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<Bishgada's Private Thread>

Homebrewed 2e adventure in the land of Arkantos. Arkantos is a very special place, as most activity is not on the ground or in the sea, but in fact in the skies above. Sky-ships are heavily implied, lest you fall into the barren wasteland of a world below the clouds...

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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

Rey runs with the materials that will fuel up the machine. "My arrogance?!? You should harness the flow of neurons out of your head. It would light up all this city and make our island fly like an falcon!" he laughs as he empties a sack of coal to the tank.
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: Inb4 the machine is an over-glorified toaster)

As the fuel is added, the machine picks up noise. Finally, it calms down and the Alchemist looks at it, satisfied.

"You're getting good, Rey. Now, next time you go for a night out, maybe you can mop the knowledge you loose when you drink too much. At this point, I could probably fill the whole lab with it, if it was there in the first place."
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

"It's not me getting good. It's you getting OLD!" Rey winks while he cleans his hands with the apron he is wearing. "So, are we working on a new device today? I had an idea the other day if you care to listen. It will have a slide leading dirty cloth to boiled water, then with small hammers punch it slightly to remove all the dirt, then steam them by picking them up and putting them on a circular moving wire and then blow a hot wind to dry them up. Then it can put the cloth between two heavy flat pieces of metal to iron it. In no time you can have your full wardrobe cleaned and ironed. I guess rich people will pay a lot for that! Unless of course YOU will make it steam the person instead the cloth!" Rey smiles in mischief.
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

"Maybe. I'm still running low on supplies since they manage to disappear often, looking at you Rey. As for your idea, that'd probably work if the rich aren't so attached to their fancy cloths."

As he walks around to the other side of the machine, he comes back with a couple of gears. "Got tired of havin' to buy from that sleazy salesman down the street, so I made a gear press while you slept. Seems the most productive things happen when you're out."
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

"that's because you mistake boredom with productivity." Rey answers. "So, does it create all size of gears? What about changing the number and spacing of the teeth of the gears, and changing the depth of them? You didn't think of it heh? Not so productive after all..."
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: sorry for the wait. Lots of break time = Not on the forum much. Also, because I can't spell the guy's name, I'll keep saying "The Alchemist" )

The Alchemist walks over, flipping a panel on the device, "Actually, I did think of that. In fact, it can make gears as small as a ring up to the size of your head. That's a big one if you ask me."
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

Rey is actually impressed and for a moment puts the sarcasm off, "Really? Wow, this is useful indeed. It will be of great assistance in our future inventions." but after this small misstep he is back himself again and adds, "That's if this one good invention didn't burn out the last three working brain cells you had."
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

The Alchemist laughs, clearly amused at the statement. "This -one- good invention? What about the construct that may or may not actually be here... Where did it go?" he says, looking around. "Anyways, did you strain the few brain cells you have trying to count to how many I have? I can assure you I have more than three left, but if you need help counting higher than that, I'm always here."

(OOC: The Roast Continues)
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

"I'm sure you had..." Rey starts, "Only they stuck to your disappearing construct and gone with it!" He grins. "Anyway, the machine you so terribly tried to destroy is safe now. What are we working on today?"
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

"Today... Let's see," he says, pulling a couple of jumbled papers from his coat. He tosses one to the side, "Done."

Pulling out a small piece of paper from the group, he looks at it for a moment as if questioning its contents. "Well... I did recieve a project from some person I worked with... However, we'd need some more materials to work on it."
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

Rey looks at the 'done' paper says, "Just making sure you didn't miss anything... After all your eyes are not so much these days." he mocks. Then he raises his hands in frustration at the next comment, "I thought THIS" he gestures to the great machine he fixed only moments ago, "Should answer the short-come of materials for our machines! Maybe you should work on something that will predict from ahead if your next invention worth something or not! Wait, there is no need for that. I can tell you now that it doesn't!" Rey starts again smiling, but since they don't have oo much time a day he eventually says "Oh well... I guess I can go to our suppliers and fetch the materials. Just let me look at the designs first."

(OOC: Rey doesn't really mean his mentor machines are worthless. Even just creating all size of gears is a great thing for them and he appreciates it.
He would like to know what was done and make a list of the materials required for the next item. Of course he first wants to know about the next item and might first search for an alternative plan they do have material for it, if the next plan seems boring to him.)
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

(OOC: He wasn't talking about needing gears.)

The Alchemist turns the paper to him, showing the design.

The drawing on it seems to have been drawn by a true artist, having no extra lines or accidental smudges on it. It shows what looks like an airship, but it is... different. The scale on it seems to say it is made for three people at most, and it only measures ten feet long. The oddest part about it is that the schematic shows no cloth sails, only a completely planned out bronze wing design.

The Alchemist turns the note back to himself, "The only issue is how to power it... and how we get /that/ much bronze to fly." As he turns to the machine they made, "This will help a lot, but I still don't know how we can power it. Carbon is out of the question, so would we be able to power it with..... alchemy?"

He then passes a note to Rey, "Here's the basic supply list. I'll take care of the power while you get it."

The note reads:

8 feet of copper, silver, and electrum wire.
15 more pounds of solid bronze.
A device to measure Rey's ego.
6 foot Bronze plate, 1/4 thickness.

(OOC: I can get the map done soon.)
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

Once his mind is busy with digesting the new information Rey becomes very practical and all sarcasm is gone. "Interesting.... Nice draw by the way... Well, I see what you are getting at. I can easily help building the body. With your new machine we can assemble the gears to attach the wings to the body and make them move. I think we should add few joints. Not sure it is flexible enough. Birds can fold their wings in many directions in order to maneuver swiftly while flying. I think also we should need a separate control for each wing. But, wow... this is really interesting... I'd also add a back wing. Like the tail of a bird... So.. power is the issue? What about steam? What about the sun power, can we do something with it? What about the wind? Or the temperature difference above and below the wings? Alchemy you say..." Rey lifts his eyes for the first time since he started checking the sketches, "We never used alchemy so far, right? How does it work?"

(OOC: I assume Rey doesn't know anything about Alchemy.)
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by chese780 »

The Alchemist looks back at the paper, "No, Alchemy won't keep it in the air, and we don't have enough money to afford magical components. I've used alchemy, but it works better for small to medium range transmutation. Essentially, it's a transmutative magic, something that helps with the surprisingly hard-to-get quartz crystals I sometimes need."

He pulls a little notebook from out of his coat. "Well, it seems I'll have to pull in a favor again. For now, work on getting the supplies. We can talk design once we can make something."
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Re: <Bishgada's Private Thread>

Post by BishGada »

Rey returns the papers back, takes his coat and some coin and at the door he says, "If you fall asleep while eating, try not to drop into the plate and suffocate yourself, old man." He laughs, and gives a moment for his mentor to retort with his own sarcastic comment.

(OOC: I assume they have money dedicate to run the workshop, right?
Rey will go to fetch supplies. Is the suppliers in a common area or at private locations?)