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The Only Way to Fly

A group of 'Unlikely Heroes.'
Based in the world of Krynn.

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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Babushka, you are just making things worse," Imani points out. "I have all ready agreed to his terms, so take the wheel and go," she states before she looks to Eridan. "Your Grace, may I have a few minutes alone with them so that I may be able to say goodbye?" she asks.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

Babushka had opened her mouth to reply that of course, Eridan had the right to salvage what had fallen on his land, just as they had the right to ask it back, but since Imani told her to stop, she just hangs her head, and if the group is permitted to be alone for a few minutes, she joins the others listlessly.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

"You can say farewell right here," Eridan says. "Unless you have something to hide?"

He looks to two of his guards. "Go and retrieve the kender and the wheel." The two ogres nod and head downstairs.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani lets out a sigh and turns to the group. "Well, I guess this is good-bye then," she says.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

Babushka swallows hard. "godbye then" she says in a small voice. Then, impulsively, she grabs Imani's hand and kisses it. "I do hope to see you again" she says before turning away, blinking.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

"Fare well, and may the gods watch over you," Jerrard says with a slight bow.

Ulster looks from Imani to Babushka to Jerrard, and back to Imani. "Have you all gone mad?"

"I think that ship sailed long ago," Malika mumbles.

"No," Ulster says. "I mean, you can't be serious about this? What about your son? What about...the rest of us?"

"Ulster," Jerrard says, placing a hand on the warrior's shoulder. "We must respect Imani's decision."

Ulster shrugs his shoulder to knock off Jerrard's hand, and turns away from the group, clenching his fists. After a moment, he turns back toward them. ", to the Abyss with that!" He draws his sword.

Eridan snarls in outrage. "You dare draw steel in my presence?"

"I'll do more than that!" Ulster says, his dragon-slaying blade cackling with energy as it senses a draconic creature nearby.
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"Take them! Throw them all in the dungeon!" Eridan screams, pointing at the party.

The remaining ogres in the room draw their great swords. The two nearest to the party are still downstairs retrieving the wheel and Locky, so there are two near Eridan and four more at the front gate.

"Bring it!" Ulster challenges, clanging his sword against his shield.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani's mouth drops open once Ulster draws his sword. He had been so quiet for so long that she hadn't expected him to do this at all, especially for her sake. She snaps out of it to look to Jerrard. "Use that web spell on the four by the door," she orders as she draws her scimitars. She knew she needed to get rid of Eridan first, but there were too ogres blocking the way. She takes in a deep breath before she makes her way to ogre #7.

Init Roll, Hit Rolls (8, 22, 13)
DMG Rolls (8, 5)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

Babushka takes the flask with the oil fo slipperiness out of her belt pouch and throws it to fall and break in the areia of the staircase. Then she draws her longtooth dagger for the next round.
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

The gnome is the first to react. Thinking quickly, she moves to the staircase and pulls out the Oil of Slipperiness from her belt pouch. Raising her hand, she then throws the flask to the ground, smashing it. The black ooze pools near the staircase, leaving a nasty surprise for anyone who attempts to enter this room.
Imani wrote:"Use that web spell on the four by the door!"
"I fear they are too large, but I shall try," the wizard replies, and he begins chanting a spell of magic.

Ulster moves south first, his blade still cackling with power. Although ogres are not draconic, the blade is still fairly potent against any creature. He slashes at the first ogre he comes across, cutting it across the knee for a glancing blow.

"Is this the plan?! Why didn't anyone warn me?!" Malika calls, quickly running for cover before she gets hurt.

Still enthralled with his own spellcasting, Jerrard continues chanting in the language of magic with his rich, Solamnic accent. "Insolitus dari textus sihir deceptus mereka!" he intones, holding aloft a piece of webbing. At once, thick webbing begins to spread all over the front gate. Two of the ogres manage to get out of the way, but two others are ensnared. However, as ogres are so large and strong, they begin tearing through it fairly quickly. "Alas, as I feared--it won't hold them for very long!" he warns.

Eridan snarls. "Your pitiful magic is of no consequence. Allow me to show you real power--the power of dragons!" Eridan begins chanting in the same spidery language. "Bentuk api-kendala dalam imbas!" he intones, making the proper gestures. At once, a massive wall of flame springs up around Babushka, Jerrard and Imani, encircling them entirely. Intense heat washes over the three of them, burning them lightly.

Eridan laughs. "Trapped! I will enjoy watching you slowly burn to death! There is no power of this world that can best my--what?!" The aurak's gloating is suddenly cut off when a soft blue mist begins to form around the flames, extinguishing them.

As the fire's roar dies down, Lucas' voice can be heard from behind the party. He stands proudly, head high, and arms raised as he prays. His eyes glow with a soft blue light. "Mishakal, Bringer of Light, I call upon your power to cleanse this room of all evil magic!"

"You dare invoke that name in my presence! Slave, I order to you to stop at once!" Eridan commands, nearly mad with fury.

As the last of the flames vanish, the light fades from the half-elf's eyes, but he does not flinch at the aurak's commands. "Even the power of a dragon is nothing compared to the power of a goddess. I bow to you no longer, Eridan!"

Now free from the fire, Imani moves forward, her twin scimitars at the ready, toward Eridan. As she guessed, the two ogres guarding him move to intercept. She slices at the first one, cutting deeply with both blades. The ogres counter attack, but she deftly dances aside from their large, clumsy blades.

The two remaining ogres who were not ensnared by the webbing move toward Ulster. He is nowhere near as fast or agile as Imani, but his magical plate mail and his trusty shield deflect the oversized swords as easily as if they were daggers.


Imani (1d10+5): 13
Babushka (1d10+3): 5
Ulster (1d10+3): 7
Malika (1d10+3): 10
Jerrard (1d10+2): 11
Lucas (1d10+6): 10 (+2 holding)
Ogre 01 (1d10+10): 20
Ogre 02 (1d10+10): 16
Ogre 03 (1d10+10): 14
Ogre 04 (1d10+10): 19
Ogre 07 (1d10+10): 18
Ogre 08 (1d10+10): 15
Eridan (1d10+4): 11

Round 1!

Babushka moves five feet to the northeast and smashes her Oil of Slipperiness onto the ground in front of the staircase, then draws her Longtooth Dagger.
Ulster moves 20 feet south and attacks Ogre 04 with his Dragon Slaying (+2) long sword with great skill (+1) (1d20+3): 14, bare hit for (1d12+4): 5 damage.
Malika moves 25 feet around Imani, to the north, to take cover.
Jerrard casts Web, creating a webbing around Ogres 01, 02, 03 and 04.
----Ogre 01 makes a saving throw vs. spell (1d20): 16, pass. He is not stuck.
----Ogre 02 makes a saving throw vs. spell (1d20): 16, pass. He is not stuck.
----Ogre 03 makes a saving throw vs. spell (1d20): 7, fail. He is stuck.
----Ogre 04 makes a saving throw vs. spell (1d20): 8, fail. He is stuck.
Eridan casts Wall of Fire, surrounding Imani, Babushka and Jerrard with a wall of fire that radiates intense heat at them from all sides. All three of them take (2d4): 5 damage.
Lucas casts Dispel Magic on the Wall of Fire [13] (1d20): 19, pass. The Wall of Fire is dispelled.
Imani moves 5 feet north and then 10 feet east and attacks Ogre 07 with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) (1d20+4): 22, hit for (1d8+5): 8 damage. She then attacks with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) (1d20+1): 13, hit for (1d8): 3 damage.
Ogre 03 breaks through 2 feet of webbing; has 8 feet remaining.
Ogre 08 moves 10 feet north and attacks Imani with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) (1d20+2): 10, miss.
Ogre 02 moves 10 feet north and attacks Ulster with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) against his plate mail (-3) (1d20-1): 15, miss.
Ogre 07 attacks Imani with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) (1d20+2): 10, miss.
Ogre 04 breaks through 2 feet of webbing, has 8 feet remaining.
Ogre 01 moves 15 feet north, then 5 feet east and attacks Ulster with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) against his plate mail (-3) (1d20-1): 13, miss.

(OOC: Anyone stepping in the oil has a 95% chance of slipping.)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani thought it was all over when the flames surrounded her, but almost as soon as they went up they were gone. She glanced a look back to Lucas, hoping to convey how thankful she was for his assistance. Though, now she had to concentrate on the ogres. "Those of you that can, help Ulster," she calls out as she dances around ogre 7 and slashing at him quickly.

Init Roll, Hit Rolls (1, 6, 20, 21)
DMG Rolls (6, 11)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

Babushka jogs over to ogre #1 and attacks him with her longtooth dagger, but misses.

1d10+2, 1d20+2=[3, 2], [8, 2]
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

"Why am I always being dragged into these crazy things?" Malika demands of nobody in particular. She reaches down and draws a pair of blades from her thigh holster. "I should have stayed at the airship!" She whips a dagger at one of the ogres fighting Malika, but her aim is way off and the blade clatters to the ground after hitting the wall.

Babushka moves around Jerrard and then attacks one of the ogres ganging up on Ulster. However, her enchanted blade fails to pierce the massive humanoid's armor or thick hide.

Imani continues her dance with her two opponents, vaguely aware of a flying dagger going overhead and clanging against the wall. She strikes with her magic sword, only to have it be deflected by the ogre's sword. But he's slow to react, while Imani is lightning quick; she then strikes with her off-hand weapon, stabbing the ogre in the heart. It stumbles then collapses, leaving her with just one opponent.

"I will tolerate this no longer!" Eridan shouts. "Surrender and lay down your arms, and I may still forgive your crimes!" He holds both hands aloft and orbs of energy form in them. He then hurls one at Imani, striking her in the chest. It leaves no mark or scar, but it hurts considerably. She's able to duck and avoid the second one entirely which hits the floor and rolls into the grate near her.

Imani had told them to aid Ulster, so Jerrard turns his attention to the warrior. "Let us even the odds," he says, realizing that sounded way cooler in his head. "Silas sular!" he calls, pointing at Ulster. The warrior suddenly starts to grow at a rapid rate, reaching nearly eight and a half feet tall. This puts him just a few inches under most of the ogres.

"Now we're talking!" Ulster says, psyched up. He swings his now large sword at his opponent, who just barely gets his own great sword up in time to deflect it.

Meanwhile, Lucas has been deep in prayer this whole time. "Mishakal, Bringer of Light, hear my prayer! Shine your love on those who would risk their lives to help others; cast a shadow upon those who would work evil against the innocent!" His eyes glow blue and blue light begins to pulsate from his body, covering everyone in the room save for Eridan, who is just out of range. The party feels a surge of power within their hearts, their confidence growing in the knowledge that Mishakal stands with them. The ogres, on the other hand, hesitate slightly as they feel their own confidence shrink.

This does not stop them, however. The two ogres in the webbing continue to break through, about half-way out now. The two fighting Ulster both swing at the now ogre-sized henchman, but neither can penetrate his magical plate mail's protection. The last ogre fighting Imani, however, has better luck. He gets in a lucky hit, slashing across Imani's body with his massive blade; slicing through her armor and her skin, drawing blood. She is hurt, but still not out of the fight yet. The ogre laughs in victory, then ducks just as another knife goes sailing overhead, just barely missing his hairy, pointy ear. "Damn it!" Malika shouts from the corner.

The distraction, while momentary, is all Imani needs. She moves in quick, striking with her enchanted blade and cutting deeply into the ogre's flank. He howls in pain and steps back, putting his blade back up to protect himself.

Roaring with an almost primal fury, Ulster presses his attack against his own opponent. With a cleave from his now great sword sized weapon, he takes off the head of his opponent. "I feel invincible!" he cries, splattered in ogre blood. He turns around to face his new opponent. "I got this, Babushka. Help Imani if you can," he says, raising his sword in a mock salute to the other ogre.


Imani (1d10+5): 6
Babushka (1d10+1): 4
Ulster (1d10+3): 8
Malika (1d10+2): 3
Jerrard (1d10+1): 7
Lucas (1d10+6): 11
Ogre 01 (1d10+10): 16
Ogre 02 (1d10+10): 13
Ogre 03 (1d10+10): 18
Ogre 04 (1d10+10): 15
Ogre 07 (1d10+10): 11
Ogre 08 (1d10+10): 20
Eridan (1d10+3): 6

Round 2!

Malika throws with great accuracy (+1) a dagger at Ogre 08 in leather armor (+2) (1d20+3): 5, miss.
Babushka moves 10 feet around Jerrard and then attacks Ogre 01 with her Longtooth Dagger (+2) against his leather armor (+2) (1d20+4): 5, miss.
Imani attacks Ogre 07 with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) (1d20+4): 6, miss. She then attacks him with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) (1d20+1): 20, hit for (1d8+2): 6 damage. Ogre 07 falls.
Eridan throws a blast of energy at Imani from his left hand (1d20): 18, hit for (1d8+2): 6 damage. He then throws a blast of energy at Imani from his right hand (1d20): 7, miss.
Jerrard casts Enlarge on Ulster, increasing his size by 50%.
Ulster attacks Ogre 02 with his dragon slaying (+2) long sword with great skill (+1) (1d20+3): 13, bare miss.
Ogre 07 is down.
Lucas casts Prayer, which effects everyone within 60 feet of himself. Imani, Babushka, Ulster, Malika, Jerrard and himself receive gain a +1 to hit, damage and all saves. All of the ogres gain -1 to hit, damage and all saves. Only Eridan is not affected.
Ogre 02 attacks Ulster with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) against his plate mail (-3) while under Mishakal's wrath (-1) (1d20-2): 10, miss.
Ogre 04 breaks through 2 feet of webbing, has 6 feet remaining.
Ogre 01 attacks Ulster with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) against his plate mail (-3) from behind (+2) while under Mishakal's wrath (-1) (1d20): 12, miss.
Ogre 03 breaks through 2 feet of webbing, has 6 feet remaining.
Ogre 08 attacks Imani with his great sword with excellent strength (+2) while under Mishakal's wrath (-1) (1d20+1): 21, critical hit! for (2d10+5): 7 damage.
Malika throws with great accuracy (+1) a dagger at Ogre 08 in leather armor (+2) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+4): 15, bare miss.
Imani attacks Ogre 08 with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+5): 22, hit for (1d8+6: 12 damage.
Ulster attacks Ogre 02 with his dragon slaying (+2) long sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+4): 16, hit for (1d12+5): 17 (x50%)= 26 damage! Ogre 02 falls.

(OOC: I'm suddenly realizing how powerful this party can really be when the casters actually use buffs.

Actions and initiative for Round 3?)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by HorizonsDream »

Between the two attacks, Imani lets out a small grunt of pain. "I can handle the ogre," she says. "Concentrate on Eridan." After all, he was the spell caster, and he was probably the most dangerous. "And you shouldn't be laughing," she says to the ogre that managed to attack her while she attacks him in return.

Init Roll, Hit Rolls (6, 20, 14)
DMG Rolls (7, 5)
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by Breila »

"Give me your quiver" Babushka tells Jerrard, drops her dagger and grabs the item from him. She retrieves the bow and shoots at Eridan

(In case you rule that she has time for one of two shots in this round: Init 15, hits AC 5
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Re: The Only Way to Fly

Post by JadedDM »

Jerrard tosses his quiver and an extra dagger on the ground near Babushka, then starts chanting a new spell. "Mayat keajukan laksana cepat belit!" he intones, drawing upon the power of the white moon. He points at Imani and, from her perspective, time all around her seems to slow down. Everyone--except her--seems to move sluggishly, as if underwater.

Eridan conjures up two more energy balls in his hands and hurls them at Imani one at a time. The first whizzes past her, missing by a foot. It hits the ground and pops like a harmless bubble. The second one strikes her right in the chest, and again her body is wracked with pain. Her legs buckle and she drops to a kneel, not sure how much longer she can last. Suddenly, she feels a hand on her back and can hear the whispering prayer of Lucas. A warm power surges through her body, healing her wounds and replenishing her spent energy.

In a flash, the Khurish princess is back on her feet. She easily ducks under the ogre's sword and slashes with both of her weapons in an 'x' slash across the ogre's chest. It staggers backward before falling to the ground, leaving nothing between herself and Eridan. Their eyes meet and Eridan's narrow. "Your strength is impressive...against ogres. But they are goblins compared to my own power. Even if you somehow kill me, my death throe will finish you all off. But lower your weapon and surrender, and I will spare you and your friends." He speaks with overwhelming confidence. "If not..," he draws an ornate scimitar from behind him and points it toward her.

"Be cautious," Lucas warns. "He has a noxious breath weapon that will burn your lungs and sear your eyes. I've also seen him become invisible and even teleport short distances. What other powers he might have hidden under his sleeve, I cannot guess."

The two ogres that were sent downstairs earlier return, one carrying the flywheel and the other carrying a tied-up, gagged and unconscious Locky. Hearing the battle upstairs, they come up in a hurry and instantly step in and slip in the slick Babushka left for them. Both fall over, prone and slightly stunned.

"RAAAAARRRRR!" Ulster screams, bringing his blade down on his opponent's shoulder and cutting through all the way down to his abdomen. He sticks his boot on the ogre's chest and pushes him off the blade. The ogre collapses to the ground. He then turns toward the two prone ogres who fell in the slick. Then he looks back at the two still trying to escape the webbing. "I can mop this up before those two escape," he says. "Leave the ogres to me, I got this!"

Babushka picks up the fallen quiver, nocks an arrow and fires at Eridan. He holds up his arm to protect himself, and the arrow is deflected as if he had been wearing a steel gauntlet.


Imani (1d10+5): 11
Babushka (1d10+7): 15
Ulster (1d10+5): 13
Malika (N/A)
Jerrard (1d10+3): 4
Lucas (1d10+3): 10
Ogre 01 (1d10+10): 17
Ogre 03 (1d10+10): 19
Ogre 04 (1d10+10): 11
Ogre 05 (1d10+6): 11
Ogre 06 (1d10+6): 13
Ogre 08 (1d10+10): 17
Eridan (1d10+3): 5

Round 3!

Malika does nothing.
Jerrard casts Haste just behind Imani. Imani is now hasted (-2 initiative, x2 movement, x2 attacks per round, +1 age).
Eridan throws a blast of energy at Imani from his left hand (1d20): 2, miss. He then throws a blast of energy at Imani from his right hand (1d20): 17, hit for (1d8+2): 8 damage.
Lucas moves 25 feet east and lays hands upon Imani while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+1): 8, success. Imani is healed 12 HP.
Imani attacks Ogre 08 with her magical (+3) scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+5): 21, hit for (1d8+6): 8 damage. She then attacks with her mundane scimitar with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+2): 15, hit for (1d8+1): 4 damage. Ogre 08 falls.
Ogre 04 breaks through 2 feet of webbing, has 4 feet remaining.
Ogre 05 comes upstairs with the flywheel. He steps in the slick [95] (1d100): 66, fail. He slips in the slick. Ogre 05 is now prone.
Ulster attacks Ogre 01 with his dragon slaying (+2) long sword with great skill (+1) while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+4): 22, hit for (1d12+5): 17 (x50%)= 26 damage! Ogre 01 falls.
Ogre 06 comes upstairs with Locky. He steps in the slick [95] (1d100): 15, fail. He slips in the slick. Ogre 06 is now prone.
Babushka fires a sheaf arrow from her short bow while under Mishakal's love (+1) (1d20+1): 11, miss.
Ogre 01 is down.
Ogre 07 is down.
Ogre 03 breaks through 2 feet of webbing, has 4 feet remaining.

(OOC: Actions and initiative for Round 4?)
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