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Character Descriptions

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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Character Descriptions

Post by JadedDM »

This thread is for each player to post a description of their character (and a picture, if they have any). This gives players something to reference, so players need not describe their characters again and again for each new person they meet.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Haahque »

You see all 3 foot 3 inches of Haahqae, he’s likely strolling along, whistling a tune or juggling some torches, lit torches naturally, whose flames make the bright gold and red of his shirt seem to dance and sparkle. At first look he seems oblivious and jovial, with his short white beard, silly hat and upturned toes on his shoes, but a closer look at his dark face reveals that he’s constantly scanning his surroundings and there’s a bulge in his shirt, suggesting that it covers some kind of light armour. You can probably also see a short bow slung across his back or stuffed into his pack.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Breila »

Khush's slight build and his 5'5'' frame clearly show his elven heritage; and his brown curls come from his human father. He wears simple peasant clothing: trousers, a shirt, a vest, and boots, though it all looks new. A few pouches and a sling hang from his belt, and his herder's staff is never far from him. But he is soft-spoken and pleasant company, a good listener and fast learner.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Just_Ice »

6'1'' with curling brown locks and a wide, muscular frame, Kynaston resembles a beast almost as much a man. His blue-dyed Brigandine, the colour of a murky turquoise covers torn clothes and skin, tough and foreboding. A doughy, dopey chin is supported by strong cheeks and a thick neck. His forehead is rather large, and holds two somewhat sunken dull brown eyes and a scar from a hot poker's kiss.

The only measures of class he carries himself with are good posture, a thin smile from a surprisingly small (but hardly petite) mouth, and the occasional wearing of spectacles. He's generally weighed down by weaponry and tools hanging from the ugly grey rucksack on his back, most of all his favourite battleax, "Concave".


Alignment is Neutral Good, Birthday is February the 22nd.

For his personality, Kynaston is generally boisterous and friendly. He's been trying quite hard to become more civilized to serve a cause- not for its own sake- and it shows; he's not that interested in being proper and polite but sometimes it's been drilled into him (possibly literally). He's pretty emotional and although he pretends to have a thick skin he can bruise fairly easily when his flaws or fears are pointed out to him; this does not apply to ribbing or name-calling, which he enjoys. Kynaston has a tendancy to over-do certain things, like eating, fighting or spending- he takes a second to cool down. On the flip side, he's a bit slow to anger, so there's rarely a problem in the first place.

Currently, Kynaston is currently quite homesick after a rather tumultuous affair of failing to join the Solamnic Knights and is hoping for the comforts of home, such as a familiar inn, friends, and food as well as maybe some work. He wants an anchor. More generally, he's a man who ultimately wants to good but has some flaws; he wants to join an order he feels will let him do the most good, but he is having difficulty curtailing his free spirit so he can join a rather strict cause. Certainly he will have to make some choices, but it is likely fate and his nature will ultimately decide if he can change, and whether that is for the better.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra has mid-back length, slightly wavy blonde hair. She usually wears it up in a ponytail which is tied with a simple, light blue ribbon. Her eyes are soft, large and light blue in color. One wouldn't think by looking at her soft looks that she was a warrior. She usually has a stern, if not almost sad look about her.

In normal circumstances, Kendra wears tight, dark brown leather pants that tie up the sides. She has calf-length black boots and a black belt. Her shirt is white with loose, long sleeves which is normally neatly tucked in, and she wears a loose light blue vest over her shirt.


Kendra has always been a friendly and loyal type of person. Ever since she was a little girl, she did everything she could to please people. Though, as she grew up, people started to take advantage of her kindness, the chief among them being her family. The moment she would try to protest against something, her family would lay on the guilt, so she soon became bitter and resentful towards them. Whenever she is in their presence, she looks about ready to snap.

Around people that aren't her family, she remains friendly and kind, but she seems cut off, emotionally. It is almost as if she is simply going through the motions so that she doesn't make anyone worry about her.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by NoTrammeling »

(Picture to come if I get around to drawing one!)

Standing at full height Coroccoco looms over all but the tallest humans, at 6'6" (put that in imperial for you types), and Coroccoco is always standing at her fullest height. Spine erect, shoulders back, her posture is perfect in all but the most extreme circumstances. A thick mat of reddish gray hair covers her body like the fur of an ape, leaving her hands, feet (both of which end in thick talon-like nails), and face to show the burnt-orange skin of her race. Eyes the color of the savannah crinkle whenever she indulges in a rare grin, revealing the bleached-bone teeth of a predator. It is not immediately apparent that she is, in fact, a female, but those who would look more closely might see the length of her braided grey hair, the angular almost delicate set of her jaw, or the slight shadow of her chest through the airy robes she wears.

She wears a loosely-fitting tan robe tailored to allow utter freedom of movement. She keeps her maul, a long deadly piece of wood and stone, draped across a shoulder with her traveling pack tied to its end. Most of the time she wears a hat woven from whatever is convenient when her last one has been destroyed (usually in fighting) in order to keep the sun from her eyes and her face hidden.

Birthday: Summer solstice

Personality: Will flesh this out once she's been RPed. Bone-dry sense of humor, reserved, but implacable when her considerable temper is aroused.

History: To come. You know me Jaded, though I might hold back a bit on this one =p
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by mgbevan »

Description for Gregeddin, (the 'dd' is pronounced 'th' from welsh)

You would see Gregeddin walking with long strides, his tunic a light cream, as close to white as living conditions will allow for lesser folk. His breeches are dark green, the colour of wooded oak leaves while his soft boots are brown as the trunk. His posture is good, making the most of his available 5'10". Although likely stowed in his backpack, the Zhang he plays is a foreign string instrument, eleven metal wires over light coloured wood, where each strings pitch is altered by switch (akin to a harp) and/or wooden slider. This Zhang is smaller and playable either held in one hand propped on hip, or on a flat surface to display more complex melodies using both hands to pluck the strings. His tunic hangs loosely over his chest and shoulders until it is tightened by his belt, with pouch and scabbard attached on his left. The basket hilt of his broadsword is styled of thin leaves and branches, while the faint impression of two knives stowed in his breeches can be glimpsed beneath hangs of his tunic.

More often than not, one would find Gregeddin with a smile on, doing his best to conceal his teeth out of politeness, after he has thought of some witty twist of another's words or faux pas in conduct which has amused him. He enjoys chatting, joking and playing music inherently, lacking the real desire to be the centre of attention captivating those around him with grand tales or exuberant performances. And playing tricks on others, if the mood so strikes him, not out of wickedness, but to indulge in that special kind of humour leaving him gasping between laughs and in watery eyed hysteria at the sight or spectacle someone has unfortunately be tricked into.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by djhyland »


Darga appears to be an emaciated dwarf with long, lank brown hair, a scraggly beard, and muddy brown eyes. He makes an effort to keep himself cleaner than the usual gully dwarf, but he still looks somewhat ragged. He wears a tunic and breeches of dark roughspun material, both worn from years of abuse and mended many times over, a cloak that's more varigated patches than original material, and a pair of worn but sound black boots. (When expecting trouble, he dons a suit of sooty black leather armor, but he doesn't wear it in normal circumstances.) He carries a stout walking stick carved with crude reliefs in his hand, and seems to be carrying the entirety of his belongings in a scuffed leather pack slung over his shoulder.

Darga is quiet and withdrawn, preferring to let others speak. If addressed, he is usually friendly and polite, but is comfortable talking at length only with people he trusts. Gaining that trust is not easy--he's seen too much prejudice and ill-treatment directed his way for that--but once gained, he's loyal for life. In his actions, he's pragmatic and unafraid to do what needs doing...unless it means fighting, but even then he'll step up if there's no other choice.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by BishGada »

Rarely one can see Tulbas wondering around idly. Always reading, either books, scrolls or human faces, this young Elf, constantly exercising his mind, memorizing recipes, pondering about puzzles, figure how to constructions around himself are built and how one can improve them, never found at rest.

On the rare occasion one finds Tulbas day dreaming, it will be out in nature and with gloom in his eyes.

Those of whom that look upon Tulbas, will see his green eyes looking at images only he himself sees. When Tulbas catches some words of an educated conversation his attention will immediately be fixed there, trying to learn something new.

Other than those always curious remarkable eyes, Tulbas features don't strike much of impression. Tulbas is a short (4'9") and thin (92.4 pnd) young Elf, robed in gray, his belt at his waist only emphasize his thinness, usually hooded, some of his long blond hair shown at the hoods contour. His face usually hidden and almost never looking for eye contact with strangers on the street.

Only the people close to him, whom have engaged in conversations with him, might appreciate the intelligence, and open-mindness of the lad.

Having a quite horrific background, but also pragmatic and aware of his weaknesses, Tulbas can be found in companies, but never stands out and rarely trust anyone. Having said that Tulbas sympathize the weak and given a situation someone is abused, after being convinced he won't get hurt, will try to find a way to help if possible.

In company Tulbas is a person of very few words, almost always tends to be the listener, keeps his thought to himself, lets other do both the talks and the decision unless these seem to be too much mistaken by his account. Even then he will try to speak to one of the company so that one will convince the others.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by djhyland »


Arulia is a slender young half-elven woman with long honey-colored hair and green eyes. Though she usually wears her hair in such a manner to hide them, her pointed ears betray her elven heritage. A lifelong resident of Haven, her day-to-day clothing is in the local fashion with some variation of a blouse under a corset and a floor-length skirt. In her capacity as a guardswoman, though, she dons finely-wrought chainmail, breeches, and boots. She seems just as comfortable in her armor as she does her civilian clothing.

Arulia is friendly and outgoing. She makes friends easily and enjoys the company of others. As an idealist, she tends to trust others implicitly, at least until they prove unworthy of her trust. Having grown up as a bastard and a half-elf, she's long since developed a thick skin and is slow to anger. Likewise, she's unafraid to stand up for herself or those she cares about, and has little tolerance for prejudice. She believes in living a straight-forward life and prides herself on her honesty, though some might say that she's a bit too proud and self-absorbed. Others scoff at her honesty, noting rightly that she's a horrible liar anyway--on the rare occasions that she attepmts to hide the truth, her nervous twitching always gives her away.

EDIT: I added a picture that I drew. I used to draw all the time when I was a teenager (oh, these many years ago...), a lot of it D&D related. I thought I'd see what I could do for Arulia over my lunch break, and it turned out...okay, I guess. I'm pretty rusty, and it's a quick and dirty job, and I sucked at drawing her hand, and my office's copier and image software (MS-Paint!) are bad, but hey, it'll do for now.

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by TristenC »

At first the figure before you seems to be an ordinary goblin. His rough-looking hide armor, shield and mace giving him a war-like air. He stands 4'2", but without as much of a hunch as most of his kind, and is somewhat cleaner. An oft-broken nose and a few scars decorate his face. One scar in particular grabs your attention; a jagged, nasty thing that runs from his jawline up to his right temple. Following the scar's path you are led to his dark, somber eyes... eyes that belie his young age and speak of an unexpected wisdom and depth. A faint smile quirks his lip as he notices you, but then his gaze is quickly averted and calmly scans your surroundings.
Grubnick character pic.  Not my workm but from one of the d&d corebooks (3rd edition phb, i think).  It was too perfect to pass up.
Grubnick character pic. Not my workm but from one of the d&d corebooks (3rd edition phb, i think). It was too perfect to pass up.
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Demiplane of Dread: DM. PCs transporting the Crown... while being hunted by a murderer... Act 3, Scene 1
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by TristenC »

Grubnick's facial scars... *shiver*
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Demiplane of Dread: DM. PCs transporting the Crown... while being hunted by a murderer... Act 3, Scene 1
Genwald: DM. PCs Orc hunting before facing the worg-riders again... Act 2, Scene 2
Puzzle Dungeon: DM. Labyrinth of Madness reboot! Approaching the Labyrinth
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Chris1234 »

Appearance – Shima’s thoughtful brown eyes contrast with his ruddy, veiny cheeks. His course black hair and beard are kept very short – less than 2” long at most – uncharacteristically so for a dwarf. Broad shoulders taper down to a paunch-free middle, all promising to manage heavy burdens over long distances. The scout’s leathers, shield and weaponry - sword and spear- are all finished in grey-black. Even the backpack buckles have been oil quenched to blue-black, avoiding any possibility of reflections.

Personality – The Wayfinder is at peace with himself; will speak, but only when necessary. Shima is somewhat estranged from his kin and wears it like a badge, in both manner and appearance. He’s rarely downright surly, but is full of stares and meaningful looks. Shortcomings aside, he is a dwarf of his word.

Birthday 16/6/300
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