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Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Yeah, i saw the 4 points spent from class/level, but you also get 3 bonus nwp for intelligence. Oh, Actually you get 3 languages also (I let the int bonus apply to both) . Common and thieves' Cant are free. Elvish is pretty common there. He would also have the opportunity to learn dwarven, goblin, orcish, gnomish or some other typical basic race languages. Of course he could go for ancient languages as well, and might even find someone to teach undercommon if he wanted]

Gregor once again tries to urge the old man to retreat but the grizzled locksmith snarls and snaps at him like a man posessed, or inebriated and enraged beyond reasonable thought. Sige dives at him again, but quick feet and reflexes keep the younger man out of range as his sword slashes again across the old man's body.

Staggering and clutching at his chest, Sige glares at the rogue. His dagger clatters to the stone and thick blood bubbles over his lips... never... stop... huntin'... ye... Eyes blood shot to the point of taking a yellowish tinge almost seem to glow in the night with pure, unfettered hatred.

The man drops to the stone with a thick crumpling noise. Soon the only sound remaining in the cold, misty street is the ragged breath of the survivor and the thrum-thrum of Gregor's pulse drumming in ears. So far there is no sign of the second man that was with the locksmith

Init: R3
Gregor: (2+5 BSwd): 7
Old Master Sige: [10+2dagger]: 12

Gregor slashes with his Broadsword Sige
Thac0 18 vs AC ?
[1d20] = 15, hit!
for [2d4] = 5 damage!
Sige Goes DOWN

Sige bleeds
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

[Ya I missed adding the int bonus for the nwp's. Before I make the final list, I was curious about spending additional slots on a specific nwp. Is it possible to apply additional slot points to blind fighting and what would be the result?]

Gregor glances around to see if the short skirmish has been witnessed. Seeing no one, he pulls Sige's unconscious form into the nearest alcove snagging the old man's dropped dagger as he does so. Once there, Gregor quietly examines his own wounds to ensure he is in no immediate danger. A quick once over of the old man shows he is still drawing breath.

"I'm going to live to regret this decision," Gregor curses quietly under his breath and then staunches the blood loss. A quick looting of his prior taskmaster and Gregor is on his way, the night's plan ruined. "I'll need to find someplace to lie low for a while," Gregor grumbles to himself. "And a couple pints wouldn't hurt. This town has become too interesting. I'll need to be moving on."
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[For nwps i generally say 1 additional slot improves the skill by 2 points, but for Blind Fighting there is no skill roll required, the person just goes by the values in the description when fighting in darkness or twilight. I guess i could say you can spend 1 more slot to reduce the penalties in each category by 1, but never beyond that (meaning there would always be at least some penalty in full darkness)]

Gregor scoops up the bloodied dagger and finds a suitable corner to drag the old man to. He does his best to stem the flow of blood, but the man doesn't seem to want to stop. Finally he binds the wounds as well as he is able, though some dark blood still leaks slowly around the improvised bandaging.

Searching the pockets he finds little of value aside from a few silver and copper coins, and some scraps of cloth and trash. (7sp 5cp).

Making his way away from the scene, Gregor finds that all of the nearby buildings seem closed for the night. Muttering to himself about a drink, he notes a single sliver of amber light ahead as if pouring through a poorly shut door. The sounds of music waft from within...
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

[Gregor will stick with the current nwp's given on his sheet - alertness, appraising, blind fighting, lock smithing, looting, observation, rope use, tumbling - all at the minimum level.]

Gregor quietly considers the old man's possessions. "Nothin' here of any value," he snorts. "He's had his just rewards it seems." Leaving the small amount of coin, he wipes the blade on the lock smith's tattered clothing and then tucks it into his belt. Looking up the street towards the partially open door hosting the music, Gregor considers his options. "It's not much of a cover story - I'll have to get in and out quick but at least I might be able to have an ale and clean up a bit." Gregor slinks up the street to the doorway and pauses to listen outside the entrance seeking the least conspicuous moment to make his entrance.
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Ok, sounds good. Next post can be in the main game thread]

Gregor pauses at the door, waiting for the music to reach an elevation that would hopefully engage the attention of those inside away from the door.

As he peeks

The familiar sounds of a humble inn greet all who enter. A warm fire has been laid in the wide stone hearth against the damp and the chill air of the night. Sturdy wooden tables and chairs as well as a handful of cushioned booths furnish the broad room, with one short serving counter at the end opposite the fire; where a small door leads back undoubtedly to the kitchens. The scent of stews, meats, root vegetables and other hearty winter fare wafts throughout the establishment. A man in his late 20s in a white apron tends the bar, and a pair of serving girls moves among the group taking and serving orders.

A mix of patrons sparsely populates the commons. Dark haired and violet eyed locals, as well as others with a middle class air have come to sup and enjoy the music. One booth in the corner seems to have the widest variety of clientele, as a half- elven couple in robes sit across from a white-haired Elf (with a large raven of all things perched on his shoulder), and a human man with brown hair in the tabard of a knight of some kind.

On the stage, a human woman with striking red hair and a willowy blonde seem to be the musical entertainment for the evening.
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Regarding his missing gear, we can pretend he has some spare cash saved up that will equate to what it would cost to restore what was left behind during the transition into Ravenloft]
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Let me know when you decide on those last 2 languages
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

Totally forgot about the languages. Let's go with elvish and undercommon.
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

Gregor's gear needs were not that substantial so he has enough coin to cover the resupply without undue hardship. The resupplies are mostly of a "outdoor adventure" nature so will serve to support his "woodsman" persona. He may go as far as to buy some small game traps if the pricing is not outrageous. It would be nice if he could tag along with someone familiar with the language but he has a good idea of costs (appraising proficiency would seem to be applicable to mundane crafted items as well) so should be able to settle on pricing alone if needed - I calculated the resupply costs using the standard equipment pricing. Hopefully he can pick up a few words of the local language and learn a little more about the town and what it offers :) (and a fine liquor or back market alcohol store would be nice since he's running low on his personal supply). And he might as well see if he can find a brothel while he's out - those all always good for, among other things, picking up information.
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Sounds good. Speaking Elven will help, as he will soon learn that most merchants or shops have at least one person who understands Elven (it is the trade language with a nearby country). As for learning the local language of Harmonian, the module sets a base 1% per day of immersion and gives a one-time 5% for knowing Elven since there are some similarities. I added it to the dm copy of your character sheet at the beginning of this thread.

The others who have been here a while will tell him that the Glass Eye is kind of a curio shop that also carries some adventuring gear. And it won't be difficult to find a place that sells traps. To get an idea of what the town is like, take a look at the entry for Skald in the "Acquired Party Knowledge" thread.

There are a few places in town that would have an array of spirits. The Dusty Bottle is only a couple of blocks south of the inn, he can easily get directions. As for a brothel... there might be one in town, but if so it is not advertised. He would have to do some investigating to tease out its existence and then (if it exists) the location
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

During his outing to resupply, Gregor will visit the Glass Eye as well as the Dusty Bottle. He'd prefer something like a good absinthe but is willing to consider viable alternatives.

He'll investigate to determine the availability of a brothel but only to the extent of discrete inquiries as he shops at this time. [OOC: I've no desire to delay the main game "arc" if there are plans in place to proceed. Further investigation as time permits ...]
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

There are a couple of updates at ... et&id=9841 that didnt make it to this thread. I believe these were my final character updates when the burglar kit was selected and locksmithing was taken as a proficiency. The thief skills are slightly off and the coin totals have been updated (barring whatever he spends to restock his alcohol reserve).
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Let's get a cha check for asking about the brothel

He'll find the liquor store is a small, dimly lit structure with dozens of shelves lined with various adult beverages. There is a large section dedicated to the local Meekulbrau (a particular red wine made from Meekulburn berries that grow locally), which seems to have a staggering variety of vintages and ages with pricing to match.

After browsing a bit he does find a small selection of Absinthe, one of which is in a squat green glass bottle named "la fée verte" and runs about 5sp. (1 pint)

Thanks, i'll check it out and make the corrections
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

Charisma check to find brothel: [1d20]=3

Would have been pretty embarrassing to fail this one. File location away for future ... investigation.

Buy a pint of "la fée verte". Will return for more if it's good.

Any thing special about Sige's dagger or does it need to be tossed?

Check back in at the inn to see if anything is going on.
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

It's a regular dagger, nothing unique but a free piece of equipmemt.

He gets a lead on a place called 'the den' down near the wall between upper and lower skald
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