Personal News

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Master Scribe
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Personal News

Post by Stik »

Every so often a life-changing event happens. I had one of those recently.
Eight weeks ago, I had open heart surgery to bypass a blockage, well more than one blockage, to be honest.
I am doing fine now, and all indications are that once my recovery is complete I will be better than I was before.
My friends and family have been very supportive of me during my recovery, and I am back working full time and leading a normal life, with certain physical restrictions in place until my bones heal from the procedure.
I am told I can begin training in a month from now, and can resume fighting in armor come mid-December.
Everybody wish me luck.
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Re: Personal News

Post by rredmond »

Oh my man! Glad you are feeling better and I wish you great luck!

But the real question, what about the calligraphy?????? :)
Hope all is well Stik, continued good wishes on the excellent recovery!
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Master Scribe
Master Scribe
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Re: Personal News

Post by Stik »

Feeling better every day. Still hurts inside my chest when I have a big cough or sneeze, but that's because my sternum isn't completely healed yet, but everything else is good.

I haven't been doing a lot a lot of calligraphy lately, but I do have a couple of things in the pipeline.
"No matter where you go, there you are."
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