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Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

This is a private thread for Gregor's character Gregor Malvein

It will contain:
-Current Character Sheet (maintained by dm)
-Character experiences separate from the party ... =9841&wh=f

Gregor Malvein by Gregor
Male Human Rogue (6) N
XP: 20,275/40,000 (+10% to xp earned for high Dex)
Stats: STR 12, DEX 16, CON 11, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 9
HT 6', WT 170 lbs, Age 21
AC: 5 (-2 Dex, +1 Leather Armor AC 7)

Current HP: 26/26 Status: Normal (Mv: 12/12)

Saves: PPDM (12); RSW (12); Pet/Poly (11); BW (15); Sp (13); Fear (13); Horror (13); Mad (16)

THAC0: Melee (18), Ranged (16)

Weapons: No damage bonuses
Short Bow 1d6/1d6 - (Range 20/40/60) RoF 2/1 [sp 5]
Dagger 1d4/1d3 [sp 2] - (Range 10/20/30) ROF 2/1 [sp 2]
Broad Sword 2d4/1d6+1 [sp 5]

Alertness (11), Appraising (12), Blind Fighting, Locksmithing (16), Looting (16), Observation (12), Rope Use (16), Tumbling (16)

Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant (free, class), Elven, Undercommon

Harmonian (1+5%) = 6%

Thief Skills: I used the following house rule in calculating these values
- Magic armors carry 5% less penalty to each thief skill they negatively affect

Pick Pockets: 15%
Open Locks: 90%
Find/Remove Traps: 85%
Move Silently: 15%
Hide in Shadows: 10%
Detect Noise: 65%
Climb Walls: 90%
Read Languages: -5%
Backstab +4 for x3 dam

Worn/Carried [20#]
Armor – Leather [5#]
Basic clothing – trousers, tunic, cloak, gloves, socks, boots, etc. [2#]
Broad Sword [4#]
(4) Dagger [4#]
Short Bow [2#]
Quiver w/ 20 arrows [3#]

Backpack, 2# [11#]
Bedroll [3#]
Candle (5)
Cleaning cloths for weapons
Dry Rations (1 week) [??#]
Extra bowstrings (2)
Flask, Lamp Oil [1#]
Small sack (2)
Torches (5) [5#]
Waterskin (1 quart) [2#]
Whetstone [1#]

Belt Pouch, 0.5# [3#]
Coin (26 gp, ) [1#]
Mirror, small metal
Thieves’ Tools [1#]
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

Ok after a few tests, I think I have the rolling figured out. Rolling in sets of three since 8 is the limit as far as I can tell (8:05 Central):

Roll 1 of 3: [3d6]=15,[3d6]=11,[3d6]=11
Roll 2 of 3: [3d6]=5,[3d6]=8,[3d6]=9
Roll 3 of 3: [3d6]=12,[3d6]=10,[3d6]=11
So 15, 11, 11, 5, 8, 9, 12, 10, 11
Best 6: 15, 11, 11, 12, 10, 11

Height: 60 + 2d10 [2d10]=12
Height = 6'
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Lol, looks like there were a couple of extra sets in there. It was supposed to be 3d6, 9 times. not 3 sets of 3d6 9 times :lol:
it's fine though.

I'm not sure why there was an error, i roll pretty big sets during combat sometimes without issue. Maybe US just had an issue
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

That was just me practicing. Once i was ready to go I put the time stamp in the message and rolled them :) In retrospect, I should have entered the text line after I put the time stamp in.

I've got most of a character sheet put together. I'll need to do hps and fill out the equipment.

Are you ok with the burgler kit for a rogue?
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Ok, no worries.

Yeah the burgler kit is fine :)
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

HPS: 6+ [5d6]=20
HPS = 26
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

Starting gold = 2d6*10 = [2d6]=2*10
Starting gold = 20 + ???
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

For starting magic item I was thinking leather armor. It would get the armor weight down to 5 lbs and add some to the the skills percentages. I'll put up a cut/paste of my word doc in a bit for review and then create an unseen servant sheet.
I decided not to go with a kit so I'd have more flexibility in choosing proficiencies.
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

A couple environment questions"
- How much do iron rations weigh?
- Do we need a bedroll and, if so, what is its weight?
- Any there any world specific languages that should be learned (or have a spot reserved for)?


Coin: ??? (some/most already spent)

Gregor Malvein by Gregor
Male Human Rogue (6) N
XP: 20,000/40,000 (+10% to xp earned for high Dex)
Stats: STR 12, DEX 16, CON 11, INT 12, WIS 10, CHA 9
HT 6', WT 170 lbs, Age 21
AC: 5 (-2 Dex, +1 Leather Armor AC 7)

Current HP: 26/26 Status: Normal (Mv: 12/12)

Saves: PPDM (12); RSW (12); Pet/Poly (11); BW (15); Sp (13); Fear (13); Horror (13); Mad (16)

THAC0: Melee (18), Ranged (16)

Weapons: No damage bonuses
Short Bow 1d6/1d6 - (Range 20/40/60) RoF 2/1 [sp 5]
Dagger 1d4/1d3 [sp 2] - (Range 10/20/30) ROF 2/1 [sp 2]
Broad Sword 2d4/1d6+1 [sp 5]

Blind Fighting, Rope Use (16), Tumbling (16)

Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant (free, class) (+3 int bonus, 1 spent 2 left)

Thief Skills: I used the following house rule in calculating these values
- Magic armors carry 5% less penalty to each thief skill they negatively affect

Pick Pockets: 20%
Open Locks: 95%
Find/Remove Traps: 95%
Move Silently: 15%
Hide in Shadows: 10%
Detect Noise: 30%
Climb Walls: 90%
Read Languages: 0%
Backstab +4 for x3 dam

Worn/Carried [20#]
Armor – Leather [5#]
Basic clothing – trousers, tunic, cloak, gloves, socks, boots, etc. [2#]
Broad Sword [4#]
(4) Dagger [4#]
Short Bow [2#]
Quiver w/ 20 arrows [3#]

Backpack, 2# [11#]
Bedroll [??#]
Candle (5)
Cleaning cloths for weapons
Dry Rations (1 week) [??#]
Extra bowstrings (2)
Flask, Lamp Oil [1#]
Small sack (2)
Torches (5) [5#]
Waterskin (1 quart) [2#]
Whetstone [1#]

Belt Pouch, 0.5# [3#]
Coin (?? gp, ?? sp) [1#]
Mirror, small metal
Thieves’ Tools [1#]


I'll start working on the US sheet now.
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

-Rations are 1 lb per day
-bedroll i treat like the 'winter blanket', 3 lbs
-Since all the PCs are from places other than Ravenloft the specific local languages won't be available before hand. The other pcs all speak common and some locals speak Elven

The new batch of players (yourself included) get an extra 200 gp if you didn't already see that elsewhere

Can you also provide a link to your unseen servant sheet please?
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Re: tbd (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor » ... et&id=9841

I haven't done a description or background yet.
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

I saw the following format on another pc's thread - it seemed like a nice layout so I "borrowed" it:


Gregor Malvein, Human 6th Level Rogue (23 years old)


Gregor stands six feet tall and weighs in at one hundred and seventy pounds. His posture is slightly hunched and his aversion to excessive physical endeavor has rewarded him with a small paunch. He has dark brown hair cut shorter on the front, top and sides reaching just past his shoulders in the back. Days of thin stubble adorn a less than clean visage - personal hygiene does not appear to be his strongest trait. Heavily sunken amber eyes add years to his appearance. His garments leave little flesh exposed hiding a multitude of scars and burns, reminders of a harsh youth. He tends to speak little and then through closed lips - closer inspection would reveal a near perfect set of teeth, perhaps the only blessing received from his unknown parentage.

Gregor wears a rather well-made set of vestments which might be considered appropriate for a merchant were it not for the total absence of color or flare. He favors comfortable well-made clothing, one of a number of vices. Hidden under a full-length overcoat is a remarkable lightweight set of magic leather armor, a recent reward from his employment in the coastal cities. A number of dagger sheaths are located about his person, none of which are visible to the casual observer. A scabbarded broad sword, short bow and quiver might lead one to think Gregor to be a hunter or woodsmen. In truth, he has little skill in those areas and is more at home in an urban environment.


Gregor is a guarded man, tending to callousness. He has adopted a mostly neutral outlook on life, favoring neither good or evil. In his mind, this is an inherently pragmatic conclusion. He chases an easy life. By his reckoning, good and evil acts only interfere with the acquisition of loot which, by his assessment, is the way to an easy life. If one were to capture his guiding principle in a single phrase, it would be this – “Stay alive, get loot.”

While he tends to sarcasm and pessimism, he will show loyalty to a group of peers. After all, teaming can often lead to greater riches. He is not, however, brave and will flee if the danger to himself becomes too great. While not highly stealthy as those things go, he is accounted a very fast sprinter, a fact that has helped him many times in the past. Unfortunately, his endurance is less than optimal but, after all, you don’t have to outrun the bear …


Gregor recalls little of his youth or family. He was sold into indentured servitude at a young age to a rather well-known locksmith. His master, it turned out, was cruel and hateful. Any imperfection was rewarded with physical punishment – beatings, whippings and even burnings were a common occurrence. While horrific, Gregor progressed quickly as a locksmith given the alternative and eventually exceeded even the skills of his mentor.

For 8 years, Gregor suffered at the hands of the master ever looking forward to the day of his freedom. When that day was reached, on his 16th birthday, the master refused to honor the terms and insisted more time was owed. His stature as a locksmith ensured the community and the court turned a blind eye to his actions. Gregor continued in servitude as he had no way to escape the circumstances.

The situation did not however go unnoticed by all. While Gregor had little free time, he was tasked to run errands for his master. It was during these times that he made the acquaintance of a fellow near his age who over several weeks he took to be a friend, something he had never really had before. The fellow expressed a genuine interest in Gregor and his work so he was happy to discuss the locks and workings to gain favor with his friend. When the discussion turned to keys for specific locks, “ … just for an intellectual understanding don’t ya know … ,” Gregor was eager to provide wax molds of several for review.

The subsequent series of burglaries that occurred on a single night had a devastating effect on Gregor’s master. His reputation was ruined. Gregor was unable to locate his friend that day, finally deducing that he had been used. Fearing to tell his master, he maintained his silence on the causes. Without evidence, the locksmith blamed Gregor anyway, and, in a drunken rage, proceeded to beat him repeatedly over the course of the evening. Fearing for his life, Gregor eventually struck out with a crowbar he found on the floor ending his master’s life (it turns out he was only knocked unconscious with a serious head wound but Gregor didn’t know that).

After a fearful night spent envisioning any number of dreadful outcomes, Gregor eventually came to the conclusion that he must run, and run far and fast. Gathering what he could in the way of provisions and coin from the master’s own safe, Gregor left for his daily errands and slipped quietly out of the city.

The following months were challenging but eventually Gregor fell into the life of a rogue and survival became somewhat easier. His skills with locks gave him access to the treasure he sought but not without peril. Even with clean scores, Gregor would eventually attract the attention of the local guild and knew to leave sooner rather than later. This coupled with the permanent fear of his original crime kept him from establishing a permanent residence for any length of time. Until …

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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

Hmm, looks like Gregor may be the only human in the party. Too late to pick a demihuman race?
I should add this is mostly a concern about infravision/darkvision. Are the demihuman races ok with someone lighting up a torch every time a dark area is entered?
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Mira, Skagg, Esker and Iscind are all humans, but if you want to go with a different race you certainly can.

The current group in the inn at the moment is mostly npcs and abandoned pcs
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Re: Gregor Malvein (Gregor) - Private Thread

Post by Gregor »

That works! No issue with torches and lanterns :)
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