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OOC Thread

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

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Re: OOC Thread

Post by JadedDM »

I've corrected the characters' inventories, having Val give the full 40 gold pieces to Jocelyn instead of only half.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by JadedDM »

Okay, guys; I'm off until January. I need some time to recharge my batteries and work ahead a bit.

Not saying I won't post at all, but I'm not going to resume my normal posting schedule for at least a week.

Happy Holidays, and all that.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by Nuke »

np, merry Christmas and happy new year, enjoy the break!!!
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by BishGada »

Happy holidays.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by JadedDM »

As the chapter is nearing the end and the PCs are discussing their next move, I wanted to take the opportunity to input my own thoughts.

As this is a sandbox game, the party can do whatever they want. The Poison Curse was just a jumping point and an excuse to get the team back together again. The party can try and go after them now (in whatever way they choose), or later (perhaps first building up levels or getting help or finding treasures to help you), or not at all (although it goes without saying that they will try again down the road to come after Jocelyn).

If you decide to head to Draska (either now or later), how you do so is up to you. And what you do once you get there, also up to you. If you decide to do something else first (or instead), you have numerous options, as well. You can investigate any of the rumors the sailors talked about to Mara with. You can try and track down anyone you met (friend or foe) last arc. You can try to pick up any plot point from the first arc. Or you can go off and do your own thing, whatever it may be.

If you want to discuss your next move OOC, you can do so here, and then think up a way to make it work IC without breaking character. You may also want to consider not only what to do, but how to do it, as well. It always helps to have some kind of plan.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by Nuke »

I have always liked sandbox games mostly because one never knows if we're in over our heads. Not so sure where to go or what to do, but we should get on with getting on.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by JadedDM »

Agreed. It doesn't really matter what you guys want to do, as long as the group can agree on it. Even if it has nothing to do with the Poison Curse, we can find some way to justify it in character. For instance, if the players want to go and search for the lost treasure of Eldorado, or whatever, we can say they want to fiance building a fleet of ships to help take on the Poison Curse later, or something like that.

So that's the question I'd like to know--what do you, the players, want to do? Whatever we decide, though, I would very much like us to have a direction to follow before the current chapter hits 30 pages.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by JadedDM »

Alright, as we're wrapping up this chapter, I thought we could go ahead and discuss traveling arrangements here rather than in character.

It basically boils down to two main options:

1. Buy a fishing boat
You can just buy a fishing boat for 350 gp. If each of you pitch in 70 gp, that's doable. Some stats for a fishing boat:

Fishing Boat
Length - 30'
Width - 6'
Movement - 60 yards per round (combat)/12 miles a day (non-combat)
Crew: 2 max, 1 min
Passengers/Marines: 5
Cargo: 1,000 pounds

The benefits of this option are that it's relatively cheap and fast. You can buy it, stock it with supplies, and leave the next day. The party can cycle through who does the rowing. No additional crew is needed--indeed, there's not really room for more. Plus, now the party has their own boat that they can use to go wherever they want, at least until they upgrade to something better.

The downsides? Well, it's a small and weak ship. If they encounter anything rough, like a storm or a sea monster or pirates, they won't last long. Also, Baeros will have to leave his horse behind--there won't be room.

2. Go to Tu'Valie
Walk or ride to Tu'Valie. As it's a capital city, you can find anything you want there. Including a big ship that is willing to take you to Draska. Or failing that, to Immerfort to catch up with the Bullring, and see if they'll help you.

Tu'Valie is about 50 miles away. Not that far for a party that doesn't include any dwarves, halflings or gnomes. This option will take more time, and there's no telling what a captain might ask in return for taking you into such dangerous waters.

On the plus side, nobody has to leave anything behind.

What does everyone think?
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by Nuke »

I don't think taking a fishing boat into pirate infested waters is a good idea, though we might arrive alive, somehow I doubt we will have many possessions left.

I say let's ride
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by Breila »

Ouragana will present the party with the options when they meet the next morning.

How far is Draska from where they are, and what kind of waters are in between? Ouragana would be more in favour of the fishing boat. The boat might get them to Tu'Valle faster, too, and could be sold there, or in Immerfort if they need to go there.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by Jenara »

Arei would prefer to ride to Tu'Valie, then catch up with the Bullring.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by JadedDM »

Two votes to head to Tu'Valie, one vote to head directly to Draska. As there are two more players to vote, it's still anyone's game.
Breila wrote:How far is Draska from where they are, and what kind of waters are in between?
Here's a map:

Click here
The party is currently in Condletun, which is on the southern side of Hashadeth. Assuming the party departs from there and sticks very close to the shore (riding up along Mond and Sanctuary to get there), it's 450 miles. Obviously, if they make a straight shot, it's faster. But it's a lot more dangerous.

The open sea is always more dangerous than the shoreline. Sea monsters are more likely to be found on the open sea than on the shoreline. Pirates, on the other hand, are more likely to be found on the shorelines (as that's where other ships will be). Although a ship as small as a fishing boat might be seen as 'not worth it' to most pirates, so even if you encounter any, they might leave you alone.

A storm, especially a severe one, could capsize a fishing boat pretty easily (failing that, it could blow you off course and get you lost). But if you stick close to shore, you can just pull up to the beach and wait it out. Unless you're really unlucky to get caught in one on one of the few instances where you are not near the shore.

So long story short, sticking to the shoreline would take longer but be safer. It's basically a risk assessment. If you do end up taking a fishing boat, Ouragana would be navigator (as she's the only one with the navigation proficiency), so it'd be up to you to plot the course.

Taking a fishing boat to Immerfort wouldn't really be practical. By the time you reached it, the Bullring would be long, long gone. You couldn't hope to catch a galleon on such a slow boat. (Although if you want to go to Immerfort for other reasons, you still could.)
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by HorizonsDream »

I'm going to go with going to Tu'Valie to catch a ride to Immerfort, try and catch the Bullring.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by BishGada »

Baeros would leave his horse only when there is no other option. So it is riding for me.
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Re: OOC Thread

Post by JadedDM »

So one vote to buy a fishing boat, two votes to travel to Tu'Valie and then Immerfort, and two votes to travel to Tu'Valie (but unspecified where afterward).

We're heading to Tu'Valie then, I just don't know where after that.

So to Nuke and BishGada, are you voting to head to Immerfort after Tu'Valie (in hopes of catching the Bullring) or going straight to Draska from Tu'Valie?

I also updated Baeros' gear. I've added Thunder's stat block to the second post of the Character Stats thread (which is dedicated to mounts and other forms of travel).