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Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

This is a private thread for Jerrards' character Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia

It will contain:
-Current Character Sheet (maintained by dm)
-Character experiences separate from the party

Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia by Jerrard

Human Caviler (5), alignment LG, Age 27

XP: 24,529 (TNL 32,000)

Stats: Str 17 (Hit +1, Da, +1, wt allw 85/220, OD 10, Bb/Lg 13%); Dex 15 (Def -1); Con 16 (HP Adj +2, SS 95%, RS 96%); Int 10 (Langs 2); Wis 12; Cha 13 (+1 react adj)

Ht: 5'5" Wt: 180 lbs

AC: 2 (Banded Mail, Medium Shield, Coif, Dex -1)

Current Hp: 38/44, Barely scratched!
Status: Unencumbered 12/12

Saves: PPDM (11); RSW (13); PetPoly (12); BW (13); Sp (15)
+4 to saves that affect the mind, +1 to those that can be dodged.
Special: Fear: (10); Horror (16); Madness (15)

WP: Thaco 13, Long Sword +1 (Spc) (1d8+4/1d12+4) (RoF 3/2) sp4; Thaco 14, Medium Lance (1d6+2/2d6+1), Thaco 13 Horsemans Mace (1d6+1/1d4+1), Dagger (1d4+1/1d3+1: R10/20/30) (Untrained) Thac0 17 Handaxe (1d6+1/1d4+1)

NWP: Bonus: Riding Land Based (15), Etiquette (14)
Fire building (11), Heraldry (10), Jousting (17), Animal Handling (11), Endurance (16)

Languages: Common (Krynn), Elven (Qualinesti), Mountain Dwarf.
Harmonian (4+5%) = 9%

Class/Kit bonuses/abilities:
1st level: +1 to attack with any Lance /6 levels (+2 at 7th)
3rd Level: +1 to attack with Longsword /6 levels (+2 at 9th)
5th Level: +1 to attack with Horsemans mace /6 levels (+2 at 11th)

Immune to fear spells, radiates emotion spell (10’ rad)
+4 to saves that affect the mind (Charm person, friends, hypnotism, sleep, irritation, ray of enfeeblement, scare, geas, command, enthral, cloak of bravery and symbol.
+3 reactions to anyone of his own culture, demand shelter on his own nation.

MUST attack in Melee, can’t attack an opponent at range,
MUST attack the biggest looking threat.
MUST own the highest quality armor he can afford.

The Cavalier must also follow the very strict Code of Chivalry. He must cheerfully perform any noble service or quest asked of him; he must defend, to the death, any person or item placed in his charge; he must show courage and enterprise when obeying his rulers; he must show respect for all peers and equals; he must honor all those above his station (his social class); he must demand respect and obedience from those below his station; he must scorn those who are lowly and ignoble (he will not help the ill-mannered, the coarse, the crude; he will not use equipment which is badly-made or inferior; he will fight on foot before riding a nag; etc.); he must perform military service to his lord whenever asked; he must show courtesy to all ladies (if the Cavalier is male); he must regard war as the flowering of chivalry, and a noble enterprise; he must regard battle as the test of manhood, and combat as glory; he must achieve personal glory in battle; he must slay all those who oppose his cause; and he must choose death before dishonor.

If a Cavalier chooses not to follow this code, bad things happen. The first time he breaks his vows, the DM will warn the player that the Cavalier feels bad about violating his code. The second time he breaks his vows, the Cavalier loses all his special benefits until such time as he repents and undertakes a dangerous task to redeem himself. When performing this task, he must behave according to his code and his hindrances. Only when the task is successfully accomplished does he regain his benefits.

If the Cavalier breaks his vow a third time without repenting and undertaking that task, he has abandoned his Cavalier Warrior Kit. He permanently loses all the special benefits of the Kit. He no longer has to obey his knightly code. He receives a permanent –3 reaction adjustment from all members of his own culture (even those who do not know of his past will be put off by the air of treachery and faithlessness that now haunts the man). His horse, even if it is not the one he began play with, leaves him—either rides off into the sunset without him, or attacks him. He may never ride it again, even if he kills it trying to do so.

Equipment: [weight in lbs], {objects in container}

Worn: Banded Mail & Riding boots, [35], Coif [15], Medium Shield {10} (with his family crest), tabard (crest) [4], under shirt [1], Sword Scabbard (Longsword +1) [5], Dagger sheaf (Dagger) [1], Family ring, hidden money pouch (coins)

Wt Carried: [79.75]

Belt Pouch [0.5] (flint and steel, mess kit, candle, Whetstone [2.25]
Sack [] (2x potion of healing?, Large potion not identified)

2 Stlp, 3 Sp, 8 Cp remain
+ 285gp, 7sp, 1cp from his share of the cavern treasure

Total Eq wt: 82

On Bayard (Medium Warhorse, Charger) Movement: 27, (Carry 292lbs) 18 (489.9),
AC 7, Hp 13, Thac0 19, Attacks 1d6/1d6

Bit, bridle, saddle, horseshoes [28] 2 medium saddle bags [16], Medium Lance [10] (in holder in saddle), Handaxe [4], bedroll [8], winter blanket {3}
Saddle bag 1: (belt, 2 shirts, 2 breeches, Gambons [8.25])
Saddle bag 2: (Water Skin, Wine skin [8])
Total Eq wt: 98.25 + 82 + 180 = 360.25 (Movement 18)


Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia 4th Level Cavailer (27 years old)


Karl is stocky at just over five and a half feet tall and one hundred and eighty pounds, he has long black hair that could do with a cut, his usually well maintained mustache as developed into a beard. His dark brown eyes are haunted, hidden with dark circles due to lack of sleep.

He is at home in his armor banded mail of a dark metal, a recent purchase from a trader in Palanthas and one he is glad he bought to replace the simple chain shirt he owned as a Knight of the Crown. He often wears a tabard displaying his family crest, a rampant Griffin, the crest that is repeated on his shield.

He is never without his sword "Lunter" A longsword of possibly elven origin passed down by his father, his choice of weapon at all times. A single dagger sits on his left hip. Astride his horse Bayard is his lance, mace and an axe for a multitude of uses.


Karl is a serious man, recently promoted to the ranks of the Knights of the Sword after Derek Crownguard led the Knights of the Sword and Rose into a fruitless battle he remains true to the Oath and the Measure, following his formerly disgraced commander and leading the much younger knights.

He cares deeply for the cause he has been given, as he does for everything he is assigned, he believes in protecting the innocent, fighting for what is right and above all, honor. The Oath states he should be honest in thought word and deed, something he aspires to.


Karl was born to a Guardsman and a lady in waiting in Therguard, he heard the stories of the Knights and how Huma had defeated the Dark Queen from a young age, something he wished to be. But it was not to be, the Knighthood had become a shadow of its former self, lead by self interest, he saw what they had become and chose instead to follow his fathers footsteps, signing up as a guard to protect the City.

Then, the Dragon Armies came, they ravaged the landscape, creatures of legend caused chaos and havoc, leaving many dead. Karl bravely assisted a group of Knights defending the city, many had died including the rider of his now horse Bayard. The deep brown stallion calming as Karl approached.

The Knights saw the bravery in Karl and accepted him in the ranks of the knights of the Crown, a tough struggle for one who hadn't been trained from a young age like most Knights, and his age was against him, but he fought and won. Taking part in many small actions with the Knights he gained a reputation of being fair and honorable, his no nonsense attitude endearing him to many of his commanders and the men at arms beneath him.

He was given a role to defend the City of Palanthas when the Silver Dragon army came, newly promoted to Novice of Swords he was assigned his own Squire, Harrison Ellnn, a young man of 16 who dreamed of becoming a Knight himself. It was then that Derek Crownguard ordered the Knights to leave the City, to take the battle to the enemy. Karl refused, a choice that haunted him for days, he spent several days in prayer, yet he knew he had made the right choice.

Then the armies came, they attacked, and the Knights repelled them, using magic and the Dragonlances, yet many creatures had left to roam the countyside, at first confused and then later attacking small villages. To appease his conscience, Karl (Promoted to Knight of Swords) had offered to lead a party of Younger Knights to take down the threat.

The first village they encountered was being destroyed, Draconians razed the city abusing the population, Karl rode to aid a young woman who's throat was slit before his eyes. Eager to strike this enemy down he lead his men into a trap, Harrison fell at his side, his men cut to pieces, he fought like a mad man, cutting through the enemy as the smoke began to rise...
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[OOC:] A few questions about Karl when you get the time.
What is his greatest...
-Source of Solace
-Vice (doesn't have to be anything sinister or unseemly. perhaps he enjoys helping others so much he neglects himself. addicted to good deeds)
-Hope for the future

The smoke of burning thatch blurried Karl's vision with unshed tears. Dusk had fallen quickly in the small village, and the sounds of battle rang out around him still. Screams of dying men and draconians filled the air, and the crackle of fire taking yet another one of the small homes nearby... Bayard stepped lightly to the side, guided by his master's knees and instinct. The dying Bozak on the ground crumbling away to dust from the knight's lance. A short half-trot and the warhorse was well out of range when the thing's bones began to vibrate and clatter. Neither horse nor rider paid much heed when the inevitable explosion came... Hellish things. What kind of creature exploded in the throes of death? Or dissolved into a pool of acid, or burst into flames... or worse... The Knights of the Sword knew well their enemy... and as a full Knight, Karl had made certain those younger men under his command knew the hazards well... still

Another cry rang out in the rapidly occluding darkness and smoke. Twenty men had come with him to this tiny village... and as near as he could figure less than half remained, scattered about the burning homes. Tiny villages meant easy pickings for a group of draconians... especially this near Palanthas, where they were used to the protection of the capitol from criminals... but the Dragon army... that was a different story.

Sweat dripped into Karl's eyes, and he scrubbed the sooty, salty mixture away with the leather cuff of his gauntlet. The body of a young woman lay not far from him on the ground... so young... so innocent... The bubbling acidic mess that had once been a Kapak still seeping into the ground beside her. The thing had actually thought killing her would deter him... as if that wouldn't stoke righteous anger to new heights. Her body looked so frail, lying there; like a broken porcelain doll fallen from a shelf... she couldn't have been more than sixteen... No older than Harrison... the thought came, unbidden.

The lad had served well, right up until his face had been all but peeled away by fire...

Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia led his fellow knights at a charge down the main thoroughfare of the tiny village. Rumors of Draconians raiding nearby and smoke rising had been all the sign he needed that things were dire for the common people. Ahead in the street a half-dozen baaz and a kapak or two shoved some of the townsfolk onto the ground; the brutish creatures kicking and taunting the helpless folk. The thunder of Kngihts' hooves thudded along the hard-packed earth, drawing the attention of the beasts. Rather than flee the scaled creatures brandished their weapons. One of the monsters hauled a young girl to her feet, laying his blade along her neck.

A cry of alarm rose behind and Karl spared but a glance before his body lurched suddenly! A mass of webs slung between buildings covered the main road, entangling easily a dozen men and their horses. Bayard bucked and kicked and thrashed back and forth to escape the sticking restraints. Harrison grasped at his saddle, seeking the horse's aid in pulling him free. Atop the huts, Karl now saw the Bozaks; a half-dozen of them at least. The winged humanoids threw magic at the armored humans; sending streaks of force missiles, clouds of noxious fumes and bolts of acid at the ensnared. Digging in his stirrups, the Knight urged his mount forward; making slow progress through the powerful bindings.

A wicked grin crossed the Kapak's face as it met Karl's gaze. With agonizing slowness it drew the blade across the young girl's throat sending a flood of crimson across her cream colored dress. Clear blue eyes full of fear and desperation went glassy as the lifeblood flowed out of her. With a savage shove, the creature cast her into the dirt before him. A wordless cry issued from the Knights throat like the shriek of a griffon descending for the kill. A surge from Bayard finally broke the pair free of the magically summoned webs, and his lance-tip began to dip towards his foe.

Shock painted the evil thing's face as the well trained mount tore free, but that lasted only an instant before the cavalier rode him down like so much brush. The crunch of bones beneath Bayard's hooves was of fleeting notice, but satisfying in the extreme. Wheeling about, Karl lay into the other draconians nearby. He paid little heed to the fact that he was far outnumbered as he drew his shining longsword. Suddenly another knight was beside him, then a second, and a third! Looking up he saw the few had escaped the trap were either coming to form up with their senior officer or spreading to the buildings to engage the magic users. Even so, half of his men yet struggled slowly through the sticky webs; including his squire who must have lost his grip on Bayard's saddle with the charge.

Another young knight, in an effort to free himself and reach the Bozaks, climbed precariously atop his mount's saddle. Barely reaching the edge of the roof he began to haul himself up, armor and all! The magic wielding dragon-man aloft rushed to the edge and a fan of fire spewed from its outstretched hands! The flames sent the brave man tumbling back into the webbing which quickly ignited! A great conflagration spread throughout the street, engulfing the stalwart company to a chorus of animalistic screams and shrieks from man and horse alike! The Knight's eyes went immediately to Harrison whose gaze pleaded with his master for aid, but the inferno flashed around him heedless of his plea. A thoroughly inhuman shriek ripped itself forth from the young man's lips as the flames licked hungrily at his body; lapping away the layers of exposed skin and flesh in a ravenous feast.

A glancing blow from the side, barely caught by his shield, brought Karl back to the danger still around him. This fight was far from over... and if any of them had hope of surviving, he needed to lead.

Coughing, Karl willfully drove the images of the hour before from his mind. There were men he led out there yet, and innocents to protect. Only one of the knights that had come to his side at the first still remained... a man named Harren. A man of few words, head and shoulders taller than he, but implacable in his duty. In the distance he heard the cries of villagers behind the structures on the main road, and in the opposite direction the cries of pain from his men who still lived beyond the smoldering patch of road... High above, he hears the incantation of another Draconian preparing to unleash some fresh horror upon him...

Several options present for Karl, the villagers, the knights in trouble on the road beyond the initial ambush, another likely bozak atop a farmhouse preparing to wreak more havoc... or any other thing you feel is appropriate to the situation, of course ^_^

It has been several minutes since the ambush, mostly tied up in hunting and fighting and avoiding getting blindsided but he ended up back on the main road to end a Bozak.
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by Jerrard »

Fighting from the rooftops? That was the cowards way out, never the less he would end this one as well, his Men would be avenged, the Measure demanded it. Reeling Bayard back in a tight arc he leveled his lance, and aimed back towards the Village, one so small it didn't have a name.

"Wssstttt" Ignoring the horse's protests for now he lead him back into the smoke, his trajectory clear, to find his men. How had he ended up in such a position? "I know I know, I shall groom you when we get back, once we deal with these, abominations."
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

As Karl whirled about and spurred his steed back towards his men, Harren drove his horse just ahead; cutting the older man's route short and causing Bayard to half-buck in surprise. The barest wince of pain crossed the man's face for an instant, accompanied by a splattering, sizzling sound. Harren turned again to let his leader pass unhindered. A smoking green slime ran down the back of his armor, eating through in places. Calmly the taller knight dragged off his left gauntlet and tucked it behind his waist so the acid might not drip down onto his mount.

With a nod, the pair ride back through the smoldering village, into the obfuscating smoke and out of view of their assailant. Riding at a trot, the pair pass dozens of motionless heaps... villagers, horses... and the scorched remains of the knights. At the far end of the run, Karl spots two horses and a pair of men on the ground beside them. The first figure is propped up against one of the few unburning buildings, while the other stands beside. As Karl and Harren approach, the standing man gives a quick salute of fist-to-chest. Jemmin Cresbin... a good lad.

It's Derly, sir, he says, gesturing to the seated, gasping young knight in half-crushed splint armor. Sivak got him, out of the smoke. Big one, too. Hit him hard enough with one of those barbed swords they use to take him clean off his roan.

The man on the ground coughed a laugh, dark blood spilling over his lips. First time I've been unhorsed since you did for me in training, sir. Another wet cough produces more of the vital liquid.

Can you ride? Harren asked quietly beside him.

A dark look of almost despair falls over the young man's features and he turns away; yet it is the other knight who answers. Landed on his back... said he can't quite feel his legs, but I told him that's just the stun from the ground and it'll be right in a bit.

A wordless look passes between the others, and Harren shakes his head slightly. Anyway the brute took to the air so I got down to help Derly a second, but I saw the big cow-hearted scale-head land off that way. Jemmin says, nodding past a row of unburnt houses to the East.
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by Jerrard »

Dismounting rapidly the warrior hands his reins to Harren and kneels before the fallen Knight, clasping his hand tightly with the other man before handing him his blade.

"Derly, will you and Jemmin here guard the road?" Karl offers a salute of his own, the man would no doubt never stand again, if he survived the night it would be miracle. "Harren and I will see if we can't stop that Brute, these people. Our comrades will be avenged." Raising Lunter in defiance he moves to mount Bayard once more. "Come, let us vanquish this foe. May Kiri-Jolith guide your arm." Spuring the mount onwards, he ignored the nagging sense in the back of his mind that he should stay, his was foolish. But honor demanded he made these creatures pay, how dare they invade his land?

"You understand, if there were more clerics like the old days, perhaps it might be possible." He trails off, his wordless admission saying what he wished he could. "We will Avenge them. Watch for its magic."
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Harren accepts the reins stoically, eyes on the village surrounding them to anticipate threat. As Karl takes the younger man's hand, Derly grips it in desperation; his two hands clasped in what seemed a fervent prayer for forgiveness. Jemmin's comforting hand settles on the injured lad's shoulder, Yessir. We'll hold the road. And we'll rally any others we find to be ready when you return. He says, confidently. The crippled man nods frantically, finally lifting his young eyes full of un-shed moisture to meet those of his commander. For the Knights... for the Griffon... he croaks, squeezing the elder knight's gauntleted hand tight enough to make the bones beneath creak.

Karl remounts and he and Harren turn to their task; to find and end the brute. Purposefully they ride to the edge of the row, the taller horseman turning again to block his leader's way slightly. He holds his un-gloved left hand in signal and peeks around the corner so only his head is exposed. Grimly he steers his mount around the corner; motioning the way clear. Of the sights the Knight Sularia might have expected to find, this was perhaps among the last...

The towering form of a Sivak Draconian in full mail lay propped against the side of the farmhouse like some forgotten toy; his spiked sword lying akimbo on the ground and out of reach. The... thing... rasped laboriously for breath; and little wonder. A chalk-white broken splinter the size of Harren's arm pinned the dying figure to the wall. The shattered shaft appeared at first to be some kind of pale wood, but as the knight drew nearer he recognized it for what it was... splintered bone. Dozens of shards stabbed mercilessly through the wrought banded mail like so many needles through paper. The dragon-man's eyes rolled frantically to the men. The creature, dying as it was, still as tall as the riders even while leaning against the scorched building. A gurgling sound issued from its throat as it clutched ineffectually for its sword; shoulders pinned to the wall out of reach of the weapon.

Harren pointed his blade at the thing's face, ready should it prove capable of any danger. With a sardonic smile, the Sivak turned its gaze out into the billowing mist that now seemed to be surrounding the village. One clawed hand clutched an a pewter amulet about its neck; a ring encompassing a five-headed figure... Takhisis

The deafening ROOOOOOAR of a great burst of flame from ground-level illuminates the freshly fallen night; silhouetting the figures of man and draconian in the near distance. Both creatures of flesh and scale immolated to light in that patchy grey dark; like so many torches doused with pitch... Harren's grip tightens on his sword as he gazed out into that hellish landscape. I'll wager this one is done for... he mutters, regarding the dying brute.
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by Jerrard »

Drawing his blade in a moment Karl considers ending the creature there and then, honor demanded its death. Halting the killing blow mid swing, both in response to the scene unfolding before him, and a memory.

The thrust of his lance drove the evil creature back, impaling its shoulder with the wicked point, yet even in its death throes the creature smiled wickedly, its shape shifting, becoming a warped version of his own visage.

"Leave it, its dying, we have a bigger target." Discounting the dying creature he charges towards the flaming creature.
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Harren nods, but a side movement by the Draconian catches his eye. The tall man interposes himself between Karl and the dying creature; snatching a leather satchel away from the beast. His horse paces back a step once the prize is gained, putting him out of arm's reach. The younger knight flips open the packet and looks inside. His eyebrows rise slowly, as much as a cry of shock from any other man. Harren holds the bag so his leader can see the contents... several clay vials with wax-coated stoppers...

He was trying to heal himself... potions, sir... The weight of the find was evident... in a world that had not known priests for centuries until suddenly the Dragon Queen had arrived, then slowly other gods began to return... healing potions and the like... it was almost impossible...

A faint moan escaped the dying draconian, and his body began to smoulder. In the second display of emotion tonight, Karl heard the taller man curse as he drove his horse sideways against the Knight Sularia's mount. A deafening explosion rocked the pair, sending a wave of heat and flame out as the Sivak met its end. Harren's armored form crashed into Karl, the weight of his body and armor bearing the pair to the ground and landing like a cartload of gravel. Straining through gritted teeth, Sir Karl drags himself out from under the motionless form of the other man. Scorch marks mar the acid-eaten back of the valiant warrior. The earlier spell had continued to corrode away the plate and flesh, though he had given no sign. Dangling somewhat miraculously from Bayard's pommel hung the satchel of potions... too late now to do any good for the man who had saved his life...

Out in the mist, the battle raged on...

As you alluded, Sivak's morph to take the shape of the one that killed them... if such a creature is smaller than they... Karl might not know it, but when they are killed by something larger, (or a non humanoid) they explode in a burst of flames
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by Jerrard »

(I reasoned that he would only have seen them killed by humanoids, thus while I knew it might explode, Karl wouldn't.)

"Damnit!" Karl curses, a routine scout this was not, his men were all but gone, those creatures. Lowering Harran to the ground he closes the man's eyes, later, later he would bring the men home so they could be treated with the honour they deserved. Was this some new trick? These creatures, that mage he had said they weren't natural, who trusted mages and their lies, only this had a ring of truth to it.

His anger rising beneath the cloak of civility the Knight places the vials in his own pouch and urges his mount onwards, back into the battle.
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

Karl regains his saddle and begins riding towards the sounds of combat. The glow of newly spreading fires lit the foggy night in rolling flares of red and orange; revealing little more than silhouettes. Shapes moved in the fog, those of men, those of draconians, and those of... something else... Things leapt like madmen at human and dragon-man alike, clawing savagely at their throats and charging into melee more like crazed beasts. A Baaz went down, the man-sized monstrosity throttling it with sadistic glee and snarling through rows of needle-sharp teeth! Wide jaws stretched open as it slammed its gaping maw down on the dying draconian's face, gnawing and gnashing and chewing like some starving thing! The baaz turned to stone as they all did in death, leaving the creature with a mouthful of rock.

Suddenly a great wail arose, and his gaze turned to see a soldier hustling towards him. Thunderous galloping steps echoed through the night and the ground shook as the distorted shadow of some mounted rider rode the fog behind... The human cried out wordlessly in his direction, fleeing for all the life he had left in him. Barreling out of the mist behind, rode the skull of a dragon!!! No, not a dragon, a massive lizard twice the height of any horse! With a sinusoidal slither it charged towards the fleeing man and out of the thickening fog. Upon it's back in sun-bleached saddle, rode a skeletal knight twice the height of any man. In an instant, the inevitable became reality as the great undead monstrosity rode down the fleeing soldier with an effortless stride.

Sorry, the picture doesn't really do it justice, but the Skeleton rider is about 12 feet tall. The Skeletal lizard it rides is roughly 30 feet long, about half of that tail (yes, Gargantuan size class).

Also, unlike the picture it is wielding a ball and chain style flail, with the massive head of spiked bone. The Bone lance it had was destroyed when it killed the Sivak...
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by Jerrard »

Discounting the strange creatures in a heartbeat Karl pat's Bayards Neck "Well it's been a pleasure. Whatever this is it's our duty to stop it, we can't let this creature loose." Offering the skeletal warrior a knightly salute, his lance raised high before uttering a battle cry, the I weapon poised, his training cutting in as be prepares to change this abomination. Whatever this was, it was an foe, one he had to beat.

Kicking the mount in the side he spured him in, wishing for the shortest of moments that things could have been different, that perhaps he could have escorted Lady Esten to that dance, that he had convinced Harrison to stay. Who would sing songs of him now?
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[initiative, attack and damage rolls please ^_^ ]
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by Jerrard »

Init [1d10] = 8
ThaCo 15 [1d20] = 5 Damage [2d6+1] = 8+1 = 9 A considerable miss even with a bonus for charging.
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by TristenC »

[Karl very nearly did hit him anyway! Normally I don't allow a single creature to break a charge without attacking the mount, but in this case there were 2 size categories between the mounts in question.]

With a wordless cry Sir Karl spurred his well-trained mount forward, lance high and true. The young charger leapt forward with a burst of speed, iron-shod hooves thudding in a familiar rhythm and eating ground hastily towards their foe. The slithering monstrosity of bone barreled towards them with the speed of a tidal wave.

The Knight's tip came down, just before impact but a sudden turn from the lizard-like creature drew his target just outside of his reach! The cart-sized tail wrapped in front of the charging steed causing Bayard to buck and wheel suddenly to avoid crashing into it; the skill of the warhorse saving the pair from tumbling into the ivory wall of undeath.

A terrible crushing blow landed across the Knight Sularia's back as he steered his steed in an effort to move clear of the creature. The horrifying visage of the gargantuan lizard filled his view as bony claws the length of swords slashed overwhelmingly against his armor. Massive jaws clamped down on his body, engulfing his torso completely in a crunch that shivered to his bones.

The gaping maw opened, releasing its catch in preparation to strike again, when Bayard reared back with wild-eyed whinny-ing cry! Iron-shod hooves lashed out frantically at the huge reptilian skull, connecting with a loud Crack! The blow bought only the briefest of moments, yet the warhorse sized the chance and lunged off from the melee in a gallop! In short order the pair gain enough distance from the creatures to prepare...

The skeletal knight turns to regard them with fire-red balls of light flaring in empty sockets. Slowly it begins spinning the balled-flail above its head as the bloodied claws of its mount scrape against the hard-packed earth. Cold fog rolls all about, dimming the fires and sounds of battle elsewhere; almost as if everything else in the world aside from they lay hundreds of miles distant in the clammy night....

Sir Karl: (8 + 7 med lance): 15
Giant Skeleton Knight: 16

Karl Charges (+2 to hit) at the Giant Skeleton (AC 6) with his medium lance
Thac0 15 vs AC 6 (+2): Need 7+ to hit
[1d20] = 5, miss!

Giant Skeleton bashes (-1 bashing vs Banded mail) at Karl (AC 1) (+1 charging)
Thac0 13 vs AC 1: Need 12+ to hit
[1d20] = 15, hit!
For [1d12] = 2 damage
Karl is Barely Scratched [33/35]

Skeletal Knight [1d10] = 8, [1d20] = 15, [1d12] = 2

Fire Lizard Skeleton turns in front of Bayard and cuts off the charge! (stopping follow through only)

Fire Lizard Skeleton slashes (-2 vs Banded Mail) at Karl (AC 1) with its claws (right and left)
Thac0 11 vs AC 1 (-2): Need 12+
(right) [1d20] = 17, hit!
For [1d8] = 6 damage!
(left) [1d20] = 14, hit!
For [1d8] = 3 damage!
Karl is Hurt! [24/35]

Fire Lizard Skeleton bites at Karl (AC 1)
Thac0 11 vs AC 1 (-2): Need 10+
(Bite) [1d20] = 13, hit!
For [2d8] = 9 damage!
Karl is Hurt Badly! [15/35]

Fire Lizard Skeleton vs Karl [1d20] = 17, [1d20] = 14, [1d20] = 13
Fire Lizard Skeleton vs Karl [1d8] = 6, [1d8] = 3, [2d8] = 9

Bayard Kicks (bashing) at the Fire Lizard Skeleton (AC 6)
Thac0 19 vs AC 6: Need 13+
(Kick 1) [1d20] = 13, Hit!
For [1d6] = 5 damage!
Fire Lizard Skeleton is Barely Scratched!

Bayard vs Fire Lizard Skeleton [1d20] = 13, [1d20] = 10
Bayard vs Fire Lizard Skeleton [1d6] = 5
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Re: Sir Karl Mordrane Sularia (Jerrard)- Private Thread

Post by Jerrard »

If this was his place to die, then so be it, he would know he had done his duty, without regard for his own safety the Knight draws his blade, the lance falling as he engages the creature hand to hand.

ThaCo 14 [1d20] = 9 Damage [1d12+4] = 6+4 = 10 Hit AC 5.

(As he is specialized, he should get 3/2 attacks, not sure if this counts as the first round or the second, extra attack added below just in case.
ThaCo 14 [1d20] = 3 Damage [1d12+4] = 8+4 = 12 Missed anyway)
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