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<JadedDM's Private Thread>

Homebrewed 2e adventure in the land of Arkantos. Arkantos is a very special place, as most activity is not on the ground or in the sea, but in fact in the skies above. Sky-ships are heavily implied, lest you fall into the barren wasteland of a world below the clouds...

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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

Inserting his finger into the hole does little, but on one of the smaller discs it has an effect. The disc rotates around, following where his finger goes. The lines on the disc move along, which starts to reveal the nature of the puzzle.

(OOC: I've been doing small checks to determine how much you've been receiving hint-wise.)
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by JadedDM »

Not sure what to make of that, Aeolus looks around the area, particularly up high. He searches for a perch high enough that would let him see the entrance while out of sight. If the door has been active lately, he might catch someone else going in or out of it.
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: Whoops, forgot I left you hanging xD )

As Aeolus looks around, he can see a tall, old tree near the corner of the ruin, its roots having grown through the walls in a few places. It has many branches, and a fairly thick one a few yards up the tree.
Map(1).jpg (838.97 KiB) Viewed 9694 times
OOC: As it stands, your village knows about the other villages on your landmass, however they are a few miles away.

The monster camps are there, and you all know. You just choose to avoid them.

Your village is the bulls-eye in the forest, and the ruin is next to it.

As for the towers in the mountains, just ignore that they are there for now ;)
Last edited by chese780 on Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Bam. Have a map.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by JadedDM »

Deciding that is good enough, Aeolus takes flight and perches on the tree. He will make himself comfortable and keep an eye on the overly complicated puzzle door.
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: I'll be making a whole thread for maps and places. What do you think about yours?)

Flying up to the branch, Aeolus finds that he can see the door, but the lines have mostly disappeared from its surface. The tree is fairly tall, and he can almost see over a majority of the trees in the immediate vicinity. While he has been searching, it seems that time has been passing fairly steadily, with the sun being halfway to the crest of the sky.

(OOC: It was like, 8 when we started, it's like... 10ish.)
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by JadedDM »

Aeolus feels he still has some time before his people start to worry about him. He'll wait here awhile longer and see if anything happens. If not, he'll continue his search and then return home.

(OOC: Looks good.)
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: Prepare yourself.)

As he sits on the branch, time passes by. It isn't until about twenty minutes of waiting until something weird happens. A person appears from out of the trees on the opposite side and seems to look directly at Aeolus before they walk up to the door. They start to move their hand along the door in a circular pattern before it glows a bit. Aeolus was able to see that the lines on the door are able to rotate, and would glow once they were completely connected.

(OOC: Made a check on whether you gathered anything about the door as well. You passed.)
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by JadedDM »

Aeolus looks carefully at this person, trying to determine as much information as possible (gender, race, appearance, carrying weapons or armor, etc.) with his eagle-like vision. He's also quite curious why this person has seemingly seen him but doesn't react in any way.
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: Caught up for the day. I'll start with the last and move to the recent. Sorry for the wait. Also, say hello to the constantly recurring being.)

The person at the door is a young woman with orange hair. She doesn't appear to have any weapons, however she is wearing a large amount of brown clothing. As Aeolus sits there, watching her, the door opens and she walks in. It does not close back up however.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by JadedDM »

Curiosity getting the better of him, Aeolus flies back down to the ground and peeks inside the open door.
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

As Aeolus flies down to look in the door, he is met by a breeze flowing out of the opening. Other than that, the door is open and inside is an ancient looking corridor with terrible lighting.

(OOC: I'm working on detailing...)
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by JadedDM »

Readying his spear, Aeolus quietly steps inside. Terrible lighting is better than none at all, he supposes. He keeps his legs tense, ready to bolt if things get hairy. He slowly makes his way down the corridor.
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: Once everyone gets together, this should be much easier to maintain.)

With his spear in hand, Aeolus enters the doorway. A few feet above him is the ceiling, something he would wish not to exist. As he travels down the corridor, there are a few doors that are ruined, some that are pristine, and others that are in between. The lighting is simple, seemingly lit by candles that have seen excessive use.

Ahead of him, he can see that the corridor's ceiling rises, giving way to a large open room.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by JadedDM »

Aeolus looks around to see if there is any clear evidence of which way the woman went.
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Re: <JadedDM's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »


As he continues to walk down the hallway, Aeolus does not find any indication of which way the woman went, however he cannot find any indication that she was even here to begin with other than seeing her at the entrance. All of the doors inside are closed, and the room ahead becomes ever closer.
Drav - Lost Souls: Octhania
Elf - Fighter/Thief - Smith
The Dragon
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Felran - War of teh Lance
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Unnamed - Ravenloft
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