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What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:02 pm
by Cole
Well, I thought I'd try being a player again. This time another game, rather than DND. First session was smooth and enjoyable, second session though...not so much. GM seemed off and as the night went on, the drunker he got. Wasn't long until he couldn't remember his own plot, couldn't complete sentences etc. It wasn't fun at all.

Now I'm not trying to be a prude here, but rather point out that I detest drunk players as a DM. Your waisting my time and everyone elses. So I have very hard opinions on drinking and gaming. Most can enjoy a few and that's fine, but there's always that one jerk eh.

Anyway, to my point. The only thing I can think of now worse than a drunk player is a drunk DM/GM. :(

Anyone else experience this?

Small side note, the GM is one of my closest buddies since grade school. I'm sure it was a one off, but I'm not sure I will tolerate that more than once. I think I'm mostly irritated because my wife was playing to and it took me 13 years just to get her to try. She says she had fun, but fuck...I can't see how. Anyway, just looking to see if anyone else has a GM that pulls that crap?

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:15 am
by garhkal
Back in the UK, two of the groups i gamed with PLAYED IN PUBS. Only once, did we have an issue from someone drinking too much, and he wasn't even a player, just a drunk lout, that came over and Disrupted us..

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 11:18 am
by Cole
really? that's interesting. Perhaps your groups were not as serious as our typically are. I think I've become accustom to myself as a DM running semi-serious or very serious game sessions and that is now what I expect as a player. Maybe I can't be a player :( and just maybe that's why I'm never a player. DM's/GMs can't seem to live up to my expectations. I mean hell, I go into game shops and listen to other DM's and just laugh, its appalling how bad DM's can actually be.

My wife said I'm just taking the game to serious... maybe so. I just found it extremely hard to care, when the layout of the story was changing on the fly. Especially in the game we were playing... there is no margin for error and death comes easily.

Maybe I just need to relax... or perhaps be drunk to. That I can do! :lol:

Playing in a Pub though, that sounds like everyone is already prepared for that type of game. It sounds like something I'd enjoy a lot. :)

Anyone else run into these issues?

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:57 pm
by garhkal
We were serious, but no one drunk to excess..

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:44 pm
by New Hegdeh
in my playing years we were all underage so we never got drunk during a game, things still got spoiled, and we did get drunk back then, only not when playing D&D... I can imagine if you want to play drunk to see how it affects the players, it can be cool, but if you really want to enjoy the game more than gamers' gaming, you have all to stay sober... Think it can be worse, I've heard some play under the effects of drugs like marihuana and the like. Well that I heard about videogaming more often than about D&D, but I wouldn't want anyone to play with my videogames while drunk, if I fear they could ruin the console or controls I also fear they can ruin the books. Garkhal, and what did the drunken lout do?

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 3:03 pm
by JadedDM
Can't say that was ever a problem for me. Then again, the last time I played a face-to-face game was back when I and my players were too young to drink anyway.

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:14 am
by garhkal
FTF gaming is the only way i do it.

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:08 pm
by TristenC
I've had drunken players before (occasionally barely able to speak), but never a drunken DM. And i've never tried to run a session drunk, there is no way.

Re: What's worse than drunk players? Yup

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:50 am
by Crimson-Kobold
Pretty sure one of da lads I play with on Mondays is playing drunk. Or maybe he just a bit slow, 50/50.

Also a bit angry and needlessly antagonistic. Oh well.

But yes, once you've consumed any substance that impacts your behavior or cognitive abilities, you've transitioned from a group social activity into a solo activity where you're enjoying just by yourself while your group either has to end the session or put up with your inebriated nonsense.