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Character Descriptions

A group of 'Unlikely Heroes.'
Based in the world of Krynn.

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Character Descriptions

Post by Jenara »

Locky "Little Fingers" Lightfoot.

Kender Cleric

Locky is a Typical Kender, impulsive, flighty and fearless.

She is however a rarity among her Kind, Locky reverently believes in Fisban. She is one of the only Kender to be accepted to the Clergy.

While she acts like every other Kender, she can be uncharacteristicly wise. The other members of her Clergy think she is a joke, but she is very proud of her position.

She like every other Kender doesn't set out to steal, she just happens to find things, her multi coloured pouches hide many treasures.

Locky is just under 4 foot tall, she looks like a small elf, with long blonde hair which is tied up in a knot at the top of her head.

She is dressed in bright clothing, a blue Bodice, white blouse, blue leggings and brown cloak carries her Platinum Dragon (holy Symbol) with pride and is covered in pouches.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by BASSsic »

&quot;On the Road in '71.&quot;<br /><br />Shay posing with a buddies helm and axe - during a particularly uneventful caravan job.
"On the Road in '71."

Shay posing with a buddies helm and axe - during a particularly uneventful caravan job.
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Short black, tough hair. Tan and rough skinned. 6", strong build. Dark eyes. Generously scarred - as you might imagine someone whose spent far too long in the company of sharp knifes would be. Broken nose. Twice.


On the cover? A right bastard, honestly. You wouldn't like him. He's cock-sure, barks orders to work-mates, walks a bit like he could handle anything. Possibly could. Get to know him though, and he is far more enigmatic than that. For starters he is loyal, he protects those or are close to him steadfastly. The thought of him being your right bastard isn't so bad. Sure he can seem blunt, almost aggressive, but in reality he is just a teeth-gritted, 'can do' type of man. Practical and honest (for someone of his career), he is well liked among his clients. He does and clean job and does it quick, he never skims.


Putting things more in perspective, Shay is simply a product of his environment. He grew up poor and without parents in a slum orphanage. He quickly made himself at home among street gangs. Life was fast, dangerous - as exhilarating as it was illicit to a young man.

If not for one of the worst memories of his life, it's possible that an early death, a life in prison, or worse, would have been the end of his story. Instead, it served as a catalyst - that painfully chilly night he'll remember to this grave - ended his ostentatious and juvenile criminal career, and rooted deep morality and responsibility into his heart. He absconded from town and set out to make a name for himself, finding work with a courier group. No questions asked, they just needed a strong back and no whining.

From there, Shay was able to put the darkness of his past behind him and blossom - although the skills he learned were ever useful. He wasn't a pack hand for long. He quickly found it more attractive to take his own clients, and with good reason, Shay excelled at delivering sensitive items, he valued discretion, he got things where they needed to go, and on a need-to-know basis. He could acquire things, and in bad situations, he could conceal and protect things.

For that, his reputation was assured. He soon found himself in the true world of the rogue, taking work of the sort you might call 'Unofficial official business'. The sorts of escapades that large bodies or communities might ask be done, but not one they would openly admit to being involved with.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Breila »

Kummussmvaldmettle, known to non-gnomes as Babushka

She grew up on the outskirts of Mt. Nevermind. Her father and uncle tinker in textile machines, and her mother, auntie, cousins and sisters try to make something marketable out of the results (after all, one has to make a living). The resulting crazy qzuilt blankets, bags, pouches and even clothes are surprisingly popular.

Whenever she could escape textile work, Kummussmvaldmettle roamed the countryside, befriending animals and studying plant life. After stumbling upon her ever so often, the local ranger suggested to take her as apprentice. Her family agreed: One mouth less to feed. The ties to the family remain strong, though. She spends time with them outside quests and will, on her travels, peddle the family wares on local markets. She also has acquired herbalist skills and sells ointments for skin care, as well as make-up. For her trade, she uses a man-sized tent, so that she can assure privacy for the more sensitive issues...

One day in her youth, the market stall next to her family's, selling flower-printed fabrics, collapsed and scattered its wares widely. When Kummussmvaldmettle crawled out of the mess, covered in fabrics, one of the men who helped the victims smiled at her and said: "You look just like my babushka". She adopted that name for her dealings with non-gnomes.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jenara »

Hey Breila, Could you do me a favour and post a description too? I'm about to make a few assumptions about her appearance, which I'll change once you add the description...
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Breila »

Babushka is 3and a half feet high (with boot heels, that is), and a little stocky (but far away from a dwarf!). Bright blue eyes sparkle to the right and left of her nose that prominently tells her race. Her straight white hair comes down to half her back, but is often rolled into a bun or tied together with some funny-looking, colorful ribbon. When she talks, her broad mouth and features are in constant motion, and a few early wrinkles show she's more often friendly than sour.

So, your assumptions were correct. By the way...what does Locky look like?
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jenara »

See my description above
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jerrard »

Jerrard Foss

Human Dual Class Fighter / Mage

Jerrard grew up in a middle class home in Palanthas, he had a love of magic and books, but his mother suggested he join the guard. (His father died in the last war).

He met Caron Bergnell a Red Robe mage from the Wayreth Tower, his love of magic and his latent ability was evident.

Leaving the guard after two years, he took an apprenticeship with Caron, and started his training.

He is now a well known mage, disliked by some for his attitude and rude demeanor he is however recognized for his ability.

Jerrard is 6' 2", well built, filling his red robes, he has long black hair along with a black mustache and goatie beard. (Now burnt off, think Riker in season one next gen)

He always wears his deep red robe, his hood is typically worn. Unlike most mages he wears a short sword on his hip and a bow strapped to his back, evidence of his military past.

Caron has sent him to the caverns to investigate the problem.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Elvenoff »

"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong." The soft words whispered into the night’s breeze. Elvenoff knew these words well for the very first day of his birth these words where spoken to him. Day by day, Elvenoff trained with his parents learning the ways of justice, and honor. Learning that evil was in all men, but some would fight this inner evil and prevail over its power, and yet others would embrace it and these are the ones that his blade was made for. Those words that were handed to him by his fallen parents were words that he swore on that night to follow as they did. To stand his ground and become that wall of strength, sword of justice and to be that beacon of light in the land of growing shadow. He lives to those words of promise, regardless if those around him wish to do so or not. He will give his life to ensure that evil is brought to justice or too death. He will stand with those that stand for the cause, giving those whom seek atonement a chance to prove themselves righteous. So on this day, the eighteenth harvest, he set out to give his service. With only what is parents left for him, he left the small community and headed north. He has heard that the dark shadows grows and spreads and this is where his calling is to be.

The man that stands before you is slightly taller than the average 12 hand man, his weight is that of 2 two-man stones. He has an angular face with long, raven colored hair, his eyes are those of blue sapphires. He’s normally garbed in a heavy forest cloak which conceals the chain mail armor underneath. He has two weapons, one a longsword, the other a dagger both are belted to his side. He wields a longbow which is slung over his shoulder when not in use.

Elvenoff is a man of honor, stoutness, veered into his belief and purpose of life. He doesn’t preach with words but preaches by his actions. He is in all sense a holy warrior and shall be till he is nothing but a faded memory.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by HorizonsDream »

Imani wears a long, dark red tunic with black trim. She has dark red baggy pants, which is common for the area. Around her head is a dark red scarf with black flowers stitched close to the hem. The scarf wraps around so that all but her eyes are covered.

Behind all of her clothing, it is hard to tell what she actually looks like. Small strands of back hair can be seen peaking out from under the scarf. What can be seen appears to be wavy and worn down for simplicity’s sake.

Her eyes are light brown in color. They are the only thing that people notice about her, so she takes the time to put on some light make-up so that she can make them stand out. It is the only thing she is allowed to show off.

It is hard to see what her body type actually is. Under all of that clothing rests a petite woman that is light on her feet and walks in an elegant manner.

Imani is a determined young woman. When she puts her mind to something, she tends to just do it, providing she actually has a chance of achieving what she puts her mind to. Despite being determined, she takes a cautious approach towards things. If she isn’t cautious, the consequences could be horrible for her and her son.

She is also a passionate person. She doesn’t like seeing others being mistreated, but she knows that if she did anything about it, she would be punished or worse, her son would be punished. Over the years, she has curbed her passionate nature, and has learned to look away.

When it comes to Malik, Imani would do anything for him. If returning Syriana to Mehmet is what she has to do for his freedom, then she’ll do it, no questions asked. Malik is her pride and almost the only thing that gives her any amount of joy.

Finally, Imani is very cautious towards other men. Men, in her culture, have the power. If she was to do something wrong in front of them, that could mean she could easily lose her head or worse. She’s weary of men being nice to her, and it takes them twice as long to earn her trust.

Imani was born and raised within a nomadic gypsy tribe that lived in the deserts of Khur. They were a peaceful people that loved music, dancing, storytelling, and the simple pleasures of life. Life was hard for the tribe though. There were other, more violent tribes within the deserts that loved picking on the peace loving tribe. As a way to make peace with these more violent tribes, Jamal , Imani’s tribe leader, would give up one of the young girl’s of his tribe to the violent tribe in hopes that it would protect the other members of the tribe. Most of the time it worked.

Imani had seen this done to many of her friends and even a couple of her sisters, but she always secretly hoped that it would never happen to her. She loved her freedom too much. Mehmet, the leader of another tribe was positioning himself to attack the peaceful tribe of gypsies, and once again Jamal offered a girl to Mehmet, one of his choice. Imani was only 16 when Mehmet finally decided upon the young woman.

Despite feeling slightly betrayed by her family and home, Imani went with Mehmet. She knew it was for the best of the tribe, even though she disagreed passionately with the way Jamal was keeping peace.

The young girl fought against Mehmet whenever she got the chance at first. She even managed to pull a blade on him at one point (which earned her a beating). Mehmet believed that Imani just had spirit, a spirit that needed to be broken otherwise she would die for being insolent.

Living a life without freedom was hard on Imani. She didn’t really have anyone to confide in other than her other sister wives. Though, she had to be really careful around them, as they were in the same situation as Imani. The only one that she really became close to was Mehmet’s youngest wife, Syriana (Mehmet‘s new prize). When the young girl was brought into the fold, Imani made sure that she knew what she needed to do to stay out of trouble.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by JadedDM »

Ulster Redbow

Ulster is a 26 year old human from Blödehelm, specifically the port city of Shrentak. He has short blond hair with brown eyes and is quite physically fit. He often wears something of a dopey expression on his face, although he has been known to grow more serious when the situation warrants it.

Ulster is a laid-back, easy-going fellow who will avoid any real responsibility when possible. He tends to joke a lot, especially when he's nervous or worried. This means most of his little quips come during rather dreadful situations. The more concerned Ulster is about the situation, the more light-hearted he appears to become, at least outwardly.

Despite this, he actually has a fairly analytical mind and is quite good at developing strategy and tactics. He can even read. However, he hates being in charge, and so always defers to someone else's leadership whenever he can.

A passionate man, he has a tendency to fall in love at the drop of a hat.

In battle, Ulster prefers the sword and shield. Although he isn't a bad shot with a bow, either. He always puts emphasis on protecting his companions. He prefers to avoid bloodshed, whenever possible.

At some point in his life, Ulster signed up to be one of Bronzemoon's personal guards. He and several others were sent to protect Bronzemoon's daughter, Merithina, while she was trading in Abanansinia. The entire group was captured by the Sinister Shroom's podmen and several of them were put into a meat grinder.

Ulster, Thuskar, and Merithina managed to survive long enough to be rescued by Locky, Shay, Babushka, Jerrard and Elvenoff. Grateful, Ulster agreed to serve the party from that point on however he could.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by JadedDM »

Thuskar Duggan

Thuskar is a 24 year old human from the city of Shrentak in Blödehelm. He has short black hair with blue eyes and is quite muscular. His face is often set in a stern expression, as if he takes everything a little too seriously. This makes him quite the contrast with Ulster.

Although a bit younger than Ulster, Thuskar tends to come off as much more mature and responsible. He doesn't joke during a serious situation, but may relax a bit more when there is no immediate danger. Even when things are dire, he doesn't tend to stress too much. He's very confident in his own skills, perhaps sometimes overly so.

The contrast between Ulster and Thuskar is great, and it may lead some to believe that Thuskar is therefore the more reliable of the two. But in truth, this is only when there is time to think things over carefully. In a crisis, Thuskar tends to act without thinking. He's not very good with tactics, and tends to use brute force as a solution to any problem.

Thuskar tends to allow his emotions to control him. He is quick to anger and is easily taunted or baited. Sometimes he has even been known to slip into an almost berserker rage during battle, not stopping until all of his opponents are dead.

In battle, he prefers the power of the two-handed sword; he keeps a crossbow handy just in case, though. Thuskar believes the best defense is a good offense, and tends to blindly charge at his opponents directly.

During sometime in his life, Thuskar was recruited to become one of Bronzemoon's personal guards. He was put in charge of a small squad of guards, including Ulster, to protect Bronzemoon's daughter, Merithina while she was in Abanansinia, trading. The entire group was ambushed and taken by the Sinister Shroom's podmen and several of the men under his command were put into a meat grinder.

Thuskar, however, had a different fate. The Shroom experimented on him, slowly transforming him into some kind of human/podman hybrid. Luckily, before the process was complete and irreversible, he was rescued by Locky, Shay, Babushka, Jerrard and Elvenoff. He quickly joined them, wanting revenge on the Shroom, and helped them free Ulster and Merithina, too.

Once the Shroom was dead, he began to slowly revert back to his human form over the next few weeks. He agreed to pledge his loyalty to the party in thanks for saving his life. What kind of lingering effects on him, both physically and mentally, from his trauma are still not known.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Breila »

Dekker, donkey stallion and Babushka's faithful companion
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I saw this stallion in Northern Italy, near Arco, close to Lake Garda, he was my inspiration for Dekker.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by xelphyn »

Vivid auburn hair reaches back with a slight, upward angle, revealing his chiseled face, emerald eyes and bold lips.
His strength is obvious, not from mass, but by tone.
His skin is rough, and lightly tan.
(I can never find a picture for my characters...)
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by agamotto »

Jeremy Johanson
Physical: Jeremy is 5'8" of rugged mountainman with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He has a full face beard and mustache.
Dressed head to toe in the skins of the animals he killed to survive it is obvious he has spent more time in the woods than with man.

Personality: He is reclusive, but not totaly unsociable. He disdains the hypocrosy of so-called civilization and tends to stay in the wild.
He is some times gruff, some times caring, and always painfully honest.

he travels with his only steady companion an Unnamed Donkey, aka dumb mule, stubborn midget horse, and other less savory pseudonyms.

PS this was the best pic I could find for the char. in question.
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by NoTrammeling »

Fikod Uthmifoddom

I just drew it, sorta like parts of it. That's basically him though! Minus some cartoonish porportions.

Broad of nose, black hair, skin like cinnamon. Copper eyes just discernible behind the hood of his cloak. The wear on his leather armor and various daggers make him seem like a dwarf who's used to a good scrap. No taller than chest-height to the average human, he is a broad and sturdy creature. His mustaches are braided with ornaments, tucked down into one of his many belts. His beard is little more than a jet tuft.

No bio for you all, and I haven't read your guys' yet! I'll find out in-game hopefully.