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CH 1: The Road Travels East

The original Dragonlance modules (DL1-DL14), updated to 2E.

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The original Dragonlance modules (DL1-DL14), updated to 2E.

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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by JadedDM »

Once everyone has joined them below, Tas nodded enthusiastically. "I know just where to go! Follow me!" he said before dashing off in the darkness. "This way!"

"Wait up for the rest of us, you doorknob of a kender," Flint grumbled.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Jenara »

Laurana nods and looks to the others, well she was here now, what would happen next was up to her.

"Go!" She says to Riverwind and Goldmoon, watching for Tanis, 'Too Important' to who? she wonders.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by SightblinderX »

Tanis does not wait long before descending the rope as rapidly as possible behind the others, and trying to note which way they had begun to head.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Talyn »

Raistlin hobbles after the kender at this best speed, though he is a bit slow all things considered. He does not look up or around, he just follows the others as best he can.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Breila »

Goldmoon takes Riverwind's hand as they follow the kender, when passages get too narrow to walk side by side, she knows Riverwind wants her to go first.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by JadedDM »

Tas paused a moment to give the others a chance to catch up. They waited, huddled in the darkness, keeping out of the light cast by street lamps swinging in the branches above them. A chill wind had sprung up, blowing out of the north. Tanis noticed the wind has switched, likely meaning rain will come by morning.

Riverwind's face was a stoic mask of strength, but his shoulders sagged. Flint was nearly doubled over, still bothered by his wounds. All of this running probably undid a lot of Goldmoon's administrations. Only Tas seemed invigorated by the whole thing.

"We've got to find shelter," Flint said. "Some place to rest."

"Tanis--" Tas tugged on the half-elf's cloak. "We could go by boat. Crystalmir Lake's only a short way. There're caves on the other side, and it will cut walking time tomorrow."

"Nope!" Flint growled. "I'm not getting in any boat!"

Tas giggled. "That accident happened ten years ago. I'm sure Caramon will sit still this time."

"Absolutely not!" the dwarf said flatly. "No boats. I took a vow."

As they argued, anyone looking behind them would notice the lights of a search party slowly heading in their direction.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Breila »

"I could heal you with the staff, Flint, since it is known now that I have it" Goldmoon offers.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by JadedDM »

"True magical healing?" Flint asked, eying the staff with awe. While there was skepticism in his voice, it was clear in his eyes he had hope. He wanted to believe.

Hesitantly, he nodded and approached her, bracing himself.

(OOC: You can see Flint's HP in the Character Stats thread, if you need to judge how big of a dose to give him.)
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Breila »

"You do not need to fear, this hurts less than what I've done to you before" Goldmoon smiles at Flint.

"Oh Goddess, all our lives may depend on this dwarf's health. Thus I pray to you: Please heal him."

(ooc: Cast cure serious wounds, Goldmoon doesn't know about the limits of the staff's power yet)
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Jenara »

Laurana follows the group, stopping when they do. At the mention of the Lake she leans close to Tanis, "A Lake? How will that help?." Realising she pulls away suddenly.

Goldmoon and the staff intrigues her, why had the staff been given to the Humans she did not understand, humans were.. Irrational, yet that had such capacity for caring.. So she watches Goldmoon curiously.

She looks behind her, watching for lights following them.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by JadedDM »

There is a small flash of blue light and Flint gasps suddenly. His wounds, many which had reopened from the exertions of running, began to magically close rapidly. When the light faded, he was still battered and bruised; however, the worst of his injuries were completely gone. In moments, the blue crystal staff healed what would have taken a week of bed rest otherwise.

"True healing!" Flint whispered in awe.


Goldmoon expends 8 charges of the Blue Crystal Staff to cast Cure Serious Wounds on Flint. He regains 17 HP.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Jerrard »

Sturm stands to one side with his hand to his sword hilt. "True healing? By Paladine!" He exclaims, his suprise is evident.

"We must move, either we go to the Lake, or to the Road, but we must move now!" He says as loud as he dares, "There will be time to marvel later."
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by JadedDM »

Agreeing with Sturm, the group moved on. Not too long after, the kender led them to Crystalmir Lake. The wind whipped the water into frothy whitecaps.

As Tas searched the shore for a boat to 'borrow' the stars gleamed with icy brightness in the blue-black sky. The red moon, Lunitari, was rising like a bloody fingernail from the water. Its partner in the night sky, Solinari, had all ready risen, marking the lake with molten silver.

Tas managed to secure a large enough fishing boat to hold them all and waved the others over.

"You're going to put all of us in one boat!" Flint said in horror. "You're mad! I won't go. If it were one of the legendary white-winged boats of Tarsis, I still wouldn't go! I'd rather take my chances with the Theocrat!" he fumed.

In the distance, strange whistles could be heard approaching. Anyone who had dealt with goblins before knew them for what they were: goblin search parties.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by mltillis »

" By the abyss Flint! We don't have time for this! I'm sorry about dunking you that day! But we have to get going! " Before he can protest, Caramon snatches Flint up by his backside and tosses him into the fishing boat. He then turns offer his assistance to Raistlin and the others.
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Re: CH 1: The Road Travels East

Post by Jenara »

Laurana boards the boat carefully taking Caramons or Sturms assistance if offered, "What are those whistles?" She asks, standing to the front of the boat, in her head she checks everyone is on safely, occasionally she checks for Tanis's approval yet isn't suprised when she doesnt get it.

"Why am I here?" She asks herself as the wind and waves buffet her, realising the whistles can only be something bad she pulls her bow from its quiver and notches an arrow.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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