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Skagg of Ixworth (DungeonWaffleX) - Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Skagg of Ixworth (DungeonWaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

This is a private thread for DungeonWaffleX's character Skagg of Ixworth

It will contain:
-Current Character Sheet (maintained by dm)
-Character experiences separate from the party

Skagg of Ixworth by DungeonWaffleX
Skagg US Sheet

Male Human Fighter (5) NG
XP: 20,000 (TNL: 32,000)(10% xp bonus for high str)
Stats: Str 16 (+1 dmg. wt allw 70/195, OD 9, Bb/Lg 10%); Dex 10; Con 14 (Sys Shock 88%, Res Surv 92%); Int 9; Wis 10; Cha 6 (Max Hench 2, -2 React adj, -3 Loyalty)
Ht: 5'11" Wt: 190 lbs. Age: 25
AC: 3 (AC4 Splint, -1 shield Med)
Current Hp: 32/37 (-5 fist) Status: Normal (Mv 12)

Saves: PPDM (11); RSW (13); PetPoly (12); BW (13); Sp (14)
Special: Fear: (9); Horror (16); Madness (16) [Includes warrior ‘Bravery bonus’ of +1 vs fear]

WP: Bastard sword+1 (spec +1 hit, +2 dmg,3/2 attk/rnd) thac0: 14, dmg (1-Hand: 1d8+4/1d12+4; 2-Hand 2d4+4/2d8+4) sp 6; Morning Star (2d4+1/1d6+2) sp 7, Spear (1d6+1/1d8+1) (Range: 10/20/30) sp 6; Short bow (1d6+1) RoF 2 (Range: 50/100/150) sp 7
Thac0: Base: 16

Blind Fighting (NA), Endurance (14), Running (8), Swimming (16)
Languages: Common (Oerth), Dwarven, Orcish
Harmonian 0%

Class/Kit bonuses/abilities: (tbd)
Weapon specialization

Equipment: [weight in lbs], {objects in container}
Worn:, weapon [x], armor[xx], clothes, Boots, belt {Pouch Sm [0.5]{coinage}}
Wt Carried: xx.x lbs

Backpack (worn)[2] {Flint and Steel[0.1], Dry Rations (1wk)[7], Wineskin (full)[5], sack Sm[0.1]{empty}, },
Wt Stored: xx.x lbs

xx gp, xx sp, x cp remain [x]
Total Eq wt: xx.x lbs (Unencumbered w or w/o pack)

Tall, broad & riddled with far too many scars to count across his weathered, tawny complexion, Skagg is a man who cuts an imposing figure, his entire life etched vividly across his very skin; one of conflict & violence of the worst sort. Sporting the traditional Orcish undercut made popular amongst the militant of the Empire, Skagg's dark hair & beard are the color of muddied ink, the mid-length bang drawing attention away from his one keen eye, whilst his milky missing one makes for a jarringly uncomfortable juxtaposition. He carries himself like a soldier, his movements drilled & refined into the telltale gait & stride of a veteran who's seen one too many battles. Contrary to his gloomy visage, Skagg is a surprisingly affable (albeit poorly) soul. While perhaps a tad rough around the edges & more than a little unseemly on the outside due to his physical appearance, the displaced Oeridian genuinely tries his best to be as approachable & friendly as he can muster; no small feat given his history, and one that Skagg is still openly working on. He's an earnest but reserved man whom oozes physical (if not social) prowess; the sort of fellow who's keen to cut to the quick of a matter & distinctly prefers action to words to see deeds done.

Once a fervent soldier in the army of Iuz, Skagg turned his back on the Empire after witnessing too many horrors & afflicting too many atrocities to count. Taking up the call to adventure in pursuit of redemption for the villainy he'd afflicted, Skagg has dedicated himself towards fighting evil & defending those in need. A recent call to adventure saw himself & his party traveling to the distant land of Barovia at the behest of those in need near the edge of the Flanaess, but were ultimately separated by the Mists as they traversed their way towards their final destination. Either displaced or lost, only Skagg arrived on the other side, his retreat blocked by the eerie fog. Now trapped in a land beset by terror, he must now contend with the looming shadows of Castle Ravenloft if he ever wants to return to Oerth.
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Re: TBD (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Any of the off site sheets is fine as long as you maintain them and link them here. I am also keeping a
forum text copy in the first post of this thread.
I added a template for now until the char is complete. If you like i can edit/copy the template into one of your posts here so you can see the code as well

add 200 gp to the starting gold roll (so 310 total from your US roll i see)
there is also a magic item for starting equipment. the 500xp usually constitutes a +1 weapon or armor, or a minor magic item. If you don't see something in the list you like, let me know what you are thinking and maybe we can create a 500xp version of something else.

Some basic gear can probably be free too (like leather or hidearmor, normal weapons, etc) but nothing too crazy
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by DungeonWaffleX »

Howdy! Sorry for the late response, as I'd gotten in from work late this evening. The extra 200gp is actually super handy as I'd already scrubbed the magic item in favor of the extra +125gp from the chargen section (so 110gp was rolled + an extra 125gp for forgoing the magic item originally).

Aside from that, mechanically, everything should be done & up on the US sheet. Working on background stuff right now so should be done here shortly, but shooting for a former militant enforcer from the Empire of Iuz who's had a change of heart and was working on finding redemption for their prior misdeeds. Getting drafted into the Mists and into Ravenloft is probably viewed as a grim sort of penance for the horrible war crimes and villainous actions of his past on Skagg's journey to right his wrongs or something, but we can hash stuff like that out if it'd help make him a better fit party-wise :)
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Nice, looking forward to it
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by DungeonWaffleX »

Alright! Think I've got it done. Recounted Skagg's coin; took the remaining +75gp from the +200gp starting bonus & snagged a Bastard Sword +1 as his magic weapon. Kinda metagame-ish, but I'm mildly familiar with Ravenloft so hitting spooky specters might be useful as a single-classed Fighter. Should be kosher gold-wise now. Don't have anything else to spend his remaining 115gp 3sp on, so suppose I'll hoard it but open to suggestions if you think there's something worth snagging :)

I've seen a few folks signed in as their characters across the board. I'm probably missing it, but how does one go about doing that? Seems like it'd be dandy to help with immersion and such.

Did you still need me to link the US sheet for view, or can you access it in its entirety since it's tied to the campaign ID? Sorry. Still not super clear on how a lot of play-by-post stuff works, but let me know what I can do to help streamline things and make your life as the DM easier :D

Skagg of Ixworth
Description wrote:ImageTall, broad & riddled with far too many scars to count across his weathered, tawny complexion, Skagg is a man who cuts an imposing figure, his entire life etched vividly across his very skin; one of conflict & violence of the worst sort. Sporting the traditional Orcish undercut made popular amongst the militant of the Empire, Skagg's dark hair & beard are the color of muddied ink, the mid-length bang drawing attention away from his one keen eye, whilst his milky missing one makes for a jarringly uncomfortable juxtaposition. He carries himself like a soldier, his movements drilled & refined into the telltale gait & stride of a veteran who's seen one too many battles.

Contrary to his gloomy visage, Skagg is a surprisingly affable (albeit tactless) soul. While perhaps a tad rough around the edges & more than a little unseemly on the outside due to his physical appearance, the displaced Oeridian genuinely tries his best to be as approachable & friendly as he can muster; no small feat given his history, and one that Skagg is still openly working on. He's a consummate professional & an earnest but reserved man whom oozes physical (if not social) prowess; the sort of fellow who's keen to cut to the quick of a matter & distinctly prefers action to words to see deeds done.

Outside of conflict, Skagg favors practical, sturdy attire in earthy reds & browns, though with his distinct lack of style the man is as apt to wear anything so long as it fits & gets the job done. He takes decent care of his appearance - as decent as to be expected, at any rate - but when it comes to his armaments & armor, Skagg cares for these things as if they were his very children. He still carries the dark splint of his previous station, its darkened iron lovingly polished & treated despite the amount of service it's had. Skagg is, if nothing else, a pragmatist & favors the Iuzian approach to conflict: by being a walking arsenal ready for anything. Though he favors the bastard sword above all other weapons & it finds its prized position nestled within the baldric across his chest, Skagg also carries a nasty morning star for more grim tasks, as well as a sturdy long bow for distant encounters. He completes his adventuring ensemble of weaponry with a sturdy steel medium shield for when offense gives way to the need for survival -- whether it be his or his companions at his side.
Background wrote:Violence. Violence & strife. These are the hallmarks of Skagg's upbringing. When he was but a boy, he was sold into the "Glad Pits" of Ixworth to settle his parents' debts with the Empire, ceasing to be a citizen & instead becoming property in the eyes of the state. The child whom would later be named "Skagg" by the Orcish slaves who'd taken him under their wing soon learned that there were only two ways out of the gladiatorial death-sport he'd been sold to: survive & conquer or die trying. Skagg performed the former, earning his liberation through blood & hard-fought victories. His talents were well-noted, eventually earning him the opportunity for enlistment upon his freedom; an opportunity to reclaim the citizenship & life he'd deserved that his parents had so callously tossed aside in favor of coin to save their own skins.

Skagg proved an effective & talented soldier, coming to idolize Iuz & the strength of the Empire as they groomed & molded the impressionable young man into a sycophantic militant. Under the banner of the Evil One, Skagg committed atrocities best left unspoken under the purview that what he was doing was for the good of the Empire & its people. He did, for a time, genuinely believe that Iuz' divine mantle was proof that they were destined to conquer & that the world would be better off once the Old One had oppressed & subsumed the weaker forces of Oerth into the Empire.

But fate's a funny thing. Despite how fervently Skagg believed in the Empire or how he tried to rationalize his deeds, there was always a twinge of remorse for the things he'd done that grew more & more intense as his own wickedness mounted. The breaking point came when during a military expedition he watched a young cleric of Rao martyr herself in combat to protect the sequestered children inside her temple from the Iuzian forces. The enemy was already routed & the army of Iuz was victorious, yet still she fought to her last breath as if this was the only thing that mattered. Though he couldn't save the children from being enslaved & sent to the Glad Pits as he had, the act of her sacrifice burned itself into his mind & the acrid taste of villainy was now pungent upon his tongue; a bitter taste the human could no longer stomach as he replayed her death over & over in his mind.

In that moment of realization, Skagg made a vow: no more could he live like this. No more could he continue to see such wickedness done. No more would he willingly stain himself - his very soul - for what he thought he now believed was wrong. And so he left. Skagg turned his back on the Empire & the only life he'd known, too sick with the sweet smell of blood on his hands & a consciousness rife with regret. Instead, he chose to devote his talents in arms towards making Oerth a better place, plying his talents in ridding evils & slaying monsters in an attempt to, perhaps in some small way, make up for the misdeeds of his past.

Only a few short years after taking up the call as an adventurer in pursuit of redemption, Skagg found himself mired with a ragtag band of would-be do-gooders & sell-swords headed to some ancient haunt in the Flaeness; a distant place known as Barovia. They'd heard rumors of all manner of oddities; a strange fog, bizarre beasts & unnatural sightings that left the townsfolk quaking in fear. Upon their arrival near the border, the party became separated as an unnaturally thick mist began to settle in, snuffing out torches & lamplight with impunity.

Skagg alone arrived on the other side of the Mists, his colleagues vanished & the eerie fog barring his return. He found himself now in a land of terror shrouded in a thick malaise of dread; a place of danger that sent every hair on the back of his neck on edge. And although he didn't yet know it, Skagg's true mettle would soon be tested by the sinister shadows...

... of Castle Ravenloft.
Last edited by DungeonWaffleX on Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Looks great! Yeah i can guarantee you'll find a use for that +1 weapon before long.

Please do link the sheet, as i am unable to view it on US without that. I'll keep a text version here as well just for tracking.
i think the sheet link is simple like {sheet]####[/sheet}
but with { and } replaced with [ and ]

Not sure about people signing into PADnD as their characters, but i know a few people have characters with the same name as their username
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by DungeonWaffleX »

Looks like the sheet command only works for the US board specifically, but think I figured it out. Pasted it right above the image, so should take you right to the page now if you'd like to come through it 🤘
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Ah, yep that did it. Perfect!

One additional request I make for the Ravenloft game.

What would you say is Skagg's greatest regret or the thing that haunts him the most?

-the death of the cleric or Rao?
-his inability to step in and save children she was protecting being taken?
-some other haunting regret of war he might bave been able to stop?
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by DungeonWaffleX »

If I had to pick only one, it's absolutely the children being enslaved. Arguably they're both pretty significant fears for different reasons, so wouldn't be opposed to just using both 🤘
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Sweet, i can definitely work with that :satan:

as for easy ways to spend the spare cash, maybe a horse w/saddlebags etc?

also, a couple of minor observations so far as I go through the sheet,
-for this game i give the int bonus to both Languages AND nwps, so you have 1 extra language you can choose
-Short bows can only fire flight arrows (1d6) per phb and Arms and Equipment guide

all else looks great :)
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by DungeonWaffleX »

TristenC wrote: Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:14 pm Sweet, i can definitely work with that :satan:

as for easy ways to spend the spare cash, maybe a horse w/saddlebags etc?

also, a couple of minor observations so far as I go through the sheet,
-for this game i give the int bonus to both Languages AND nwps, so you have 1 extra language you can choose
-Short bows can only fire flight arrows (1d6) per phb and Arms and Equipment guide

all else looks great :)
Totally spaced on the arrows bit, so great catch. Went ahead and beefed up to a Long Bow instead & traded in some of Skagg's other gear. Has way more weight with his pack on now (changed rope from silk to hemp), sold off his mirror & a bar of soap, snagged a signal whistle, as well as a riding horse with a everything but barding to haul stuff if needed. Down to a paltry 4.2gp now :p

For his missing language, decided on Dwarvish. Seemed like a nice, harsh choice to compliment his Orcish. Let me know if I missed anything else!
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Sounds good :) yeah that longbow has a few advantages. Dwarven is good and I think that should be all for char creation ^_^
i'll try to get the rest ported over to my text copy tonight.

Hopefully i can get a first game post up for you Friday or Sat. Typically i start each new character out for a couple of posts individually to drive home the isolation/dread/build mood for the setting, then weave them into the larger story with the group. I also use it to introduce a little... shall we say personalized misery for them
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by DungeonWaffleX »

No rush! Just glad to have gotten a spot and excited to play. Looking forward to seeing how miserable we can make Skagg 😆
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Hahaha, the true misery lies just after those moments of brief hope when the darkness doubles down hard.
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Re: Skagg of Ixworth (Dungeon WaffleX) - Private Thread

Post by DungeonWaffleX »

Gotta really break the spirit, too, to get a shot at that genuine redemption arc. Maybe Skagg'll actually survive, though I think to date I've never had a PC actually survive an entire Ravenloft campaign to completion in any edition :D
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