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CH. 16 - Resistance

This 2E Dragonlance game is set in the city of Haven, during the War of the Lance. Haven is a city undergoing great upheaval. First massive numbers of refugees pour in, then the city is conquered by a draconic army. Can our heroes survive under this dark occupation?

Moderator: JadedDM

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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by JadedDM »

"Do you really think any of those dracs are going to listen to you after seeing what just happened here?" Fiona asks. "You're the strongest among us, so if you really want to help, dig!" With that, Fiona alone hurries to the back of the collapsed mansion and tries moving the debris to reach the basement.
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra sighs and moves to help Fiona.
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by TristenC »

grubnick helps dig
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by JadedDM »

With Fiona, Kendra and Gobax all working together--Haahqae merely stands off to the side to watch--they manage to dig out enough debris to reveal a small opening to the basement stairs. It looks like the basement is largely intact, which means they should be able to reach the sewer entrance from there. Wasting no time, Fiona is the first to climb down there, into the darkness.
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by HorizonsDream »

Kendra follows after Fiona into the basement. "Hurry up, guys. Unless you want to face the army that is about to appear any second now."
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by TristenC »

grubnick follows
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Re: CH. 16 - Resistance

Post by JadedDM »

Kendra, Gobax and Haahqae hurry down after Fiona, into the darkness of the cellar. Fortunately, the basement is still largely intact and they are able to make their way around debris to reach the bathroom area, and delve back into the sewers. By the time the draconians are able to follow, they are long gone. Fiona, the only surviving member of the resistance from that group, knows the sewers well enough to get them to a safe place to rest.

From that point on, things are not easy, but the resistance also has more success than it ever has. The four of them manage to eventually make contact with the rest of the resistance that was taken to safety by Coroccoco and Arulia. And bring in many more members as things in the city fall apart.

With Tethys and Magnus dead, the high priestess steps in to fill the power vacuum. But running the church and the city at the same time is a strain. What's more, when word gets out that the resistance not only killed the prefect, but took down his adult red dragon mount, as well, it significantly bolstered the people's resolve. Those who had given up hope entirely suddenly found themselves hopeful once again. After all, if a handful of people could kill a dragon that big, is there anything that is impossible? The resistance's ranks swelled, and there were plenty of people who would offer aid and shelter and supplies, even if they wouldn't outright join.

The next two months went poorly for the occupation. The high priestess tried to rein things in and get them under control, but she failed. The resistance was still no match for an army, but they chipped away at the occupation, bit by bit. Not destroying them, but hassling them, slowing things down, and overall making things more difficult for them.

News eventually reached the city, despite the occupation's attempts to suppress it, that things were not going well for the Dragonarmies in the war, either. The Whitestone Army, a joint effort of Solamnics, Ergothians, Qualinesti, Silvanesti, Hill Dwarves and Kender among others, led by the Golden General, Princess Laurana of the Qualinesti, managed to drive the Dragonarmy from Solamnia altogether. They wielded the legendary Dragonlances and rode upon dragons themselves. But these dragons were metallic--gold, silver, copper, brass and bronze.

By spring time, after the snows had melted, word had come in from Neraka from the Emperor himself. All forces were to fall back to Neraka to protect it. And thus did the occupation end, not with a massive battle, but with the Dragonarmy forces just up and leaving on their own.

Once again, the city of Haven was free. But it would be a long time before things were rebuilt. The Temple of Takhisis was torn down and in its place was built a Temple of Paladine. A new mayor was elected, and after a few years, things finally started getting back to normal.

As for the heroes who slew the prefect and his dragon...

Haahqae was not much for interacting with others, but his ability to turn invisible and cause distractions made him invaluable on the many small missions the resistance implemented against the occupation. When the occupation came to an end, he naturally gave all credit to himself. When the people of Haven neglected to build a statue in his honor in the market square, he decided he had enough of Haven anyway. With the army gone and the roads clear again, he packed up and left the city. Nobody is quite sure where he went or what became of him, for he never returned to Haven again.

Kendra's knowledge of the occupation's inner workings, as well as her skill as a warrior, proved quite useful to the resistance's efforts. But when the occupation was over, she found herself not feeling like she belonged. While the people of Haven were, more or less, willing to forgive the horrible things she did in light of her more recent acts...she couldn't help but feel a wide gulf between herself and the people. There were always going to be whispers and rumors of her marriage to a draconian, among other things. Eventually, she decided to pack her things and head north, toward Solamnia. It was her hope to help fight in the Whitestone Army, and perhaps one day redeem herself in the eyes of her family and her people.

Gobax found himself in a difficult situation. His efforts to aid the resistance was met with mixed reactions, as people's memories of the attacks on the market square were still fresh. The goblin found it challenging to overcome the fear and hatred that his mentor had inflicted onto innocent people in the name of freedom. When the war ended, he remained in the city for awhile, trying to build up some followers for Sirrion. He managed to recruit a handful of loyal disciples, and together they departed from the city to spread the word of the Flowing Flame to whoever would listen.

Tulbas was the final scion of House Erogund, and with his death, so too, does a family line end. His uncle's mageware shop eventually is sold to a White Robed Wizard and remained in business for many years to come. There was nothing left of Tulbas; whatever ashes remained were scattered during the dragon fight. But a small tombstone was set up next to his uncle's in the cemetery nonetheless.

Haven only knew peace for decades to come, and grew in prosperity. But that is another story, for another time...