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TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

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TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

Please post your character sheet link in this topic as well as filling out the description template:

Physical Description:
Apparent Age (if different):
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Personal Items usually carried:

Personal Information:
*Skills and Abilities:
*Weapons Used:

Background Information:
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

I'll edit and flesh this out as I go, here are the basics. Photo is on the link to the char sheet

Physical Description:
*Name: Mercair Ausir
*Race: Aasimar
*Age: 30
Apparent Age (if different): Mid 20s (Aasimar heritage)
*Height: 6'3"
*Build/Weight: Athletic/210 lbs (16 str)
*Hair: Golden blonde, slightly metallic sheen (Aasimar heritage)
*Eyes: Deep green
Complexion: Fair, but lightly tanned
*Identifying Marks (if present):
Simple but comfortable tunic and breeches under armor. If Armor not worn, finely tailored doublet and breeches. Rich green laced with silver and gold thread on borders and cuffs. Cut to accentuate physique.
Personal Items usually carried: Heward's Haversack, crossbow harness

Personal Information:
Kind, compassionate and outgoing. Loves to talk to people, hear their stories, help if he can. Makes friends easily and quickly, but keeps them for a long time if not betrayed. Has a tendency to give others a second chance, but will always watch them closely when he does. He is not preachy, nor does he proselytize, but seeks to be a living example of his ideals. He has an appreciation for beauty in all its forms, even those that may not seem beautiful on the surface or in a traditional way.

*Occupation: Priest at temple
*Skills and Abilities: daylight 1/day
*Weapons Used: Heavy Mace +1, Light crossbow, short spears (in haversack)

Background Information:
Born to a celestial outsider and a human female, Mercair was an only child and a dutiful son. Never knowing who his father was, he took up manual labor to support his mother once he was old enough and quickly grew in strength and stature. When he was still young, before his 20th nameday, his mother died of an unusual disease that struck so quickly they were not able to save her. His celestial father remained uninvolved and unknown. Searching for answers, and hoping to prevent such tragedies from befalling others, Mercair joined the clergy. He was drawn to Lathander for his strength and focused his efforts on healing (domains Strength and Renewal).

'First Glance' description:
Before you stands the powerful and comely figure of a man in finely wrought banded mail, enameled with vibrant green and chased with elaborate silver ivy. His athletic frame towers well over six feet, but a genuine smile and gentle, understanding eyes of emerald make his presence seem protective rather than oppressive. A full head of flowing golden-blonde hair with a faint metallic sheen crowns a noble brow.

A masterfully crafted metal shield and heavy steel-hafted mace balance opposite sides of the figure. The two are of a set with the armor itself, and deeply and intricately engraved with flowering honeysuckle. A leather pack with simple brass clasps rides high on his broad back above a harness holding a light crossbow and bolt-case just above the hips. The lightly tanned figure carries the heavy gear effortlessly.
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Should be close to complete. I put the gear in and listed what I've paid for in the notes section. If you see where I over/under/unnecessarily paid, let me know and I can correct it.

Once I know where he is starting, I'll pick his spells. I also owe you a little more background detail...
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

I'll post your introduction in the morning. But a quick outline so you can look at spells.

Mercair will find himself summoned to the Temple of Torm. He will be briefed on current events. At this point he will be informed that they fear the clergy of Torm in Waterdeep may have been corrupted by demonic influences. The church of Lathander was requested to provide an independent investigator for the church of Torm, much like the church of Baphamut provided the Church of Tyr with Vrunar.

Mercair has been chosen to investigate the goings on in the Temple of Torm, High Priest Ag, and any related matters. Currently indications of collaboration with a thieves guild, slavery, abductions, and demonic dealings abound. Many have already perished or disappeared in a short time as a team seeks to rescue the abductees.
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Cool. Always happy to help a fellow good-aligned diety :)
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

I have some 2e resources for Forgotten Realms and have been using the Lathander philosophy guide to prep Mercair, but not any mechanics. I did notice that there were several spells for initiates of Lathander in the 3e FR resources. One I came across in 2e that wasn’t in the 3e supplement is below. I was wondering if you would consider allowing it.
Rosetouch P2.jpg
Rosetouch P2.jpg (106.84 KiB) Viewed 11597 times
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Added spells. Just want to verify something: a cleric can trade any spell slot for a cure spell of equal or lesser level?
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

Yes. A cleric can burn any slot for a "cure" named spell. So, you don't have to memorize the cure spells.

Reviewed Rosetouch: I am okay with the concept provided that is used as a domain spell choice.
It needs to be modified for 3.5 rules though: Give it the effect of "make whole" and "magic weapon" and "cure minor wounds"
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Groovy. Renewal domain seems appropriate.
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

A most unusual set of events that you have found yourself in. Roused early in the morning and summoned to the new Temple of Torm. Still under construction, the finished wings are already occupied by Torm's loyal clergy. Stepping through the double doors to the High Priest's office Mercair notices the office is decently sized, but by no means large. A large desk dominates one end. Paintings and murals depicting Torm and heroes of the church adorn three walls. The wall opposite the desk has two portraits hanging upon it. The first a young acolyte of Torm, two male half-elves are at his sides. The second portrait has a slightly older image, one of the two half-elves from the other is depicted, and a golden haired elven girl stands closely between them. Below the paintings at chest height, a brass urn is attached to the wall by its base. The wall all around the urn is dented and gouged. Numerous small stones litter the floor beneath.. Trinkets lay about the room... a dragon scale, an orcish helm, a rug with a depiction of the Chultian city of Mezro...... A set of armor marked with the symbol of Torm lies in a pile near the desk. Parchments lie bunched on the edges of the desk and on the floor. A young auburn haired acolyte of Torm sits behind the desk. he is dressed in simple robes and much too young to be the high priest.

He wastes little time with formalities... Greetings... Mercair is it? I must be brief for we are sorely lacking in time. I am Turic redstone. My allies and I have discovered troubling information concerning Ag High Priest of Torm. Unfortunately, it may have cost them their lives as they have now disappeared. As Torm is a member of the Triad with Tyr and Ilmater, I am now pressed to find an impartial investigator, acceptable to all three churches.... He pauses for a moment... I trust you will understand the seriousness of this situation. Evidence points toward Ag having ties to members of a thieves guild at the least, if not outright allegiance to the realms infernal. He was my mentor. But now I wonder if actually knew him at all.. Many past events that appeared random, now look to have been orchestrated for some dark purpose. Just last night a demonic elven creature was captured trying to infiltrate the group investigating the situation. The group now races to rescue an abducted elven family who are somehow tied the affair... I know this is quite unexpected. Will you pick up this investigation and aid in bringing light to the hidden truth of this matter?
"It's quite a place. A place of good times and bad, of pain and growth, but in the end a place of great hope. - But if you ever do come aboard, remember one thing: No one there is exactly what he seems. But then, who is?"- G'Kar
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Mercair enters the temple promptly, taking in everything he can at his brisk pace. Details were important, and often told the hidden story. The construction itself spoke of a renewal of sorts. Entering the office, he noted the pictures and urn in particular. A missing figure and an urn in close proximity… it might indicate the apparent, but not necessarily… He compared the figures with the young man behind the desk and his own memory of such a public figure as Ag, searching for recognition. The damaged wall hinted that the urn itself had been attacked, or whatever had previously stood there. Quite unusual for such a new building, but such things were puzzle pieces that often fell into place later. The urn itself had no visible damage that he could see, but the sharp stone chips on the floor suggested the damage to the wall was recent enough it had not been cleaned up after.

It was obvious the young man had recently come to the position… or that he was an acting proxy. Mercair simply nodded respectfully at his name, and listened attentively to everything said; responding at appropriate intervals. I will pursue the matter with the utmost delicacy and persistence. Could you provide names and descriptions for the priests that have gone missing? A hint at ties to the infernal within the church of Torm itself is disturbing… I apologize if it seems insensitive, but is there any chance the high priest had been compelled in some way… magically or by a higher power? If that were the case, there might be a chance the others still lived and suffered a similar control. He listens as Turic bears out the rest of the information. I should think meeting up with the group investigating would come first, where can I find them? Do they hold the captured interloper or is the elf hereabouts? I would not want to waste undue time with an elven family in peril, but if the creature is here it might be worth a moment. At the young man’s final query, he stands straight and bold. I will bring light to this issue, by Lathander and all the gods of good, or die trying. A little extra information might help light my way. I do not mean to impose, and if it bears no relation to the case please disregard my rudeness… what happened here? He asks, gesturing to the urn and fallen stone chips.
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

TristenC wrote: I will pursue the matter with the utmost delicacy and persistence. Could you provide names and descriptions for the priests that have gone missing? A hint at ties to the infernal within the church of Torm itself is disturbing… I apologize if it seems insensitive, but is there any chance the high priest had been compelled in some way… magically or by a higher power? If that were the case, there might be a chance the others still lived and suffered a similar control. He listens as Turic bears out the rest of the information. I should think meeting up with the group investigating would come first, where can I find them? Do they hold the captured interloper or is the elf hereabouts? I would not want to waste undue time with an elven family in peril, but if the creature is here it might be worth a moment. At the young man’s final query, he stands straight and bold. I will bring light to this issue, by Lathander and all the gods of good, or die trying. A little extra information might help light my way. I do not mean to impose, and if it bears no relation to the case please disregard my rudeness… what happened here? He asks, gesturing to the urn and fallen stone chips.
OOC: During the conversation, most of the information in The story thus far and active missions will be relayed by Turic.

Well currently there are only two priests missing. Master Ag is best described as a 30 year old stocky human male with receding red hair 5'10" in height weighing approximately 200 lbs. Kata Amblecrown is a Healer of Sharess. A 20 year old human female with blue eyes and short black hair 5'6" in height weighing 115 lbs. It is uncertain how long she has been missing. The shape changing elf demon claims to have taken her place just last night. The other missing agents were not clergy of any faith that I am aware of. Still if they can be rescued or if need be avenged, we should do so. Though not a priest, Thavin is a devote follower of Tyr. Sally Windborn, my personal good friend, is a monk whom Ag took interest in, something about a special request from her order. The others I can not say much about. Kadrain was a wild elf who traveled with Kata. Kean Artair had just arrived in the city.

It is very possible that Ag may have fallen under the influence of an ancient Fey'ri somehow tied to Vestelle Ealoeth. Much is unknown at this point, first he must be found. From Arnora's statements and happenings of the demon's interrogation, we now know that the abductees at least are being compelled by dark sorceries. As for the prisoner, she is currently held at the Halls of Justice under the watch of Tyr's clergy. Hopefully the corruption has not spread to the clergy of the entire Triad.

As for the group remaining, they have split into two groups. One group entired the hidden passage beneath this very temple to search for Ag and the demon mother. The passage is sealed until their return for now. The rest went to the site of the most recent abduction. They were going to backtrack from the Safe haven Inn and try to locate the abducted elves.

Turic chuckles at the question of the urn. Indeed it is the first time a smile has broken upon his lips. Ag uses the urn as a target for practice throws. Since he was a young adept, Ag has been found of the "magic stone" spell in combat..... Unfortunately, Ag is also well known for having a poor throwing arm....
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc: how far is hall of justice from here? Also, would a prot from evil or Sanctuary spell potentially interrupt evil mind-control/posession/cursed items. I'm still fuzzy on 3.5 rules for some of that.]

Mercair takes it all in, processing each piece and carefully filing it away in his head. Your concern for curruption may be well founded, when I am able I will check in on the priests holding the elf-demon to see if any have been affected. Have you any thoughts on how one might be freed from compulsion? It seems there are several imminent matters that require greater urgency. The new construction of the temple seems to be a convenient excuse to position the hidden room. Was there a particular connection with this land or the room's location you are aware of? When you say the entrance is sealed, would I be able to follow? It seems the most urgent task, at the moment.

Looking to the urn again, he cannot shake the sensation that more is there... Forgive me. The story of the urn... it makes no sense to me... Presumably the urn is to honor someone he has known... would anyone be so callous as to cast stones at the remains of an ally? There seem to be no marks on it, is it protected somehow? I only ask because this appears to be Ag's office, and there may be many subtle clues about that familiar eyes might dismiss. The whole thing seems odd to me. I may be overstepping myself here, but I will be relentless in my duty and would consiser it a failure on my part not to make this next potentially offensive suggestion. Can it be opened and examined, he holds up a gauntleted palm to stall any protest, by yourself or another who would respectfully but thoroughly examine it?

[OOC: sorry if I went a little 'off the reservation' with the urn thing. The conditions just seems blatantly out of place to Mercair.]
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by mltillis »

OOC: The Halls of Justice are in the same city ward 20 to 30 minutes travel from the new Temple of Torm. Protection from evil may work?

The details of the interrogation have not been relayed to me just yet. However there is indication of some type of magical control device that is placed upon the victims. I would suspect its removal would be necessary.. Turic muses. There is nothing specific that I am aware of concerning these grounds. This was part of the city that suffered damage during the Time of Troubles, when Midnight destroyed Myrkul God of Death in the skies above the city.. As for entering the passage it is sealed and under guard for 24 hours. With shape changers about, the group entering did not wish anyone to follow and lead to confusion about identities.

Turic chuckles again at the further questioning about the urn. What? No! Here take a closer look. The urn is empty and open. Ag mounted it to the wall as a target. He was obssessed with improving his throwing skill. But as you can see the urn is unblemished.

When Mercair examines the urn he catches a glimpse of something shiny. A key lies within.

OOC: Ag was originally a PC in a tabletop game from 1991. While low level his player always tried to use the "magic stone" spell but was cursed with bad dice rolls. I doubt he ever hit anything with a stone toss, during his play.
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Re: TristenC ((Mercair Ausir)) Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

And this key? he asks, removing it to show Turic.

If the key's revelation ia not a cause for a change in plans, he will continue.
Who leads the group at the Safe Haven inn? With the others inaccessible, that seems my best course at this point.