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Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library death

Two cities fates intertwined, yet paths divergent. Join the race of Technology and Sorcery, finding the best blend of each. With destruction in the west, what trouble is headed out to the coast?

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Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library death

Post by Nocturno »

Deities and the Divine

For the intents of the Pantheon structure, our world will be part of the Forgotten Realms multiverse.

For direction on deities please follow that structure. ... ms_deities


Our timeline is not tied to any time line in any Forgotten Realms novels, or other material.

It will be tied with the current time line we are developing in our RL games.

Currently there is great trouble in the East, being caused by some Black Dragons.


Please see attached Maps.
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Re: Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library d

Post by Nocturno »

Cladmont and Shagos

From the beginning of civilization Cladmont and Shagos have been intertwined. They have not always had these names, but they have always had the same purpose. The guards to the Inner Sea.

Shagos, the Southern of the two has always been magically inclined. Prone to draw and even sire magically adept folk. Some newlyweds even come to Shagos in hopes of having a child inclined in the arts. This makes the city often chaotic, with an ever-flowing population, or all races. Some would compare this to how it is believed the flow of magic runs through the fabric of the universe.

In comparison, Cladmont is a stalwart city, of tradition and technology. Maintained by Dwarven families for as long as history can remember, the bulk of this city is made of Dwarves and Gnomes. While friendly to all, it is especially welcoming to anyone who values technological advancements over that of magical enhancements.

When approaching from the West, the cities could not be more different looking.

Cladmont is a mountain of walls, ramparts, and mechanical weapons utilized in defending the Inner Sea SeaGate.

Shagos is a gleaming city of sparkling magic. It is surrounded by a highly polished city wall, encompassed in a magical dome that shimmers pink and purple. But anyone who mistakes this appearance as a weakness is sorely surprised if they do test its defenses. Magical hell rains down upon any attacker in a merciless assault.

The SeaGate is a marvel regarded around the whole world. It is a perfect blend of technology and magic. The one thing the two cities can agree upon; Using the best efforts of both to defend the entrance to the Inner Sea. The gate is a technological feat in its own right. Raising and lowering as needed. Folding in and out like a very big accordion to allow even the largest vessels through the channel. The magic comes in with protections. Allowing iron and steel to be in the saltwater for much longer than naturally thought possible. Joint maintenance is almost non-existent with the protections afforded by the dweomers. There are enhancements as well the magic at times will allow the gate to be operated much, much faster than normally allowed by physics. This is typically only employed in times of need, as the added stress does not do the physical structure any favours.

This campaign will take place in a time of great struggle for the most eastern region of near the city of Katha. That region has been set upon by a host of evil dragons, and there are heroes there taking care of that problem. But when there is trouble in one area, the rats are always the first ones to abandon ship. This is reaching over even as far as the port cities.

Insert our group here. The bustling cities of Cladmont and Shagos, everyone is here for their own reasons, but all will seem to find a common goal in a fairly short time. This world is a world of all races mixing in an almost racism free environment.
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Re: Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library d

Post by Nocturno »

Under Cladmont

The city of technology, the marvel of the modern world. Efficient it is not. The city with all of its amazing advancements, has never kept up with what to do with all of their waste. Since the beginning, the technology buzzed and whirred, but there was always a side no one talked about. Where the things went when they were no longer useful, where the cut-offs went. They seemed to disappear, this worked for the dwarves and gnomes who were busy at work on the next grest revelation of technological genius. Who wants to take out the trash, when you could be the proud inventor of the next new thing-a-ma-bobber?

The real answer to that question is the Spinegouger Tribe. Once a feared and revered Goblin Tribe the Spinegougers came across Cladmont when it was just a small village. Even then the technology that was defending the small town made it impossible for a normal goblin assault to work. They started to dig a tunnel about ¼ mile away from the town. They were hoping to circumvent the defenses. What they found however, were enormous natural caverns, which ran through the cliffs opening to beaches in places at the coastline.

In these caverns they found all of the odds and ends that the newly created town needed to dispose of. The Spinegougers got caught up creating new and inventive weapons, from these scraps and cast-offs They decided this town served a higher purpose. This feared and mighty clan quickly became the most advanced Goblin Tribe on the continent. Every town and village with-in 150 miles feared the Spinegougers and their seemingly out of this world weapons.

The reign of terror lasted for two Human generations. During the rise of the 7 cities many heroes emerged and most Goblin Tribes were all but eradicated. The Spinegougers retreated to their caverns, mostly unscathed. Not wanting to wreck their relations with the above ground citizens of Cladmont the Spinegougers threw their creativity into ways to renew materials they would take from the city.

This was a renaissance of sorts turning the War based Tribe, into the original recyclers and garbagemen. Anything that they could not recycle, or reuse was sent to a watery grave in the caves that were always submerged. This also ended up helping them defend the times when the evil Fishmen would try to invade from the undersea caves.

As Cladmont grew so did the Spinegouger clan. This clan lived secluded from other Goblin influences, so much so that they lost all war like ambitions. They became ghosts and whispers, never really talked of, but always appreciated. For surely the city would drown in it's own waste, if not for the Spinegougers. Leadership of the Tribe and Cladmont have a long-standing agreement, and when a new Mayor is elected in the City Above their eyes are typically widened in awe, as they learn the real reason why their city is so successful. Races who typically loathe and kill each other on sight, working together to make a city work that protects the entire Inner Sea.
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Re: Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library d

Post by Nocturno »

Shagos a City of Magic and Splendor.
** Pretend anything that says Cassadega says Shagos please.
North is actually at the bottom of the map.

On the Southern Side of the Grand Sea Gate is the City of Shagos. The city is a true wonder. Races from all over the world congregate here to celebrate their appreciation of magic.
Orcs and goblins will be found studying beside their counterparts of Elves and humans, everyone here to help further the knowledge of magic.

Even the elusive Genasi of all the elements are commonly found in this City, most prominent the Genasi of the Water element. They are found in great numbers living along side Tritons in the flooded stretches of the city.

Every able magic user living in Shagos contributes a bit of their power to help sustain the shield that protects the city from attacks and storms. On days with high winds the purple to pink dome is visible when the barrier is busy protecting the city. The Deep and Shallow Docks provide safe haven for ships of all sizes inside the dome, allowing for trade from all parts of the world.

Most Goods are traded in the Midtown Market, where a bustling economy is fueled with the trade of magical knickknacks from around the world.
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Re: Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library d

Post by Nocturno »

Cladmont Stalwart Protector of the Inner Sea
Cladmont, the perfection of technology. As the saying goes practice makes perfect. With many years, and many cycles of success and failure, Cladmont now has some gravity defying marvels.
All are thanks to the amazing attention to detail of the original Dwarven and Gnome settlers, but almost every race has left their mark through the passage of time.
In contrast to Shagos' ease into the sea with its protective done, and water living guardians, Cladmont is high on a cliff wall protecting from afar. The keep and town most prominent at the top, but the city also burrows deep into the cliff, with random exits to the seaward cliff face where weapons can be brought to bear or even refuse ejected from.

Getting closer to sea level, if you watch closely, you will see the Goblins of the SpineGouger Clan working on the defence from the evil Sahuagin. Shoring up the small beach with debris and left over dangerous looking scrap. Inside, they are always busy returning materials used by the town above into fresh raw materials, or into weapons to help in the defence of the city.

With the cities operating the Sea Gate in cooperation, the Inner Sea has seen many years of peace and tranquility.
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Re: Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library d

Post by Nocturno »

The Sea Gate

A beautiful marriage of tech and magic. The gate is mostly a mechanical feat, but is protected and maintained with magic. The two flow around each other like water around oiled parts.
Gates on either side will swing 90 degrees to allow ships on either side of the magnificent tower in the middle. Protected by technologically advanced, and magically enhanced weapons, the Sea Gate has never been breached. Wars may have raged on both sides of the wall, but none have ever made it through.
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Re: Accumulated Knowledge - Without worrying about library d

Post by Nocturno »

The Great War

Over a century ago Katha the Western most city of the 7 rose to unimaginable power. They had controlled an artifact that allowed them to control massive creatures of the sea. This gave them the power over all the trade done in the Inner Sea.

This led to a terrible war that cost everyone involved dearly. This war raged for a full generation, scarring multiple generations. This war forced the other 6 cities to band together and over throw Katha. This sent Katha into economic ruin, and it was conquered by a Large Red Dragon.

**The whole Dragon plot line is a the story of another campaign currently going on at the same time as this campaign in the Inner Sea setting.**

The war took its toll on all of the cities greatly, but Cladmont and Shagos were spared the worst of the economic collapse. Being the face of the Inner Sea to the outside world meant these cities needed to appear strong. The cities knew they must prevent the World at large a glimpse into how much their civil war actually hurt the region as a whole..

After Katha’s artifact was sundered, and the Inner Sea returned to calm and peace, the cities all signed treaties for trade purposes. Each city exports and imports to and from the other cities if possible. Only searching for goods from the outside world if they cannot be found in the Inner Sea.

All the cities of the Inner Sea have now regained much of their power. Katha on the other hand still struggles to free itself from the ruin of being ruled by a Dragon for so long. It is rebuilding, but those in search of an easier life have fled to the other cities of the Inner Sea.
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