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War of the Lance Basic Info

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

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War of the Lance Basic Info

Post by JadedDM »

War of the Lance is an offshoot of another game, Dragonlance Chronicles, that didn't work out so well. This is an attempt to try again, but rectifying what I saw as the problems that eventually led to the game's downfall.

This is a 2nd Edition AD&D game set in the world of Dragonlance, on the continent of Ansalon. It will start during the War of the Lance, in 351 AC.

This game does not follow the story of the Heroes of the Lance. Rather, it follows the story of another group of adventurers in Haven around the same time. The Heroes of the Lance have a great destiny to fulfill, but the destiny of this other, unknown party is up to them. It's their story we will tell here.

The PCs aren't chosen by the gods to bring balance back into the world. They are just regular folk trying to survive a war that is covering all of Ansalon. Can they make a difference? Or even survive?
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

Post by JadedDM »

As it's currently 351 AC, the current leaders of the Conclave of Wizards are:

Par-Salian (Order of Solinari/Master of Wayreth Tower)
Justarius (Order of Lunitari)
Ladonna (Order of Nuitari)

The current leaders of the Knights of Solamnia are:

None (Grandmaster)
Quintayne Fogorner (High Warrior)
Alfred MarKenin (High Justice)
Michael Jeoffrey (High Clerist)

The current leaders of the Holy Orders of the Stars are:


The current leaders of the Knights of Takhisis are:


The current leaders of the Elves are:

Solostaran Kanan (Speaker of the Suns)
Lorac Caladon (Speaker of the Stars)
Windspeaker (Speaker of the Seas)
Treyen Silverwake (Speaker of the Moons)

The current leaders of the Plainsfolk are:

Arrowthorn (Chieftain of the Que-Shu)
Blackfoot (Chieftain of the Que-Kiri)
Chaosmoon (Chieftain of the Que-Teh)

The current leaders of the Khur tribes are:

Khan Salah (Khan of all Khurs)

The current leader of Ergoth is:

Emperor Mercadior Redic V

The current leaders of the Dwarves are:

None (King of Thorbardin)
Glade Hornfel (Thane of Hylar)
Gneiss Truesilver (Thane of Daewar)
Tufa Bloodeye (Thane of Khar)
Raelgar Ironface (Thane of Theiwar)
Rance Coalmount (Thane of Daergar)
Highbulb Bulph (Thane of Aghar)
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

Post by JadedDM »

This is a complete list of rules and house rules that I use in my game.

Core Rules
Character Generation - For this game, I'll be using Method V (4d6, drop the lowest, choose order).
Rerolling Ability Scores - A player may reroll a single roll if it is 3 during character generation. Otherwise, you keep what you get. If you are unsatisfied with the results, talk to me, maybe we can work something out.
Height/Weight/Age - Players need not roll for these, unless they want to. They can just choose them. The DM secretly rolls your maximum age, to learn when your character will die of old age (if you're lucky!)
Starter Spells - A player may choose his wizard's starting spells, but still must roll to learn them. Upon reaching a new spell level, a general mage learns a new spell for that level automatically (chosen by the DM) whereas a specialist mage learns a new spell of their chosen school (chosen by the player). A mage's first spellbook is free, but additional ones must be paid for.
When XP is Given - Characters earn XP (and level up automatically upon receiving enough to do so) at the end of a thread. Threads are usually divided into chapters, and generally will end when the party rests for the night.
Initiative - I use Individual Initiative during combat. I also use all of the modifiers that come with it, including casting times and weapon speeds. Characters with multiple attacks don't use them until the end of the round (except for those who are dual-wielding).
Firing into Melee - This rule is completely ignored. You can only hit an ally during melee with a projectile weapon if you roll a fumble or if they move directly into your line of fire (and are larger than or the same size as your target). If you try and fire a projectile weapon at a target while someone else is meleeing you, the opponent gets a free attack.

Optional Rules (The rules in blue found in the PHB/DMG)
Intelligence Bonus to Proficiencies - For every language slot a character gets from INT, they get an extra NWP slot, as well.
Maximum Spells per Level - Based on their INT score, wizards have a limit to how many spells they can learn each level, total.
Racial Adjustment to Charisma - I actually apply lots of extra modifiers to Charisma when taking into account race, class, ethnicity, and so forth. For instance, a Cleric of Good proudly bearing his icon in a land of evil is likely to get a big penalty to his reaction adjustment.
Detection of Pick Pocketing - I use the optional rule that allows a thief a lesser chance of being caught pickpocketing when the victim is lower level than the thief.
Nonweapon Proficiencies - I use both weapon and nonweapon proficiencies in my game, not secondary skills. Unless stated otherwise, a character must train to learn a new proficiency slot once it becomes available.
Encumbrance - I do use (basic, not specific) encumbrance in my games. I also rule that magical armor does not count toward one's encumbrance.
Horse Traits - I do use horse traits for flavor, but don't usually enforce them.
Armor Made of Unusual Metals - I do allow this.
Spell Components - I do use these. Material components that are rare and expensive must be in the caster's inventory to work. For more general components, like sand, gum, cloth, etc., a caster needs a 'component bag' that costs 1 gp per spell level to refill (a 1st level mage would need to spend 1 gp, a 3rd level mage would need to spend 3 gp, etc.) at a mageware shop. The component bag must be refilled between adventures (or once a month, whichever comes first).
Researching Extra Wizard Spells - I allow that any spell researched by a wizard does not count against his/her limit of spells per level.
Individual Experience Awards - I use these, and group awards, too.
Training - I do not require a character train to advance in level (but they do need to train to learn new proficiencies).
Weapon Type vs Armor Modifiers - I do use these rules. Thus, a piercing weapon is more effective against leather armor, whereas a bludgeoning weapon is better against chain mail.
Parrying - I do allow this.
Multiple Attacks Against Weak Opponents - I do not allow warriors to make a number of attacks equal to their level against opponents who have 1-1 or less HD.
Polearms/Shields and Weapon Frontage - I use both of these rules.
Critical Hits/Misses - I use both. A natural 20 is a critical hit, and the character is allowed to roll for damage twice (not once and then multiplied by two). On a natural 1, the character fumbles. What this means is up to the DM, but it can involve a weapon breaking, accidentally hitting oneself or an ally, dropping a weapon or falling down to the ground. It depends on the situation.
Specific Injuries - I do not use this rule.
Hovering at Death's Door - I do use this rule. At 0 HP, a character becomes unconscious and bleeds out (losing 1 HP per round) until they reach death at -10 HP. A character who is bleeding out can have their wounds bound (no check or roll needed) to stop the bleeding. Magical healing spells only restore an unconscious character to 1 HP and no more can be used until the character has rested one day (exception--the Heal spell).
Aerial Combat - I use all of these rules, too.
Degrees of Darkness Modifiers - I use these, yep. Moving/fighting in moonlight is not as bad as total darkness, etc.
Jogging and Running - I use these rules.
Terrain Effects on Movement - I use these rules. So traveling through water, snow, heavy forest/brush, rocky ground, and in darkness slows the party down.
Terrain Modifiers for Overland Movement - I use these, too.
Command Words - Rods, wands and staves use them, yep.

Splatbook Rules
Kits - I do allow some kits, but not others. If you are interested in a kit, just ask the DM to find out more.
The Complete Fighter's Handbook - I use the rules for weapon and armor crafting, off-hand weapon use, kneeling and sitting, range and initiative, ambidexterity, fighting style specialization, martial arts, punching/wrestling specialization, disarming, grabbing, holding, pinning, pulling/tripping, sapping, shield punching and rushing, recovery of temporary damage, darkness modifiers, unstable ground, mounted combat, bone and stone weaponry, high quality racial armor, and piecemeal armor.
The Complete Paladin's Handbook - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Ranger's Handbook - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Wizard's Handbook - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Druid's Handbook - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Thief's Handbook - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Bard's Handbook - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Book of Dwarves - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings - Pretty much all of it.
The Complete Book of Elves - Just the expanded archery rules and the new equipment/spells.
The Complete Book of Humanoids - Pretty much all of it.
Of Ships and the Sea - Pretty much all of it.
Dungeoneer's Survival Guide - I use the new equipment.
Wilderness Survival Guide - The rules for temperature, the rules for food and water, the rules for foraging, fishing and hunting.
Player's Option: Spells and Magic - The Cure Moderate Wounds spell only.

House Rules
No Racial Ability Minimums or Maximums - I don't bother with these at all (e.g., not being able to play a dwarf unless your STR is 8 or higher). Never saw the point to it.
No Level Limits - I don't bother with these, either. Most of my games never get high enough in level for them to matter anyway.
Lesser Alignment Restrictions - Druids and Bards can be of any alignment.
Rally Allies/Berserker Rage - The benefits of a bard's 'rally allies' ability kicks in on the first round, not the third round. Those who can go berserker can do so in one round, not ten.
No Racial/Class Restrictions - Any race may take any class in my games. A dwarf can be a paladin, an elf can be a bard, a gnome can be a ranger, etc.
Proficiency Checks without the Proficiency - In some cases, I will allow a character to attempt a proficiency check in something he/she doesn't have proficiency in. In this case, they must roll a 3 or less to succeed. And the end result will never be of high quality (someone trying to forge a dagger without the weaponsmithing proficiency will only make one of average quality at best). There are lots of stipulations to this rule. For instance, the character in question cannot even make the attempt if the DM feels that it violates common sense (a character who has never seen a horse before can't possibly hope to make a rider check). Likewise, some things are just impossible for unskilled characters, regardless of luck (someone without the armorer proficiency could try and bang out a satisfactory suit of chain mail, but full plate mail is out of the question).
Crossbow Damage - In my games, a light crossbow does 1d6 damage and a heavy crossbow does 1d8 damage.
Turn/Control Undead - I allow clerics and paladins with this ability to also use it against extraplanar creatures. A good cleric can turn evil extraplanar creatures, and an evil cleric can control evil extraplanar creatures.
Cantrips - Cantrip is not a spell, but a nonweapon proficiency that can only be taken by someone with levels in wizard or bard.
Natural Healing - The effects of natural healing and the healing proficiency are stacked.
Proficiency Slots - If a player adds an empty NWP slot to a proficiency he/she already has, they get a +2 to their rolls.
Aid Another - If two characters have the same proficiency, one can 'aid' the other in their roll, and this adds a +2 to the roll.
Familiars - I use a special rule for familiars. At level 2, a mage or bard can summon a familiar automatically, without the use of a spell. At level 4, the caster can see through the familiar's eyes if they concentrate and do nothing else. At 6th level, the caster can cast touch-spells through their familiar. Then at 8th level, the caster's familiar gains a special ability (depending on what the familiar in question is).
Reading/Writing - I rule that if you have a proficiency with Reading/Writing, you can read and write any language you can speak. This does not apply to ancient languages, though.
Full HP at 1st level - Characters will automatically receive full HP at first level; subsequent levels must be rolled for, however.

Forum/Posting Rules
Present Tense - Keep your posts in present tense, please.
Three Day Rule - The DM will wait for any given player at least three days before moving on.
Name Your Targets! - When in combat, make sure to specify who you are hitting or where you are centering any spells.
Roll or No Roll - If you roll (attack, damage, initiative, whatever), use Invisible Castle and then (most importantly) post the results of your rolls. If you do not roll, the DM will roll for you. If you forget your modifiers, the DM will add them (when he remembers to).
AWOL - If a player vanishes (stops posting, doesn't even log in) for at least a month without giving any prior explanation or warning, they are dropped from the game and their character becomes a permanent NPC.
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

Post by JadedDM »

Some basic information about Dragonlance and the world it takes place on, Krynn.

Krynn has a couple of known continents, but the one this adventure centers on is called Ansalon. The people of Ansalon are largely ignorant of any other continents.

Krynn has three moons. However, most people are only familiar with two. The first moon, and the largest, is white and known as Solinari. The medium sized moon is red and known as Lunitari. The third moon is the smallest and is black, called Nuitari. The reason most people are not aware of Nuitari is because it is black, it is hidden in the night sky. It can only be seen by evil wizards. The only time it is visible to other people is when it is eclipsed against one of the other two moons. The three moons are the source of all magic. When all three line up in an eclipse, it's called the Night of the Eye and all magic is boosted significantly.

Gold has little value in this world. Steel pieces replace gold pieces in this world. Gold itself falls somewhere between copper and silver in value. I realize this makes no sense at all, considering the party is completely decked out in steel. Just go with it, though. It's part of the world's flavor.

Clerical spells, potions, and items have not existed for nearly 300 years. Most humans have completely forgotten about the names and myths of the old gods. The elves and dwarves still pay lip-service to these old gods, but are not true believers and thus do not have clerics, either.

Dragons have not existed on Krynn for over 1000 years. As a result, most people in this world smile when dragons are mentioned, believing they are only folktales to frighten children. Few believe that dragons ever did exist; almost nobody believes that they exist now.

Halflings do not exist on Krynn. They are replaced with Kender. Kender are (literally) fearless. They are childlike in appearance and demeanor, and yet most people can't stand them. The reason for this is because kender have no sense of property. They have wandering hands, and often don't even realize they are stealing. Often, they are attracted to something shiny or interesting, pick it up to examine it, then carelessly drop it in their pouches. Kender also cause a lot of trouble, because their immunity to fear mixed with their insatiable curiosity, often means they do rather foolish things (like walk up to a Lich to ask it on what it's like to be undead).

Orcs do not exist on Krynn. Goblinoids, ogres, gnolls, etc. do, however. Also, there are no lycanthropes or Drow on Krynn. The term "Dark elf" refers to any elf who has 'left the light' and been exiled from his or her peoples. Thus, any elf who is neutral or evil is a 'dark elf,' although an elf could still be good and considered 'dark.' Psionics do not exist, either.

All arcane magic users are required to join the Orders of High Sorcery. This must be done by the time they learn third level spells, or else they are hunted down by the Orders and either destroyed or forced to join. Upon reaching access to level three spells, they are required to undergo the Test. The Test is different from each wizard, but failure always means death. Magic is considered a huge responsibility, and never one to be taken lightly. Those of good alignment join the Order of Solinari and wear white robes. Those of neutral alignment join the Order of Lunitari and wear red robes. Those of evil alignment join the Order of Nuitari and wear black robes.

Most people are extremely suspicious and wary of wizards, even the White Robed ones. Most people are also distrustful of the Knights of Solamnia--once considered honorable and noble heroes--because they failed to stop the Cataclysm.
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

Post by JadedDM »

Races of Krynn
This is an overview of the playable races for this game. Non-playable races won't be included on this list.


Humans were one of the first three races created by the gods, and were the creation of the Gods of Twilight. Gifted with the choice of freedom, these short-lived creatures can freely choose their own ethical and moral path. Ever since their creation during the early dawn of Krynn, humans have spread throughout Ansalon, Taladas, Adlatum, and the most remote regions of the world, creating cultures as diverse as the differences between elves and dwarves. With a race with so many broad and ranging differences amongst their cultures, the only clear distinction is between civilized humans (those who live within cities, towns, etc) and nomads.

Nomads dwell as the original humans in early Krynn did so long ago, in tents and in the wilderness. The nomads live off the land and are often termed as barbarians or savages by the civilized humans. Nomadic humans have their own set of unique cultures, ranging from the Plainsfolk of Abanasinia to disparate tribes of Khur.

Civilized humans comprise the vast majority of humans throughout Ansalon and Taladas, and can be found in practically any occupation in any settlement. From a wiry thief to a rotund barkeep, civilized humans can work in the lowliest of jobs or hold the highest of positions. Human rulers are known to stir up conflict with other nations, due to the flurry of activity they weave around themselves. Although they have also been known to maintain long-standing peace with their neighbors at times also.

Neidar (Hill Dwarves)

The Neidar have tan skin, ruddy cheeks and bright eyes. Their hair is brown, black or gray, worn in respectable trim around the ears but worn long and bushy in beards and mustaches. Their clothes reflect the drab colors of their lands: black, brown, gray, tan and beige.

The Neidar (knoll dwellers) are the name given to those dwarves who at the time of the creation of Thorbardin chose to live outside. All hill dwarves are grouped into this thanedom. Many of these dwarves could trace their ancestry back to one of the other clans. The role of the Neidar prior to the Cataclysm was scouting and tending to the flocks outside of Thorbardin.

The original Neidar were represented on the Council of Thanes. They were able to make contacts with the other cultures. It was the Neidar who established the permanent boundary with Qualinost. The two cultures (mountain and hill dwarf) had warm relations prior to the Cataclysm.

Once the Cataclysm occurred the Neidar suffered from a lack of communication with their mountain dwarf cousins. The Neidar believing that they had been left to die in the outside world raised an army against their mountain cousins. Led by Reghar Fireforge and backed by plainsmen and knights this army fought in the Dwarfgate War. The dwarves fought against their mountain cousins and were defeated on the Plains of Dergoth by the treachery of the Dewar.

Following the Dwarfgate War the Neidar suffered terribly. Many of the Neidar voices were destroyed in revenge for the war. The result of this led to a dark century for the Neidar who fought starvation, disease and the chaos that resulted from the cataclysm.

Gaming Notes
Standard rules for hill dwarves in the PHB are used. Neidar can be any class, but those who practice sorcery are shunned by their own people.

Aghar (Gully Dwarves)

The Aghar are short and squat cousins of the Mountain Dwarves. They do not cut a striking figure. Poor living conditions mar their skin with scars, boils, sores and brown splotches. Both sexes have unkempt hair of dirty blond, brown, rust, grey, or dull black. Males wear long, scruffy beards; females have some cheek down but no beards. Their eyes are watery blue, dull green, brown or hazel. Their narrow fingers have overly large knuckles and their legs tend to be knock-kneed. Both sexes carry pot bellies and develop wrinkles soon after age 25.

Thanks to poor living conditions, most gully dwarves are smeared with enough grime and soil to plant a small garden. Their bedraggled clothes hostel a bevy of parasites. Aghar lucky enough to possess jewelry wear it conspicuously and garishly.

The Aghar, or Gully Dwarves, are considered by many to be the most repulsive of races on Krynn. Gully dwarves are the diminutive cousins of true dwarves, though they still have a seat on the Council of Thanes in Thorbardin. Their leader, the Highbulp, is the Aghar who is most accomplished at groveling his way out of any given situation.

The Aghar were also one of the original dwarven clans living in Kal-Thax. Although they can be found living in clans all over Ansalon their history is often lost on the outside world. The Aghar were often considered to be comic relief to much of the other dwarven clans.

Gaming Notes
Aghar receive a -2 to CHA and a +1 to STR and DEX. However, they have a hard cap on INT and cannot surpass a score of 12.

Aghar receive all of the same benefits and penalties as hill dwarves, but their magical malfunction rate is 40% instead of 20%. They also have the ability to grovel:

Groveling - Any time one is in a dangerous situation and is not immediately engaged in melee, the Aghar may throw theirselves on the mercy of their attackers, or faint in hope that they will be ignored in the ensuing melee. This causes their opponents to save vs. spell. Success means the opponent can attack normally; failure means they cannot attack for 1d6 rounds (but may still restrain or tie the Aghar up). At 5th level, the Aghar's opponent suffers a -2 to their saving throw. At 9th level, the penalty becomes -3 and at 13th level, it becomes -5.

Gully Dwarves receive a +10% to Pick Pockets, -5% to Open Locks, Hide in Shadows and Climb Walls, +5% to Find/Remove Traps, and a -25% to Read Languages.

Height is 40/38+2d6 inches, weight is 80/65+4d10 pounds and starting age is 30+2d12 years (they reach middle age at 100, old age at 134, and venerable at 200. Their max age is 200+5d20).

Aghar can be any class. But obviously, classes with an INT prime requisite like mages or bards are not a very good fit.

Qualinesti (High Elves)

Qualinest are smaller and darker than the Silvanesti, with eyes of blue or brown and hair ranging from honey-brown to blonde. They are not as strikingly attractive as the Silvanesti. They prefer earth-toned clothing. They prefer long dresses for women and woven trousers and jerkins for men.

The elves of Qualinesti struggled to survive during the tumultuous first years after the Cataclysm, battling hordes of rampaging goblin tribes that penetrated Abanasinia and human mercenary raiders who were convinced that the elves were hiding great riches within the forest. The Qualinesti worked tirelessly to preserve their way of life, and in many ways they succeeded—though spiritually they were empty, bereft of the gods of good who had once watched over them.

The situation grew worse. Human warlords invaded the region and tested the resolve of the Qualinesti nation. Bloody clashes increased the hostility between the races. Yet the Qualinesti borders remained intact. The human marauders settled in the north and south of the elven nation. The Kharolis Mountains that border the elven lands on the west prevented any invasion through the territory of the hill dwarves. Thus the elves’ isolation grew over the centuries until an elf was rarely seen outside their own lands.

Though the Qualinesti have remained isolated, they receive a few foreign visitors and welcome a handful of outsiders. Just as things seem to be improving and some elves look forward to a time when the borders can be fully opened to trade with other races, word comes of a large army of darkness in the east. The elves have sent out spies and are using magic to monitor the situation. while making plans for retreat and flight to lands deeper in the west. Now the elves are on the verge of a great exodus from their homeland—only waiting for the right moment.

Gaming Notes
Standard rules for high elves in the PHB are used.

Silvanesti (Grey Elves)

Silvanesti are fair-skinned. THeir hair ranges from light brown to blonde-white, and their eyes are usually hazel. They prefer loose garments, flowing robes, and billowing capes. Their clothes are various shades of green and brown.

The elves of Silvanesti suffered terribly during the Fall of Istar. Their homeland was sundered. The great forests of their nation were uprooted and the lands of the east flooded as water rushed in from the Southern Courrain Ocean. Coastal villages along their eastern seaboard sank, and hundreds of elven lives were lost beneat the waves. For decades, the elves of Silvanesti struggled to recover from the horror, working to restore their forests and rebuild their cities.

The Silvanesti did nothing to assist those around them and refrained from asking for help from any other race or nation. As far as they were concerned, the folly of humanity brought down the wrath of the gods and caused the divine forces to abandon the world. Agreeing with the wisdom of the gods, the Silvanesti abandoned the world, retreating into their perfectly sculpted forests and pristine homes.

The Silvanesti used the powers of High Sorcery to protect their land against invasion and to monitor the events of the world as they evolved around them. Content to sit by and watch the world crumble around them—so long as it did not directly affect them—the Silvanesti watched day by day as the other races floundered and flailed in the wake of the Cataclysm. Busy dealing with their own problems, the Silvanesti felt that the humans had brought this travesty upon themselves and that it was only right that they should suffer for it.

Thus, after three centuries, when the elves first noticed a darkness gathering in the lands of the north, they started making plans to safeguard their home.

Gaming Notes
Silvanesti receive a +2 to INT and +1 to DEX, but suffer a -2 to CON and a -1 to STR. They are otherwise mechanically the same as Qualinesti.

Height is 60/55+1d12 inches and weight is 85/75+3d10 pounds.

A Silvanesti is only playable if he or she is an outcast ('dark elf') that has been exiled from their homeland.


Gnomes have richly brown skin, the tone of polished wood, with white hair, blue or violet eyes, and straight white teeth. Males have soft, curly beards and mustaches; females are beardless. Both sexes develop wrinkles at age 50. Gnomes are short and stocky, but their movements are quick and their hands are deft and sure. They have rounded ears and large noses.

They have miserable fashion sense, dressing themselves in outlandish garb. Tools and notebooks bristle from the pockets of their outfits, even if they are not members of the tinker class. It's in their blood.

The gnomes of Sancrist have always faced the challenges of life with logical thought and the analytical skills of the engineers they were born to be. Thus it was that the situation in the world abroad came as a surprise to them. Tucked safely away within their mountain home, the tinker gnomes of Ansalon looked up one day to find that the world had been transformed. The earthquakes and flooding that struck them were inconvenient, not the least because many lives were lost among the gnomes. But they had suffered mishaps like these before. It is a regrettable fact of life in Mount Nevermind that if progress is to be made in any field, lives will inevitably be lost.

Eventually, after much debate and a lengthy selection process, gnomish explorers were sent out to investigate the new world. They discovered that the humans and elves to the south who had forged a friendship with the gnomes over the decades were suffering. The gnomes did what they could to assist the needy. They transported food from their mountain to feed the hungry and offered medicines they developed to cure the sick (at least to those souls brave enough to try their miracle potions). These gestures of concern strengthened the bonds between the humans and gnomes of Sancrist. The gnomes also made excursions into the forests of Sancrist and established relations with the Kagonesti there.

To nearly every other race on the face of Krynn, the loss of the gods and rending of the continent was catastrophic. To the ever-enterprising gnomes of Mount Nevermind, it augured an age of discovery. A change of such massive proportions had never been recorded in the annals of gnomish history. New maps needed to be created. New seas needed to be sailed. Changes in climate had to be recorded. Hundreds of gnomish explorers took to the road and sea to catalog all the changes.

Life within Mount Nevermind and countless small gnomish communities was by no means left untouched by the Cataclysm. Thousands of Life Quests had to be re-examined for the changes wrought in the world. The transformation of the continent, the decline of society, and the absence of the gods all had a huge impact on certain Life Quests. Libraries full of material had to be pulled from the shelves and reorganized. Months and years were spent on updating records, invalidating patents, and redesigning and refining processes, all relative to the fall of the human empire of Istar.

Gaming Notes
Standard rules for rock gnomes in the PHB are used. Any gnome PCs are likely on their Life Quests.


Adult kender resemble young teenage humans; aside from their pointed ears, they could pass as human youths. Despite their attenuate limbs, kender are well muscled.

Hair coloration for kender ranges from sandy blonde to dark brown, with some who have coppery red or red-orange hues. Short-cropped shag haircuts are popular in Hylo, but Goodlund kender prefer longer hair: braids, ponytails, knots, and combed manes. Kender cannot grow facial hair.

Although fair-skinned, kender tan quickly, becoming nut-brown by midsummer. Their eye color varies: pale blue, sea green, olive, light brown, and hazel.

Kender clothing varies a great deal, but all wear durable, rustic outfits. Bright natural colors and ribbons accent clothing. Males wear shirts, pants or breaches, laced leggings, and soft leather boots or sandals. Females wear a tunic or dress, pants, and soft leather shoes or laced sandals. All kender wear vests, belts or short cloaks with many pockets.

Of all the races on Ansalon, none were as hurt by the disappearance of the gods and the destruction of the continent as the kender race. Prior to the Cataclysm, the kender of Ansalon had their fair share of problems with Istar. In 118 PC the Proclamation of Manifest Virtue was issued, stating that kender were inherently evil. By 115 PC an army of Solamnia was arrayed along the borders of Kenderhome, though the army never invaded. Many songs and stories tell of these times and how the knights and kender would gather along the borders during holidays and get drunk and laugh about the official nonsense being issued from Istar. Repeated commands from Istar were ignored, as no high-ranking member of Solamnia felt that kender were inherently evil. The largest border conflict occurred in 83 PC when an Istarian priest convinced a division commander to strike directly at Hylo. It was a bloody battle, but the kender ended up winning and captured the Istarian priest. They locked him up in the tallest tower of the crashed citadel. And there he remained until 70 PC when the Solamnic High Justice managed to negotiate his release. From that time forward kender were forbidden to set foot in Istar.

The laws regarding kender only made it that much harder for the kender of Balifor to resist seeing what all the fuss was about in Istar. Before too long, Istar had sanctioned the extermination of evil races and kender were among those listed. At 30 gold a scalp, the kender were a popular bounty. These new laws solidified relationships between previously hostile races. Goblins of the northern wastes and the kender of Bailfor formed a truce to protect each other when bounty hunters or patrols of Istarian soldiers traveled through their region. As brute squads intensified, the kender retreated farther into their forests and the goblins disappeared into the wastelands.

When the day of reckoning came, except for the human nations of Ergoth and Istar, Hylo and Balifor suffered the worst of the destruction. Hundreds of miles of forest dropped below sea level and were flooded. The horror of the devastation marked many kender, causing them to take a more serious view of life, though none ever completely lost their cheerful optimism.

The city of Hylo became overcrowded and disease ran rampant. It took many years for them to overcome their desolate situation. In Goodlund the displaced kender became nomadic and traveled across the desert regions of the north.

After three to four generations, the kender settled new villages and cities in Hylo and the peninsula of Goodlund and continued their lives of exploring the world around them. With the coming of the dragonarmies, many kender have taken to the road to investigate rumors and see if there is anything interesting to be found.

Gaming Notes
Kender are mechanically similar to halflings from the PHB with the following exceptions:

Kender receive infravision (30 feet).

Kender who are not thieves still have access to all the thief skills, with a +5% bonus (with the exception of Read Languages). Dexterity modifiers apply, but these abilities do not increase with level.

Kender are totally immune to both magical and non-magical fear.

Kender are adept at the art of taunting an enemy until the foe loses all ability for rational thought or restraint and is goaded into an uncontrollable attack. If the victim can understand the kender's speech, they must make a saving throw versus spell (modified by WIS). If it fails, the victim will attack the kender wildly for 1d10 rounds, suffering a -2 to attack rolls and a +2 to Armor Class.

Kender can be any class, but most lack the patience to be wizards (all of that studying!)


Half-elves strongly resemble their elven parents but males have the non-elven capacity to grow facial hair. They are slightly taller and somewhat stockier than most elves. Though universally beautiful, they lack the grace of their elven parentage.

Half-elves have always been regarded with prejudice and distrust by both parent races. The Age of Despair has only amplified these problems, leading to abandoned, neglected, or abused half-elf children. The racial prejudice in the early Age of Despair forced many half-elves to attempt to hide their heritage from the world. Many lost their lives because they couldn’t disguise their elven looks. Others learned to move about inconspicuously, and avoid places where humans congregate.

During the early years of the Age of Despair, human bandits and warlords ransacked many outlying elven towns that had fallen on difficult times. Many elven women were raped during these raids, leaving a legacy of half-elves who are condemned to a life of shame.

In the elven lands, half-elves found no sanctuary. Scorned for their human parentage, any half-Silvanesti was cast out as a mongrel. In Qualinesti half-elves were tolerated at best, but never fully accepted by polite society. Seen in public, they were often singled out for snide or condescending comment, and pointedly reminded of the perceived failing they were unable to remedy.

Many half-elves banded together in various ways. Many half-elves joined cults or religious groups seeking fellowship. Others formed groups of bandits, honing their skills with blades or bows in various shady enterprises. When word of armies gathering in the east spread, some half-elves heeded the call and joined the forces of the Dark Queen. Others actively fought against the invasion as resistance fighters. Their natural cunning and grace made them exceptional leaders, and they gained the respect of not only their followers but the humans and elves who had previously misjudged them.

Gaming Notes
Standard rules for half-elves in the PHB are used.
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

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The following are some less common races that can still be played with the DM's permission. It should be noted that all of these races face a lot more prejudice in general than the ones above.

Half-Ogres – These are the offspring of ogre and human matings. They have much of the strength and size of their ogre heritage, but also retain much of the native intelligence and reason of their human side. Half-ogres stand between seven and eight feet tall, appearing as huge humans. The skin coloration that marks ogres is very much subdued in half-ogres: swarthy skin, lank hair, and usually but not always, human eyes. (+1 STR and CON, -1 INT and CHA)

Half-Kender - The offspring of a human and a kender. If kender are perpetual children, then half-kender are perpetual adolescents. (No ability adjustments.)

Goblins - Small, weak goblinoids that are often used as fodder by stronger races. (-1 STR and CHA, +1 DEX)

Hobgoblins - Larger, smarter, and stronger goblinoids. (-1 CHA)

Centaurs - A fae race that often dwells in the forests of Krynn. Their upper torso is that of a human, but their lower torso is that of a horse. (+1 CON and WIS, -2 DEX)

Minotaurs - A race of bull-folk that are often found north, sailing the tropical seas. (+2 STR and CON, -2 WIS and CHA)
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

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Once, the peoples of Krynn worshiped the original gods that created the world and all life. Elves, Humans and Ogres were the three original races--later, the Greygem of Gargath (a gemstone carrying the very essence of Chaos) created the other races such as kender, gnomes, dwarves and goblins.

But over 350 years ago, the Cataclysm occurred. Nobody is quite sure why, but the events are well-known. A fiery mountain fell from the heavens and struck the heart of Istar, the Holy Empire. Those who were incinerated immediately were the lucky ones. The long-term effects of the meteor were wide spread and devastating. Mountains collapsed, new oceans formed, and the world was plunged into darkness. But worst of all was the disappearance of the gods. All true clerics in the land vanished and the gods would not answer any prayers any longer. Plagues ran rampant as magical healing completely vanished from the world.

Over time, the humans forgot the old gods and began to seek new gods to worship. The dwarves remember their old god, Reorx, but they do not worship him so much as mourn him. The elves pay lip service to the old gods, as well; but they blame the other races, especially the humans, for the Cataclysm.

These are the current and most prominent religions:

The Seekers
The Seeker movement, while usually identified with its primary holdings in Abanasinia, was actually quite a widespread religion that gripped Ansalon during the third century after the Cataclysm. But its roots are actually far more ancient.

Founded with the belief that the old gods had departed the world, the Seekers wanted to search for the gods or find some new gods to worship—gods who would reliably answer the prayers of their faithful and not turn on them in their darkest hour. The Seeker religion, a philosophy as well as a religion, was shared by hundreds of people in Ansalon in the beginning and never truly faded from some hearts.

Before they came together in Abanasinia, the looseknit organization of clerics that would eventually become known as the Seekers had preached their new creed in the towns of Haven, Solace, and Gateway. At that time it was not a formal religion, only groups of people searching for evidence of gods—any gods. Working independently, these people began to feel they needed a structure if they were ever to convince the people of Krynn of their beliefs. This prompted meetings with like-minded fellows.

It was from these initial meetings that the core philosophy of the Seekers arose and was codified: “The Seekers are searching for new gods and will announce them, once they are discovered—gods worthy of respect and worship”. This philosophy was unveiled in Haven with less than spectacular results.

The new Seeker religion started with a powerful enemy: the clerics of the serpent god Belzor. The browncloaked clerics of Belzor maintained a tight grip on the hearts of the people of Haven, and the clerics were loath to relinquish their hold. A swift propaganda campaign and a few mysterious disappearances almost spelled the doom of the new religion, which could not compete with the established faith that presented miracles every night in their temple. Another factor that impeded the Seekers was that they did not offer any alternative god for the people of Haven.

It would not be until Belzor fell that the Seeker religion took genuine hold in Abanasinia. After first being taken for fools by the magic-using clergy of Belzor, turned to the new religion that promised answers to their questions. From Haven, the Seeker religion spread like wildfire throughout Abanasinia. Gateway and Solace quickly joined the trinity of Seeker towns, and numerous little hamlets were also led by Seeker clerics.

At this time the movement lost its direction and became a political institution, more worried about consolidating power than taking care of the well-being of the people. Deciding that the villagers could not judiciously guide themselves, the Seekers appointed High Theocrats to tend to the people’s needs and rule the towns. This soon led to the rise of an inquisition, along with a spy network to control the people.

Currently, the Seekers were led by a Highseeker and nine Seekers who served as a council. The Councilhall of the Seekers stood in a glorious hall supported by six towers in the center of Haven, a building always protected by the Holy Guard.

Here are a handful of the known Seeker gods:

Omalthea: Motherlord of the Pantheons.
Sauvey: Once consort of Omalthea. God of vengeance. Fatherlord of the lesser pantheon.
Zeshun: Queen of the night, goddess of material things
Ferae: Daughter of Omalthea and Sauvey. Goddess of fertility/life/growth
Cadithal: The laughing god, consort of Ferae

Ancestor Worship
Almost all the primitive tribes turned from the worship of the gods and began the worship of their ancestors. This trend was widespread in Abanasinia, among the plains nomads and among the mountain nomads of Eastwilde. The plainsmen attributed great powers to their ancestors, whose spirits were said to commune with the cleric of the tribe - usually the chieftain, or a key member of his family. While many chieftains did sincerely believe in their ancestors, others used ancestor-worship as a way to control the tribe.

Belzor, the Scaled One
Before the coming of the Seekers, the most powerful of these new religions was Belzor, called the “Scaled One.” Belzor was symbolized by an enormous viper.

The religion of Belzor was founded some twenty years prior to the present day, when a charismatic leader known as Julian attracted a small cult of followers while performing “miracles” in the area around Haven and Gateway. Julian was not a true cleric but a minor illusionist, one who had never taken the Test of High Sorcery. But he used his spells and herb lore to deceive the people of Haven, gaining a place in the hearts of the peasants.

It took almost ten years for Julian to consolidate his hold on the area and promote his beliefs as the main religion of Haven. During this time he manufactured many miracles, such as cripples walking or dumb people speaking. In truth, he used sleight of hand or paid stooges to obtain his goals. Having gained his foothold, he began to expand his teaching in an attempt to bring his religion to the other cities of Abanasinia. The strategy was to send missionaries to other cities, first gaining the trust of important people and converting them to the worship of Belzor. This approach worked wonders in Gateway and the smaller villages, but the effort failed in Solace, when the people rebuffed Belzor during the funeral of a woodcutter named Gilon Majere.

Belzor endured for many years, however, and the religion even survived the death of its founder in an accident. Julian’s widow Judith, who had failed to win Solace over to the embrace of Belzor, became the High Priestess, and the cult degenerated into extortion scams. Not surprisingly, the religion came to an end when a young mage named Raistlin exposed it as a fraud, using a spell to reveal the tricks the leaders had been using in their High Temple in Haven. With people disillusioned with the religion and their High Priestess were murdered, the Belzorites could not contest the encroaching Seeker religion and decreased in number dramatically.

However, there are still a handful of fanatic worshipers who still worship the Scaled One. Clerics of Belzor dressed in brown robes and carried vipers, which they kept calm through a mixture of ritual and herbal lore. Their rituals were conducted in a temple filled with burning poppy seeds. The aroma of these burning seeds brought on a feeling of pleasant euphoria that predisposed the people towards the miracle of the viper statue, which moved mysteriously during the rituals—aided by illusion magic. Supplicants would appear before the High Priest, who would answer their urgent questions, for a sizable donation.
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

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Holy Order of the Stars

Pantheon of Dawn
Paladine (The Platinum Dragon, the Valiant Warrior, Draco Paladin) Greater Deity
Symbol: A platinum triangle or platinum dragon
Celestial Symbol: The constellation Valiant Warrior
Home Plane: Dome of Creation
Alignment: Lawful good
Portfolio: Kingship, guardianship, redemption, good dragons
Worshipers: Nobles, diplomats, guards, Knights of Solamnia
Cleric Alignments: LG, LN, NG
Domains: Good, Law, Nobility, Protection, Sun
Favored Weapon: Longsword (“Mighty Protector”)
Colors: White

Paladine (pal-uh-dyne) represents the divine power of majesty. He supports the soul’s aspirations toward nobility, the drive to grow towards greatness and improve by following the example of others. His is the divine right of kings, the essence of leadership and government. More than any of the other Gods of Light, Paladine exemplifies the power that redemption and righteousness possess to bring those who have fallen into the darkness back into the light. The radiance of the sun, the strength of the shield, the purity of silver and platinum, and the splendor of an imperial palace are all manifestations of Paladine’s everpresent glory and serenity. Paladine honors the triumph of good over evil for the betterment of all and provides noble guidance for those who seek it.







Pantheon of Twilight




Sirrion (The Flowing Flame, the Alchemist, the Firemaster) Intermediate Deity
Symbol: Flames
Celestial Symbol: The planet Sirrion
Home Plane: The Hidden Vale
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Fire, creativity, passion, renewal
Worshipers: Alchemists, lovers, artists
Cleric Alignments: CE, CG, CN
Domains: Chaos, Charm, Fire, Passion
Favored Weapon: Heavy flail (“Flaming Strike”)
Colors: Red and yellow

Sirrion (sear-ee-un) is the essence of the divine power of transformation. He encourages the soul to embrace a passionate and creative existence in order to grow and change. Sirrion’s dominant trait is fire, both literal and metaphorical. Fire is the element that brings change and transformation; it represents the warmth of love and passion or the creative spark of artists and alchemists. All who produce, honor, and worship this power are beloved of Sirrion. Chaotic and unpredictable, Sirrion is nevertheless opposed to needless or undirected destruction, feeling that all change should produce something and mark a transition between the old and the new. As a patron of the arts and of alchemy, Sirrion’s fiery presence does much to promote this ideal.

Zivilyn (The World Tree, Wise One, the Tree of Life) Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A stylized tree with branches above mirroring roots below
Celestial Symbol: The planet Zivilyn
Home Plane: The Hidden Vale
Alignment: True Neutral
Portfolio: Wisdom, foresight, prophecy, enlightenment
Worshipers: Philosophers, mediators, counselors, sages
Cleric Alignments: CN, LN, TN, NE, NG
Domains: Insight, Knowledge, Meditation, Time
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff (“Cane of Enlightenment”)
Colors: Green, brown and gold

Zivilyn’s (ziv-uh-lin) realm is the divine power of wisdom. His counsel reinforces the soul’s need to grow in enlightenment, to see the world around it as a fluid, ongoing river of experience. Zivilyn, more than any other deity, extends his interests and his awareness into all times and all places, like the branches of a many-limbed tree. His is the estate of awareness, of insight, both internally and externally. The River of Time winds eternal, and Zivilyn dwells partially within this river as much as he exists outside of it. As a result, he can promote understanding, cause and effect, justification, and spiritual consciousness.


Pantheon of Night
Takhisis (Queen of Darkness, the Many-Headed Dragon, the Dark Warrior) Greater Deity
Symbol: Black crescent or fiveheaded dragon
Celestial Symbol: The constellation Many-Headed Dragon
Home Plane: The Abyss
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Portfolio: Domination, hatred, evil dragons, intrigue, night
Worshipers: Evil fighters, corrupt nobles, evil dragons, ogres, goblins
Cleric Alignments: LE, LN, NE
Domains: Destruction, Evil, Law, Trickery, Tyranny
Favored Weapon: Heavy mace (“Crusher of Hope”)
Colors: Black

The divine power of control is Takhisis’s (tah-kee-sis) realm. She subjects the soul to her commanding will, encouraging it to grow and improve strictly in accordance with her plans for conquest. Takhisis demands the soul’s surrender to dominance, relinquishing power to those who are greater and more influential. In turn, she encourages the soul to command and subjugate others, creating an unbroken chain of power and fealty that extends upwards from the Abyss and incarnates in the spiritual fervor of her faithful. Fully aware that she is the ultimate power in the evil pantheon, Takhisis feels that she alone has the divine right to one day bring all of Krynn under her draconic wings. As Queen of Darkness, Takhisis rules the night and infiltrates the daylight, always waiting for her next opportunity to seize the world’s throne.






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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

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Wizards of High Sorcery
The Orders of High Sorcery, founded by the gods of magic in the Age of Dreams, maintains control over the practice of arcane magic on the continent of Ansalon. The Orders were nearly destroyed during the persecution of magic that took place during the Age of Might, and survival of magic is their most precious goal. They nurture magic like a patient gardener, looking for promising young students willing to forge their souls in the crucible of magic. For the Orders understand that powerful magic should not be wielded by the irresponsible, which is why the gods of magic long ago declared that anyone who wants to cast more powerful spells must first pass a dangerous Test—one in which failure means death.

The Tower of High Sorcery in the forest of Wayreth is the primary stronghold of arcane magic in the Age of Despair. The Tower in Wayreth serves many purposes, including the Testing of young mages, housing the governing Conclave of Wizards, and houses the most powerful spellbooks and artifacts in the world of Krynn.

The Tower in the city of Palanthas is a cursed place, long abandoned, though legends speak that one day the “Master of Past and Present” will come to claim the Tower as his own.

Hedge Wizards & Dabblers
While mages must risk their lives to pass the Test, spellcasters of only minor power are free to practice their arts without interference from the Conclave. So-called “hedge wizards” cast spells of small effect, sell charms and amulets, and concoct potions in cities and towns scattered over the land. Street illusionists supplement their sleight-of-hand tricks with sparks of genuine magic. The elves of Qualinesti and Silvanesti, who embrace the arts of magic in their daily lives, often combine minor arcane magic with their other endeavors. These “dabblers” may cast whatever spells they wish until they reach a level of power that draws in the attention of the Conclave, in which case they must take the Test or risk being branded a renegade.

Renegade Wizards
Powerful arcane magic practiced outside of the Orders of High Sorcery is the province of renegade wizards. Such wizards are those who decide to risk advancing in power without taking the Test or are members of the Orders who reject the rules and precepts set down by the Conclave. Renegade wizards are not necessarily evil—indeed, history has recorded good and neutral wizards who chose to pursue power outside of the Orders of High Sorcery. Most renegades are offered a chance to join the Orders. If they refuse, their fate is determined by the mage who finds them first. A black robe wizard may show little mercy to a renegade, while a white robe may only imprison him, and a mage of the red robes will choose based on the merits of the situation. Renegades operate at a terrible risk, unless they are powerful enough to defy the Conclave.
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

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Here is some information on relevant nations. I'll start with the one the game starts in, and will add more as appropriate.

Capital: None. The Lordcity of Haven is the largest city with the most influence in trade and culture.

Population: 197,016 (civilized humans 39%, nomadic humans 35%, Neidar dwarves 9%, centaurs 8%, goblins 7%, draconians 1%, other 1%)

Government: Abanasinia is a confederation of several city-states and a few independent tribes. Each city has its own governmental structure. Most of the port cites are ruled by merchant princes. Mayors rule some of the interior towns, such as Long Ridge. In some towns the mayors are elected, but in others they are chosen through elaborate competitive tests of mind and body. Several communities in Abanasinia, including Haven, Solace, and Gateway, haved formed a theocracy ruled by the Seekers, with a high theocrat governing each town.

Religions: Seeker (civilized communities) or ancestor worship (nomad tribes)

Trade: Civilized cities and towns export steel weapons and armor, grain, and ale. Nomadic people trade woven blankets, pottery, tanned hides, and handcrafted goods.

Alignment: NG, CG, N

Abanasinia is best known for its wide plains of tall grasses, though the landscape is surprisingly diverse. The uncivilized grasslands are ruled by the nomadic plains tribes, whose borders shift in periodic warfare and the pursuit of good hunting and water supply. The eastern portion of the land holds a putrid swamp and ancient ruins dating back to the Cataclysm. The Eastwall mountains separate the fertile plains from the swampy regions. Most of the civilized communities lie in the west.

The tribes who dwell in the plains are ruled by their own chieftains, who each pursue different agendas, though largely they pursue a primitive, nomadic lifestyle that does not affect the greater world.

While the plainsmen aren’t particularly welcoming to outsiders, the other communities of the region accept those who have moved from other parts of Ansalon. The isolation of the region has made it an ideal location for those wishing to start new lives—or even form new identities. The people of most communities are generally accepting, judging people more on merit than circumstance of birth. Such tolerance seems to be waning, however, in the communities ruled by the Seekers, who are becoming more oppressive.

The life of the nomadic tribes remained largely unchanged after the devastation of the Cataclysm, save that most reverted to ancestor or totem worship as their primary religion. Civilized life changed in response to the radically altered landscape, including port towns founded along the Straights of Schallsea. Formerly isolated towns found themselves part of newly established trade routes. The citizens of Solace rebuilt their town up in the branches of their beloved vallenwood trees, creating one of the most unique human communities in all of Ansalon. Though life in some areas became more promising, the region remained dangerous. Goblins and bandits remained a continual problem for merchant caravans, and the area drew mercenaries from far and wide.
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Re: War of the Lance Basic Info

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Cantrips - Cantrips are often overlooked by wizards and their players, but only because many players have overlooked the many possibilities that cantrips have to offer. Which spells do almost anything you want? There are two--Wish and Cantrip.

Apprentices to great wizards have long known the only way to learn the art of magic is to practice, and practice hard. Magical training devours years of youth, and the regime for neophyte wizards is rigorous, exhausting, and often tedious. Before a young mage can master even such simple incantations as the spells Sleep or Read Magic, he must be able to call upon magical forces to produce any effect he desires.

Such spells are commonly known as cantrips or "little wishes," and while they have only a minor influence on the surrounding world, they are nonetheless important. Cantrips teach the basic lessons of magic-simple conjurations, illusions and alterations. Once he masters the cantrip, the wizard can progress to more complex spells. At this point, many wizards abandon cantrips entirely, regarding their minor effects as beneath themselves to cast.

Mechanics of Cantrips: A wise mage, however, knows how to use cantrips to their full effect. For mages of first level or greater, cantrips are so trivial to cast that they need not be memorized. Instead, little wishes can be treated as a proficiency.

A character with the cantrip proficiency has learned enough of the rudiments of magic to conjure minor mystical effects. While all mages learn cantrips as part of their training, many forget the basics once they become fully-fledged mages. Others are too proud (and arrogant) to use such "petty magics."

When a character tries to cast a cantrip, the player must describe the form he wishes the spell to take. In combat, cantrips have a casting time of 2. A proficiency check is rolled to determine whether the verbal and somatic components have been executed correctly (cantrips do not require material components). A successful check means the cantrip was cast as desired, and a failed check means the cantrip fizzles. A roll of 20 has no additional effect, unless the DM decides otherwise.

Even the simplest spell creates a mental burden, so the number of cantrips a PC can use is limited. All characters may cast four cantrips per day, plus one per wizard or bard level. Each additional cantrip cast beyond this limit inflicts a cumulative -1 penalty on the proficiency check. Failed checks still count against the total.

School-Specific Cantrips: The cantrip spell spans all schools of magic and has a limitless number of uses. However, DMs should determine exactly which school a particular effect belongs to. Specialist mages cast more reliable cantrips in their own school of magic, and bonuses to saving throws may also apply. However, they cannot use cantrips from their forbidden schools. A list of commonly used cantrips, listed by magical school, follows:

Abjuration Cantrips
Abjuration cantrips tend to be practical, often employed by apprentices to clean up rooms, dust shelves, sweep and polish floors, wash or dry clothes, aid the caster's balance, and warm or cool foods and drinks. Minor wards can also be established (10' radius maximum) against insects or rodents, or an area can be enchanted to stay cool or warm. The cleaning cantrips may either animate cleaning utensils or create ghostly phantom utensils.

Alteration Cantrips
The cantrips of alteration magic represent a wide range of uses, from changing the colors of faded plants or garments, to altering the taste of food, or freshening spoiled food-in these forms they are permanent. Such cantrips can also gather firewood; hide footprints; cut, tie, or untie knots in rope or string; or brighten and dim lights. Alteration cantrips can also act as rudimentary polymorph spells, able to change insects to rodents or vice versa for up to one turn (10 rounds). Furthermore, they can change vegetable or animal items into others within the same kingdom for one turn or less, depending upon how drastic the change is. The physical shape of small mineral objects can be altered, such as a coin changing to a ring. Such a transformation lasts for one round. They cannot be used to alter the properties of a larger organism.

Conjuration and Summoning Cantrips
These cantrips can summon tiny creatures: normal insects, rodents, or nonpoisonous spiders, or snakes. Normal items weighing less than one pound can also be conjured permanently; such items may not be worth more than 1 gp and may not be made from any valuable material. Items between one and five pounds in weight can be conjured, but they remain for only one turn before disappearing. Invisible forces can also be conjured to rattle or tap objects or snatch at, tickle or prod unsuspecting creatures. Conjured objects may appear normal, but they are never stronger than balsa wood and break if stressed.

Divination Cantrips
Lesser divinations can be performed, such as determining the sex of a creature, discovering whether a door or chest is locked without having to touch it, locating the direction of north (magnetic rocks or nearby magic may cause distortions), divining the presence of magic in a 30' radius (but not type, direction, or strength), or searching for secret doors. In this latter case, the spell has the same chance of success and takes the same time as the caster would, but leaves the mage free to do other things.

Enchantment and Charm Cantrips
Enchanting cantrips can move inanimate objects around slowly and jerkily, as if with a crude form of telekinesis (weight limit 2 lbs.). This may spill liquids, pull items off shelves, or knock over unstable objects (such as brooms or sticks). No damage is inflicted by items used to attack. Charm cantrips affect creatures, and can force targets to wink, nod, scratch, belch, yawn, cough, giggle, sneeze, or perform any other minor, involuntary action. A saving throw vs. spell is applicable; success negates the effect or renders it unnoticeable. Cantrips such as these cannot disrupt concentration, but may prove embarrassing for their victims in diplomatic situations.

Illusion and Phantasm Cantrips
These cantrips create false sounds, images, or scents. They can make haunting sounds like moans, chains rattling, footsteps, creaks and eerie bumps, or indistinct muffled sounds. When creating images, illusion cantrips form floating, colored globes of light; alter the facial features of a creature; create illusory furniture, carpets, or bushes in a flat and empty area; or conjure a two-dimensional illusion (invisible from the side or rear). All visual illusions can be dispelled by touch or dispel magic, and they remain only as long as the caster concentrates on them. Any smell created lasts only as long as the caster concentrates, affecting a maximum area of 10 cubic feet. Breezes dissipate the smell, and it may be masked by an overpowering smell, such as a troglodyte's stench or the carrion odor of a ghast.

Invocation and Evocation Cantrips
These cantrips can create glowing lights of any color, puffs of smoke, miniature colored flames shooting from the caster's fingers, crackles of lightning and sparks, or a glowing mystical radiance. They can painfully sting another creature, scorch and destroy paper or wood without flames or heat, or cause harmless but noisy explosions. None of these cantrips can physically damage any but the smallest of targets, though they may ignite combustible materials, frighten animals, and alarm the superstitious.

Necromantic Cantrips
Necromantic cantrips foster death and decay. They can make flowers wilt or food spoil. Tiny animals such as rodents or insects may be killed by a necromantic cantrip, or animated as 1/2 HD undead creatures (no more than 2 HD total per cantrip). Bones may rattle, corpses twitch, or glowing points of light appear in the eyes of skulls or undead. Another necromantic cantrip calls out to undead creatures in a 60' radius, alerting them to the presence of a necromancer. The undead may respond to this information any way they wish, and the caster does not learn of their presence or absence.

All Cantrips must fall into the following guidelines:

No cantrip can directly damage a living target of size S or larger, although damage may be cause indirectly. For example, a fire may be started by a cantrip spark, objects may fall off shelves onto a victim, etc.

No cantrip can force a creature to lose its concentration when maintaining or casting a spell.

Cantrip effects always allow saving throws vs. spells when they affect a living target directly, and they must also overcome natural magic resistance.

No magical items can be damaged or affected by cantrips, nor can a cantrip dispel or remove another magical spell of 1st level or greater.

No cantrip functions within the confines of a protection from cantrips spell, instead being cancelled with a popping noise. A dispel magic spell automatically cancels any cantrip, as will touching any illusory creation. A divination cantrip is automatically fooled by any form of misdirection.

Areas of strong background magic warp cantrips, preventing them from functioning correctly.

If two cantrips from different wizards contest each other (such as two wizards using telekinesis on the same object, or one creating a breeze to blow away an illusory scent), the wizard with the highest successful proficiency check wins. In the case of a tie, neither cantrip dominates and the contest continues into the following round.