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BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

A classic 2e Puzzle dungeon for High Level characters
Beware, this one is substantially longer and (IMHO) even harder than the legendary Tomb of Horrors!

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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

I am debating between 3 options: F12-W9-T13 ; F7-W9-t18 ; F7-T7-W15
The last one will be very similar to Yelb. So, even powerful I guess I'll throw it away.
Without grand mastering high level of fighter is less appealing, but still gives good thac0 and and I think more attacks, while 5 more thieving levels gives better skills, but I think I'm more inclined to F12-W9-T13. Wizard or Artificer that is. :)
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

High lvl fighter gives lots better hps too
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

True. So, did you check the Artificer and can tell me what would you see as it's advantage compared to mage during your adventures?
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

I haven't had time with other things going on. It's probably similar to a mage
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

OK. Thanks. I guess I'll take it anyway and on the downtime create holy avenger and dual (quadral) class to Paladin. :D
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

Holy avenger is 4k xp. 3k xp single item limit
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

Not in downtime after this adventure (if anyone survive it). In the Artificer description, any item in the dungeon master guide is possible with enough time to research, money to invest and 3 successful rolls. Anyway, the avenger and the paladin dip were a joke.
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

Hi. Apparently there is a limit on the number of words for the background description in unseenservant sheets...
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

On mythweaver I'm having the same problem so I post it here for now. Maybe I'll just post there a link to google doc...
Jona Shlopper background:

Jona was born to high class society. As a son of the Baron of Markondain he was well and strictly educated. He had practiced in the arts of combat and was sent to military school and service even that it was not his greatest ambition. But Jona was disciplined and followed his father dreams. With years of practice, good attitude and brilliant mind, Jona became good at tactics and was moving up in the ranks.
His life were fully planned to him. He was betrothed to a lady from another well established family, and his position and duties were prepared for him to step in.
It all came to a crush when he participated at the 10 month war between the Markondainians and the Gurdainians, the neighboring land. During this war, Jona lead many different military operations. Starting with skirmishes, through large assaults and even few sieges.
Although he performed well, he was amazed to learn that the motives behind the war were politics and money that concerned only few at the high ranks. Non of this was due to concern to the people of Markondain or Gurdain. Also, he lead by example and at some point he found that other high rank officers did not fight for their people, but had their own interests and didn't care for their soldiers.
Jona filed many petitions to higher command, and tried to use his father influence trying to correct these wrongs, but to his own amazement and shock, his father not only didn't help, but took part in these action of self-profit and gaining power on account of the people.
At this point Jona spirit was broken completely. Once the war was over he rebuked any connection to his family and country and started wondering to other lands, seeking a new way of life trying to forget the horrors he met. It is not taking life that concerned him. It's the pointless taking of life that troubled him.
But living with no money isn't an easy task. Wasn't sure if military positions or mercenary life will help to cover his past, Jona turned into completely different direction. One that always had intrigued him and he was sure his father would never even consider to look for. He wanted to learn The Craft.
During his wandering not once he met other people seeking safety by moving together and one of these people that he managed to keep in touch was an young apprentice. With this connection he was able to find his place at school, buying his place with hard work that the magicians usually didn't excel at. This way of life indeed conquered his heart... for a long while... but it was hard to separate the warrior and rebel from his personality and dedicate his full self to the craft was not possible. Once again, Jona felt he needs to take a new path. Seeing the poverty and miserable people all around him stirred his soul. Government only served the rich and powerful. And so Jona turned into underground operations and some public, usually concerned with churches operation, were he was convinced that are truly dedicated to help the common people. With such rich set of skills and abilities he managed to support many centers of such activities, finally infusing meaning to his life and satisfied with the results.
Not surprisingly, being active in these centers, a network on information was established and through this he learned about the tragedy that befall on Sorril. True to his heart and knowing the great deeds of Sorril which he was sympathized with, he gathered few of his friends and marched to the camp to help as much as he can.
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

With his strict education and his high status family, Jona is well dressed and well behaved. Born with dark brown hair, clean and shaved, wearing high quality 2 layers cloth, with decorations, bracelets, and other trinkets showing his position.
Since he gone underground he die his hair blond, including his eyebrows, and removed any jewelry or trinkets related to his army background, his family or country. But he keeps wearing valuable material, silk undercloth, fancy hats, a ring, golden buckle, high quality boots.
He doesn't stand out at 174cm and 72kg. He also grows small beard and long mustache.


In battle:

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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

So, I think I'll go for dual class human fighter 9 Artificer/mage 12 thief 14.
Few questions:
1. I really want to know what benefit can there be for Artiicer over mage or specialist. (during adventure and/or during downtime Artificer vs. normal magic research)
2. There are many threads (here is one example: ... hp?t=81561) debating whether gauntlets of ogre power bonus stacks with girdle of giant strength. Many say it stacks claiming it doesn't matter so much, some claim it doesn't except with hammer of thunder bolts and some say it does with any magical hammer... What will you rule?
3. This wiki collects a lot of information regarding the 2nd edition ( ... ition_Wiki)
Here in fighter ( it shows the basic phb specialization and then the levels of specialization from Combat and tactics: Weapon Master (+hit/dmg), High master (improve SF and crit chance), Grand master (+1 attack). So you rule all combat and tactics out?

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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by TristenC »

1) still haven't had time to look at the artificer. It'll likely be a while before you need a 2nd char. Is there something specific you see there you have a question about?

2) Yeah, it's a little strange. The gauntlets only give strength in the 'hands arms and shoulders', so it gives you the bonuses to attacks and such, but the girdle gives the strength everywhere so it would affect encumberance as well. But the lowest level girdle would out-class the gloves so not much use to have both except...

When you have both if you also have the Hammer of Thunderbolts you "know it's true name" and it becomes a +5 wep (instead of a paltry +3) and it one-shots giants :lol:

3) Specialization from the phb.
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

1. Well, the main thing is creating magic items. So first I wish he could make something (few items) during the the adventure itself, being so familiarized with the practice. (say simple potions, +2 weapons, or say up to 500XP items). 2nd I wish he could imbue spells at items more frequently than 1 spell a week since it renders it pretty useless otherwise. 3rd I wish he could try to create any magic item during downtime and that it has some significant advantage over normal magic research, otherwise, what's the point?

So, until the time comes that Shlopper is called to duty, let's wait with the decision of Mage/Artificer.

2. So you rule that only the specific triple stacks I understand.
3. Understood.

Well, in that case at least I know not to take the gauntlets, and so free my hands for gloves of dexterity...
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

Vir Ke'Sha Tav'Lux
Male Athasian Halfling, Priest of The Lord of Undead level 16 (17 +1 Quasit Familiar) (CE)

STR 4 (18/00), +3 hit, +6 dmg, 335lbr weight
DEX 18, +2 reaction, +2 missile attack, -4 defense
CON 16, +2
INT 13 (14), WIS 20 (22),
CHA 5, 2 hench, -4 loyalty, -3 reaction adj.

Age 64, HT 3'5", WT 56 lbs

Under the effect of:
Air walk 17h
Cloak of bravery (+4) 8h
Spectral senses (with the scouting skeleton and Rror the ogre zombie) 16h
Imbue with spell ability for all undead group (17 spells per undead) 16d

HP calc:
8hp + 8d8 ([8d8]=39) + 9x2 (CON) + 16 (levels10-17) + 16 (familiar)

HP: 97 (79 without familiar)

THAC0: 10 (+6 [+3 STR +2 DEX +1 Halfling] projectile, +3 Melee, +3 Staff Sling) +1 Halfling for thrown weapon
AC: -6/(-7 missiles) (-4 DEX, -11 full plate armor+2, -1/-2 Full Body Shield)
Dmg: Sling/Staff Sling (1d4+7/1d6+7), blowgun (1d3+6 + poison/1d2+6+poison), Morning Star (2d4+6/1d6+7), Sickle (1d4+7/1d4+6)
ROF: Blowgun (2/1), Sling (1/1), Staff Sling (2/1)
XP: 2,000,000 (2,025,000 with the Quasit)
Saves: PPDM 4 (+4 Halfling for poison), RSW 8 (+4 Dex, +4 Halfling), PP 7, BW 10 (+4 Dex), S 9 (+4 Halfling, +4 Wis - mind spells)
Skills: Halfling Resistance (+4), Small-sized bonus, infravision (60 feet), detect grade or slope in passage (1-3 on 1d4), determine approximate direction underground (1-3 on 1d6)
Surprise bonus +4 if alone and without metal armor. +2 if need to open door.
+1 bonus attack rolls when using thrown weapons and slings.
Bonus spells (WIS): 3x1st, 3x2nd, 3x3rd, 2x4th, 1x5th
Immunities ( due to WIS): Cause fear, Friends, Hypnotism, Charm person, Command, Forget, Hold person, Ray of enfeeblement, Scare, Fear, Charm monster, Confusion, Emotion, Fumble, Suggestion.
Granted Powers: 3 times the number of undead affected by turn, +1 HP per die of animated undead, make ghoul (1,000gp) ghast (4,800gp) ju-ju zombie (6,070gp) mummy (11,000gp), vampire or lich (20,000gp)
+3 reaction adj. (DEX)
Familiar Impact: +1 level, regenerate 1hp/round, infravision 60', telepathic connection and senses, 25% MR, +20HP

XP Bonus (10% )
WP(6): Sickle, Blowgun, Sling, Morning Star, Staff Sling, Flail
NWP (13): Botany (1) (Int -1), Speed casting (3) (Wis -2) (-2 CT), Danger sense (2) (Wis -2), Healing (2) (Wis -2), Herbalism (2) (Int -2), Diagnostics (1) (Wis -1), Poisons (2) (Int)
Languages: Common, Halfling, Dwarven, Orc
Head – Fetishes, Black hood, Ioun stone vibrant purple prism stores 9 spell levels
Neck - Necklace of trinkets and bones (Pearl of Wisdom), [Un]Holy Symbol (Pearl embedded within), Prayer beads with Gem of Insight weaved between them
Torso – Hooded black coat [10lbr], Backpack [4 lbs] x2, torn leather jacket, shirt /Full Plate Darkened, barely makes sound, when looking at one can see his own reflection wither or ghostly [35lbr]
Hands - Bracelets, Tattoos, Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Blowgun [2lbr], Full body shield
Arms - Snake pet [20lbr]
Waist – Gray leather belt, ingredients pouches x 5 [5lbr], Morning Star [12lbr], Bolt case (50 darts) [6lbr], Bolt case (50 darts) [6lbr],
Sling bullets x10 [5lbr], Staff Sling [2lbr], Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals [1lbr], Potion of polymorph self [1lbr], Girdle of many pouches
Feet – Leather boots
Backpack 1 - Rations, Mace [8lbr], Sickle [3lbr], scalpel [1lbr], torches x10 [10lbr] incense x10 [1lbr], candles x4, Vials and bottles [2lbr], Greek Fire x10 [20lbr], Holy water x10 [1lbr],
Unholy water x10 [1lbr], Mirror, Sling bullets x20 [10lbr], Blackened whip [2lbr], Bed roll, Net [5lbr]
Backpack 2 - Rope [20lbr], Gloves to handle poison [2lbr], 10 rations [1lbr], Potion of healing
Ingridient pouch 1 [10 lbr] - graveyard soil, vial of blood, ...
Ingridient pouch 2 [10 lbr] -
Ingridient pouch 3 [10 lbr] -
Ingridient pouch 4 [10 lbr] -
Ingridient pouch 5 [10 lbr] -
Belt pouch 1 [10 lbr] - Vials of injected paralytic poison (Type O 2x8 doses), Vials of injected death poison (Type E 8 doses), Vials of injected death poison (Type F 3x8 doses)
Belt pouch 2 [10 lbr] - 30gp

Wish list: Grenades of Acid x10 [20lbr], Grenades of Poisonous gas x10 [20lbr], Grenades of explosion x10 [20lbr], Grenades of smoke x10 [20lbr]

Encumbrance: 281lbr - No Encumbrance Mv 6

Spheres of Influence: Major Access to All, Astral, Charm, Necromantic, Summoning, Thought (TOM).
Minor Access (1-3 levels) to Combat, Divination, Protection, and Sun.

Bless (1st), Combine (1st), Detect Evil (1st), Purify Food & Drink (1st), Speak With Astral Traveler (1st), Command (1st), Remove Fear (1st), Invisibility to Undead (1st),
Call Upon Faith (1st), Emotion Read (1st), Thought Capture (1st), Magical Stone (1st), Shillelagh (1st), Analyze Balance (1st), Detect Magic (1st), Detect Poison (1st), Detect Snares & Pits (1st), Locate Animals or Plants (1st), Endure Cold/Endure Heat (1st), Protection From Evil (1st), Ring of Hands/Ring of Woe* (1st), Sanctuary (1st), Light (1st)
Sanctify/Defile* (2nd), Enthrall (2nd), Hold Person (2nd), Music of the Spheres (2nd), Mystic Transfer* (2nd), Aid (2nd), Draw Upon Holy Might (2nd), Idea (2nd), Mind Read (2nd), Chant (2nd), Spiritual Hammer (2nd), Augury (2nd), Detect Charm (2nd), Find Traps (2nd), Know Alignment (2nd), Speak With Animals (2nd), Barkskin (2nd), Resist Fire/Resist Cold (2nd), Withdraw (2nd),
... (oh well, I need to rewrite this post...)

Memorized Spells:
1st (7 + 3): Bless x2, Protection From Evilx2, Command, Ebony Hand, Spectral Sensesx2, Undead Alacrityx2
2nd (7 + 3): Hold Personx3, Aidx2, Withdraw, , Find Traps, Spiritual Hammer, Resist Turning, Dark Fire of Beshaba (Priest spells compedium)
3rd (7 + 2): Emotion Control x2, Life Drain x2, Animate dead, Protection from fire, Prayer, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse
4th (7 + 4): Heart Blightx2, Cause Insanity, Solipsism, Mental domination, Cloak of bravery, Free Actionx2, Geniusx3
5th (5 + 2): Quest, Undead Regeneration/Drain, Raise Dead, Dispel good, Imbue undead with spell abilityx2, Air walk
6th (3): Asphyxiate, Word of Recall, Conj. Fire Elemental
7th (2): Resurrection, Energy drain
Ioun stones 9 spell levels: Resurrection, Hold Person
Spells under effect: Death pact

Gur'Khal-Negh (Quasit familiar)

HD: 3 (16 [20hp [3d8] = 20]) (You rolled better than me... I got 16)
Dmg: 1d2,1d2,1d4
Special Damage: save vs poison or lose 1 Dex for 2d6 hours...
Infravision: 60'
AC: 2
THAC0: 17
Special defense: 25% MR, Save as 7HD
Regeneration: 1hp/round
Abilities: Invisible, detect good, detect magic, polymorph into two animal forms (bat, wolf) at will. Globe of Fear once a day. Commune once a week (6 questions).
Movement: 15

Here they are. Decent hps for the monstrous zombies, good hps for the reg zombie, and pretty low hps for the skels… oh well, at least you said you only want them carrying things
Undead hps: 28, 35, 14
Skel hps: 4, 2, 3, 5

Ho and Rror:
Monstrous Zombies: (Ogre and Grizzly Bear)
Controlled undead
Hp: 28, 35 (6+6 ea)
AC: 6
Thac0: 15
Att: 1
Dmg: 4d4
Mv: 9
Sz: L ( and )
Int: non
Immune: Sleep, Charm, Hold, Fear, Death magic, Poison, Cold-based spells
Disadvantages: Susceptible to Turning/control, holy water (2d4 dmg/vial), non-intelligent, always strike last, only understand simple commands (1 dozen simple words or less), clumsy

Zombie: (humanoid)
Controlled undead
Hp: 14 (2+2)
AC: 8
Thac0: 19
Att: 1
Dmg: 1d8
Mv: 6
Sz: M (6’)
Int: non
Immune: Sleep, Charm, Hold, Fear, Death magic, Poison, Cold-based spells
Disadvantages: Susceptible to Turning/control, holy water (2d4 dmg/vial), non-intelligent, always strike last, only understand simple commands (1 dozen simple words or less), clumsy

Skeletons: (humanoid, 4x)
Controlled undead
Hp: 2, 3, 4, 5 (1+1 ea)
AC: 8
Thac0: 19
Att: 1
Dmg: 1d6
Mv: 12
Sz: M (6’)
Int: non
Immune/resistant: Sleep, Charm, Hold, Fear, Death magic, Poison, Cold-based spells, ½ dmg from edge weapons.
Disadvantages: Susceptible to Turning/control, holy water (2d4 dmg/vial), non-intelligent, only understand simple commands (1 dozen simple words or less)
Last edited by BishGada on Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: BishGada (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Post by BishGada »

I updated the spells a bit and marked the casted spells.
In the description of "Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals" it doesn't say how long the elemental stays and also not how it lose control besides 5% per round? So it is just statistics until it loses control or willingly freed?
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