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Places and People

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Places and People

Post by JadedDM »

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Population: 14,889 (humans 82%, kender 8%, draconians 3%, elves 2%, dwarves 2%, goblins 2%, hobgoblins 1%)
Government: Theocracy
Religion: Seekers
Trade: Grain, wine, steel weapons and armor

The largest city in Abanasinia, Haven is a farming community centrally located between Solace and Gateway. Haven has been dubbed the Lordcity of Abanasinia by its inhabitants, who naively believe their city rivals the great Lordcity, Palanthas. Still, Haven is an important hub of activity in Abanasinia. Its fertile farmlands yield many crops that help sustain the local people. In the past, even the Qualinesti elves purchased their grapes from Haven vineyards, making a wine that became famous throughout Ansalon. Because of its central location, Haven has long attracted false religions seeking to gain influence and power. The Seeker Theocracy has currently developed Haven as a stronghold, working to gain both religious and political dominance in the lands of Abanasinia.

Although Haven is geographically large, its population has been rather small in the past, numbering at most about five thousand people. However, with the recent droves of refugees flooding the city in search of safety, the population has swollen to over fifteen thousand. With such a massive explosion, thieves and other people of dubious professions walk the streets. Seeker Guards are stationed throughout the city, and view everyone with suspicion. The city is surrounded by a low marble wall that was originally constructed to keep out wildlife. A guardhouse at the city gates, which were, until recently, left open during the day, welcoming people from across the land. The gates are now closed to bar the entry of more refugees. Six tall, marble towers stand at even intervals along the wall. The town houses a grain mill, street markets, and blacksmith.
Haven.jpg (442.5 KiB) Viewed 8513 times
01. Blackrock Bakery
02. Council Hall - This structure is a large hall supported by six towers, representing the six towers that surround the city. From the Council Hall, the Council of High Seekers spread the word of their new gods of truth. Currently, refugees flock to this temple, begging the Seekers to demonstrate the powers of their gods and protect them from the evils in the north. Here, the Seeker leaders meet to discuss plans for dealing with the city’s new trials and tribulations, and levy decrees they hope will keep their streets safe.
03. Daft Gnome Ale House
04. Grand Market
05. Grinning Goat Tavern - A rowdy place, and not the sort of place for the weak.
06. Haven Jail
07. Haven River Docks
08. High Hand Inn - A decent inn, but filled to capacity with refugees from the north.
09. Karn the Blacksmith
10. Steel Tankard Inn - Calling the Steel Tankard a dive would be charitable. They serve lousy ale and watery dwarf spirits at prices that don’t encourage moderation; they have a loyal clientele of drunkards and ne’er-do-wells. Unfortunately, it’s also the only inn in town with any rooms remaining—the Ivy Inn and High Hand Inn are both full, and almost every private house has rented out space to refugees. The Steel Tankard will rent space on the floor of the common room for a copper a night; after last call, those who’ve paid up can bunk down on the beer-stained floor and try to catch some sleep.
11. Mageware Shop - A strange Silvanesti elf named Raetmal Erogundali runs the place.
12. Old Keep - An armory for the citizens of Haven that is the proudest building in all of the city. It is a large tower made of granite that was built long ago by Dwarves from Thorbardin to guard the city from pirates and raiders from the surrounding woodlands. It is currently used as a base of operations for the Holy Guard.
13. Livestock Exchange
14. Rose Hall
15. Sharl Weaving
16. Swan's Musicians
17. The Blind Chandler
18. The Fine Cobbler's Shop
19. The Ivy Inn - An inn famous for having ivy completely covering the entire building. The Ivy is located in the southeastern section of Haven, known to be a fairly decent part of town. The whitewashed stone building has a second story in the back that widens towards the front as it slopes lower to the front. Like many inns, the Ivy Inn has rooms to rent, a common room, a kitchen and a bar. The kitchen is off to the side of the main building and has a stable in the back to house its occupant's horses. Outside the inn is a green-and-white-painted sign proudly proclaiming it to be The Ivy.
20. Trade Guild
21. Seven Centaurs Inn - A nice inn known to serve hot food, hot baths, and have its own stable. It's currently filled to capacity.
22. The Masked Dragon - One of the largest inns in Haven. Minstrels play in its walled-in courtyard and entertain people as they drink. When night comes, torches are lit and put into holders in the walls. It's currently filled to capacity.
23. Haven Arms - An inn known to have served ale almost as good as Otik Sandath's, and it is known for its scrapple (scraps of port stewed with meal, then pressed into cakes).
24. The Happee Ohgr - A tavern that's sign appears to be purposely misspelled, and has a picture of an obviously drunken ogre on it. It is a smoky den with drunks in the corners or slumped over sticky tables.

People of Haven
Elistan (Human Male) - The current leader of the Highseekers. He was captured and sent away by the army after the occupation, as were all the Highseekers.

Orin Woodwind (Human Male) - The captain of the Holy Guard. An older man, in his forties, with long sandy blond hair and hazel eyes. Although normally quite fastidious in his grooming, for the past few months he seemed to always have some stubble. He is a strong, muscular man; no doubt he was quite dashing in his youth. But the strain of his job has aged him considerably. He and his family were taken away after the occupation began.

Locar (Human Male) - The deputy Highseeker under Elistan. He was a rude, abrasive man who was taken away after the occupation started.

Gerin Serrund (Human Male) - The former mayor of Haven, he was recently deposed by the Seekers when they took over the government.

Pen (Kender Male Fighter) - A kender that Kynaston met arguing with an old lady. She accused him of theft, but it turned out he was innocent. He won Kynaston's long sword as a result. He also helped Kendra escape from a riot through roof hopping. He wears a blue shirt and blue leggings, a white cap with little fox ears on the top, and a green backpack and blue cloak. His boots are mud-splattered to the point that their color can't be identified. He's also wearing a sword on his back. He later rescued Kendra from a riot and helped her find the rest of the party. Then he joined Kendra and Darga when they went into the sewers for the thieves' guild and managed to save Kendra's life when she went down.

Roger/Robert (Human Male) - The innkeeper at the Steel Tankard. He's an ugly bald man. Not much for book-learning. He'll do just about anything for coin, though.

Norris Greylock (Human Male) - Kendra's husband, a handsome and wealthy man who owns his own jewelry shop. He cares for her greatly, but is worried about the dangerous jobs she keeps taking.

Karn (Human Male) - A tall, muscular fellow from Gateway originally. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He took over the blacksmith shop in the city after Kynaston's father left. He's married to Zoya.

Rye (Human Male) - Gregeddin's father, a professional entertainer.

Civila (Human Female) - Gregeddin's mother, a professional entertainer.

Bear (Human Male Barbarian) - A barbarian with a mine in the Kharolis Mountains, not far from Haven. He hired the party to help him clear out the 'demons' that had infested it. He is quite large, both in height and muscle size. He also sports quite a few scars and tattoos on his face, arms and legs. He has black hair and a beard and wears some kind of clay tribal token around his neck. He wears what appears to be masterwork leather armor and bears an exquisite great axe upon his back. The party helped him clear out his mine from 'demons' that turned out to be mostly kobolds and sligs.

Daxia Cheroneau (Half-Elf Female Mage) - A young woman that Coroccoco met in the Haven Arms. Her long red hair, in two separate braids, covers up her ears. Her eyes are an azure blue and her nose, which scrunches up when she smiles, is dotted with freckles. Her clothing appears to be clean and in good repair; likely they're made of silk or some other expensive material. She's thin and fairly wispy in build. She carries no visible weapons and wears no protective armor. The bastard daughter of an Ergothian nobleman who was ousted from her home when her father died. Although her father named her heir, her uncle usurped the duchy for himself and put a price on Daxia's head. She fled to Haven to survive but the Ergothians pursued. She was captured by the Cultists of the Master with Tulbas' help, and was to be turned back over to the Ergothians. The party intervened, though, and rescued her. She and Kynaston left the city shortly after, hoping to reach the Tower of Wayreth where she might be safe.

Kelryn Darewind (Human Male) - A prophet that was preaching in the marketplace of Haven. He claims to serve a true god, known only as the Master. He has demonstrated what appears to be healing magic. He wears fine robes of black with gold trim and a dark green cloak. He has long black hair pulled back into a ponytail. He appears young--no more than 20, at least, and yet his eyes reflect the wisdom and experience of old age. He was incinerated by Verminaard.

Ward (Human Male) - One of the Holy Guard. He's married, but often flirts with Kendra. He's a drunk and something of a bully, as well. He's been charged with finding a fake potion seller in the city, by orders of Elistan. He has recently gone missing along with a young Holy Guard named Stennis.

Raetmal Erogund (Silvanesti Male Mage) - The owner of the only mageware shop in the city and the uncle of Tulbas. He is a dark Silvanesti elf who was banished from his homeland. He moved to Haven in 346 AC and took over the mageware shop. He was killed by Magnus right before the occupation began.

Cassandra (Human Female) - She's an older lady, maybe middle aged; a barmaid at the Steel Tankard. She was probably once rather pretty, but harsh living had worn her down. She has brown skin, hair and eyes. An old, nasty scar runs down the right side of her face. Her eyes have bags under them, and she has a rather bleak look to her.

Nora (Human Female) - Kelryn Darewind's second in command. She's a woman in her late twenties or early thirties, has short black hair and hazel eyes. She fervently believed in Darewind, but was nearly killed by the Flamestrike that incinerated him. Verminaard healed her and she disappeared after that.

Aaron (Human Male) - A boy, no more than 6 or 7 years old, dressed in rags with short brown hair and big brown eyes. Darga caught him pickpocketing.

Rangle Synclair (Human Male) - Kendra's father. He lost a leg to goblins. Prior to that he was a woodcutter. Unable to find work since his accident, he is forced to stay at home and do nothing.

Garnet Synclair (Human Female) - Kendra's mother.

Tristan and Jamie Synclair (Humans Male and Female) - Kendra's two younger siblings, ages 6 and 3.

Magnus (Human Male Mage) - A human male dressed in black robes. He has a hideous disfiguration upon his face. It is as if a part of his cheek had been torn away, but never healed. He stands with authority and seems to radiate power. He is a member of the Order of Nuitari. He admits he is not a real follower, but suspects Darewind is a renegade and was sent here by the Wayreth mages to investigate. He also claims to have been asked by Raetmal to watch over and protect Tulbas. However, in truth, he was sent by the Red Dragonarmy to cause chaos and weaken the Holy Guard. He later killed Raetmal and forced Tulbas to become his apprentice.

Barten (Human Male) A pudgy man with deep tanned skin from long hours in the sun and short red hair. Worry eyes line his eyes beady brown eyes. His clothes are simple, but well made and obviously tailored for his size, suggesting he is no refugee or simple farmer--at least, not anymore. He is wearing a silver ring on his ring finger of his right hand that he often unconsciously rubs.

Rulasiat (Elf Male) - He stands tall and lean with pale skin and long black hair. He has a hawk-like nose and his eyes, violet, seem sharp and penetrating. His clothes are even finer in make than the human's, including a green cloak with gold trim and a silk shirt.

Marvin (Human Male) - An old herbalist and apothecary. He was rather eccentric, but largely harmless. He often sells some of his herbs to Raetmal, so Tulbas has met him and Agatha before. And despite all of the rumors about him, whenever someone had a fever or had a wound become infected, they often went straight to Mad Marvin for help regardless.

Agatha (Human Female) - Marvin's wife and a taxidermist.

Zoya (Human Female Fighter) - One of the bouncers at the Masked Dragon Inn. She is the wife of Karn, the local master blacksmith who took over the smithy after Kynaston's father left.

Mateo (Human Male Fighter) - One of the bouncers at the Masked Dragon Inn. He was killed by Burzan in the mountains when the party was hunting a giant.

Crystal (Human Female Thief) - She has blonde hair and hazel eyes and is wearing soft, form-fitting leather, a pair of daggers on her belt. Crystal is one of Necolai's top thieves. Although self-serving and sarcastic, she is useful in a fight and helped save Kendra's life when she was in the sewers.

Necolai (Human Male) - Necolai is a handsome man with brown hair and a vandyke beard. He's a large man, fairly burly, with an old scar across one cheek from his mercenary days. He often wears quite a bit of jewelry, including gold earrings and several pendants. He runs Haven's biggest crime syndicate.

Gabrielle (Human Female) - A new, young recruit of the Holy Guard.

Raena (Dwarf Female Fighter) - She is a dwarven woman wearing chain mail. She has two hand axes on her belt and a crossbow on her back. She has brown hair in braids, brown eyes, light skin and some kind of dwarf rune tattooed on her face. Only seems to care about money. Was hired by Darewind to kill Gregeddin, Haahqae, and Tulbas to help kill a giant. But she had also been hired by Darewind to slay the three. She was unsuccessful.

Burzan (Male Half-Ogre Fighter) - He stands seven feet tall or more, and likely weighs 300 pounds at least. It's clear he is at least part ogre in heritage. His hair and beard are stringy and black, his eyes are brown and his skin is somewhat yellow. He wears some kind of hide armor that must have been custom made for his size. A massive maul is slung over his back, as is a quiver full of throwing javelins. He once took on an entire group of bandits by himself. Is a true believer of Darewind and was sent to kill Gregeddin, Haahqae, and Tulbas. He slew Mateo, but otherwise failed.

Ismene (Female Gnome Illusionist) - She is a gnome dressed up in red but wears no armor and the only visible weapon she carries are a pair of daggers on her belt. She has blond hair that's rather messy and pulled out of her face with a red bandanna. Her eyes are grey and her skin pale, especially for a gnome. A ferret follows her around, constantly underfoot but somehow always managing to not get stepped on. She talks a lot and the Wayreth mages had to put a Geas on her so she wouldn't blab their secrets. She's hoping for an opportunity to prove her magic is useful. She only took her Test two years ago. The party hired her to help slay a giant.

Miriam Langtree (Female Human Fighter) - She's tall and muscular, with a long sword at her hip and a shield on her back. She wears plate mail and keeps the helm tucked under her arm. She holds her head high and walks with her back straight. Her face is a complete mask of stoicism. She has brown hair, braided so it can be easily tucked under her helm, green eyes, and fair skin. She is the daughter if the Mad Baron, Ivor Lantree of Blodehelm. She left home because she wanted an opportunity to prove herself a worthy heir without relying on her reputation and title. The party hired her to help slay a giant.

Jaymes Green (Male Human Ranger) - Jaymes has black hair, including a vandyke beard, and brown eyes. A scar covers his left eye, but he seems capable of seeing through it just fine. He is a mountain ranger who lost someone he cared about when a hill giant attacked the refugees outside of the city. He has an intense dislike of sorcery, after his parents were killed in the Belzorite riots.

Thom (Human Male) - A villager from Esker. He was captured by the hill giant and rescued by the party.

Sera (Human Female) - A villager from Esker. She was captured by the hill giant and rescued by the party.

Bryce (Human Male) - A villager from Esker. He was captured by the hill giant and rescued by the party.

Vera Seroth (Human Female) - Arulia's mother and a cobbler.

Thoron Costen (Human Male) - Arulia's step-father, husband to Vera. He is a blacksmith's apprentice.

Niniva Costen (Human Female) - Arulia's 17 year old little sister. She is somewhat shallow and dreams of marrying rich.

Cassilda Costen (Human Female) - Arulia's 14 year old little sister. She is an innocent with a very black and white worldview.

Camilla Costen (Human Female) - Arulia's 12 year old little sister.

Fizban (Human Male Mage) - A strange old man with a long white beard wearing mouse colored robes, claiming to be a powerful mage. He seemed a little cooky, though. At the same time, there definitely was more to him than meets the eye.
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Re: Places and People

Post by JadedDM »

Haven (Occupied)
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Population: 5,239 (humans 91%, dwarf 3%, half-elf 3%, goblin 2%, other 1%) plus occupation force of 5,621 (32% Baaz, 25% Goblin, 19% Kapak, 16% Hobgoblin, 7% worg, 1% other)
Government: Theocracy
Religion: Takhisis
Trade: Grain, wine, steel weapons and armor

The largest city in Abanasinia, Haven is a farming community centrally located between Solace and Gateway. Haven has been dubbed the Lordcity of Abanasinia by its inhabitants, who naively believe their city rivals the great Lordcity, Palanthas. Still, Haven is an important hub of activity in Abanasinia. Its fertile farmlands yield many crops that help sustain the local people. In the past, even the Qualinesti elves purchased their grapes from Haven vineyards, making a wine that became famous throughout Ansalon. The city was recently conquered and occupied by the Red Dragonarmy forces to be used as a staging ground to launch an attack on Qualinesti.

The city is surrounded by a low marble wall that was originally constructed to keep out wildlife. A guardhouse at the city gates, which were, until recently, left open during the day, welcoming people from across the land. Six tall, marble towers stand at even intervals along the wall. The town houses a grain mill, street markets, and blacksmith.
Haven (Updated).jpg
Haven (Updated).jpg (438.32 KiB) Viewed 7697 times
01. Blackrock Bakery
02. Temple of Takhisis - This structure is a large hall supported by six towers, representing the six towers that surround the city. Centuries ago, it was a temple to Paladine. More recently it was converted into a council hall for the Seekers during their reign. With the occupation, the Seekers have been disbanded and the hall has been made into a temple to Takhisis, the matron of the Dragonarmies. The black robed priests provide many services, including magical healing. However, the price is not always worth paying--and I'm not talking about coin.
03. Daft Gnome Ale House
04. Grand Market
05. Grinning Goat Tavern - A rowdy place, and not the sort of place for the weak.
06. Haven Jail
07. Haven River Docks
08. High Hand Inn - A decent inn, not too expensive but not too cheap. Felran, Ne-Chanz and Grubnick stay here.
09. Karn the Blacksmith
10. Steel Tankard Inn - Calling the Steel Tankard a dive would be charitable. They serve lousy ale and watery dwarf spirits at prices that don’t encourage moderation; they have a loyal clientele of drunkards and ne’er-do-wells. Haahqae stays here.
11. Mageware Shop - A Sorcerer of Nuitari named Magnus now runs this place. Tulbas lives here.
12. Old Keep - An armory for the citizens of Haven that is the proudest building in all of the city. It is a large tower made of granite that was built long ago by Dwarves from Thorbardin to guard the city from pirates and raiders from the surrounding woodlands. It is currently used as a base of operations for the Red Dragonarmy.
13. Livestock Exchange
14. Rose Hall
15. Sharl Weaving
16. Swan's Musicians
17. The Blind Chandler
18. The Fine Cobbler's Shop
19. The Ivy Inn - An inn famous for having ivy completely covering the entire building. The Ivy is located in the southeastern section of Haven, known to be a fairly decent part of town. The whitewashed stone building has a second story in the back that widens towards the front as it slopes lower to the front. Like many inns, the Ivy Inn has rooms to rent, a common room, a kitchen and a bar. The kitchen is off to the side of the main building and has a stable in the back to house its occupant's horses. Outside the inn is a green-and-white-painted sign proudly proclaiming it to be The Ivy.
20. Trade Guild
21. Seven Centaurs Inn - A nice inn known to serve hot food, hot baths, and have its own stable.
22. The Masked Dragon - One of the largest inns in Haven. Minstrels play in its walled-in courtyard and entertain people as they drink. When night comes, torches are lit and put into holders in the walls.
23. Haven Arms - An inn known to have served ale almost as good as Otik Sandath's, and it is known for its scrapple (scraps of port stewed with meal, then pressed into cakes).
24. The Happee Ohgr - A tavern that's sign appears to be purposely misspelled, and has a picture of an obviously drunken ogre on it. It is a smoky den with drunks in the corners or slumped over sticky tables.
25. Trench Residence (12 River Way) - Kynaston used to live here. He gave the place to Darga when he left the city, and with Darga now dead the building is unclaimed.
26. Greylock's Gorgeous Gems (2527 Market Street) - Norris Greylock and his wife Kendra live here.
27. Gregeddin's parents house (15 Market Street) - Gregeddin's parents, Rye and Civila, live here.
28. Synclair residence (2723 Crooked Road) - Kendra's parents and siblings live here.
29. Seroth residence (323 Three Forks) - Arulia and her family live here.
30. Gregeddin's house (300 Market Street) - Gregeddin and Shima live here.

People of Haven
Tethys (Bozak Male) - The Flight Marshall of the First Red Flight and the current Prefect of Haven under Verminaard's command. He is at least 6 feet, if not an inch or two more. His scales have a bronze tint to them and ram-like horns protrude from the back of his head. He carries himself with authority. His orange eyes gleam with intelligence and cunning.

Gerin Serrund (Human Male) - The former mayor of Haven, he was recently deposed by the Seekers when they took over the government.

Pen (Kender Male Fighter) - A kender that Kynaston met arguing with an old lady. She accused him of theft, but it turned out he was innocent. He won Kynaston's long sword as a result. He also helped Kendra escape from a riot through roof hopping. He wears a blue shirt and blue leggings, a white cap with little fox ears on the top, and a green backpack and blue cloak. His boots are mud-splattered to the point that their color can't be identified. He's also wearing a sword on his back. He got his hat after skinning an evil bear. He's trying to track down a haunted mansion where a vampire lives. He later rescued Kendra from a riot and helped her find the rest of the party. Then he joined Kendra and Darga when they went into the sewers for the thieves' guild and managed to save Kendra's life when she went down. He was later hired by the party to fight the Neo-Belzorites. Some time later, he agreed to help Kendra investigate the town rebels.

Roger/Robert (Human Male) - The innkeeper at the Steel Tankard. He's an ugly bald man. Not much for book-learning. He'll do just about anything for coin, though. He's one of the members of the Trade Guild. He was recently arrested by the prefect.

Norris Greylock (Human Male) - Kendra's husband, a handsome and wealthy man who owns his own jewelry shop. He cares for her greatly, but is worried about the dangerous jobs she keeps taking. He's one of the members of the Trade Guild. He was recently arrested by the prefect.

Karn (Human Male) - A tall, muscular fellow from Gateway originally. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He took over the blacksmith shop in the city after Kynaston's father left. He's married to Zoya. He's one of the members of the Trade Guild. He was recently arrested by the prefect.

Rye (Human Male) - Gregeddin's father, a professional entertainer. He was recently arrested by the prefect.

Civila (Human Female) - Gregeddin's mother, a professional entertainer. She was recently arrested by the prefect.

Bear (Human Male Barbarian) - A barbarian with a mine in the Kharolis Mountains, not far from Haven. He hired the party to help him clear out the 'demons' that had infested it. He is quite large, both in height and muscle size. He also sports quite a few scars and tattoos on his face, arms and legs. He has black hair and a beard and wears some kind of clay tribal token around his neck. He wears what appears to be masterwork leather armor and bears an exquisite great axe upon his back. The party helped him clear out his mine from 'demons' that turned out to be mostly kobolds and sligs. After the occupation, the mine was seized by the dragonarmy, leaving Bear penniless. He's currently waiting out the winter in the Steel Tankard.

Cassandra (Human Female) - She's an older lady, maybe middle aged; a barmaid at the Steel Tankard. She was probably once rather pretty, but harsh living had worn her down. She has brown skin, hair and eyes. An old, nasty scar runs down the right side of her face. Her eyes have bags under them, and she has a rather bleak look to her. She was forced to take over the Tankard after the innkeeper was arrested.

Nora (Human Female) - She was Kelryn Darewind's second in command. She's a woman in her late twenties or early thirties, has short black hair and hazel eyes. She fervently believed in Darewind, but was nearly killed by the Flamestrike that incinerated him. Verminaard healed her and she disappeared after that. She later turned up in the Temple of Takhisis, training to become an acolyte.

Aaron (Human Male) - A boy, no more than 6 or 7 years old, dressed in rags with short brown hair and big brown eyes. Darga caught him pickpocketing. He now lives with some mysterious caregiver.

Rangle Synclair (Human Male) - Kendra's father. He lost a leg to goblins. Prior to that he was a woodcutter. Unable to find work since his accident, he is forced to stay at home and do nothing.

Garnet Synclair (Human Female) - Kendra's mother.

Tristan and Jamie Synclair (Humans Male and Female) - Kendra's two younger siblings, ages 6 and 3.

Magnus (Human Male Mage) - A human male dressed in black robes. He has a hideous disfiguration upon his face. It is as if a part of his cheek had been torn away, but never healed. He stands with authority and seems to radiate power. He is a member of the Order of Nuitari. He admits he is not a real follower, but suspects Darewind is a renegade and was sent here by the Wayreth mages to investigate. He also claims to have been asked by Raetmal to watch over and protect Tulbas. However, in truth, he was sent by the Red Dragonarmy to cause chaos and weaken the Holy Guard. He later killed Raetmal and forced Tulbas to become his apprentice.

Barten (Human Male) A pudgy man with deep tanned skin from long hours in the sun and short red hair. Worry eyes line his eyes beady brown eyes. His clothes are simple, but well made and obviously tailored for his size, suggesting he is no refugee or simple farmer--at least, not anymore. He is wearing a silver ring on his ring finger of his right hand that he often unconsciously rubs.

Rulasiat (Elf Male) - He stands tall and lean with pale skin and long black hair. He has a hawk-like nose and his eyes, violet, seem sharp and penetrating. His clothes are even finer in make than the human's, including a green cloak with gold trim and a silk shirt. Presumably, he was captured and taken to the temple like all elves in the city during the purge.

Marvin (Human Male) - An old herbalist and apothecary. He was rather eccentric, but largely harmless. He often sells some of his herbs to Raetmal, so Tulbas has met him and Agatha before. And despite all of the rumors about him, whenever someone had a fever or had a wound become infected, they often went straight to Mad Marvin for help regardless.

Agatha (Human Female) - Marvin's wife and a taxidermist.

Zoya (Human Female Fighter) - One of the bouncers at the Masked Dragon Inn. She is the wife of Karn, the local master blacksmith who took over the smithy after Kynaston's father left. After the tax hike, she lost her job and her husband was arrested.

Crystal (Human Female Thief) - She has blonde hair and hazel eyes and is wearing soft, form-fitting leather, a pair of daggers on her belt. Crystal is one of Necolai's top thieves. Although self-serving and sarcastic, she is useful in a fight and helped save Kendra's life when she was in the sewers.

Necolai (Human Male) - Necolai is a handsome man with brown hair and a vandyke beard. He's a large man, fairly burly, with an old scar across one cheek from his mercenary days. He often wears quite a bit of jewelry, including gold earrings and several pendants. He ran Haven's biggest crime syndicate.

Ismene (Female Gnome Illusionist) - She is a gnome dressed up in red but wears no armor and the only visible weapon she carries are a pair of daggers on her belt. She has blond hair that's rather messy and pulled out of her face with a red bandanna. Her eyes are grey and her skin pale, especially for a gnome. A ferret follows her around, constantly underfoot but somehow always managing to not get stepped on. She talks a lot and the Wayreth mages had to put a Geas on her so she wouldn't blab their secrets. She's hoping for an opportunity to prove her magic is useful. She only took her Test two years ago. The party hired her to help slay a giant and then again to fight the Neo-Belzorites. She was later arrested for a crime that Haahqae committed.

Miriam Langtree (Female Human Fighter) - She's tall and muscular, with a long sword at her hip and a shield on her back. She wears plate mail and keeps the helm tucked under her arm. She holds her head high and walks with her back straight. Her face is a complete mask of stoicism. She has brown hair, braided so it can be easily tucked under her helm, green eyes, and fair skin. She is the daughter if the Mad Baron, Ivor Lantree of Blodehelm. She left home because she wanted an opportunity to prove herself a worthy heir without relying on her reputation and title. The party hired her to help slay a giant.

Jaymes Green (Male Human Ranger) - Jaymes has black hair, including a vandyke beard, and brown eyes. A scar covers his left eye, but he seems capable of seeing through it just fine. He is a mountain ranger who lost someone he cared about when a hill giant attacked the refugees outside of the city. He has an intense dislike of sorcery, after his parents were killed in the Belzorite riots.

Vera Seroth (Human Female) - Arulia's mother and a cobbler. She recently lost her job due to the tax hike.

Thoron Costen (Human Male) - Arulia's step-father, husband to Vera. He is a blacksmith. He was recently arrested by the prefect.

Niniva Costen (Human Female) - Arulia's 17 year old little sister. She is somewhat shallow and dreams of marrying rich.

Cassilda Costen (Human Female) - Arulia's 14 year old little sister. She is an innocent with a very black and white worldview. She recently became one of Una's apprentices.

Camilla Costen (Human Female) - Arulia's 12 year old little sister. She has quite a chip on her shoulder. She is currently training under Kendra to become a soldier.

Mouna (Human Female) - Commander of the Third Brigade of the 10th Red Dragon Army (AKA the Fire Snakes). She and her brigade are running the area where Greylock's Gorgeous Gems is. She is a Khurish woman with olive skin and black hair pulled back into a pony.

Toom (Human Male) - Toom is a retired vinter who used to do business with the elves. He is bald, save a ring of white hair on the back of his head. His eyes are sunken and have black circles under them. His skin is wrinkled and fallow. He was killed by goblin soldiers for suspicion of being an elven spy.

Elara (Human Female) - A young girl around 12-14 years old. She has brown hair that is wrapped up in twin braids and bright blue eyes. Her skin is deeply tanned from spending long hours outside. She sells clams out on River Way, by the docks. Her parents were followers of Darewind and were killed by his own hand. She now worships Takhisis instead.

Sadron Vandel (Elf Male) - A handsome elf with long black hair and green eyes. He and Kendra were lovers three years ago, but she had to give him up when her family didn't approve. Even after all these years, he's still in love with her. Kendra served as a double agent for his people against the dragonarmy and helped save him from an ambush. He showed up at her place later on, wounded. He is currently hiding out there while he recovers.

Green Tears (Human Female) - An elderly Plainswoman that was once part of the Que-Teh tribe. She runs the High Hand Inn.

Harrin (Male Human) - A rather crude and blunt lute player staying at the High Hand Inn. He's in his early 30s or so with brown hair, dark eyes and brown skin. His clothes are finely made, or were; they have worn down a bit.

Leota (Female Pureblood Yuanti) - She has long black hair and snake like eyes. Her skin has a yellowish hue and there are some kind of scales on her forearms. Leota is an apprentice mage under Belzor. She was killed by the party when they stormed the compound to save Tulbas.

Klub (Goblin Male) - A skinny, yellow skinned goblin wearing an army uniform and an eyepatch over his left eye. He remembered Tulbas the night he went missing.

Sigbert (Male Pureblood Yuanti) - A follower of Belzor who was charmed by Tulbas. He was killed by the party when they stormed the compound to save Tulbas.

Lindhart (Male Pureblood Yuanti) - A follower of Belzor. He was killed by the party when they stormed the compound to save Tulbas.

"Belzor" (Male Abomination Yuanti) - He resembles more snake than man. Although he has arms and hands, as well as a vaguely human head, the rest of his body is quite serpentine. His entire body is covered in tough scales that shimmer in the candlelight. He was a powerful renegade mage who made alterations to his body to become more monstrous. He led the Neo-Belzorite cultists, but escaped when the party stormed his compound.

Osred (Male Human) - A big, burly man with a shock of red hair and violet eyes. He is the only master armorer in the city. He's also rather sexist toward women. He offered to marry one of Thoron's daughters, but Arulia drove him off.

Querida (Female Human) - A brown skinned woman with brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and hazel eyes. She's one of two master weaponsmiths in Haven. She has a strong dislike for elves and half-elves.

Una (Female Human) - A young woman with dark eyes, fair skin and short brown hair. She is one of the two master weaponsmiths in the city; her shop is in the harbor district. Rumor is she mistreats her apprentices. She agreed to take Cassilda as an apprentice.

Maelana Erogund (Female Silvanesti) - Tulbas' little sister. She was only 65 when she disappeared in the Silvanesti forest. It is unknown what became of her after that.

Yvette (Female Human) - She has fair skin, black hair and green eyes. She appears to be in her early 30s and is well-dressed with a rapier on her belt and a light crossbow on her back, but she wears no armor. She describes herself as a woman of many talents; a swordswoman, sorceress, musician, actress, and more. Haahqae hired her to help in rescuing Tulbas from the Neo-Belzorites. She disappeared with all of the loot during a battle.

Xyleena (Female Human) - She has dark skin and hair and brown eyes. She's in her mid-twenties and wears leather armor, carrying a sabre and a number of daggers on her belt. She doesn't talk much but is apparently a sailor and warrior. Her parents were killed by minotaur pirates. Haahqae hired her to help in rescuing Tulbas from the Neo-Belzorites. She disappeared with all of the loot during a battle.

Krup (Male Baaz) - A muscular Baaz with a patch over his left eye. He was the lieutenant in charge of the Fire Snakes' infantry unit after Tez died. He was killed by Kendra.

Grev (Male Baaz) - A short but heavily muscled and carrying a short sword. He's known for his courage and is considered one of the unit's best footman soldiers. He was killed by Kendra.

Tern (Male Baaz) - A cruel looking Baaz carrying a whip and several daggers on his belt. He's an 'interrogator' and quite good at his job. He was killed by the elven resistance.

Perp (Male Baaz) - A Baaz that is almost entirely dark green in color, instead of bronze like the others. He carries a spear and is a new recruit. He seems a bit mousy and shy around Kendra.

Slinn (Male Baaz) - A Baaz that is lean, like a swimmer and carries no weapons. He's an excellent tracker and kind of an ass. He was killed by the elven resistance.

Gunther Gutan (Male Human) - One of the richest nobles in the city, his family (and their wealth) can be traced back to the city's origins. He's in his mid-40s or so and has long dark hair and a vandyke beard. He tends to dress in black silk and wear an audacious top hat.

Cornelia Gutan (Female Human) - The wife of Gunther. She has long dark hair that partially covers one eye and likes to wear black. Her smile doesn't reach her eyes and she often looks bored.

Delharn (Male Dwarf) - A dwarf cleric of Sirrion, and Grubnick's old mentor. He has arrived in Haven to stir up trouble.

Keira (Female Human) - A young red haired woman who lived on the streets prior to the occupation. She was a pickpocket.

William (Male Human) - A young cleric of Paladine who was converted by Elistan and sent to Haven to aid Arulia.

Vincent (Male Human) - A regular performer for the Masked Dragon.

Raena (Dwarf Female Fighter) - She is a dwarven woman wearing chain mail. She has two hand axes on her belt and a crossbow on her back. She has brown hair in braids, brown eyes, light skin and some kind of dwarf rune tattooed on her face. Only seems to care about money. Was hired by Darewind to kill Gregeddin, Haahqae, and Tulbas to help kill a giant. But she had also been hired by Darewind to slay the three. She was unsuccessful.

Burzan (Male Half-Ogre Fighter) - He stands seven feet tall or more, and likely weighs 300 pounds at least. It's clear he is at least part ogre in heritage. His hair and beard are stringy and black, his eyes are brown and his skin is somewhat yellow. He wears some kind of hide armor that must have been custom made for his size. A massive maul is slung over his back, as is a quiver full of throwing javelins. He once took on an entire group of bandits by himself. Is a true believer of Darewind and was sent to kill Gregeddin, Haahqae, and Tulbas. He slew Mateo, but otherwise failed.