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Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:16 pm
by nogoodscallywag
my first memories was in my elementary school library, which had the 1ed monster manual which i looked at the pictures all the time.

I tried playing once with a couple friends, we were prolly 10 or so, had no dice no rules no nothing. Don't remember much about it, except it was fun and my guy got killed by a poop-monster...hey, we were 10.

then in junior high i read the Lord of the Rings book, way before the movies were in the was 1993. I read the wizard of earthsea and loved thos ekinds of stories. Never really got into DD nor was exposed it it again. But in 1994 a buddy of mine had an accessory book, the monster myths or something like that, 2ed. I looked through it and was determined to begin playing and learning.

I went to the local bookstore and promptly spent like $100 on books...and it's history from there. At one point, in prolly 2001, I had almost every single DD rule book, 1st and 2nd edition. I bought most on ebay when it was first started. Today, i have only those books which i need; i sold the rest, they were doing anything but collecting dust.

I have spent thousands of hours on my world and playing. I have probably DMed over 20 different people and still have 2 players who play still to this day, although we play maybe once every 3 months, for about 12 hours. jsut don't have that kind of time anymore.

But the first time, that book in the library of my elementary school, started it all.

Oh yeah, if anyone remembers the hero quest game, i was really into that too before i played pen and paper dd.

Too bad libraries prolly don't carry books like that anymore...

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 1:23 pm
by Jenara
nogoodscallywag wrote: ....Oh yeah, if anyone remembers the hero quest game, i was really into that too before i played pen and paper dd.

Too bad libraries prolly don't carry books like that anymore...
Yes i remember HeroQuest!! have two copies and the Advanced version...

And no... Libaries probably don't stock that sort of stuff anymore! :(

Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 10:56 am
by ChaosImp
[quote="Jenara"]So i started this, only fair I should contribute!

I started gaming in 1990, i think, a friend of mine's cousin played so he bought the phb (2nd ed) we all happily made these characters... I made an elven fighter with a bow who's name was... Umm Legolas :oops: (look i bet most of you have done it)

Yep as my first character was Conan :lol:
I think it was 81 or 82 and we played Keep on the Borderlands, I walked into a bar and started a fight and died five minutes later.


Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 12:16 pm
by LadyWinterWolf
In 2001, my co-worker introduced me to the "Justicar" series of books, and after reading those novels, I became hooked. So, he started teaching me 1E, and I became adept enough to adventure into 2E....and the addiction was complete. That was also around the time that we both joined Planet....oh, now those were the days!!! :jump:

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 9:40 pm
by Serian
I started about the same time that Stik did, back in the tail end of 1979. My oldest brother was DMing (AD&D)for a group of his friends and included me in the game. I played a pregenerated half aquatic elf cleric for the group.
He later bought the blue book basic set for me for either my birthday or Christmas (they are 6 days apart and after 30+ years, it's hard to remember the details).

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:03 pm
by glossop
Going around to a new kid at school's house on the way home and seeing
all his books and maps layed out on the floor ! (His name was James but for
some totally unknown reason we all called him Jimothy? )

" i suppose you think I'm weird now " sighed Jimothy sadly.

" Hell no." I cried.. "What is it. Itt looks fantastic! How do you play it ? Can I have a go ?"

Several hours later I realized the annoying shouting outside is my very angry
father who had been out looking for me around the whole estate...ooops.!

Grounded for a week....back round my new best mates first chance i got..!

the rest as they say round mystery !