0.2b Click Maps

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0.2b Click Maps

Post by Cole »

Nothing changed here from 0.1 beta. If your not familiar with these, read on.

Click maps are great for detail. Every DM should be using these. It's an unlimited feature and it will greatly speed up all the explanations required during the same. Sure we want to RP as much as possible, but when it's over the web you may want to have a little help here. Thus click-maps were invented.

For players simply click this icon Image and a new window will open in your browser displaying whatever map your DM/GM currently has unlocked. If no map is unlocked, you'll simply see a blank screen. Once the map is in front of you simply look for red circles, if you move your mouse over them (hovering not clicking) you will get a brief description of that area. If you click the red circled area you will see a dialog window pop up and a more helpful and description should be present from the DM. No need to ask the DM constantly what is this, what is that .. etc..etc. Now you can just say in the chat log "I want to visit the Red Dragon Inn" etc and he/she can proceed from there.

DM CLICK MAPS: DM's, this is somewhat time consuming, but if you want to run a full and descriptive game using our VTT, then this is something invaluable. To begin, lets create your first Click Map.

STEP 1: Go to your the "Customize Settings" icon and click it.
Now pay attention here, this is VERY IMPORTANT to use this system correctly. A new window will open. This allows the DM to store notes, but it also controls the DM's passwords. Each Click Map is secured by entering a UNIQUE password here. So enter a good secure password here for each of your maps. IE: "DM10456ColeMap1" dont use something like "Map1" ... other DM's will find it and possibly ruin your efforts.

WARNING: Each map needs a unique password, so your first map password could be "DM10456ColeMap1" and your second could be "DM10456ColeMap2" and your third "DM10456ColeMap3" etc. MAKE SURE YOU WRITE ALL OF THESE DOWN SOMEWHERE!

STEP 2: You will then proceed to this icon . Image Click it and a new window will open again and it should look like this;

Browse your PC/Device and select a map for detailing. Click the "insert Map into Game" button to upload it. You can also grab one using a direct link from the internet. Once uploaded proceed to step 3.

STEP 3: Now click on this icon . Image A new screen will pop up. It will look like this, but with YOUR map. If it doesn't, you didn't follow instructions. Go back to step 1 and do it all again.


Now you can begin editing. Now the work begins, but it's super easy. Just click anywhere on the top copy of the map. A little alert window will open on screen that looks like this;

Write down or memorize those numbers because that's the most important part of this system. Proceed down the right side of the screen and find one of 20 empty spots and enter the coordinates given above into the appropriate box. Like so "310,362" but use YOUR coordinates. Then enter a brief description into the P.O.I description box and then a larger description into the P.O.I info box. Then scroll all the way to the bottom and click submit. This store all info into our database forever. Continue to do this until all of the data you want entered is done. Then submit! I recommend submitting every entry in case your power goes out, your PC powers off, battery dies etc.


STEP 4: Now you've completed your first click map, but remember YOUR PASSWORD is still active and YOUR MAP is too! So once your done playing or entering details, go back to the "Customize Settings" window and change the password to "blank", or leave the form it blank, or enter anything else so your map isn't compromised by another DM.

STEP 5: Now your done your Click Map, any time you return to run a game, just open the Customize settings window and enter the password you choose for whatever map you like and whala! it's instantly available for all players to access.

NOTE: If you don't want your players to be peaking at the map before you want them to, simply don't don't enter your password and they will see nothing ;)
The Borg of Dungeons & Dragons
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