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CH 5: The Traitor

Dragonlance Game, 3-6 PCs at levels 1-3, set in 375 AC, using DLQ1 (Knight's Sword) and DLQ2 (Flint's Axe)

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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Nuke »

With no time to waste, Targin hopes to stop the bleeding from Karathos' wounds.
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Jerrard »

Erastin swings his blade in anger, what was this? Solanius has said he had a poison coated dagger, he did not fight with honor.

1d10, 1d20+1, 1d8+1=[7], [1, 1], [8, 1]
Could that roll have gone any worse?
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by JadedDM »

While Targin bandages up Karathos, Selowen does the same with Jinali.

Having dropped the Brightblade, Charles now moved quicker and more skillfully. With lightning fast reflexes, he slides his blade in a weak spot of Erastin's armor, piercing his body. Holding him there, he then swipes his dagger across the young man's throat with a fluid motion. With a slasher smile, he then places his foot on Erastin's chest and pushes him off his sword, watching with glee as the knight aspirant tumbles to the ground.


Targin (1d10): 2
Erastin (1d10+5): 12
Selowen (1d10): 6
Charles (1d10+3): 6

Round 5!

Targin moves 20 feet and stabilizes Karathos at -5 HP.
Selowen stabilizes Jinali at -3 HP.
Charles attacks Erastin with his long sword (1d20): 20, critical hit! for (2d8+3): 13 damage. He then attacks with his dagger (1d20+3): 20, hit for (1d4+3): 6 damage. Erastin dies.
Gnome 05 snoozes.
Gnome 06 snoozes.
Gnome 07 snoozes.

(OOC: Welp...Guess it could have gone worse, after all. 8O)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Nuke »

"NOOOO!!!" Targin stands and charges Charles, axe leading the way.

init, hit and damage (1d10=4, 1d20+2=14, 1d8+3=11)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by JadedDM »

"Targin, wait!" Selowen cries. "Take this--!" She is suddenly cut short by the blade piercing her body from behind. She collapses in front of Corya, who had been lying in wait in the shadows, biding her time to strike.

Charles is eager to meet the dwarf head-on. "Aha! An actual challenge!" He and Targin exchange blows, but neither can pierce the other's defenses. Steel clashes against steel in a furious last stand between the two.


Targin (1d10+7): 11
Selowen (N/A)
Charles (1d10+3): 12
Corya (1d10+3): 9

Round 6!

Corya attempts to backstab Selowen with her long sword (1d20+6): 26, critical hit! for (2d8+2): 11 damage (x2): 22 damage. Selowen is dead.
Targin charges (+2) Charles with his battle axe (1d20+1): 13, miss.
Charles attacks Targin with his long sword (1d20+1): 15, miss and then with his dagger (1d20+3): 13, miss.
Gnome 05 snoozes.
Gnome 06 snoozes.
Gnome 07 snoozes.

(OOC: I...can't stop...rolling critical hits!

Man, how come this couldn't have happened to me while I was playing Amon in Saltmarsh?)
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by Nuke »

go ahead and roll it out, with Targin having only 3 hps left, it's almost over anyway....

init, hit and damage (1d10=7, 1d20+2=22, 1d8+3=7)

WOO HOO, I got one TOO, ha ha
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Re: CH 5: The Traitor

Post by JadedDM »

Targin moves in to strike, but Charles is just slightly faster. He slides his blade into Targin, piercing his chain mail and biting into his flesh. The dwarf drops to the ground, unmoving.


Targin (1d10+7): 14
Charles (1d10+3): 13
Corya (1d10): 4

Round 7!

Corya moves 60 feet forward.
Charles attacks Targin with his long sword (1d20+1): 21, critical hit! for (2d8+3): 11 damage. He then attacks with his dagger (1d20+3): 8, miss. Targin falls.
Gnome 05 wakes up.
Gnome 06 wakes up.
Gnome 07 wakes up.

(OOC: over.)