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CH 4: Heart of Darkness

A sandbox 2E game set in the home-brewed world of Amtar. On a group of tropical islands, a party of adventurers try and make their mark on the world.

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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Breila »

If possible without leaving the place where she is, Ouragana uses a cantrip to make the railing slippery at the point where #6 needs to grip it to come aboard.
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by JadedDM »

At once, Jocelyn begins praying to Octhanus for victory. A feeling of warmth and confidence spreads over the entire crew, bolstering their morale.

Areilon takes aim with her new crossbow and fires, but the bolt simply clinks off the sahuagin's scales, ricocheting in another direction.

Val and Ouragana target the same sahuagin. The half-orc approaches and stabs with her trident, wounding the fishfolk. Ouragana tries to use a cantrip to make the railing slippery, but with all of the yelling and screaming around her, she finds it difficult to focus and the cantrip fizzles out.

While Dalaim and Grey start chanting, Oren swings his axe at the nearest opponent. The sahuagin hisses and throws up its spear, using the shaft to block the axe blade.

The sorceress fires some kind of green arrow at one sahuagin, but misses wildly. The quartermaster, likewise, takes pot shots with his bow, but doesn't actually do any harm. Boffi points a pistol at one sahuagin. "Get the hell off my ship!" he says before firing, but the creature ducks, avoiding the bullet entirely.

Muscles rippling, Andar charges forward with his cutlass. With a mighty slash, he cuts down the sahuagin Areilon shot at. The creature, fatally wounded, staggers backward into the drink with a big splash.

The battle rages on all over the ship. However, the only sailor to do any real damage is a very spirited halfling lass up on the sterncastle. Wielding her cutlass with both hands, she manages to duck and weave, and finally slice into her opponent a bit.

Elsewhere, the battle doesn't fare too well. A male dwarf up on the bow is speared like a kabob, as is another male dwarf over on the port side. They scream as the sahuagin pin them down to the deck like stuck pigs.


(Party automatically wins this round.)

Round 1!

Jocelyn casts Bless on the crew, granting all of them a +1 to hit and a +1 to fear saves.
Areilon takes an unskilled shot (-3) with her light crossbow (+1) at Sahuagin 04 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20-1): 10, miss.
Val moves five feet east, five feet north and attacks Sahuagin 06 with her trident (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 19, hit for (1d6+3): 8 damage.
Ouragana uses a cantrip to make the railing directly under Sahuagin 6 slippery (1d20): 19, fail. Cantrip fizzles.
Oren attacks Sahuagin 01 with his battle axe (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 5, miss.
Grey casts Shocking Grasp on himself.
Dalaim casts Magical Vestments on himself. His AC becomes 5.
Captain Boffi fires a flintlock pistol (+1) at Sahuagin 03 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 7, miss.
Storm Sorcerer casts Acid Arrow at Sahuagin 07 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 3, miss.
Quartermaster fires his short bow (+1) at Sahuagin 07 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 6, miss.
Andar attacks Sahuagin 04 with his cutlass (+2) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+3): 21, hit for (1d6+5): 11 damage. Sahuagin 04 dies.
Sailor 01 attacks Sahuagin 01 with his cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 11, miss.
Sailor 02 attacks Sahuagin 02 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 7, miss.
Sailor 03 attacks Sahuagin 03 with his cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 11, miss.
Sailor 04 attacks Sahuagin 03 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 7, miss.
Sailor 05 attacks Sahuagin 05 with his cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 13, miss.
Sailor 06 attacks Sahuagin 06 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 14, bare miss.
Sailor 07 attacks Sahuagin 07 with his cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 14, bare miss.
Sailor 08 attacks Sahuagin 08 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 17, hit for (1d6): 4 damage.
Sahuagin 01 attacks Sailor 01 with its spear (1d20): 15, hit for (1d6): 5 damage. Sailor 01 dies.
Sahuagin 02 attacks Sailor 02 with its spear (1d20): 6, miss.
Sahuagin 03 attacks Sailor 03 with its spear (1d20): 14, hit for (1d6): 4 damage. Sailor 03 dies.
Sahuagin 04 is dead.
Sahuagin 05 attacks Sailor 05 with its spear (1d20): 7, miss.
Sahuagin 06 attacks Sailor 06 with its spear (1d20): 2, miss.
Sahuagin 07 attacks Sailor 07 with its spear (1d20): 2, miss.
Sahuagin 08 attacks Sailor 08 with its spear (1d20): 7, miss.
Quartermaster fires his short bow (+1) at Sahuagin 07 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 6, miss.

(OOC: Wow, those are some sucky rolls on both sides. Initiative and Actions for Round 2?)
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Jenara »

"Screw this." Arei shouts, letting go the bolt she just loaded at #3 she lets the crossbow fall and starts to charge along that side of the ship. "To the bow!" She shouts to Andar.

1d10, 1d20-1, 1d6=[3], [10, -1], [1]
Misses again...
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn drops her warhammer, and pulls out her sling. She takes aim at the sahuagin attacking Andar and Areilon, and lets a stone fly.

Hit Roll (1, yeah, seriously)
Init Roll (8)
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Breila »

With a cantrip, Ouragana lets a puff of smoke explode in the face of Saguahin #5.
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Nuke »

Val continues her attack, trying to drive the monster back into the sea.

init. rd2 (1d10=7)

to hit and damage, rd2, attack1 (1d20+2=14, 1d6+3=7)

Still full of it, she continues to attack.

rd2, attack2 (1d20+2=18, 1d6+3=4)

She will move to #5 if #6 is down.
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by JadedDM »

The battle rages on.

The Bow
A female dwarf sailor yells out a battle cry in Dwarven and slices open her opponent's throat, then kicks the sahuagin back overboard into the sea.

"Nice one!" Oren calls, complementing her. He throws up his shield just in time to deflect his opponent's spearhead.

Grey, his hands cackling with electricity, grins evilly and balls them up into fists. "Come on, beautiful," he says to the sahuagin that just attacked Oren. "Let's dance." He takes a few swings, but the sahuagin is faster than it looks and easily avoids the electrical punches. Grey's grin quickly turns into a frown of frustration, and then finally the lightning dissipates. "No, not already!" he complains.

"Don't fret, lad. Happens to lots of wizards, I'm sure!" Oren jokes. The gnome does not appear to find it funny. The distraction serves the dwarf well, though. Raising his axe over head, he shouts, "Renos take you to the Abyss!" and slices downward, nearly cutting the sahuagin in twain. While it staggers, he then rams his shoulder into it, knocking it back into the sea. He spits after it.

"Bow is clear!" he calls out.

"Not so fast!" the quartermaster calls back. "More incoming! Second wave!" Sure enough, two more of the creatures start to climb up, one of them dual-wielding a one-handed spear and a dagger. Oren, Grey and the female dwarf sailor all prepare themselves.

The Port Side
Another female dwarf sailor attacks the remaining sahuagin on this side, cutting into its flank but not killing it. The creature retaliates, but she fiercely blocks the spear with her own blade and a clash of sparks.

Areilon takes another shot at it with her crossbow, trying to aim for a softer area; but she requires a little more practice with the weapon. It again is deflected off the creature's scales. Tossing the weapon to the deck, she prepares to charge to the bow.

Jocelyn loads up her sling and swings it overhead, but slips a bit in blood and accidentally beans herself on the head. Luckily, it only causes a mild lump and nothing more.

Andar moves in to help the female dwarf, and with his massive strength nearly takes off the creature's head. It staggers and falls back into the drink, its blood turning the water red. The female dwarf winks at him. "Gods bless you, Andar. Glad you're back!" The mariner simply blushes, as he always does when given female attention.

Grinning, the female dwarf calls out, "All clear on the port side!" It's then the quartermaster warns of a second wave incoming. Three more sahuagin begin climbing up the port side of the ship, all armed with spears.

The Starboard Side
A male dwarf sailor fights with a sahuagin, slicing with his cutlass; the blow is deftly avoided, however. The sahuagin smacks the dwarf upside the head with the blunt of his spear, hard. Then grabs him and throws him overboard. About half a dozen sahuagin, waiting in the water for just this moment, swarm the poor dwarf like sharks at a feeding frenzy. His screams are heard quite far.

The sahuagin then turns toward Val and Ouragana, grinning with blood lust. The apprentice sorceress conjures a puff of smoke in its face, and it staggers, coughing and hacking in surprise. A female gnome sailor moves in to replace her fallen comrade and cuts into the creature while it's distracted.

Meanwhile, Dalaim and Val fight another sahuagin further down. The old dwarf smacks it in the shoulder with his staff, knocking a few scales loose. Val maneuvers herself into a position that she can reach both sahuagin with her trident, then finishes off the one Dalaim hit with a well aimed stab.

The half-orc then turns toward the last sahuagin on this side, which is both fighting off the gnome and still coughing on that smoke. An arrow from above hits it in the thigh, forcing it to drop to its knees. Val then stabs it hard enough to not only slay it, but knock it overboard.

"Thanks!" the gnome calls up to the quartermaster with a grin. "Starboard side's clear!" But then the warning of a second wave comes and everyone readies themselves. Two more sahuagin climb up, one dual-wielding a one-handed spear and a dagger. The other one, almost seven feet in height, is carrying a beautifully-crafted trident with a coral shaft.

The Stern
The storm sorceress steps back and unleashes a pair of magic missiles, one striking each of the two sahuagin up there. Both creatures stagger a moment, but the one fighting a dwarf male sailor recovers quickly and stabs him, before grabbing him and throwing him overboard to be devoured by his kin.

"Captain! We need help up here!" the sorceress calls, now unprotected.

"Got your back!" the quartermaster calls, taking a shot. He hits and kills the sahuagin the spirited halfling female is fighting.

"That's great!" the sorceress calls back. "But what about me?!"

"I'mma comin', ma'am!" the halfling lass calls, now free to help. She charges in to the other sahuagin and strikes, but the creature blocks with its trident just in time. The two struggle in a battle of wills, each pushing forward with their weapon, while the captain runs upstairs.

He then pulls out his second gun and takes aim. "Dodge this one, fishface!" He fires, hitting the creature in the side. It staggers and falls back, and bleeds profusely, but isn't quite dead just yet.

The captain drops the smoking gun to the ground and pulls out his cutlass. "Damn sahuagin. If we lose any more people, we won't have enough crew to sail the damned boat!"

He moves in to finish off the wounded sahuagin, when the quartermaster's warning comes. "Oh, for @#$%'s sake!" the captain shouts as three more sahuagin climb up the back of the ship.

"Oh, good. I love it when the cluster together," the sorceress says, grabbing a handful of sand. "Cover me, captain, I'll take them all out."

Boffi points his cutlass at the creatures. "I may be a Scragsplitter, but that doesn't mean I can't cleave some sahuagin. Let's go then!"


Areilon (1d10+7): 10
Jocelyn (1d10+6): 14
Ouragana (1d10+2): 8
Val (1d10+7): 14
Oren (1d10+7): 13
Grey (1d10+3): 9
Dalaim (1d10+4): 8
Captain Boffi (1d10+10): 20
Storm Sorceress (1d10+1): 7
Quartermaster (1d10+4): 9
Andar (1d10+5): 10
Sailor 02 (1d10+5): 8
Sailor 04 (1d10+5): 8
Sailor 05 (1d10+5): 6
Sailor 06 (1d10+5): 15
Sailor 07 (1d10+5): 8
Sailor 08 (1d10+5): 15
Sahuagin 01 (1d10+6): 8
Sahuagin 02 (1d10+6): 14
Sahuagin 03 (1d10+6): 10
Sahuagin 05 (1d10+6): 7
Sahuagin 06 (1d10+6): 13
Sahuagin 07 (1d10+6): 7
Sahuagin 08 (1d10+6): 12

Round 2!

Sailor 05 attacks Sahuagin 05 with his cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 11, miss.
Storm Sorceress casts Magic Missile at Sahuagins 07 for (1d4+1): 3 damage and Sahuagin 08 for (1d4+1): 3 damage.
Sahuagin 05 attacks Sailor 05 with its spear (1d20): 13, hit for (1d6): 3 damage. Sailor 05 dies.
Sahuagin 07 attacks Sailor 07 with its spear (1d20): 12, hit for (1d6): 5 damage. Sailor 07 dies.
Ouragana uses a cantrip to make a small puff of smoke in front of Sahuagin 05 (1d20): 5, pass.
----Sahuagin 05 saves vs. spell (1d20): 11, fail.
Dalaim attacks Sahuagin 06 with his quarterstaff while blessed by Octhanus (1d20+1): 13, glancing blow for (1d6): 3 damage.
Sailor 02 attacks Sahuagin 02 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 21, critical hit! for (2d6): 7 damage. Sahuagin 07 dies.
Sailor 04 attacks Sahuagin 03 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 19, hit for (1d6): 6 damage.
Sailor 07 is dead.
Sahuagin 01 attacks Oren in studded leather armor (-1) with its spear (1d20-1): 11, bare miss.
Quartermaster fires his short bow (+1) at Sahuagin 8 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 13, hit for (1d8): 6 damage. Sahuagin 08 dies.
Grey punches (+1) at Sahuagin 01 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 4, miss.
Areilon takes an unskilled shot (-3) with her light crossbow (+1) at Sahuagin 03 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20-1): 9, miss.
Sahuagin 03 attacks Sailor 04 with its spear (1d20): 7, miss.
Andar moves 20 feet north and attacks Sahuagin 03 with his cutlass (+2) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+3): 15, hit for (1d6+5): 11 damage. Sahuagin 03 dies.
Sahuagin 08 is dead.
Oren attacks Sahuagin 01 with his battle axe (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 22, critical hit! for (2d8+3): 11 damage. Sahuagin 01 dies.
Sahuagin 06 attacks Val in hide armor (+2) with its spear (1d20+2): 6, miss.
Jocelyn attempts to sling a stone while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 2, critical fumble! Jocelyn accidentally hits herself for (1d4): 1 damage.
Val moves 5 feet northeast and attacks Sahuagin 06 with her trident (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 14, hit for (1d6+3): 7 damage. Sahuagin 06 dies.
Sahuagin 02 is dead.
Sailor 06 moves 5 feet northwest and attacks Sahuagin 05 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 17, hit for (1d6): 4 damage.
Sailor 08 moves 15 feet west and attacks Sahuagin 07 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 14, bare miss.
Captain Boffi runs 25 feet up the sterncastle and fires a flintlock pistol (+1) at Sahuagin 07 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 22, critical hit! for (2d4): 6 damage.
Quartermaster fires his short bow (+1) at Sahuagin 5 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 15, hit for (1d8): 4 damage.
Andar has no enemies in range.
Oren has no enemies in range.
Val attacks Sahuagin 05 with her trident (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 18, hit for (1d6+3): 4 damage. Sahuagin 05 dies.

(OOC: Wow, what are the odds that all of the male sailors would be killed, but none of the women? The dice sure are acting weird today. Oh, I decided to break up the battle description into parts, the bow, stern, port and starboard; thought it'd make it easier to read. However, assume that all four scenes happen parallel of each other, not one after the other.

On the map, it might be hard to tell, the second wave of the enemy consists of Sahuagins 9-15, Lieutenant 01, Lieutenant 02 and Chieftain (designated as L1, L2 and C. If it helps, all three of those are on the right-hand side of the ship).

Actions and Initiative for Round 3?)
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Jenara »

Arei draws her sabre, the blade swinging as she drives at No. 12, trying to aim for its hands.

The dice do not love me...

1d10, 1d20+2, 1d6+1=[10], [10, 2], [1, 1]
Init 10, hit AC8, 2 damage
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by HorizonsDream »

Jocelyn lets out a very colorful curse as she hits herself in the head, but she loads another stone and fires it at the fish creature coming up to attack Andar (12).

Init Roll, Hit Roll (3, 2)
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Nuke »

'Oh' Val thinks to herself 'That sure is a nice trident' as she move to engage the Chieftain.

"Come on big boy, let us dance" she eggs him on.

init, hit and damage rd3 (1d10=5, 1d20+3=18, 1d6+3=8)

After striking she speaks again, "Let's do this big man" hoping to maintain his focus on her.

woot! and she gets two attacks next round, that trident is almost hers
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Breila »

Ouragana does the same to the chieftain she had done to #5, a puff of smoke in the face.
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by JadedDM »

Things suddenly take a turn for the worse.

The Bow
Oren engages the lieutenant while Grey and the female dwarf team up against the other sahuagin.

The lieutenant stabs at Oren with its spear, piercing his armor and hitting his chest; but thankfully not his heart. The dagger, fortunately, is blocked by his shield. Roaring in pain and rage, Oren retaliates, but the blow is sloppy and the lieutenant evades it.

Neither Grey nor the female dwarf can penetrate their opponent's defenses. The sahuagin stabs Grey in the stomach, and the little gnome goes down with a cry, falling still under a growing pool of his own blood. The sailor steps back, unsure of herself, when an arrow suddenly lodges in the sahuagin's throat and it staggers backward over the railing. She looks up to the quartermaster, who just winks and waves before looking for a new target to snipe.

The Port Side
Areilon, Andar and the other female dwarf sailor all take on different targets. Jocelyn slings a stone at Andar's opponent, but misses wildly. At least she doesn't hit herself this time, though.

The sailor and her opponent exchange blows, neither one finding an opening in the other's defenses.

Areilon strikes at her opponent with her sabre as it is climbing up onto the deck, but her blade bounces off the creature's tougher scales. It counters by stabbing her in the chest with its spear, almost dropping her but not quite. She feels quite woozy from the pain and knows she won't survive another hit like that.

Andar has better luck, cutting down his sahuagin before it can even get up on the deck. The creature topples back into the sea with a scream, splashing into the deep.

The Starboard Side
Ouragana tries her trick again, this time on the chieftain. However, the cantrip fizzles out before it can do anything.

Dalaim strikes at the chieftain with his staff, and manages to knock off a scale from its shoulder, but little else. The chieftain ignores the aged scholar, focusing instead of Val, as it recognizes her as a fellow warrior.

Meanwhile, the female gnome sailor engages with another lieutenant all by herself. "Get back, get back!" she calls with uncertainty. She manages to score a cut on the creature, but it stabs her in the side with its dagger, causing her to nearly topple over. "H-Help!" she calls, stepping back and clutching her side.

Val and the chieftain circle each other, each feinting attacks to test the other's defenses. Val finds an opening first, stabbing and scoring a decent hit, but not a fatal one. It's clear this sahuagin is much hardier than its mooks. The chieftain attacks next, giving Val a nasty wound in the process. The two seem evenly matched, at least for the moment. The fight could go either way.

The Stern
The captain and the halfling sailor team up against a single sahuagin, both scoring hits and weakening it considerably, but not killing it. The sorceress casts her spell, and the other two sahuagin waver then topple overboard, fast asleep even as they splash into the water.

While this is all happening, the wounded sahuagin that Boffi shot realizes it has been forgotten. It climbs over the railing and drops back into the ocean, deciding discretion is the better part of valor.


Areilon (1d10+4): 14
Jocelyn (1d10+6): 9
Val (1d10+7): 12
Ouragana (1d10+2): 5
Oren (1d10+7): 12
Grey (1d10+2): 8
Dalaim (1d10+4): 5
Captain Boffi (1d10+5): 6
Storm Sorceress (1d10+1): 6
Quartermaster (1d10+4): 10
Andar (1d10+5): 15
Sailor 02 (1d10+5): 15
Sailor 04 (1d10+5): 7
Sailor 06 (1d10+5): 8
Sailor 08 (1d10+5): 9
Sahuagin 07 (1d10+6): 7
Sahuagin 09 (1d10+6): 13
Sahuagin 10 (1d10+6): 10
Sahuagin 11 (1d10+6): 11
Sahuagin 12 (1d10+6): 10
Sahuagin 13 (1d10+6): 14
Sahuagin 14 (1d10+6): 12
Sahuagin 15 (1d10+6): 10
Lieutenant 01 (1d10+6): 8
Lieutenant 02 (1d10+6): 8
Chieftain (1d10+7): 16

Round 3!

Ouragana uses a cantrip to make a small puff of smoke in front of the Sahuagin Chieftain (1d20): 19, fail. The cantrip fizzles.
Dalaim attacks the Sahuagin Chieftain with his quarterstaff while blessed by Octhanus (1d20+1): 13, hit for (1d6): 1 damage.
Captain Boffi moves 25 feet south and attacks Sahuagin 15 with his cutlass (+2) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+3): 20, hit for (1d6+3): 7 damage.
Storm Sorceress casts Sleep, centered on Sahuagin 14, afflicting (2d4): 5 HD of creatures. Sahuagins 13 and 14 fall asleep.
Sailor 04 attacks Sahuagin 10 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 6, miss.
Sahuagin 07 escapes overboard.
Grey attacks Sahuagin 09 with his dagger while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 5, miss.
Sailor 06 moves 5 feet northeast and attacks Lieutenant 01 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 15, hit for (1d6): 3 damage.
Lieutenant 02 attacks Sailor 06 with its spear (1d20): 4, miss. It then attacks with its dagger (1d20): 18, hit for (1d4): 3 damage.
Lieutenant 01 attacks Oren in studded leather armor (-1) with its spear (1d20-1): 15, hit for (1d6): 5 damage. It then attacks with its dagger (1d20-1): 9, miss.
Jocelyn slings a stone at Sahuagin 12 while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 3, miss.
Sailor 08 moves 10 feet southeast and attacks Sahuagin 15 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 15, hit for (1d6): 2 damage.
Quartermaster fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) at Sahuagin 09 (1d20+2): 4, miss.
Sahuagin 10 attacks Sailor 04 with its spear (1d20): 2, miss.
Sahuagin 12 attacks Areilon with its spear (1d20): 20, critical hit! for (2d6): 7 damage.
Sahuagin 15 attacks Captain Boffi with its spear (1d20): 18, hit for (1d6): 4 damage.
Sahuagin 11 attacks Andar with its spear (1d20): 13, hit for (1d6): 2 damage.
Val attacks the chieftain with her trident (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 17, hit for (1d6+3): 8 damage.
Oren attacks Lieutenant 01 with his axe (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+2): 11, miss.
Sahuagin 14 is asleep.
Sahuagin 09 attacks Grey with its spear (1d20): 18, hit for (1d6): 5 damage. Grey falls.
Areilon attacks Sahuagin 12 with her cutlass (+2) while blessed by Octhanus (+1): 13, miss.
Sahuagin 13 is asleep.
Andar attacks Sahuagin 11 with his cutlass (+2) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+3): 19, hit for (1d6+5): 11 damage. Sahuagin 11 dies.
Sailor 02 attacks Sahuagin 09 with her cutlass while blessed by Octhanus (+1) (1d20+1): 10, miss.
Chieftain attacks Val with its trident (+1) (1d20+1): 19, hit for (1d6+1): 5 damage.
Quartermaster fires a sheaf arrow from his short bow (+1) while blessed by Octhanus (+1) at Sahuagin 09 (1d20+2): 22, critical hit! for (2d8): 10 damage. Sahuagin 09 dies.

(OOC: Actions and Initiative for Round 3?)
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Jenara »

"AArghhhhh!" Arei screams in pain, backing off slightly she swings her blade at the creature. "Help!" She shouts.

1d10, 1d20+2, 1d6+1=[10], [18, 2], [5, 1]

Init 14, Hit AC 0, for 6 damage.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by HorizonsDream »

"Noah!" Jocelyn cries out hoping to get the halflings attention to help her out here. She had way too many wounded to handle on her own. She quickly moves behind Areilon, and reaches out to touch the elf to heal her.

Init Roll, Hit Roll (4,5 Oh, freaking hell!)
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Re: CH 4: Heart of Darkness

Post by Nuke »

Val tries to assess the situation while dancing with the Chieftain. The thought of prolonging the fight passes through her mind, thinking she might get some help, but circumstances dictate differently. She presses the attack, hoping to end it sooner rather than later. Now that she has the Chieftain's full attention, she doesn't speak, just focuses on the task at hand.

init, hit and damage, rd3 (1d10=8, 1d20+3=10, 1d6+3=9)

rd3, attack2 (1d20+3=14, 1d6+3=7)