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Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

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Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Adrastia steps into the chill, dank cavern; a light steam rising from fresh wounds in the cooler air. Ranseur at the ready, she studies the massive chamber that opens before her. Moisture glistens on the surrounding stones; dozens of tiny passages leading into the cavernous expanse. Thin streams of mist flow into the lower central area like water trickling into a pool. It’s clear. She calls back down the passage towards the sound of flagging combat. Mira and Artanis follow slowly into the new area, swords covered in nicks and chips from the harrowing fighting thus far. The redheads look up to the glowing light floating in the air above the chamber floor… the object of their long search.

Glowing with a beautiful golden light, the masterfully crafted crown shone; decked with sparkling gems and set in the crest with three blood-red stones the size of goose eggs. The artifact hovers motionless in the air, dead-center of the cavern. Resting against the bone-embedded walls of the cavern, the bard lets out a ragged breath. Finally… whether it could send them home or not, whether it could save the girl Akriel or not… whatever it was, whatever it could do for them, it was finally within their grasp… almost.

A jutting tower of stone rose from the pooled mist in the cavern floor; narrow and jagged and slick and falling just shy of the luminous treasure. Rapid footfalls catch up as Pyros rounds the corner, skidding to a stop beside them as he takes it all in. A long, low whistle escapes his lips as his eyes fall on the radiant crown. Cross follows shortly; marveling as well, Fascinating! he whispers. A squawk from his recently found familiar echoes dully off the damp stone. A big, silly grin breaks over the Kender’s face as he looks back and forth between the bard and the floating symbol of wealth and power. Like a shot, he takes off down the slippery slope of stone; somehow managing to half-slide half-run without losing his balance. With a smirk, Mira follows after, much more carefully picking her way through the jagged rocks that lie hidden in the foggy carpet along the floor.

Jerry backs into the room, Morningstar dangling with bits of bone stuck between some of the spikes. Merrick quickly follows, firing off a streak of blue-white magic back down the passage. That’s the last spell… He mutters quietly, preparing his sling. The Ranger and the dusky-hued fighter spread out, checking the other passages, prepared to deal with any emerging threats. Cross circles around, eyes locked on the crown itself. A mad chuckling follows him as it so often had since coming to this strange place… Gar had become much more erratic... and more vocal… The raven familiar shifted its feet, perched atop the violet-eyed elf’s shoulder; stark black feathers in high contrast against platinum white hair. Cross tilts his head as if listening to unheard voices… he claimed Gar could communicate mentally… and that the raven could as well...

Lastly comes Elsa, the cleric backing in with shield and mace raised in defense. That should cover us for a while… I just don’t see an end to these things! And when I tried to drive them off it was like… like trying to shine a light through a thick curtain… she finished worriedly. The redhead woman finally reaches the massive stalagmite, her childlike friend already halfway to the peak. Sharp edges dig into her hands as she ascends. The slickness threatens to send the two tumbling to the jagged rocks below, but the fearless Kender rushes on undaunted. Just as he reaches the summit, a bloodthirsty cry echoes oddly into the cavern from somewhere indefinable. Standing abruptly, Pyros begins to lose his balance! Pinwheeling his arms, he sticks one leg out and strains as far as he possibly can. Gradually he stabilizes, letting out a big laugh as he rights himself. Looking up, he glowers at the object still high above his head. Jerry pales at the ravenous cry… her father had come… With a look of grim determination she draws out her holy symbol; wrapping the chain around her free hand.

Mist begins to pour more rapidly into the bowl-like cavern floor, filling the chamber to the ledge where the rest of the party keeps watch. Pyros climbs down a pace as Mira slowly takes his place. With great care she stands atop the rounded cap of the stonework; no bigger than a downturned serving bowl. Arms to the side, she tries to steady herself as the Kender uses her arms and pack to climb closer; ultimately standing atop the bard’s shoulders! Thick ropes of mist snake their way up the limestone from the sea of fog below.

The inhuman cry rolls out again; nearer and more feral now. Just then the clatter of bones echoes up from the passage beside the Halfling. Can we hurry? We’ve got company! More of the big ones! Gar begins to cackle and shriek with hideous laughter, Here they coooooome! HEY! OVER HERE! THEY’RE ALL DOWN HERE!!! the one-eyed dagger screams out; peals of wicked laughter cascading off the walls in a cacophony of wild echoes! A red glow emerges down one of the other passages near the Ranger, the horror hunting him drawing closer. The redhead half-elf stares numbly as the light grows… sins of the past shambling from deep in the earth to confront him… in vengeance…

Like vipers the tendrils of mist shoot forward, latching onto the Kender’s limbs, dragging and pulling and tugging him away from his prize! The struggle tips the bard this way and that, her boots slipping and sliding on the slick surface of the limestone. Back on the ledge, huge skeletal hands claw and slash the cleric as she bashes at them with her mace. Tears leak forth from the half-elf cleric nearby, a the monstrous screams turning now to an almost crooning call. Daugh-teeeer… Daaaaaugh-ter? Come join me my child… we can be together again. Come ride the night with me and live forever!

A moment of weightlessness comes over the bard as her booted feet slip from the stone, interrupted almost instantly by a bone-jarring CRACK! as her knee strikes the hard rock! Again the weightlessness envelops her as she falls away into the mists. Air rushes past, doubtlessly the ground and jagged stones rising rapidly to meet her… though it felt as if she fell…


A sharp pain digs into Mira’s side, knobby and sharp like the pointed stones of a cavern floor… Slowly her eyes open to a more comforting sight… the room at the Broken Wheel. Adjusting herself, she removes her own elbow from her ribs; arm gone numb sometime during the night. Elsa stirs next to her, twitching now and again as if she were fending off blows. A look of fierce concentration and determination knots her pretty features.

Dawn comes, and Pyros is woken abruptly by the harsh Ca-Caw! of the newest member of the group! The sleek-feathered Rook pecks at the window, eager to take the air. Cross stirs numbly, the ritual having taken a lot out of him the day before. Artanis is already up, finishing his morning devotions.

Jerry wakes next to Merrick, echoes of her father’s calls ringing in her ears. Today was the day they met the girl Akriel… who would steer them to the Crown… but was it the same? Could the Crown of Souls the old gypsy spirit spoke of be one and the same as this… Crown of Soldiers the others sought? Would it truly help her… send her father to his rest? And could she really trust the word of… of a spirit? But… did she have a choice?

It is now Sunday, March 2nd, 736 BC (Barovian Calendar)

-The party has agreed to meet Akriel at the Old Kartakan Inn in Skald TODAY!

Harmonian language checks have been increased for everyone, and Artanis is fully healed now from his little scuffle with the wolf-man Jaconos.

Cross has a new familiar! (which he should name at some point)

Jerry has learned a lot about papermaking in the last couple of days. I’ll call it good, though if she has some spare time today it might be good to have her work there a little more to finish filling the order.

Casters pick your spells for the day please.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

Dream still flooding her mind MIra swung out an arm, the limb flailing helplessly as she swings it away from the halfing, serving to drag her into the room with a sudden jolt, where was she? Where was Yasir...? Elsa's rapid breathing was a sudden draw back to reality, the nightmare, they shared it once more... ? This place. Sighing she leans forward and places a hand on the pretty halfings waist. kissing her head softly, the other strokes her short hair as she soothes her kindly.

"Elsa, Elsa sweetie, its ok.. We need to escape this place, its just a dream.. just a bad dream." she soothes, her lightly clad body holding the Halfing against her.

Finally when she wakes Mira lets her go, unashamed over the closeness, "Thank you, having you here.. well it helps, I hope.." She blushes squeezing the clerics shoulder. "Just thank you."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Elsa's expression turns confused as she stirs, her eyes slowly fluttering open. She looks around the room oddly, recognition slowly dawning on her. With a relieved sigh, she hugs the bard's arm about her waist for a moment. I don't know if I'll ever get used to those dreams... At least today we'll finally get that lead... maybe the doctor can use the Crown to send us home... I know it has only been a few days... for me at least, but it feels like forever. She sighs again, relieved to be awake.

Oh, but you've been here so much longer! How do tou cope with those awful nightmares every night?

After the bard's response and another momemt the cleric speaks quietly, I saw it, you know... in my dream... a big golden Crown with bloodstones the size of goose eggs... just a dream, but... it was so fine...
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

"Now that was a dream! So close, so close, Mira is a great ladder also! I should remember that." Pyros will half mumble half yawn.

"Good morning to you too new friend. Does he have a name?"

Cross stretches and rubs his belly. "Fenrir, in a long forgotten book, I recall that name having to do with Wolves, and magic. So I think it is fitting. Come let's eat! I need to study."

Pyros and Cross will both head for breakfast!
Do you NPC the Raven, or does it just kinda sit on Cross' shoulder?
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

[I'll npc the raven when it has something to convey or for spontaneous behavior, but it will respond to Cross' commands for the most part. In the summary post i think i described him as "over one foot long". Actually, he is just easily 2 feet long from tail-feathers to beak]

Pyros and Cross head down the stairs, soon joined by Artanis. The dusky-hued warrior Adrasria already has a booth and is nursing a steaming mug of coffee. She nods as the others come down the stairs. Cross, I have been meaning to mention this, but with everything last night I hadn't the chance. The ranger tilts his head to the large avian standing on Cross' shoulders, ebon-feathered head topping the Elf's by several inches. Your new friend is quite the specimen. He is clearly not what is considered a giant Raven, but he is considerably large and fit for his species... and there is something of the look of cunning to his eyes Fenrir grooms his feathers with his black beak, almost as if preening at the attention. The Raven's long tail hangs down Cross' back, shifting slightly now and again for balance. It casts a sharp look at the others, side-stepping closer to the Elf's head, almost protectively.

Suddenly Cross hears a voice clearly in his mind, Who are these? What are they to you? An air of suspicion and wariness reaches him through the bond; the new sensation still odd. Artanis rubs the curly mess of his beard idly, as they approach; as if unaware of the gesture.

Artanis orders some coffee as well and moves to join the already seated fighter. Well, finally awake i see. I wouldn't have counted you for a late-sleeper. she grins at the Ranger. Bushy red eyebrows creep up across his brow, Late? He asks, Why, I was up before the dawn with my devotions to the Lady of the Wood. Besides.. i dreamed of that damn Crown... I'm still not convinced it can do anything for us... it is Adrastia's turn to be surprised, You're... a druid? She asks. I have heard from... That is, though you are from elsewhere I am told they are quite rare... here theh are about as common as hen's teeth. She says, obviously impressed.

Allison, the waitress that first served them when arriving at the Broken Wheel, brings Artanis his coffee and stops to take the other's orders.

[Any spell changes for Cross?]
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"Honestly, I have no idea how I coped, I think it was more a case of being so drunk I couldnt remember, but.. then the dreams are worse." Mira explains quietly not letting go for now. "You probably had them worse because you were tipsy!" Moving a stray strand of hair from the Clerics face the Bard nods in solemn agreement.

"Yes I saw it too. Do you ever feel like someone has set a path for you, and that path isnt the one you would choose?" Shaking the red mane she pats Elsa gently on the hip and raises herself from the bed. "We should get up, the others will talk." She giggles, stretching out her impressive form, the light shining through the thin shirt before she hops off the bed.

"Dress, and breakfast. Bring a weapon." She advises pondering the screen, shrugging she dons a clean shirt and slips a skirt over her long legs. "Thanks again Elsa... you make this bearable."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

"Coffee, with cream and SUUUGAR." he clears his throat. "Also I could use some eggs and bacon! Oh oh and toast."

"That sounds great! I will have that times two! But some berry water instead of coffee."

"These are my newest friends. I can't seem to remember names though, too much studying. And don't mind Gar... he is an ornery sort."

Cross will lightly pet Fenrir down his back to his tail.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Chris1234 »

Shuddering Jerry recalls Mystra to her mind, clutching her symbol tightly in one hand and Merrick with the rest of her, "By my Mistress that was the worst yet! Did you have the same? My father? And the crown with 3 red gems?" Despite herself, she glances around at the shadows.

Does Jerry know who Akriel is and why she may be able to help? Also does she know roughly what time the meeting is expected to be?
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Girl's Room: Mira and Elsa
The cleric chuckles wryly at the Bard's 'coping mechanism'. Yeah... didn't work too well for my dreams either... she murmurs. Set a path? Yeah... sometimes... especially with my mother. she rolls her eyes. But you mean something else, don't you. The crown perhaps? Or was it coming here, to this... place?

Elsa giggles, but turns to strip off and change into her blue-trimmed white robes; apparently having slept in her sundress. Tramping her feet into her boots, she buckles on her mace. Hey, we're all in this together, right? Besides, you're there for me too. I really appreciate all of the help with Pyros. She says, turning back; ready to head down.

Common Room: Adrastia, Artanis, Cross and Pyros
Adrastia translates the order for Allison, who soon returns with the drinks and word that the food will not take long.

Fenrir shifts slightly as Cross strokes his feathers; shaking them briefly to settle them into place. Friends... Ah, they are your Flock. I am your flock. Fenrir sends him firmly. Gar... is the hard stick with an animal eye? What is it? Sticks are for nests... how can stick be 'he'?

The rest of the group hear quiet chuckles coming from somewhere difficult to discern aside from the fact that they sound as if they are coming from near Cross...

Jerry's room: Jerry and Merrick
Merrick holds her gently, speaking more calmly than he appears. Three red stones... so it was the same... interesting, in kind of a disturbing way. He half-whispers. I... I heard the thing call to you... was that... him? Your... father? He asks, looking concerned through the reddish haze of infravision. Do... you think the rumor... the one about the murder in Harmonia... do you think that was...

[Jerry knows that the party met Akriel the night she first met all of them. They have told her how the girl was attacked and sent them in search of the crown so she could be free of the woodsman that seeks to force her to marry him. Jerry also noted the similarity in names of the crown sought for Akriel and the one the old gypsy said Jerry needed to stop her father. They are meeting Akriel because she has spent the last week seeking information on where the crown might be found. The meeting is set for today, but no specific time of day was.]
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"Hey, my Mother just wanted me to work the Farm, just like her." MIra shrugs, "We all have them.. well... Had them." trying not to watch her get changed a small laugh leaves her lips, "You slept in the sundress! Silly Girl.. remind me not to let you drink too much in the future." Giggling she places an arm on her friends shoulder, "Lavenders blue... Lavenders green.. the spell fizzles out, Mira clutching her head... "Ok, I need some breakfast." Taking a deep breath she changes tact.
"Wake up, smell the roses, smell them now..." this time the faint sense of roses fills the air as she feels the magic flow through her. "There, now you to smell nice for Pyros!"

"I think this place, we all met for a reason, we are all here. Elsa its like we are being directed, someone wants us to do all these things.." She shrugs realising she has no say really, she just wanted to get home.. did she?? No, she just wanted a home! "Pyros.. I couldnt say a few things with Sabrine, she's a sweet girl with a simple life. But some of our lives won't make sense to her, Pyros.. You just have to accept that his attention wanes, he might not always be there but he truly cares."

Removing her hand from her head she shakes the 'fizzle' away and appears normal, just like nothing happened, "Come on then lovely." She pauses, kneeling down before her, hands fussing her hair to frame her pretty face. "Beautiful, just beautiful. And I was perfectly sober last night, I meant every word." standing a hand squeezing hers with a tight grip she grabs a blade and heads down the stairs, locking the door behind her.


I'll move them downstairs to keep things moving.

"Morning everyone." Mira comments as she appears in the common room, her red mane bouncing somewhat uncontrolled as she slips alongside the rest of the group, sitting next to Pyros she pats her forehead and shifts up offering Elsa a space between her and the Kender.

"So, Crowns? Red Gems? Pyros, if you decide to use me as a ladder, please ask beforehand." She chuckles trying to add a hint of humor into the conversation. "Alison, could I have some coffee, bread, butter and some fruit please?" She asks grinning at the girl, placing her sword on the table the heavy blade making a point.

"We need to look after ourselves, the dreams are more.. intense." Suddenly she catches sight of the Raven resting on Cross's shoulder. "Found a new friend? The spell?" When he nods she looks at him grimly. "I've known those who tie themselves to Animals, it gives advantages, but.. also dangers. I knew one who died because her mouse I think got squashed, it snuck in an encampment it never should have, they thought it was a spy. The shock killed her."

"Sorry, here I was trying to be upbeat, I guess its just the dreams. They scare me and they are getting worse." Shrugging she regards Adrastia for a moment, "Sleep well?"


Failed Cantrip Cantrips [1d20] = 15
Pass Cantrips [1d20] = 11
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Nocturno »

"Yes, a stick can be he. It is complicated, he is a weapon, but he is also a he. He has helped in the past, so I feel he will help again at some point. Flock, I like that. We are a flock in this strange land, trying to make sense of it."

Cross will drink half of his drink in a one motion then wait patiently for food. Reading his spellbook, and learning how to use his connection with Fenrir.

Pyros will loudly slurp the hot coffee, enjoying the sugar rush.

He will star tto play with a steel coin since he won't have any gold pieces left. Flipping and spinning it on the table, then having it walk on his hand.

"SO! What do we have planned today? This town is pretty darn interesting." looking at Mira "What? Oh yes yes, of course you were there! But I was SOOOOO close to it. I mean can't you just feel it?"
Last edited by Nocturno on Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Chris1234 »

Jerry feels safe within Merrick's shielding arm and snuggles, enjoying it, then answers, "It confirms there's something about this place; something coordinated or connected. Something malevolent. Yes, it was he, or what he'd become. A gypsy spirit told me I need the crown to put him to rest! I abhor any undead, but she did help me escape from him. And there was no sense of malevolence."
After laying for a little longer, warm and cozy in his arrms, the cleric sits up, clothed only in Mystra's embrace (holy symbol), and smiles at Merrick, "Thank you for being you.And with me."
She stands, casts a cleaning cantrip: "Without a shout fetch all the dirt out."

"I need to pray, but I won't be long." Jerry focuses on her Lady and prays for spells, then dresses and fixes her hair, "As if I'm vane! Make my hair right as rain."

"Ready to go to breakfast, Merrick dear?" she teases. If he's not, Jerry memorizes her arcane spells and then chivies him along until they both appear down for breakfast.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by TristenC »

Girl's Room: Mira and Elsa
Elsa grins widely at the perfumed magic, That's great! Thank you so much! The Halfling considers the bards words. I mean... I dunno... He's just kind of cute and really sweet and funny.. and... The halfling's face draws up in a faint visage of painful memory. You remember... the day we all met right? Well... He and I met the night before at this abandoned tower... anyway, on the way to Harmonia we were attacked by three of those massive wolves... I... was injured really badly... I was sure I was gonna die... But, he didn't run... he could have but he didn't. When it came down to it, he stayed... for me... She brushes a single tear away and smiles. Maybe he's brave or doesn't understand fear or he's crazy, but... but he saved my life and he stood by me when things were at the worst. Getting up, she move to the door. Now let's get the hell out of this crazy place.

"Elsa." Mira holds her by the door, her hand resting on her smaller shoulder. "Kender are the bravest and silliest friends you will evet have. I've seen the way he looks at you, when he focuses he cares. And I don't blame him. Oh.. Your Beautiful." She grins, kissing her forehead. "I told you I would." Giggling a little she squeezes lightly. "He's a good Man, Abyss be damned he might just be good enough for you." Relasing her she follows her from the room.

Jerry's room: Jerry and Merrick
So... a spirit told you how to... stop him. But you... you saw it? he asks. A concerned look comes over his face, But... do you know... how... I mean... such a thing would be powerful indeed... He calms a little, but still has the image of worry on his features. As Jerry prays, he makes his own study; seemingly concentrating much harder than usual as if trying to prepare for anything that might come. Once done, the two get ready for the day and move downstairs to join the others.

Common Room: Adrastia, Artanis, Cross, Elsa, Mira and Pyros
Mira and Elsa join the group downstairs, smelling faintly of roses. The cleric smiles and takes a seat at the table with the others. Mira puts in her order and Allison quickly brings the additional beverages.

Adrastia passes a significant look to the bard. Well enough... nightmares are nothing unusual but, such... specific ones... She shakes her head slowly. Did you all have this dream?

Again Cross senses Fenrir's presence in his mind, They... are from elsewhere? You are from elsewhere. They are your flock because they are from elsewhere too, then? You are here now. Now I am your flock. A protective sensation comes through the bond, as if the raven meant to keep Cross safe. Before long Allison returns with plenty of food for all; bacon, eggs, buttered bread and a small jar of honey and one of jam. Small linked sausages and little square pillows of fried dough with powdered sugar. Just as the food arrives, Jerry and Merrick appear downstairs; a look of obvious concern on the half-elven man's face.

[Is cross answering the voice in his head aloud or attempting to do so mentally?]
Last edited by TristenC on Thu Nov 09, 2017 4:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Response added in-post as per discssions.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Chris1234 »

"Barely. He was pursuing me to turn me," Jerry shakes her head. "The spirit just said I would need the crown but no 'how' or 'what'."
She lets it drop for now, the subject too uncomfortable.

As they descend the stairs Jerry looks around and then waves, smiling, to those already gathered.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 1: “Legend of The Crown” (Game Thread)

Post by Jenara »

"I suspect so. We have the last few times. Whats strange...." She stops and bursts it a fit of giggles, her body shaking as she does so, "Ok, one of the stranger things, well that was how I dreamt of most of you before you arrived, it was like some of you were as clear as day, some were shadowed like your path had yet to be decided." Tucking into some bread she begins to butter the surface with the a knife in one had as she talks, the shiny blade shaking with each word.

"I dont like this, I feel.. I've had this talk with Elsa more than once, I feel like we are almost being directed or channeled towards this Crown, something we know nothing about. Something no one seems to know really, so I say we get all we can from Akriel before we decide what to do." She nudges Elsa oh so gently so she bumps into Pyros before raising a hand in Greeting to Jerry and Merrick.

"Greetings, grab some breakfast, I trust you got a little sleep." Hiding her smirk in her hand she resumes her breakfast.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
Borderlands 3 - Navi