Cross drew Gar from the scabbard at his waist. Something was wrong… Dan wasn’t moving at all, hardly even breathing… he could end this now, a blade in the back… but… that would make him like them. Curiously he kept low to the ground and moved silently around one side and out of reach… Inch by inch, hoping the slowness of his movement wouldn’t draw attention, Cross made his way.

Slack jaws and a frozen mask of stupefaction adorned his one-time ally. Cautiously he slipped Dan’s daggers out and tossed them aside, ensuring the man was unarmed should he snap out of it. Little more confident, Cross stared into those now milky-white eyes. A waved hand before Dan’s face, a light tap on the arm, a tentatively spoken Dan…? all produced the same result… nothing. Guess he’s really gone then… the elf decided, preparing to leave him there. A low, quiet groan welled from deep within Dan’s body, rising in pitch and volume caused Cross to instinctively take a step back. Death rattle? While standing?

Louder the sound grew, almost like a cry or a rush of air from a window opened in a storm. Mist, thick and white, began to pour forth from the man’s open mouth! Stumbling backwards Cross tried to tear his eyes away and flee but shock seized his gaze like a vise! The smoke poured out like water and formed a burbling cloud before him. A… slackness became apparent in Dan’s features, and he sagged as if whatever held him up was letting go. More and more smoke billowed forth and the body began to collapse in a most unnatural way… Folding and bending the skin that once covered Dan crumpled like a soft leather bladder filled with air slowly deflating.

The churning fog freed from its prison milled and spun and shaped itself into a second figure. Slowly it rose to the height of a person… a form began to resolve… one far too familiar for his liking… the curves of a woman… the pointed ears… he knew, and his twitched around Gar as he readied himself. Cold, clammy air rushed over him from behind like tendrils of some many-legged sea-creature! The mist itself had seized him! A pain seared through his body, and his limbs refused to respond. A tiny tentacle of fog lifted Gar from his numb fingers and floated the one-eyed weapon before his face. A look of satisfaction filled the single eye, and for the first time in ages Gar spoke… This is where we part ways, little one… I have found a much more… interesting playmate… Echoing laughter surrounded them as the point of the dagger tilted towards his throat, slowly edging closer and closer… Thrashing in his foggy bonds the dagger mage felt the tip press hard into his neck, pushing deeper and deeper as the skin bent over painfully. He gritted his teeth and waited fearfully for the skin to break, letting the tip slide deeper. Snap!

With a ragged gasp Cross awoke, the corner of his spellbook digging painfully into the side of his neck. At first the surroundings seemed alien to him, but gradually the events of the previous day returned. I left the mist… found a town… Harmonia… others… Looking up he found Artanis sitting up on the bed nearby… it was day…

[It is now Morning (10 AM) Sunday, Feb 25th. 736.
The party slept in a bit later than usual due to the festival and all of the odd happenings yesterday. Cross and Artanis are up a little earlier than everyone, but that extra time will be spent with spells and tending equipment, etc.

Everyone injured regains 1 hp so Cal is at 8/9 hps, Yas is at 21/23. Odd dreams haunted our heroes, but enough rest was obtained to re-learn spells (sorry, studying spells has to happen after sleep Rivi). Everyone’s Harmonian Language checks go up by 1%! Lol, sorry, it’s a process.

Cross prepares his spells and takes 10 mins to replace Detect Magic with Burning Hands and another 20 minutes to memorize Invisibility.

Cal didn’t cast any yesterday, so he only needs to study his spellbook if he wants to change up his spell list for the day.

Artanis used a cure light wounds, but let me know if you want to change up your set Kerap.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by spyguy1503 »

Cal bolts upright, containing his fear. He gets out of bed, and stretches thoroughly. He then takes out his spellbook. Satisfied with the same spells, he goes for a jog around the city, taking McWhiskers with him.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Cal doesn't take long once he wakes, spells still fresh and unused from the day before. A quick stretch, a glance at the Kender and he and McWhiskers are off. Down in the common room he sees Mira and Elsa speaking quietly by the hearth. The bard seems a trifle worried about something...
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by spyguy1503 »

He walks over, immediately cancelling his jog for now. "Is something wrong?" he asks with concern.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Boys' Room
Yasir finds the door unlocked and heads inside. Pyros, already awake on the warrior's bed, notes that he looks bleary eyed but little the worse for wear from last night.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

"OY, the hero appears! Back from conquering unknown lands?" Pyros will wink.

"I think we need some breakfast! A do over from yesterday morning seems appropriate! You hungry Cal?"
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by Namenlos »

"(Haha!) Indeed, the hero returns after a battle well fought! and how went your own adventures my friend?" Replies Yasir as he sorts through his gear to find a change of clothing, settling on his red shirt and the brown work pants. He slips on his sandals for the moment, expecting the group to be at the tavern for some time.

Yasir rubs his hand across his face to feel his stubble and judge how badly he needs a shave, thinking to yesterday morning and how he borrowed a kit from the barkeep.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

Pyros will go poke the bed where Cal shoudl be.

"It appears we are late to the table!"
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by kerap »

Artanis Auir

"Well Cross, seems like you were wrestling and fighting in your sleep as well. Shall we get ready and go grab some breakfast? I will then be off to the blacksmith to purchase a weapon for my left hand better suited for this...environment."

Artanis looks at his hands, chuckles and thinks to himself: I really need to find and talk to that bear - he really knows how to fish.
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"Women problems." Mira comments to Cal as she moves to stand. "If you'll excuse us for a short while." Taking Elsa's hand she moves to the stairs, passing the boys room as she does so, peering in she sees Yasir and smiles.

"Hey Hero. Join me for a moment please?" She grins, offering a hand.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by Namenlos »

"Then we'd better get down to breakfast before Cross eats it all!" REplies Yasir to Pyros.

"Ah, a Legends work is never done. It looks like I'm needed, I'll meet you down below." He will say with a nod to Pyros as he makes his way to the door to follow Mira and Elsa
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by Rivi »

cross chuckled nervously about the "wrestling and fighting" shaking his head "bad dreams and ones i feel have more weight than they should. i don't normal have bad dreams just caught me off guard i guess?" he gathered his thing patting gar in its sheath and looked down "your not bored of me are you?" and turning back to Artanis "yes lets go down id like to have a look at that book Mira has and maybe the spell she was talking about if nothing comes from that could i acompony you on a fishing trip iv never been any good at it may haps you could give me a pointer"
Demiplane of Dread - Cross aka the dagger mage
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by spyguy1503 »

Cal sees them talking to Yasir. "Woman problems my butt." he mutters. He grabs some fruit and bacon for breakfast, along with cider.
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

Pyros will spring downstairs, and look for food. If there isn't a table going from the ladies, Pyros will try to mime breakfast, same as yesterday.

Maybe with hand gestures that are eating, well shoveling food into his mouth, and then trying to make a pointing backwards motion, or pointing his fingers in an arc.
Also he will mime drinking coffee, by drinking from a cup and blowing on it.

If Cal didn't pick a table, he will wave for him to come over.

"Man I'm hungry!" he will say to noone in particular.

He will also try to say thank you in Harmonian.

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Re: Act 1, Scene 2: "Taking Care of Business" (Game Thread)

Post by kerap »

Artanis Auir

"Not tired of the company at all, Cross my friend. I just need a weapon upgrade - especially if that dream offers any clues. Fishing tips? Why certainly. Unless you're hungry, it has nothing to do at all with actually catching a fish. It's about enjoying the process and relaxing. It is fun to catch some that's for sure. Now if catching a fish is our priority, then we must talk to that grizzly bear, as he's quite good at fishing. Why the funny look? Don't you talk to bears?" Artanis waits for Cross to finish getting ready then opens the door for them to go grab breakfast.

"We can work together in this Cross. You have skills and abilities I don't even understand. I'm like a fish out of water in town. Heh. I really have fish on the brain. So I just follow along in town. If we ever have to hit the road, perhaps my outdoor skills will be of assistance." The Woodsman smiles.
Current Games & Characters:
Demiplane of Dread: Artanis Auir
Rashtan:Glinel Rinelendrieth, Frankie Waldon
The Fall: Bruno Dodd, The Iron Sheik, Denise Dodd, Ald, Dannii Dodd