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CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by JadedDM »

Haahqae (Steel Tankard Inn, common area)
The black woman speaks up. "Lizardmen? Sligs or troglodytes? We've dealt with both."

"Oh, I hope they're not troglodytes," the white woman adds. "The smell is impossible to get out of your clothes." She makes an unpleasant face, as if remembering the scent so strongly she can smell it again, then shivers slightly. "In any case, as my companion pointed out, we have experience dealing with either. For a share of the loot, we'll offer our services to you."

Kendra Greylock (Toom's former home)
Kendra has neither paper nor ink, and thus no way of leaving a message. She starts to look around, hoping that maybe Toom had some in his house before he died that she could use.

As she is searching, the same wine rack as before suddenly moves aside on its own, revealing the secret door. Sadron steps through, lifting his cloak's hood to reveal his face. "I thought you might stop by tonight," he says. "Seems I was right. Did you learn anything useful?"
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by djhyland »

Arulia listens to her father's plan, then nods grudgingly. "If I...if all of us...get a say and if we won't be forced to marry anyone we don't like, I suppose it won't hurt to try." Although she's apprehensive about the whole matter to say the least, she has to admit that she's a little curious at what kind of man might want to court her.
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by Haahque »

"Oh no, they're neither of those. I think they were called Hitchii or something like that. And you'll join for an equal share? Great, the meeting place is here, tomorrow morning."

Haahqae was a little tired, and the conversation seemed over so he went back up to his room for a short nap, then to practice his juggling routine for the evening.
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra turns to face Sadron looking slightly surprised to see him. After what happened the night before, she was sure that she wasn't going to see him again, but here he was. She takes a couple of steps towards him, but stops herself from going any further than that. "The day after tomorrow, we march on your people," she says. "And that doesn't really give you a lot of time to prepare."
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (Toom's former home)
Sadron takes a step back in surprise. "No...that isn't enough time to do anything," he laments. "What can only a handful of us do to stop an army in such a short window of time?" He turns away, placing a hand on the wall to support himself. "It's hopeless...utterly hopeless."

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
"That's the spirit," Thoron says. "I'll put the word out and we'll see who responds. With any luck, you girls will all be taken care of in the lap of luxury and money will never be a problem again."

"Well, I hope I get someone who's not just rich, but handsome, too," Niniva says. "And who will buy me nice things."

"So, the opposite of your old dad then, eh?" Thoron teases.
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by spyguy1503 »

"I'm a moderate blacksmith and a decent navigator. And I can smash things."
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by TristenC »

Well you certainly look like you can smash things... Any particular reason you want something unofficial? This isn't exactly the best place for that... Lowering his voice further he practically whispers, Are you and your friend being actively sought out?

Turning to the newly clad apparent half-elf, he speaks more normally, And what useful skills do you have?
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra stands there, awkwardly for a few moments, as she wasn't really sure what to do. Hesitating for a moment, she reaches out and places her hand upon his shoulder as if that was suppose to help bring him some comfort. "Sadron," she says softly. "You can't give up hope yet."
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by djhyland »

Arulia nods half-heartedly at her father's words. While he and Niniva joke of handsome and generous suitors, she moves to sit next to Cassilda and Camilla. Frowning, she asks, "And what do the two of you think of this?"
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (Toom's former home)
Sadron sighs and turns to face her. "Yes...yes, you are right, of course. I cannot give up, my people are depending on me. But...I do not know what to do. If only we had more time..," he laments. "Unless you have any ideas, our only real option is to retreat back to the elflands and try and help speed up the evacuation the best we can."

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
"Gosh, I had never really thought about it before," admits Cassilda. "It always seemed so...far off, I guess. But I guess if it helps the family..."

Camilla crosses her arms. "I don't like it. Boys are stupid, why would anyone want to marry one?"
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by spyguy1503 »

"... not actively. But... let's just say they aren't our best friends right now."
LSO: Gallath, Elf Thief- SendHelp
WotL:Ne-Chanz, Minotaur Fighter- Casual Murder
Demiplane:Cal Lightfoot, Gnome Thief/Illusionist (Improv Kit)- Chilling
AD:LitC: Jacen Terro, Half-Elf fighter- HOLD
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I'm not really sure there is a way to stop the army before it reaches your people," Kendra says softly. "Even doing random attacks on small groups of the army while they are marching isn't really going to make a dent."
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by djhyland »

Arulia nods at Camilla's refusal. "If you don't want to marry, then you won't. I'll make sure of it."

"Don't do it only because it helps the family, Cassilda," Arulia suggests. "If you find someone that you wish to marry, do it because you like him and because you want to marry. Marrying someone only to help the family isn't a good enough reason." Deciding that an example might make more of an impact than mere advice, she continues. "I know a woman...a friend...who married to support her family, even though she loves another. She is unhappy, and it isn't fair to her, her husband, or the man she loves. I don't want to see the same thing happen to you."
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra Greylock (Toom's former home)
"They would wipe us out in a second," Sadron admits. "Especially if they have any dragons with them, and I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't. There is only a dozen of us, at best. Even ambush 'hit and run' tactics would do little against them." He shakes his head.

"I'll send word to my people. For now...I hate to ask more of you, Kendra, but if you can learn anything more useful about them that would help us...perhaps we'll get lucky and some window of opportunity will open for us, something we can use or exploit."

Arulia Seroth (323 Three Forks, Seroth residence)
Cassilda tilts her head. "But, if we don't get married, won't the family go broke and then we'll all be unhappy?" she asks earnestly. "Is love for a husband more important than love for a family? Isn't all"
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Re: CH. 7: The Viper's Nest

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas looks at the priestess straight in the eyes. "Look... I relate to your cause. Let's start with what we agree. As I told Leota, I heard about people disappearing in the area. As I had very bad mood lately I figured out I should investigate it. Either I succeed recover them or die. Apparently the church was interested in me searching the area as they called me to interrogate about my actions in the area. When I explained they told me to continue the investigation and just report to them. In return the high priestess gave me permission to carry weapons and stay out after curfew. I also heard that the church asked Magnus to find you. That's why I thought it was him who came here. Anyway, I don't think they knew you are here. Maybe they suspected but there was still the possibility that the disappearances and you are not related.
Now Leota explained to me why you had to take these people.
Regarding this so called rescue mission... The only people know me by name that I can think of are Magnus and Takhysis priestess, but you said you know Magnus and it wasn't him, so maybe the church sent new mercenaries after me or maybe it's the guys from the company I participate in when we went to kill the giant. I'm sure you heard of it. It made quiet a fuss few weeks ago.

(OOC: When I said before few days it wasn't Tulbas trying a lie, it was me losing track of things... :? )