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G'day everyone!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:47 am
by Lyrwik
Hi all!

I've been playing RPGs since about 1999. I started with 2nd ed and largely because of that (and some of the great games I had in that ed) it's kinda stuck with me as my preferred system. We moved on to 3rd and 3.5 when it came out and had quite a few games, including the one longest running game I've been in. On the whole though, I found that while it fixed a number of the mechanical issues of 2nd ed, it introduced some others, and didn't seem to have the same "characterful feel", such as with the level of detail around monster ecologies and societies, etc. Tried out 4th ed a few times and I can see the appeal, but found it's a bit too board-gamey. While I certainly play a lot of board games too, that's not really what I'm looking for when playing an RPG.

I've also played a few other games over the years, mostly VTM and in the last couple years, Dark Heresy. Recently I've been wanting to get back into AD&D again, although I'm liking the look of 5th ed so far. I've only just started reading through the PHB but what I've read looks promising.


Re: G'day everyone!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:25 am
by Meph
Welcome Lyrwik. I am curious to see what you think of 5E. I read through 3.5E some and it seemed to add too much for me. I bought the core 4E books and absolutely hated it. It never felt like D&D at all to me. I have heard a lot of people say 5E has that "old school" feel to it but I have never found a reason to change from 1E/2E since those are what I always played and don't really find them lacking. Looking forward to see your impressions of it.

Re: G'day everyone!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 5:03 pm
by Brightmantle
Hey there. Welcome to our little community. I'm glad to have you here and I look forward to discussing D&D in all it's many incarnations with you.

Re: G'day everyone!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 2:06 am
by Roxoff
Hello and welcome. Glad you could join us. If you like 2e and AD&D you'll fit in well round here.