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Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Two cities fates intertwined, yet paths divergent. Join the race of Technology and Sorcery, finding the best blend of each. With destruction in the west, what trouble is headed out to the coast?

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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by BishGada »

Flatbelly looks first at the Ogres and then at the cannon fire truely amazed. After a moment appreciating the wonders he witness, he joins the group in quick pace.
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Squirrellord »

While visibly quite excited, Tornak manages to keep relatively calm until the party arrives at the Strongarm residence. Hoo wee! he explodes Damn fishies!! Did you see those cannons!! Such a view! Oh wow! Is that the dream or what right? To hold that power in your hands and... he trails off as he realizes the company he is in and finishes off weakly ..and the target is secure and safe...
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Nocturno »

With everyone gathered in room 1A:

Yongoth puts a hand on the goblin's shoulder.
"Easy lad, I know they are impressive.

Lorbin looks around. "That was quite the offensive. The Fishlips have never attacked in such force.
And that shock team that came through the ceiling. We need to find out who this symbol belongs to."

As he finished that statement a blue portal swirls open in the NW corner of the room. Out steps Lord Homeforger.

"Is anyone harmed?"

GG will recognize a Crest on the wall as the same as one on the communication device Yongoth was speaking into during the attack.

"While this is the house to build all sorts of things, the Homeforger house is the best place for research. Let's go men."

Lord Homeforger re-enters the gate. The dwarf brothers go next. The young lords follow, then Renwick shrugs and follows.

I'll need some time to come up with map and plans for the next post.
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Chris1234 »

GG stays close to the Persons of Interest that he's been tasked to protect.
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by counterkid »

Adrik follows Renwick. "More excitement, exactly what I'm looking for."
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by BishGada »

Flatbelly just follows quietly.
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Nocturno »

One by one the group enters the portal. As they feel the lurch and sudden feeling of free fall, they step onto a stone floor.

Those that have been in the Homeforger house before recognize the general decoration, and smell of the house.

You appear in a room with several comfortable chairs and few tables.

Also standing prominently in the room are three large full bookcases.

By the time the group has made it's way through the portal, Lord Homeforger is at one of the Southern bookshelves moving his finger reading spines.

He starts pulling books madly. It is clear he isn't stopping, even as his arms start to fill.

Yongoth and Lorbin both go and relieve him of the books, and start to place them on the tables.

Finally the Lord stops.

"Ok, Everyone grab a book. Let's get a few copies of that symbol." He waves his hand and whispers a few syllables.

There is now a copy of the paper with the Symbol found on the Trolls and Manticores.

"Bowls or warm water should be coming to wash up. Refreshments should follow. I know I speak also for House Onyxarm, in thanking you for protecting our Sons."
"Everyone grab a book. If we have record of this, it should be in these. Feel free to spread out into the open area just outside this room."
Homeforger2b.jpg (642.2 KiB) Viewed 13424 times
Investigation and Perception rolls from everyone please!
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Chris1234 »

GG selects three likely looking books and sets to examining their contents.
If nothing relevant, or any spells, he then replaces them and starts on three more.

GG Investigation, Perception [1d20+8] = 20+8 = 28, [1d20+5] = 17+5 = 22
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Squirrellord »

Investigation(10): [1d20+10] = 4+10 = 14
Perception(0): [1d20] = 2

Tornak is still daydreaming about cannons....
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by counterkid »

Adrik takes a book: "You want me to read"? mumbling to himself.
investigation: [1d20] = 2
Perception: [1d20+3] = 15+3 = 18
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by BishGada »

Flatbelly is always happy to read and eagerly looks forward to learn new stuff. The fun of searching something in books is all the things that has nothing to do with what you look for that you learn while searching for the specific data you need.
(OOC: Investigation, Perception: [1d20+5] = 3+5 = 8, [1d20+6] = 20+6 = 26)
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Nocturno »

While the group wildly starts to flip through pages, Tornak and GG seem to more methodically search through the pages. After about 20 minutes the Goblin and Half-Elf find several symbols that are extremely similar to the one found on the fallen monsters. (5 Pictures, and 6 References)

After bringing the found material to the attention of the group, the focused effort of the team is almost undercut by Tornak's pondering of the cannons, and how much black powder it would take to make such projectiles fly. The excellent focus of the two Arcane inclined members though pulls the research through though. The group figures there are 3 pictures that truly match and 2 references that that actually reference it as well.

The group has the copies of the original sketch plastered all over the table for reference:
Sketch - House Dimir.jpg
Sketch - House Dimir.jpg (8.15 KiB) Viewed 13241 times
In three separate books they find these matching images:
Dimir Dagger.jpg
Dimir Dagger.jpg (57.3 KiB) Viewed 13241 times
Dimir Colour.jpg
Dimir Colour.jpg (16.85 KiB) Viewed 13241 times
Dimir Building.jpg
Dimir Building.jpg (122.14 KiB) Viewed 13241 times
The dagger looking image is found in a Manual of Guild Weapons and Practices.
The vivid coloured picture is found in the Compendium of Ancient Guilds and Magical Covens.
The image including the symbol is from Architecture Marvels: Underground Cities, and their Cultures.

The text of the Compendium of Ancient Guilds and Magical Covens is mostly ruined. None of the members are able to decipher the ruined text of the book.

The Manual of Guild Weapons and Practices mentions that the House Dimir prefers short slashing weapons that are easily poisoned, and concealed.

In the tome of Architecture Marvels: Underground Cities and their Cultures the group finds that the House Dimir is an Ancient Drow Guild of Assassins. They are considered brutal and deadly even by other Drow sects.

The Dimirs are shrouded in mystery, and many think they have died out, or doubt they even existed in the first place.

While the more martial members of the group start to enjoy an extra beverage, and another helping of dinner, the Arcane focused members persevere and patch together two solid pieces of information.

The last believed mention of the Dimir Guild having been contracted or mentioned was more than 50 years ago, near Katha. The now embroiled City at the heart of the Black Dragon situations.

The second from the Compendium: There was, or possibly is a direct counterpart to this shadowy, Assassins guild; The Selesnya Conclave, a guild that was/is dedicated to preserving what it deems to be the “sacred” lands.

As the group studied they were joined by Lady Onyxarm. Both Heads of the Diplomatic Houses seemed to be impressed with the focus and knowledge displayed by all the members.

"Please rest here in my house for this day. We will provision you in the morning. We will see if we can find any traces of this Guild that opposes this new apparent enemy." Lord Homeforger will offer in a break of the research.

Lady Onyxarm will also chime in: "Please, if you need any mundane items, our stores are open to you."
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Chris1234 »

Always reticent to admit to defeat, GG asks permission to try ritual castings of Detect Magic and then Comprehend Languages on the runes.

Maybe an Arcana or History check might pull out another spec of information on the rune(s)..
GG Arcana, History [1d20+8] = 7+8 = 15, [1d20+5] = 4+5 = 9
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by BishGada »

Flatbelly notes himself to replenish his arrows and stones for the sling tomorrow, but for now eagerly reads and listens to any info of this drow guild.
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Re: Umberlee's Temple - Everyone

Post by Nocturno »

Lady Onyxarm speaks again, "Make a list of any mundane items you wish to have, in case our course of action takes us out of the city. These will be free of charge, from our supplies."

She looks to Frugold "A gate back to my home if you would?"

The Lord then looks to the group. "Follow me, I think we may have some books upstairs that will help. There are beds in the rooms down the hall. Please stick to the larger common room for beds to use."
Homeforger2.jpg (991.58 KiB) Viewed 13175 times
He will lead the group up a flight of stairs. Not stopping on the 3rd floor.
homeforger3b.jpg (591.96 KiB) Viewed 13175 times
After another flight of stairs you end up on the fourth floor.
homeforger4b.jpg (597.97 KiB) Viewed 13175 times
"Please stick to only the libraries, and the courtyard next door. The previous floor has room and equipment if any of your choose to work your physical muscles. I will be going to meet some of my contacts shortly. If you require anything for comfort, pull this cord, and one of our staff members will attend you." He points to a large rope in the North East corner of the room.(North is up)

With that he will leave the room, and the group to their own devices. It is about 4pm at this point.

Please give me a list of anything mundane that the character wants.

Also, give me investigation and perception rolls for each hour you plan to have your character research.