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CH. 3: Mages, Mages Everywhere

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

Kynaston's house is much closer, but as Tulbas is so adamant that they return to his uncle's shop, it takes a good half hour to get there as it's in the middle of the city. The temperature continues to drop the later it gets, until it's just below freezing out.

They don't encounter any Holy Guard until they reach the merchant district. They pass by one on patrol, but he doesn't give them a second look. When they arrive at Raetmal's shop, Tulbas uses his key to unlock it and let everyone inside. After lighting a couple of candles so nobody stumbles over anything, the party can at last feel a bit more at ease.


Kendra accepts a sheathed short sword (added to backpack).
Gregeddin holds on to the horseman's pick (added to backpack).
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by mgbevan »

Gregeddin rubs his hands as he enters the shop and pulls up a chair, "Cheers Tulbas. So do any of our arcane friends know magical healing that might help the wounded among us?"

Gregeddin fishes the signet ring out from his sack and draws a candle near so that he can get a better look at the seal on it.
Heraldry (1d20=16)

"I can also watch the door first if you all want to take some rest"
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by HorizonsDream »

"I can sing," Kendra mutters as they walked after Tulbas. She seemed a little reluctant to mention that fact. Once inside, she takes a seat somewhere and leans her head back to look at the ceiling. "I'm going to have to go home soon. Norris is going to wonder what happened to me."
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

Gregeddin examines the signet ring closely. The emblem resembles an eagle or possibly a hawk or other bird of prey with a sun behind it. However, not being overly familiar with an ancient empire on the other side of the continent, he isn't able to determine anything particular about it.

At Kendra's words, Daxia adds, "I can't really stay, either. The city isn't safe, that much is sure. I thought they'd never find me here, because of all of the refugees and because they refuse to work with other mages." She looks over at Tulbas. "I'm guessing that was how you found me; you tracked my magical aura. I'm probably better off then, out in the wilderness than in any large cities that might contain other wizards. Maybe if I head south, into Qualinesti, I can hide out there. The Ergothians don't do well in forests anyway."

Kynaston shakes his head. "Qualinesti closed their borders. They won't let anyone in, so I hear."

"South then, through the Kharolis Mountains," Daxia replies. "It won't be long before the men waiting for me in New Port realize the riverboat isn't coming and will come looking for me. Best I slip out now, under cover in darkness, and put as much distance as I can between myself and the city."

"By yourself?" asks Kynaston incredulously. "The roads of Abanasinia aren't safe these days. But going off-road? That's even more dangerous."

"It can't be helped. Besides, I can take care of recent capture was only because I let my guard down, that's all," she explains. "I thank you all for your help, but staying will only invite more trouble; for myself and for you all." She begins collecting her gear.

"Wait," Kynaston says, getting to his feet. "I'll come with you. I can be your...bodyguard. Someone who can protect you while you cast spells."

Daxia blushes slightly. "I can't ask you to do that! Besides, what about your family and home?"

Kynaston shrugs. "I have no family anymore. I have nothing, really. I set off to become a knight in Solamnia, but I failed. But maybe that was for a reason. Maybe Gregeddin is right--and everything that has happened, no matter how bad it was, happened for a reason. Maybe I was destined to lose my family, one by one, to fail to become a knight, all so that I would be here, now, to join you. As for my's got nothing but bad memories anyway." He fishes the key out of his pouch and hands it to Darga. "Why don't you look after it while I'm gone?"


Gregeddin makes a Heraldry check [15] (1d20): 16, fail.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by BishGada »

On there way back, hearing Gregeddin speaking of singing, Tulbas thinks to himself, 'Old gods, have mercy'. Entering the house he leads them to the kitchen. "Please have some tea and fruits. We managed a very difficult task." hearing Daxia and Kynaston he let them finish and then say, "Before you go and risk yourself, even that it has some romantic atmosphere to it and this is indeed gallantly of you Kynaston to become Daxia's bodyguard, please hear my suggestion." he breaths deeply and continues "It is true I tracked you by your magic aura. I was lead to believe you ran away from your father and that he is worried about you. Only later, after finding your name in your spell book I have learned the truth. My uncle keep in touch with some Silvanesti that live in Ergoth and they told him your story. That's how we understood you are at risk for your life and went on this rescue mission. He also suggested that the Tower of Wayreth might be a perfect place for you to hide. The Ergothians won't reach you there and you can practice your skills. Infact he is currently there and returns tomorrow. He has the magical means to transport you there fast and safely." he takes another deep breath. "So, again I apologize for what happened. Now even if you and Kynaston choose to go to the woods, he is seriously wounded. You should take sometime to heal. That being said, everyone here is well come to stay the night. I can arrange some blankets and the shop is safe. No need to guard the door." he kindly smiles.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra lifts her head to look at Kynaston curiously. "You tried to become a knight?" she asks.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by mgbevan »

Gregeddin puts the ring down, lost in its imagery, his mouth began to move to speak to the others, but froze as he listened to the exchange.

He's lost an awful lot of blood, and I wouldn't say he's fighting fit right now, is he thinking rationally? Though not all chemistry is rational I suppose.

Gregeddin's eyes flit between between them as he waits expectantly for more.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by djhyland »

Darga gapes at Kynaston's suggestion, his eyes wide. Finding his voice, he stammers, "Are...are ya sure 'bout this?" But after thinking about the implications of the warrior's plan to accompany the elf girl to somewhere safer, he adds, "I'll take good care a yer place, and it'll be here an' ready fer ya when ya come back." Even so, he approaches Kynaston hesitantly, and his hands tremble as he takes the offered key. "Ye'v got my thanks, sir. I dunno how I can pay ya back..." Turning to include Daxia, he continues, "Best a luck to both'a ya in yer journey. I'm glad we could help ya get safe from those thugs, m'lady, an' I hope ya find somewhere that they can't find ya again."
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

"The Tower of Wayreth...yes, I was thinking of heading there," Daxia admits. A look of exhaustion overcomes her and she sighs deeply. "Very well, I will stay for one rest."

Daxia and Kynaston partake of the fruits and tea, both rather hungry after such a tiring battle.
Kendra wrote:"You tried to become a knight?"
Kynaston nods. "My sponsor was Sir Hurrick, a Knight of the Rose. We met on the road when I was traveling to Solace to deliver some goods there. I failed my first attempt and Sir Hurrick died shortly after, so with nobody to sponsor me, I had no choice but to return home."
Darga wrote:"Ye'v got my thanks, sir. I dunno how I can pay ya back..."
"Don't worry about it. At least now I won't have to worry about squatters taking it over," Kynaston says.
Darga wrote:I'm glad we could help ya get safe from those thugs, m'lady, an' I hope ya find somewhere that they can't find ya again."
"Thank you, master dwarf," Daxia replies. "Perhaps some day, when I depose my uncle and reclaim my home, I can pay you all back in some way."


Darga accepts Kynaston's house key and places it in his backpack.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by HorizonsDream »

"How did you fail?" Kendra asks. She takes her share of fruit and tea as well. She was going to have to have some energy to get home.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by djhyland »

Darga pulls a piece of string from his backpack and slips the key onto it before tying it around his neck and tucking it into his shirt.

Shaking his head in contradiction, Darga replies to Daxia, "Gettin' ya out of there was th'right thing ta do. I don't need ta be paid ta help out when others need help."

Warily, Darga takes some of the offered fruit and tea. Though famished, he forces himself to eat slowly and only take a fair share, lest his companions get the wrong impression of him.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by BishGada »

Tulbas keeps quiet during the conversation. It can be seen that a struggle occurs in his mind. Eventualluy he says, "Kynaston, I'm not sure it is my place to say that, but from my experience practicing the arcane craft, failures happens, and happen alot. As far as you keep trying, learn from your mistakes and improve on your next try, you don't really fail. Now I understand the sponsoring thing, but being a knight is something of your personality, the way you act and treat others. I'm sure if you follow the knight's code, and continue trying, eventually you will become one. Someone will spot you and sponsor you, or maybe some incident you will be involved in will lead you to the knights order."
After saying what on his mind, Tulbas goes for a minute to the attick to bring some blankets and whatever cloth that could suit for pillows and padding the sleeping spots.
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by mgbevan »

Gregeddin slowly chews on some pieces of fruit curiously, "This is quite the turn of events, it really should call for some celebration, your freedom Daxia, your calling Trench, although I'll be sad to see you leave. Perhaps once your realm is restored, Trench could recruit and master those who would fight in allegiance for you."

Gregeddin leans back in thought as he listens to the others, This dwarf is of such pure character, rather refreshing in this city's plight. Even I am no exemplar of the right, sat here contently draped in the spoils of murder. How long ago was it that I gained such disregard? I wonder whether my moral compass will ever return to such a high standard. Sighing only with his eyes, Gregeddin rocks forward to rejoin the conversion.

Noting Tulbas and Daxia discussing this place, Wayreth tower, Gregeddin asks them both, "So this tower, is it a place for the study of magic? Forgive my presumption if it is incorrect, but I failed to see what other link might provide this common knowledge to you."
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by Haahque »

Haahqae, who had been working out the angle gears would have to meet in a new pair of shoes for maximum effect, pockets his notebook and addresses the points at hand. To Tulbas he says While your offer is quite kind, I have myself a room at the Steel Tankard. It's a nice little place, I've payed and played for it and it provides good breakfast and drinks.

Addressing Kynaston's story he explains "It seems obvious to me, you must have failed becoming a knight since your true calling was becoming a hero. Sure you can achieve some good deeds with a sir in front of your name, but you and I enjoy doing good deeds when we feel like it, and being beholden to no one. If you really want, you can go back, find another knight and take another test, or you could embrace your true calling and take on the mantle of a hero, doing good deeds that bards will tell of for years to come."

And to Daxia's offer of payment he comments, "Why yes, I believe I've said that a good deed like a rescue deserves another, like buying us all a round the next time we go drinking together."
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Re: CH. 3 - Mages, Mages Everywhere

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra wrote:"How did you fail?"
Kynaston scratches the back of his neck. "Well, uh, you see...the Knights have all these rules and regulations and codes you have to follow. And I'm not really good at those. In a fight, I'll use whatever advantage I can to not die and to protect my comrades. I'll throw dirt in my enemy's eyes or attack from behind or ambush them unseen. Knights aren't supposed to fight dirty, though. You have to announce yourself to an enemy and always fight them face to face. I just didn't see the point of that in a life and death situation."
Tulbas wrote:"Someone will spot you and sponsor you, or maybe some incident you will be involved in will lead you to the knights order."
"Or failing that, I'll make you a cavalier myself once I get my home back," Daxia says, patting the big warrior on the shoulder.
Gregeddin wrote:"So this tower, is it a place for the study of magic? Forgive my presumption if it is incorrect, but I failed to see what other link might provide this common knowledge to you."
"Oh, yes," Daxia says. "The Towers of High Sorcery are where the members of the Orders come together as brothers and sisters to study magic, craft enchanted items, and trade spells and secrets. Once, there were five of them. One in Wayreth Forest, one in Palanthas, one in Istar, one in Daltigoth--a city in Ergoth, and the last one in Losarcum. Back then, the emperor embraced sorcery and supported the mages. That was long ago." She shakes her head. "Now the empire hates us as much as anyone else."

She continues, "Each tower was protected by an enchanted grove to keep outsiders away. Each tower also had a master, an archmage who ran it. The Towers of Daligoth and Losarcum were destroyed in the Lost Battles, about twenty years before the Cataclysm. The last Kingpriest started a war against the mages, believing them to all be evil. His clerics and knights assaulted the towers, and the mages destroyed those two towers rather than let them fall into the Kingpriest's hands. Realizing how far the mages would go, and afraid they would destroy the Tower of Istar, as well, the Kingpriest relented on the condition that the mages withdrew to the Tower of Wayreth only. The Towers of Istar and Palanthas were abandoned."

"And I guess the Tower of Istar was destroyed with the rest of the city during the Cataclysm," Kynaston guesses.

Daxia nods. "That's right. Which only leaves the Towers of Palanthas and Wayreth remaining. However, when the Tower of Palanthas was abandoned, a wizard of the Black Order placed a curse on it. He then threw himself from the tower's highest window and used his dying breath to place the curse. The tower because dark and twisted. It radiates pure fear and dread. The rumors say even kender cannot go near it. The enchanted grove is full of vicious, bloodthirsty undead. As a result, the Tower of Wayreth is the only home the wizards have left."