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Map of Bryn (Arkuth PW) - NWN

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 1:04 pm
by Cole
So, I had to piece this together so it's not to scale by amy means, but it does show you the start area and where you can go from that point. This map ONLY includes the kingdom of "Bryn". I will do the same for the other kingdoms later on.

To the South/West of Elspir lies the kingdom of "Ekothia" and expansion area I'm currently working on. To the North lies the kingdom of "Alhtar" which you can see some of on this map. To the East lies the kingdoms of "Taulksturm" and "Khmunekhen". To the west lies the rival kingdom of "Borme" (currently being worked on). You can teleport to some of these areas already.

You can also teleport to the lands of "Jaarnariva" this is the far northern (cold areas) kingdom of this continent and hosts a massive amount of areas to explore, plus many more cities. A more detailed map will come when I find time.

Right Click on Map to dowload (Save Image As)
