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Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Re: Delsenora Hunana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

She finds herself in a tavern/inn, gathering information, observing
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Re: Delsenora Hunana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Delsenora is somewhat like Jarlaxle Baenre from the Drizzt novels.
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Re: Delsenora Hunana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Hahaha, love it. I can definitely work with that
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Re: Delsenora Hunana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Just let me know when I can begin to post,,, I think we are going to have a lot of fun together. I've peeked in the latest thread

and belive Del will fit in quite nicelt, once she gets there.

She is a very upbeat positive person so Ravenloft might kick her in the butt right now, but she will still persevere!
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Re: Delsenora Hunana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

I changed up my skills and added an item to refelct that, on my sheet. He he he

OMG gonna have so much fun lol
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[ooc]Side note: It looks like ther is a 5 pt discrepancy in the rogue skills, possibly from the -5 to open locks from Elven racial adjustment?

Also: I hate to hold up play action while making updates to the text sheet, and the next few posts wont matter so much what I have recorded yet, so...
Apologies in advance, for the first post alone I make a few assumptions in order to set the mood but please let me know if any story insinuations or suggestions don't fit your character concept and they shall be corrected.[/ooc]

Delsenora strode confidently down the cobbled street towards her destination, The Slaked Sylph. It was a place much like her; it rode the edge between two worlds and settled for none of the foolishness of either. Established between the Sea and Castle wards it held an air of provenance the grittier streets lacked, while retaining enough character of the less pristine world that one could still find the kind of less-than-legal work she had become accustomed to...

The variety of clientele thereabouts allowed her to be or pursue whatever she decided she was after for a given evening; whether it be a shadow-cloaked 'acquisitions' contract or 'private investigation' for some suspicious housewife or husband who felt certain their partner was up to some kind of clandestine nocturnal activities... But work or no, crowd or no, they usually had a decent minstrel and a palatable drink to offer of a night.

The chill set in as the fog grew thicker about her; despite the late-summer swelter of the last few days. Her booted feet seemed to echo unnaturally in the mist, until she seemed certain it was not quite natural... Stopping abruptly, the sound of booted feet continued for a half-step somewhere behind her...

Heh... Well I guess it would have been a disappointment... too easy otherwise... the young woman's words murmured from a difficult-to-establish distance.
You know... you're just too much like your mother, even with your little... tricks... the almost familiar voice mused.
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Delsenora frowns...... My mother? . she muses.

What in the nine hells?

That voice,, she attempts to recollect who it is.

Cautiously, she turns around, attempting to hide in the shadows, hearing the footsteps close by.

Trying to see who the footsteps belong to.

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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

The voice chuckles cruelly as Delsorna begins to move. It's too late for hiding, once we've spotted you...
I'll admit, it took a minute to figure out how your little toy worked... if you hadn't chosen that waitress... the poor girl might still be alive... But after we sank her beyond the Deepwater Harbor with a millstone chained to her back... well there really was no question who it was strolling around... all... by... her... lonesome

The stoneworked shops flanking the road to either side lay lightless, all long-since shuttered for the night. A shuffling sound ahead of her to the left and right revealed a black-armor clad half-orc with a wicked looking scimitar and a dwarf with more scars than clear skin holding a weapon-blacked maul. The attire of Zhent thugs was almost unmistakable to the experienced eye; and Delsenora had witnessed more than her fair share of such....

Self-satisfied laughter rang out again from behind, and the fog cleared almost infinitesimally farther to reveal the speaking figure...
Come now... did you really think we would simply let things be after we snipped her thread...?
Shaking her head, the burgandy hair swayed in the dim. Honestly... what it must be like to be so naieve... Your father's kind... they must be dug up by the root. An example made, and no shoot nor seed left to sprout from that tree.

A truly sadistic grin spreads across the stranger's Drowish features.

Your mother died so pitifully... stubborn at first, but begging for the blade at the end... The stranger's eyes closed as she took a deep breath, savoring the nostalgia of the moment along with the damp night air. Blood-red eyes snapped open and regarded Del... Come. the voice heavy with purpose commanded. Kneel here on the stone before me... and I promise to make it quick... er.
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Delsenora's eyes narrow, realizing that this is the one resposible for her mother's death.

"You killed my mother. Was it because you were too incompetent to even try to kill father? He would have turned you into a cockroach

and then crushed you under his boot, never more a thought of you. So, now what? You expect me to kneel before you and just leave myself

to your devices? You are lower than Iblith - drow word for excrement,,,, the lint on my boots has more importance than you."


She will fight defensively if she has to but in no way is she going to kneel before her rival.. She is trying to enrage her , make her furious so she

makes a mistake. Delsenora knows she probably will die if she fights, lol.

Jacob is high leveled in 3 classes, I really played him a long time
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

A derisive snort and baleful sneer indicate Delsenora's challenge may not be far off the mark. I slit the tendons in her heels so she couldn't run like the bleating sheep she turned out to be. Her face adopts the cruelest of grins as she continues, somewhat mollified with her own retort. And it was I who personally peeled the skin from her face like a mask... because I was bored and wanted to see if i could do it whole... Laughing at her own words

Delsenora refuses to move, and soon hears the dwarf and half-orc behind begin to shift forward. The Woman raises a finger and they halt instantly. Eyes full of murder regard the disguised rogue. You are but the next link in the chain... your father she all but spat the word, Will have his time as well... but not until we have taken everything he holds dear... The slow shiiiink of a short sword being draw echoes oddly through the fog as she brandishes the blade, dripping with some dark oil.

Something about that echo...
A quick glance reveals that the fog has begun to shift back and Del can see more of her surroundings. To one side the edge of two buildings seems to not quite line up... an alleyway? If it were so, the opening would be so slim that even her slender figure might have difficulty wriggling through... but for certain at least the orc and dwarf would be unable to follow. But was it close enough...?

Nice! Was he something like a Fighter/thief/mage?
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Delsenora has never been a fighter,,, far from it.

Weighing her options, listening to this Turd speak and very conscious of the two other foes, she sighs.

Taking in her surroundings, she takes everything into consideration. Every angle, escape, possibility.

She is not stupid, she can easily die here. Observing, pondering every possibility she decides on one brash, brave, crazy outcome,,,, the alley!

Feinting , moving towards the woman, she immediately turns and makes a bee-line for the alley, running as fast as she can. The echo can't lie, it

must be right....


Jacob is a Fighter 10, Wiz 18, Pr 15

On tabletop he had cast a spell on each child, contingency,,, so if they die ... he would then appear through teleport,, yadda yadda yadda

I started him in Waterdeep.. He eventually moved on to Berdusk with his wife. He opened a small Lathander church there, By then he

was a Harper and had thwarted many Zhent plots for the Harpers.

Hence the Zhent eliminating his wife, He is quite formidable in each class. My DM at the time allowed me to be those levels, breaking the

rule about levels for Drow .
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Delsenora moves towards the woman in a feint, but something in her countenance or demeanor must have been ever so slightly off as the Assassin frowns. Even so, the nimble rogue darts towards the alleyway; unsuspected by her would-be killers.

A colorful curse issues from the lips of the knife-wielding woman in front of her. The Zhent trio rush to head her off, but even the lithe assassin is at least a pace behind. Del slams herself into the gap between the walls; writhing, pulling and wriggling with everything she has to force her slender form to fit just enough to escape...

[Dex check from Delsenora pls as she tries to wriggle her way into the narrow alley ^_^ ]
Assassin Wis [1d20]=10, pass. she realizes something is amiss

Assassin dex [1d20]=16, fail! she cannot keep up with Delsenora's direction-change
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »

Dex Check [1d20+2]=19+2=21

WHen you don't want to roll high omg lol
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[ooc]lol, yeah I know that feeling. haha
Looking at the sheet, I think you still have 1 language and 1 nwp left to spend.


Delsenora presses herself into the gap and begins wriggling furiously to work her way inside, but something on the wall to her back catches against the rogue's armor. She is stuck! (cannot move farther in until she finds some way to become un-stuck)

The assassin rushes up to her, stabbing her sword into the wall beside her prey. Her free hand pins the one free arm to Del's side and cruel laughter issues from her attacker. Just like a pest in a trap... hehe. Who is the cockroach now, hmm? The face of her mother's killer moves to within inches of her own, the burgandy hair cascading down to drape over her eyes. Red is all you will see now... I am going to take my sweet, slow, time with you... Maybe I'll send the pieces left over to your father... as a memento.
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Re: Delsenora Hun'ana (Tarlyn) - Private Thread

Post by tarlyn »


Language will be added later

NWP hmmm it will be from the book of thieves for sure i need a thievy proficiency, and I will not chose escape artist that would be meta gaming

under the current situation lol.

Here goes a crazy attaempt at escaping this mess .................


Not the first time she is in a tight spot[literally speaking!],,, Delsenora formulates a quick plan in her mind.

One hand reaches for a dagger at her belt whilst the other reaches into a pouch in her armor, retrieving a flask of sneezing powder.

Her right hand attempts to dislodge whatever is holding her stuck at tha back with the dagger, while the left hand unstoppers the flask and attempts to

pitch just the sneezing powder at her foe's face!
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