Splatbook 179 - Emails

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Splatbook 179 - Emails

Post by Rendclaw »

Splatbook 179 – Emails!

We’re emptying out the mailbox in this episode! Join DM’s Glen, Fulongamer and Brian as they answer your questions and judge your gaming origins (and Brian deals with his son, apologies for that).

You can find us on Osrgaming.org, d20radio.com, Facebook (Thacos Hammer Podcast), Instagram, iTunes, Tumblr and Twitter (@thacoshammer), as well as our home page at http://www.thacoshammer.info or wherever you get your podcasts. If you are looking for an RSS feed or a different way of downloading the show directly, the address is: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/94174. Also, we have a new location for archived episodes, and the address is: https://archive.org/details/episode_archive. It has been reorganized, so you can find episodes much easier now. If you are looking for our Actual Play (AP) podcasts, you can find them on iTunes (search for WGP's OSR AP Podcasts), or you can go to http://feeds.feedburner.com/osractualplaypodcasts, and they are also at https://archive.org/details/HammersOfTheDuchySession0. You can also email the show at thacoshammer@gmail.com, and you can leave a voicemail for the show at 734-632-0832. Please indicate in the voicemail if you’re calling for Thaco’s Hammer, because the number is shared with another podcast.

Also, we now have T-shirts thanks to Zazzle.com, and they are designed by DM Glen and DM Cory!! Get yours today! Here are the links:

Design by DM Glen: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_t_ ... 2428047038

Design by DM Cory: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_sh ... 9516592459

Email from DM Oscar (Bargaining/parleying with intelligent monsters or highly intelligent and evil opponents)

Email from DM Jamie (THAC0 attack progression vs. AC between 1e and 2e)

Email from DM Ghostzapper (Gaming history, kid players wanting to do nothing more than dungeon crawl)

Email from DM Felix (Alternatives to AD&D)
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