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The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

A classic 2e Puzzle dungeon for High Level characters
Beware, this one is substantially longer and (IMHO) even harder than the legendary Tomb of Horrors!

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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by Nocturno »

Jar clears his throat.
"I'm ready to head in, but definitely not first. I have prepared some protections for myself. Who is going first? I can offer Stoneskin"
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by Styrius »

Axid double clears his throat, "Where might our warrior be? Perhaps there is a roguish individual within the camp willing to provide their 'services'".
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by BishGada »

Ke'Sha looks at Axid and then at Jar, "I had expected you would provide protection to us all... Well, well... if no one of you glorious adventurers, so pure of heart, volunteer to scout ahead, then my closest friend, Gur, will. Please set your stoneskin protection upon him." before moving forth Ke'Sha addresses the paladin one more time. "Please tell me if anyone came back from the cave, could you please give detailed descriptions of unique objects, gates or statues in it that we can track? It may save us time." an obvious contempt in his voice. Once he get the information and Gur'Khal-Negh the protection, he sends the skeleton and Imp forth, and if non else moves, will look at them disrespectfully and stride forth.

(OOC: Gur'Khal-Negh is Ke'Sha familiar. He almost never uses his true name so it is unknown to the group. It will scout the cave about 50 meters in front of the group, invisible, flying and using detect magic at will. One skeleton linked with spectral senses will be few meters in front of the Imp in case there are traps. He also has Rror the ogre juju zombie that is also linked with spectral senses securing their backs at about 10 meters behind. The rest of the undead are spread around Ke'Sha, securing him but not tight together.

Ke'Sha will cast spectral senses on one skeleton that goes about 60 meters ahead, and another on the JuJu zombie that will keep their backs. He casts cloak of bravery on himself (+4 against fear) and Air walk on himself and he actually use it to walk few cm above the ground. He has danger sense NWP.
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by TristenC »

Speaking for myself at least, Allikhain replies to Ke'Sha's comments, Not knowing what we will face I chose this morning to diversify my preparations for today rather than to memorize five copies of the same incantation so as to hamstring myself in certain areas. she smiles sweetly. Being somewhat frailer physically than any of you, I would prefer to be near the middle of the group.

It seems nobody has made a rogue, and the one fighter character is incomplete at the moment. So actually, Ke-Sha, being a single classed priest, is probably the sturdiest character right now both hp and Armor wise.
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by Styrius »

Having dealt with numerous humanoids throughout his life Axid the dwarf had developed a knack for making considered opinions on the beings he encountered with a quickness. He decided that line for the Ke'sha fan club is just too damn long to bother with. He mentally tosses the application in the mental rubbish bin. "Check the ego at the entrance to the cave. Dragging it along will be of no use to any of us."
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
Ruby ring wearing, kiss stealing; Woo!
Praying/healing, beholder riding, griffin flying
Son of a blowgun, and I'm having a hard time holding these Aboleth shoes down! WOO!
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by TristenC »

BishGada wrote: Tue Oct 24, 2023 12:34 pm before moving forth Ke'Sha addresses the paladin one more time. "Please tell me if anyone came back from the cave, could you please give detailed descriptions of unique objects, gates or statues in it that we can track? It may save us time." an obvious contempt in his voice.
Lena ignores the disdain in the Athasian's tone. No one has been in the cave. We only just arrived. It was forbidden for any in our camp to do so before your group, so as not to set off any traps or warnings. The locals refuse even to come this close to it, so there is no information aside from what your group has gathered. All scrying attempts made by the world's most powerful magic users failed when directed here from outside of the valley. Perhaps the valley itself has some powerful protection on it.

Ke'Sha commands Gur to enter, and the quasit produces a long haaaaawk sound as it summons up a ball of phlem before spitting it, unceremoniously, onto the nearest furry creature it can find. Yeah-yeah. I'm goin'... it mutters after receiving the stoneskin spell. Ridin' ma -bone-traiiiin! Gur screeeches, horribly off-key as it perches atop the clattering skeleton like some demonic parrot on an undead pirate. Gonnna riiiiide this old bone... all night... to the end of the road... hehe. bones. Once they are a few yards inside, Gur lets the undead go on ahead; fluttering invisibly a few paces behind.

The passage appears to be a natural cavern formation for the first 200 yards as Axid described it. It seems clear of obvious traps or hazards so far.

[How far behind the skeleton and Quasit scout does Ke'Sha want to be?]
If Ke'sha wants spectral senses on both the skeleton and Rror he will have to prepare and cast it twice. currently i only see it once on his sheet. He will be able to concentrate and view either of them, but only one at a time per round.

I also don't see a Juju zombie mentioned anywhere on his sheet. did you want to create one prior to this adventure? These specific creatures are pretty expensive, so he can spend 1,000 gp of his starting cash for a juju zombie, but we should have all these listed before going much farther in.

Ke'Sha casts Cloak of Bravery on himself
Ke'Sha casts Air Walk on himself
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by BishGada »

Ke'sha grins at Allikhain, "Didn't expect any less."
When Lena ends her speech he turns away with not another word. He heard enough of these righteous people. Not a single helpful or interesting piece of information. He starts going after his true companions to the cave, just to suddenly be attacked by the sour dwarf comments. Dwarves are angry beings but he is completely baffled for one moment, doesn't understand what ego is he talking about. But he waves it away and continues on.

Yeah, I noticed Ke'Sha is the fighter/rouge (having danger sense) of the company, and that's why I posted that he goes in the front (after the Imp), it's just against his selfish character, so I posted it in offending way. I'll keep the "hostility" on very low level, hopefully adding flavor for the game and not interrupting with it.
Just know that we will have to walk a bit slow to let the undead keep up.

Apparently I have no idea what is JuJu Zombie. I mistake it with the monster zombies. So, no JuJus... :) Rror the Ogre Zombie will keep the back of the party about 10m behind.

I'm pretty sure I changed the list of spells to include 2 spectral senses as well as air walk that wasn't there (viewtopic.php?p=123558#p123558), and marked them in italic as already casted. Removed one protection from evil.

The skeleton goes about 60 meters in front of us. If it blows Ke'Sha will animate it again with animate dead. The Imp is 10m behind the skeleton and 50m in front of the group.)
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by TristenC »

[Ooc] Ah, i see it now. I was looking at the wrong copy in the private thread[/color]
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by Nocturno »

I would prefer to have some of you folks around me. All my time praying and studying, has not left me much time to fortify my body."
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by Styrius »

Axid stands up and follows the shambling undead and their overlord. In typical gruff sounding fashion Axid states, "Strong Dwarven Ale does a body good".
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by BishGada »

Taking few steps in, Ke'Sha hears Jar notes. He stops, and dramatically turns: "You want us around you. She wants us around her. Anyone else??" he pauses for a moment. "We can't circle each individual. I thought the know-it-all goodie goodie church called The Greatest Heroes of the World to save their chief! Step up people." and he turns back, but adds without looking, "I'll watch over your soul and keep it safe."
(OOC: Muhahaha... )
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by Nocturno »

"Uh, well" He coughs a bit uncomfortable. "Let's just stick together."
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by TristenC »

Allikhain smirks, but otherwise doesn't respond to Ke'Sha's goading. Suffering a similar stigmata as a necromancer she seems to find the whole proceedings amusing. Quietly she orders 'Binky' to join the other quasit up front.

As the skeleton plods along and the invisible minor demons hover behind they become aware that the natural cavern extends some distance into the earth. It winds and twists in a serpentine fashion, sometimes short enough the human sized creatures must stoop and the larger undead must crawl on all fours to proceed. Several of the passages branch off, though too small for the largest of the group. After about 400 meters (appx) 440 yds the natural cavern comes to an end at a wide circular pit some 30 ft across. Stone steps are carved into the side of the pit, spiraling downward into the darkness (beyond the range of infravision or current light source)
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by BishGada »

Ke'Sha leads the merry company in silence. As the undead approaches the pit, he mentally commands them to look carefully at the pit edges and specifically the steps. Ke'sha moves on, until he can make sure he is not under immediate danger, then commands the skeleton to climb down the steps carefully, while his focuses on the skeleton senses, and Gur's detection abilities, more intensely.
(OOC: Does "Danger sense" works together with "Spectral senses"? I mean Danger sense is some instinct that you follow according to your senses of the surrounding, and as far as I understand with spectral senses you get all the sensing of the surrounding around the skeleton.
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Re: The Brink [of Madness] Act 1, Scene 1

Post by TristenC »

The skeleton begins to descend the stairs at a normal pace as Ke'Sha focuses his attention through it. Gur flutters down

[Spectral senses spell specifies 'see and hear', but the Danger Sense is described as more of a 'sixth sense' feeling of something wrong. So I will say they do not work in combination.

Which specific detection abilities is he having gur use and at what frequency? So i can get a sense of how quickly he is moving compared to the rate of detection
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