Splatbook 172 - How Does Someone Actually Lance A Dragon, Anyway?

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Splatbook 172 - How Does Someone Actually Lance A Dragon, Anyway?

Post by Rendclaw »

We’re taking a little side trip to Krynn for this episode! Join DMs Brian, Glen and Fulongamer as they drop some more 2e knowledge! After answering an email, they get on the case. First they discuss another of Mordenkainen’s spells, delve into the mysteries of the werepanther, and wrap things up with a synopsis and debate about the first Dragonlance novel.

Email from John Williams (favorite parts of 2nd Edition, random wilderness and dungeon encounters)

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Also, we now have T-shirts thanks to Zazzle.com, and they are designed by DM Glen and DM Cory!! Get yours today! Here are the links:

Design by DM Glen: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_t_ ... 2428047038

Design by DM Cory: https://www.zazzle.com/thacos_hammer_sh ... 9516592459

Magic Fingers – Mordenkainen’s Lucubration
Snipe Hunt – Lycanthrope, Werepanther
Tomes of Legend – Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight
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