General Chat

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    The Tavern PlanetADnD's general chat area. Post freely in here about all non D&D related topics. Share your daily thoughts, but please keep any profanity to a minimum. *NOTE* ALL religious and/or political topics will be deleted on sight if they are not related to D&D.
    Moderators: Stik, Cole
    (Topics: 303 | Posts:2888) View the latest post
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    Arts and Literature Post your poems, scriptures, stories & other written work here. If they get lots of attention, we may even post them under PADnD's content section.
    Moderator: Stik
    (Topics: 15 | Posts:182) View the latest post
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    RPG/D&D PodCasts Post anything to do with live D&D PodCasts or RPG PodCasts here. Streams/Feeds/youtube channels etc all belong in this area. Discussion about these topics also belong here.
    Moderator: Cole
    (Topics: 142 | Posts:163) View the latest post
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    Gaming Room Chat, Learn and Talk about PADnD's Live Gaming Room.
    Moderator: Cole
    (Topics: 16 | Posts:59) View the latest post