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Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:53 am
by TristenC
This is a Private Thread for Scary Wizard. It will contain:
-Character sheets (maintained by the DM)
-Character creation details for any/all of Scary Wizard's characters
-Experiences separate from the party

US sheet:

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:50 am
Marvellous... Here is where the Character Sheets shall be posted; in the following post, I will provide those rolls through Unseen Servant... 😸

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:01 am
SCARY WIZARD's Roll Chronicle is here...


I smell a Specialist Wizard!

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2023 10:57 am
by TristenC
Nice! Don't forget to link the charactee ro the campaign id 1035 once you have a name

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:56 pm
Heya! I'm still working at this, I just had a hellacious beginning of my week at work. My Union threatened a strike, there was MUCH rattling of sabers (AND HOW!), and finally, we ended up coming to a tentative agreement... I'll have this done within the week; if that is too nebulous or late a date for you and you have other, prospective players with completed sheets, then please show me the door!

If you're still looking for heads? I could go to RPoL and ask around, or Twitter. 😸😸

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:20 am
by TristenC
All good, no ohe has fully completed a sheet yet so younare fine on timing. Glad things with your union came to an agreement! I know that can be a stressful negotiation.

As of right now we have 4 people that started characters (including yourself) and 2 more who have expressed interest. So we still have room for up to 2 more if you know someone who might be interested

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:01 pm
by TristenC
How goes char creation? Let me know if you have any questions or hit any roadblocks

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:42 pm
All goes well, expect a Half-Elven Transmuter shortly! However... what's to do for Hit Points?

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 7:30 am
by TristenC
2 mil xp wizard would be lvl 15, so For hps
4 hps (Max @lvl 1) + 9d4 (for lvls 2-10) +10*any con bonus to hps + 5 (straight 1 hp for each level after 10)

So if there is no con bonus it would be 9d4+9 hps

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 3:34 am
Heya -- I'm not holding things up, am I? If I am, just kick me or shelf me for when there's an opening.

Otherwise, I've got a sheet together: . All else will come together within the day!

Her Hit Dice Are Here: [9d4+18]=23+18=41

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:34 am
by TristenC
All good, we're still waiting on 1 more to finish so no worries

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 9:57 am
Alright, cool, that gives me some room to breathe, then... The Union and my job are still rattling sabers, like they are known to do, but what is one to do! Hopefully, we'll come to a consensus before Red Skelton's descendants put together a show!

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:02 pm
by TristenC
Hah, nice ref. Yeah i hope things even out for you soon

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:10 pm
Well, we're just down to the saber-rattling, now... I've only been at this job for seven years, and this is honestly unprecedented for nearly four decades. My old lead told me that the last time it happened with my department, her father-in-law was on the job, and that was in 1978! Anyways, the way it usually works, is they'll draw up a plan, they'll agree on it, and then there'll be a bunch of Kayfabe so that everyone's sitting all real tense, and at the edge of the seat, and biting their nails... Then, while they're sipping their coffee and standing against a doorframe, they'll look up, and hold up the new contract and wave it around like it's a big breakthrough. A sub-supervisory guy and I were talking, and I said, "If I wanted this much showboating, I'd go into professional wrestling!".

Hey, how's the group looking for healing? I can easily recalibrate our friend to serve in that capacity if need be... I have ZERO reservations about doing that, by the way!

Re: Scary Wizard (Private thread) Labyrinth of Madness

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:38 am
by TristenC
Hahhaa, yeah that sounds about right. Contract wrasslin', lol

Yeah so... currently there are no healers at all. Lol. The Lord of Undeath Necromancer is the only priest, and doesn't have access to the healing sphere :/

If you still want to be a necromancer but have healing ability, there is one priesthood in the Necromancer book that has access to the normal healing sphere: The god of Suffering.

You could probably also make the specialty priest of Death from Complete Priest Handbook work.