Check In Everyone!

PlanetADnD's general chat area. Post freely in here about all non D&D related topics. Share your daily thoughts, but please keep any profanity to a minimum. *NOTE* ALL religious and/or political topics will be deleted on sight if they are not related to D&D.

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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by TristenC »

Yep, still around [can't get rid of me that easy ;) ]

Mostly on the gaming forums portion of the site, which i visit typically daily... typically multiple times daily...
... maybe i took on too many games...
Nah. That's probably not a thing anyone does, riiiiight?

Also working and such but i gotta feed my ADnD-iction somehow...
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Jenara »

Still alive (just) hands up this is the first time I've been on here in at least a year... *Facepalm*
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by rredmond »

I just pop in every so often, and only peruse the 1e bits :) but I'm still enjoying it here.
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Cole »

Ohh nice! Thanks for checking in guys. It's nice to know who's around and who's still healthy. I've been working hard to draw people back to the planet again. If anyone needs something just ask. ;)
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Lukafio »

This old geezer is still around. My time isn't always my own though.
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Cole »

Hey Luk! To to see you my friend. :) Now we are talking... the old guard is still alive. Why do I feel like a ring is about to show up and we are going on a really long journey :lol:

Stick around. We could use more good peeps around here Luk, we are doing our best to entertain people during and after COV19. This was a real wake up call for me. It gave me the free time I needed to really get PADnD on track ;)
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Brightmantle »

Dude I am alive and well in 2022. Just returned to the site after a long while. Still playing Ad&d. So ya, here I am.
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by rredmond »

Surviving the past two years is an accomplishment! :)
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by TristenC »

What doesn't kill you just means you made your save... this time...
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Cole »

Brightmantle wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 4:54 pm Dude I am alive and well in 2022. Just returned to the site after a long while. Still playing Ad&d. So ya, here I am.

yay was just going to reset your password. Glad you figured it out BM ;)
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Cole »

rredmond wrote: Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:16 pm Surviving the past two years is an accomplishment! :)
I hear yeah, mentally it's been a mega challenge, financially it's be better for myself. But overall, I'd trade any gains back for my kids mental health.

Glad to see your alive and well :)
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Stik »

Alive and kicking. Working five days a week now instead of the six to seven days a week I was working from fall of 2020 to mid-summer of 21.
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by TigerStripedDog »

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been very active of late - lot of stuff going on in Tigerville, including (but not limited to):

- Raising 3 kids (9yo, 6uo, 4yo)
- Being a husband
- Church
- Working as a Hospitalist
- Running a real estate business
- Claiming to run (but really letting Marcus run) two Friendly Local Game Stores
- Playing D&D
- Playing a LOT of Warhammer 40k

... and if that wasn't enough, the wife and I just purchased a hotel/resort in Wisconsin, and we will be moving to our cabin year round! I'll still work (part time) as a doc, but the hotel is likely to eat up a lot of my time.

Hope everyone here is doing well :D

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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by Cole »

Your a busy man TSD. Jeeze, thought I was busy lol
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Re: Check In Everyone!

Post by New Hegdeh »

my pc's fan died... so I am using the mac, didnt have this in my mac so I couldn't get in
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