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Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thread)

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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Jenara »

"Forget this!" Mira screams as three bolts of magic shoot towards the creature attacking Pyros.

Magic Missile [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4 [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5 [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Nocturno »

Cross stepping between Artanis and Pytor. "Hold on to your hats!" Cross will use burning hands again trying to burn these two awful creatures.

Burning Hands: [1d3+8] = 1+8 = 9

Pyros will gurgle what sounded like a bad choking joke, and will drop his hoopla, draw his dagger, or two I'd time allows, and try to pop the bloated thing like a dirty balloon.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by TristenC »


The powerful, sinewy monster throttling Pyros begins to draw his face closer; needle-sharp teeth dripping with saliva moving ever nearer. Stark terror in his eyes, Merrick blurts out a short but effective spell! Twin bolts fly from his fingers, one striking the creature attacking the kender and the other blasting the beast assaulting Adrestia square in the face and driving it motionless to the ground! The newly liberated Gypsy-woman lunges forward, stabbing her magical rapier deep into the monster strangling her newfound brother. The spike-like blade sinks deep into the Goblyn's flesh, only spurring it on more violently.

Choking out what must be some clever taunt, Pyros dangles from the iron grip of the hateful thing throttling him. Gurgling, he draws a pair of daggers and swings for his life. The first feints high and the other stabs low. The creature lowers his elbow, catching the second blow on the arm to minimal damage.

A sudden shrill shriek echoes down the stairs as yet another of the savages rushes to assault the group! With demonic glee the Goblyn dives almost acrobatically over its compatriot strangling Pytor to claw at Adrestia; slashing her face with filthy claws!

Cross turns, calling upon the forces of the Arcane to alter the fabric of reality and bring forth a spray of magical fire! The flames engulf enemies and allies alike; burning down the beast attacking Pytor and badly scorching the Dusky-hued fighter and her opponent! A pair of magical missiles streak from the back of the group, blasting Pyros' assailant in the side of the face!

A final Goblyn charges down the stairs, leaping a from the platform towards the redheaded bard! Bloodthirsty exuberance causes it to neglect the landing and crash to the hard-baked earth like a sack full of stones! Sparing but a glance for the failed attempt, Mira draws forth her own mystical power and fires a trio of bolts that obliterate the monster choking Pyros; sending him unceremoniously to the floor.

The gypsy-blacksmith, newly free from his assailant, buries his warhammer into the skull of the creature attacking his sister. A grotesque crack issues forth from the Goblyn's head, but it staggers back against the wall still barely alive... Jerry rushes forward to strike the a the prone savage, but misjudges the distance.

Elsa finishes her prayer, raising her voice to a shout. ENOUGH!!! A crackling white-hot flare of divine luminescence seizes the surviving Goblyns; paralyzing them with holy force! Artanis wastes no time, moving to the collapsed foe before the Mystaran. Planting one booted foot on the beast's shoulder blades he hacks it clean through the neck with the efficiency of a hunter putting wounded prey out of its misery. Growling in pain from new injuries, Adrestia pins the last remaining Goblyn to the wall with her magical rapier. With a wild look she turns to the stairs; wrenching her blade free of the exterminated beast. Long moments of silence accompany the desperate breathing of the survivors... As abruptly as it began, the short but brutal combat seems to end...

[Combat Ends!!!]
Merrick (2+1 spell): 3
Adrestia (1+3 MRapier): 4
Pyros (2+2 dagger): 4
Gy6: 4
Gy2: 5
Cross (5+1 spell): 6
Adran (5+1 spell): 6
Gy5: 6
Mira (6+1 spell): 7
Pytor (3+4 warhammer): 7
Gy3: 9
Gy4: 11
Jerry (7 +7 mace): 14
Elsa (9+ 5 spell): 14
Art (9+5 LS): 14

Merrick casts Magic Missile targeting Gy2 and Gy4
Gy2, Gy4 MR [1d100] = 29, [1d100] = 46 MR both fail
Merrick's spell strikes them for
vs Gy2 [1d4+1] = 5 damage
Gy2 Dies!
vs Gy4 [1d4+1] = 3 damage
Gy4 is Hurt!
Merrick vs Gy2, Gy4 MM [1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5, [1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3

Adrestia moves 5 feet East to engage Gy3
Adrestia stabs (+1 Prayer) at Gy3 (AC 4)(+2 Choking Pytor) with her magical rapier
Thac0 14 vs AC 4 (+3): need 7+ to hit!
[1d20] = 8, hit! Barely!
For [1d6+4] = 8 (+1 Prayer, +2 Choking) = 11 damage!
Gy3 is Hurt Badly!

Pyros draws a pair of daggers!
Pyros stabs (+1 Prayer) with the dagger in his right hand at Gy4 (AC 4) (-3 being strangled!)
Thac0 18 vs AC 4 (-2): Need 16+
[1d20] = 2, miss!

Pyros stabs (+1 Prayer) with the dagger in his left hand at Gy4 (AC 4) (-3 being strangled!)
Thac0 18 vs AC 4 (-2): Need 16+
[1d20] = 19, hit!
For [1d4] = 3 (+1 Prayer, -3 being strangled!): 1 damage!

Pyros vs Gy4 stabby stab [1d20] = 2, [1d4] = 4, [1d20] = 19, [1d4] = 3

Gy6 charges down the stairs and attempts to leap over Gy3 (Dex check, higher ground than Gy3, no penalty) to tackle Adrestia!
Dex check [1d20] = 9, pass! Gy6 Clears Gy4 and attacks Adrestia!

Gy6 slashes (-2 slash vs chain) vs Adrestia (AC 4, -1 single wep style prof) with both claws!
Thac0 13 vs AC 4 (-3): Need 12+ to hit!
[1d20] = 13, hit! (barely)
For [1d6] = 6 damage!
[1d20] = 9, miss!

Cross casts Burning Hands at Gy3 and Gy6!
Gy3, Gy6 MR, save vs spell [1d100] = 26, [1d100] = 43, [1d20] = 3, [1d20] = 18.
MR both fail. Gy3 save vs spell (-1 Prayer) Fail! Gy6 save vs spell, pass!
The spell burns Gy3 for [1d3+8]= 9 damage!
Gy3 Dies!
The spell burns Gy6 for [1d3+8]= 9 /2 = 5 damage!
Gy6 is Hurt!

Adrestia Save vs spell!
[1d20] = 12, Fail!
Adrestia takes 9 damage!
Adrestia is Hurt Badly!

Pytor Save vs spell! (+4 half cover from Gy3)
[1d20] = 9 (+4) = 13, Fail!
Takes (half from cover) 5 damage!
Pytor is Hurt Badly!

Adrestia, Pytor Save vs Spell [1d20] = 12, [1d20] = 9

Adran casts Magic Missile targeting Gy4
Gy4 MR, save vs spell [1d100] = 33, [1d20] = 10 MR Fail!
For [1d4+1] + [1d4+1] = 9 damage!
Gy4 is Hurt Critically

Gy5 moves West down the stairs and leaps off South towards Mira!
Gy5 dex check [1d20] = 16, Fail!
Gy5 takes [1d6] = 2 falling damage! Fails the landing and must stop moving!

Mira casts Magic Missile targeting Gy4!
Gy4 MR [1d100] = 80, MR Fail!
For [1d4+1] + [1d4+1] + [1d4+1]= 14 damage!
Gy4 Dies!

Pytor, now free, bashes (+1 Prayer) with his warhammer at Gy6 (AC 4)
Thac0 14 vs AC 4 (+1): Need 9+
[1d20] = 20, hit! Possible Crit!
Crit Conf [1d20] = 15, Crit Confirmed!
For [1d4+6] + [1d4+6] = 17 Damage!!!
Gy6 is About to Die!
Pytor vs Gy6 warhammer [1d20] = 20, [1d4+6] = 1+6 = 7, [1d20] = 16, [1d4+6] = 4+6 = 10
Pytor vs Gy6 possible crit [1d20] = 15, [1d4+6] = 4+6 = 10

Jerry moves North 5 feet and bashes (+1 Prayer) at G5 (+4 prone!)with her Morning Star
Thac0 20 vs AC 4 (+5): Need 11+ to hit
[1d20+1] = 7, miss!

Elsa Casts Hold Person! at Gy5 and Gy6 (-1 penalty to saves for only 2 targets)
Gy5, Gy6 MR, save vs spell [1d100] = 55, [1d100] = 72, [1d20] = 11, [1d20] = 7, MR both fail!
Gy5 and Gy6 save vs spell (-1 only 2 targets), Both Fail!!!
Gy5 and Gy6 are Magically Held!

Artanis Moves SouthEast 10 feet to engage Gy5 (Magically Held!)
[Full round action] Artanis Executes Gy5!!!
Gy5 Dies!

Adrestia stabs, a second time, at Gy6 (Magically Held!) with her magical rapier
Automatic Hit!
For [1d6+4]= 9 (+1 Prayer): 10 damage!
Gy6 Dies!

[Combat Ends!!!]
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by TristenC »

Elsa lets out a sigh of relief, laying a comforting hand on Pyros. Are you alright? Those things are crazy!
The golden glow of healing magic engulfs the Kender, repairing the brunt of his wounds...

Elsa CMW on Pyros [1d10+1] = 6+1 = 7
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Nocturno »

Cross looks sheepishly at his party members. "I'm sorry for the heat. It seemed like the best idea at the time."


Pyros sprawls out on the floor. Heaving some heavy breaths. "Did...did you...did you see that! .
.... That was amazing! I mean he was so close. I wonder what could he have done!"
He sits up. Then springs up. Then feels a bit woozy. "Whew, how bad does it look?"
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by TristenC »

Elsa hugs the kender around the neck, half supporting him. Moisture dampens her eyes as she squeezes him tighter. Shh.... are you sure you're ok?... she whispers plaintively.

Adrestia hardly acknowledges Cross' comment, stony faced as she glares at the bodies. Forget it... so long as they burn... The Equaar woman grips her brother's shoulder tightly. These, Pytor... these are the things that ended our line... our family... Now you see... This she gestures to the massacre around them. This is why I hunt them...

The lightly scorched blacksmith rubs at his throat, wrenching his hammer free of the skull he crushed defending his sister. Silently he nods, hand idly moving to an empty satchel at his hip...
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Chris1234 »

Jerry moves to Adrestia asks, "Please hold still while I try and fix this." She uses her Healing skills on the gypsy's wounds. Also, sahe asks Adrestia, "Will these things rise as undead?"
After Healing she says, "Anyone else?", otherwise tries to find recover sling missiles.

Jerry healing TN12 [1d20] = 1
Tristan - I can't rememeber how many HP the Healing NWP restores. Can you remind me, please? And can she now try to use Healing NWP on Pyros's wounds too?

Healing [1d3] = 1
OOC: It's nice in the VIP lounge.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by TristenC »

[healing nwp will do 1d3. Pyros has recieved magical healing since the injury so it wont work on him]
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Nocturno »

Looking at the charred warriors Pyros looks at themand quips "You both look a little hot under the collar."


Cross mumbles another apology under his breath looking down.

"Are you free friend? We have destroyed the ones with Death in their eyes."
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by TristenC »

Profound sense of relief passes to Cross through the bond. I will watch from above. Cages... no good comes from cages.

Elsa shakes her head ruefully at the Kender, You honestly just can't help it, can you... Seeing the other cleric tending to Adrestia, the halfling gives Pyros' shoulder one final squeeze and moves to patch up Pytor's wounds as well.

Once Jerry administers her medicine, Artanis steps forward and lays a glowing hand on the fighter. The magic barely washes away a small scratch. Elsa binds some of Pytor's wounds and heals him as well, her prayer also to little effect. Grunting in frustration, she assesses the group. I can only do one more today... we need to rest...

I could hide the opening we made with an illusion... Merrick offers

[wow... sucky heals all around...]
Jerry uses Healing NWP on Adrestia
[1d20] =1, pass!
For [1d3] =1 hp

Artanis casts Cure Light Wounds on Adrestia
For [1d8] =1 hp
Art CLW Adrestia [1d8] = 1

Elsa uses Healing NWP on Pytor
[1d20] = 5, pass
For [1d3] = 3 hp
Elsa casts Cure Light Wounds on Pytor
For [1d8] = 2 hp

Elsa healing NWP, CLW Pytor [1d20] = 5, [1d3] = 3, [1d8] = 2
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Chris1234 »

If anyone else (Merrick, Cross, Mira, Artemis oe Elsa] seems injured, Jerry tries to fix them up. [NWP Healing]

Jerry Healing NWP TN 12 [1d20] = 6, [1d3] = 1
Jerry Healing NWP TN 12 [1d20] = 7, [1d3] = 3
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Jenara »

"We should rest, at least for a little while." She eyes Pytor a moment noting his wounds. "We should get out of here, I might come back when I have that spell." Turning bacl to the scroll for a moment she grabs a handful of coins and moves over to the dead creatures, pushing them out of the way with her sword as she scoops up the stones fired by Pyros. "Coming?"
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by TristenC »

Finally registering Jerry's question, Adrestia glances up before glaring back down at the corpses with a derisive snort. Undead? Hah! As if they weren't bad enough... No... not on their own. If something raised them as zombies or the like they'd be no different than any other, but they won't get up on their own... filthy things. she finishes, booting the one with the ruined head under the ribs. Come, brother, help me drag these off the stairs. The pair set about moving the corpses into a pile in the NorthEast corner below the ledge of the stairs so they are out of the way.

Merrick moves to stand near the Mystaran cleric. Are... are you ok? he asks quietly.

Mira begins to collect some of the scattered treasure in preparation to go. Where will we go? The red-bearded ranger asks, still keeping an eye on the burned gypsies to be sure they are alright. Unless we head back out to the woods... I could find us a camp, but I think we all remember those... jackal-men...

Chris1234 wrote:If anyone else (Merrick, Cross, Mira, Artemis oe Elsa] seems injured, Jerry tries to fix them up. [NWP Healing]
[Merrick, Cross, Elsa are unharmed. Artemis is the greek goddess of the moon and not present :lol: but the woman who shares the same name as the greek goddess of Righteous Vengeance (Adrestia) has been seen to, and Artanis is uninjured ;) ]
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by Chris1234 »

If Mira is hurt then perhaps Jerry can help her wounds.

Ok, it's only 1HP but it all helps..

Goddess of Mooning.. hmm.
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Re: Act 2 Scene 3: “To 'Where the Old Bones Lie'” (Game Thre

Post by TristenC »

[Mira's injury is from maybe 15 minutes ago. Healing NWP has to be applied very shortly after. And goddess of the MOON, not Mooning ;p ]