What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

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What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

Well besides entertaining my family... I've been staying up late trying to figure out and plan out a new Multi-Player gaming world that would be free or near free to access and be fun for all of us on here to play together.

First up, I had to find an engine / game that could be torn apart and modded to the utmost. Something really popular already and something that had a solid community. I'm never really sick of RPG's, but I found that there was never quite enough people willing to join fantasy medieval related severs. So I ended up choosing a classic.

GTA 4! :up:

I've spent about a week now learning code, modding the shit out of the game and attempting to set up a private dedicated server. So far so good. :)

The hardest part was trying to decide what kind of GTA world to run, something that would catch everyone's eye and be fun for years to come. I personally hate it when I spend years making something and then it gets boring and nobody plays anymore :( IE NWN 1.

Never Winter Nights had it all from a world builders standpoint.... and the only limit was bandwidth and max players.... or hell, I'd still be running it :)

So onto GTA 4. It's cheep or free if you are willing to search for it, so nobody here has that excuse. The mods are all free, including mine and I will be making an installer to just double click and run.... easy as pie :up:

Onto the world idea; I tried super heroes, which I thought would be cool and managed to find a few really cool mods that people made and that worked well, however it grew difficult to code fast and game crashing was a constant. So dump that idea.... moved on.

Soon found that people were creating tons of textures and ran into a fellow making cool vids about "The walking Dead" with GTA 4 (one of my person fav shows ever). So that seemed very interesting and I started searching and compiling and I'm currently sitting at the point of;

Fully running (non crashing) mostly persistent world, with a never ending zombie apocalypse running.

Added functionality to spawn in a few helping hands (Daryl and Meryl from the show). These two fellows act as companions, while others can join your group randomly as you come across survivors.

The persistent parts of the game are all thanks to some ingenious fellow out there that managed to create food/water mods/ inventory packs, car trunks that hold weapons, weight limits, realistic damage to cars and fuel consumption. Makes it so you can't just hide in a corner and avoid zombies forever. You will get hungry or injured and you will have to move on and find more goodies to survive.

The key to this entire en-devour is to get it running 24/7 on a dedicated server with private access to those invited (thus avoiding non role-playing idiots from logging in). So far, no luck, dedicated servers either run fine with no city life or simply don't run with mods :( but I'll find away around that... always do! :D

If anyone is interesting in beta-testing this game/world with me, post here and I'll get your email and set you up when the time comes to join me and the others for the first run.

An average computer is required, with at least a decent graphics card. (I'm running a version on my shitty 2.4 GHz laptop, with 4 gig ram and it's ok, but not great.)

anyway, back to work :)

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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Crasez58 »

ill try it out i just have to get the game BTW you say GTA IV you are talking grand theft auto correct? anywho you have my email just send me one
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

OK, I'll add you to my list ;)

Yes Grand Theft Auto 4 :)

As usual, it will be months away... painstakingly difficult to get a proper hacked server running... we'll just have to wait and see. Just had a server donated to me yesterday again though and a friend volenteered to host the server at his home biz which has a HUGE data pipeline to his home. So that's all taken care of now :)
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

Dam, it's not so easy to get shit working right. I'm building another server to test on soon and will post updates for those interested in playing with me ;)

If I can't get er going after a server build... project will be abandoned as it's not worth me stressing over. I'll go back to working on muscle cars :up:

stay tuned! :)
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Crasez58 »

cole check out the left 4 liberty mod kinda reminds me what an early walking dead/ world war z would have been
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

Yeah that's what I'm running exactly... with more mods then usual adding in. That's exactly where I'm at .... yet I can't seem to get the dam MP server working right... uggg :(
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

FUCK!!!!!!!! I think I found a game I finally can crack, but can't crack MP with proper worlds :( I know it's possible as I found a server doing it (I think) perhaps they are just spawning everything which sucks and wont allow me to make the ultimate GTA Walking dead server :up:

So I'm looking at alternatives now :up:
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

OK got it! Found the perfect game, built a brand new server today, got it all cracked and running sweet! Even had 3 players on already... yay baby!

Check out DayZ folks. If you want to play with PADNDers and some good buddies of mine, we'll have it up and running on a dedicated server really soon. Right now it works well on a dedicated laptop... but I want it a bit smoother ;)

I'll post a full set of details soon, with install instructions / links and a demo ASAP :)

Please note; this game is in early alpha stage and has many bugs and glitches in it... but it's fuckin AWESOME! :)

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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Crasez58 »

*cough* told ya

Are you playing the standalone or the arma 2 mod personally the mod is better to me also did I mention it is less glitchy XD
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

Stand Alone;

Graphics are wayyy better, animation is way better, map and details are way better. + New engine, new physics etc. The glitches will get worked out in their own time... I mean hell it's in alpha stage.. give em awhile ;)

Also, I don't have the time to teach everyone how to hack a game, then a mod, then the servers. I'm gonna show people how to get the standalone free, hack it and get on my hacked server free ;)

Then we don't end up with a bunch of yahoos killing each other all the time :)
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Cole »

Ok public hive hacked ;) We now have a private hive, saving locally on the server ;) Sick! :thumbs:
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Re: What I've Been Doing Lately - part 2

Post by Crasez58 »

all right i guess i could always play XD im ready whenever
The single most dangerous thing in all of Krynn is to hear a Kender say "oops".
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