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BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

The (Original!) Tomb of Horrors!!!
S1 by the great Gygax 1978. Everything adapted to 2e. This is NOT the Return to ToH written for 2e

Labyrinth of Madness!!! Previously Concluded (by TPK)
S6 by Monte Cook from 1995. Designed for 2e. IMHO this one is the tougher of the two, but not by much.

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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

So, what's left?
WP,NWP,Spells,Mundane items, background story and description. Right? Piece of cake.
Let's start with the d100 roll:
[1d100] = 1
WP: 2+19/4 = 6: Long sword, Short sword, Long Bow, Short Bow, Dagger, Dart
NWP: 4 + 4 + 7 = 15:

Damn, even with the proficiency Rogues are last after the other classes.

I've started going over the proficiency list but I need to refresh my memory...
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

Bard NWP should be 3(start)+4(level) +7(int) = 14
but bards get the singing non-wep proficiency and one musical instrument proficiency free
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

Several NWP questions:
Will you allow the NWP 'specific spell' has the effect of increasing the are of effect or duration on the moral increase of barding song? Not that it is so powerful but I thought it might be original.
Will you allow the Seance proficiency although its for Psionics?
If I take bartending and barkeeping, can I own a pub? If so I can try weave it to the background story once I get to it.
Can I have leadership, although it's for warriors?

Currently the list contains:
Information Gathering, Musical Instrument (Small Mandolin), Persuasion, Poetry, Reading/Writing, Scribing, Story Telling,
Street Sense.
6 more depends on your answers.

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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

about nwps:
-bards get rogue, Warrior, wizard and general as nwp grpups, leadership is in the warrior group.
even if it wasnt, you can get nwps from cross-class groups (like priest) you just pay 1 slot more than the cost listed for them. This is a standard rule people often forget.

The seance nwp doesnt appear to require psionic ability, just falls into the psionic grouping of nwps. Since thaf is the case, you can take it but it costs 1 extra slot (costing 3 slots instead of 2)

-if Owning a pub is just for backstory, you can just have it but it wont factor into game mechanics. If you want to be tne master brewer there, the nwps will help, lol. Big difference between owning a place and being the talent that keeps it running ;)

Bards also get tbe 'singing' nwp for free (your musical instrument should be free as well, just be sure you didnt spend a slot on that mandolin)

Using a 'specific spell'-style effect on bardic inspiration seems interesting. Let's call it something else, though. How about...

"Inspired Performance" (2 slot, rogue Cha -2)
By studying closely the effect of One Specific Bardic Ability, a performer can improve a single component.

Bards can only specialise in a given Bardic Ability once, and they can never begin at first level specialised. When the Bard first decides to specialise in a particular Ability, he must decide what component of the Ability he wishes to emphasise. This can never be changed.

Influence Reaction:
1.) Reduce target's saving throw by -1.

1.) Increase duration by +50%
2.) Increase area of effect by +50%
3.) Increase attack or save by +1 (so it becomes either +2 attack, +2 save, or +3 morale)
4.) Reduce the time it takes to create the inspiration effect by 1 round (from 3 full rounds to 2)

1.) Increase area of effect by +50%
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

Hmm... I didn't know bards get all those NWPs, but I'm not going over the NWP list again :) This time I'm aiming for NWPs that are more for the characteristic part of the game and less giving the character an edge in battle. (Although some of them does).
(I hope we will play long enough to see them in game. I was disappointed with our previous performance finishing barely 20% of the maze. I think we had very strong characters and I think we were too smug, entering the last battle... There were clues for traps all over and we stupidly ignored them.)

I also wanted to ask if there can be some kind of "General knowledge" NWP. This mean for example that the character knows a little bit of everything but not an expert. For example he knows something about magnetic field and it's use in navigation, but not the exact details. He knows about dwarves ability to detect direction and slope underground but again, not the mechanism. A bit of history, politics, races and abilities but he is not an expert in anyone.
Such NWP will allow him to give suggestions to others, for example to a mage as ideas for Cantrip, to make decisions if to use politics, underground connections, or storming to battle, to suggest building devices to accomplish some goal and such.
(I think I'll not take Cantrip this time, but I'd like to know enough to suggest to another wizard how to use his Cantrips :) Of course it would be a subtle suggestion that he would think it was his own idea...).

Another rule I wanted to ask if you consider allowing is about morale. Currently the effect of morale is something like "Don't run away folks." In HOMM the difference of morale between the groups can give a small chance of attacking twice or not at all at the same round. This can be really game changer, and of course will make the bard much more significant in battle. But it might be too immense change of the core rules so if it's too much I get it. :)

Seance, although cool, I don't think I have enough slots for it.

I did thought to be the running spirit of the pub. More as to establish the PC connections with the thieves guild, to oil the politicians, to start up rumors the PC uses for his own benefit and to express ideas he want to plant in the back of the mind of the people, and of course for his own performances. This is more for early years of the character. Now it functions at downtime, allow some leads to adventures, and you can use it if you see that fits.

The Mandolin was the second instrument I choose. I know it might be a waste of slot but as I said I'm trying to create the character and less giving the edge in battle. The first instrument is either Harmonica or a Flute. Harmonica is more fun and Flute is more romantic and inspiring. They are both small to carry on body, and I think the Mandolin is small enough too. Mandolin can be used both for happy and sad tunes so both combinations seems fine to me and I haven't chosen yet.

Your "Inspired Performance" suggestion is great. More than I thought of myself I must admit. I now need to choose what to emphasis.

I think I'll move for spells now. Is it the same as mage? Can I choose any spells? I think I'll forsake the bonus of importing spells from different spell volumes since it is time consuming. Maybe only the research I made for Yelb/Bren character and if you have a short list of suggestions (I can think of Cat's grace and phantom armor that you keep remind us not leave the house without it :))

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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

After removing a lot of NWPs from the wish list (such as story telling) I ended up with this:
Free: Singing, Playing Flute, Dancing (can I get kissing too for free? :))
14 slots: Bardic inspiration - Increase attack or save by +1 (2 CHA)
Musical instrument - Mandolin (1 DEX), Bartending (2 WIS/CHA), Bar keeping (1 INT), Diplomacy (1 CHA), Info gathering (1 INT), Persuasion (1 CHA), Poetry (1 CHA), Reading/Wirting (1 INT), Seance (3 CHA), Leadership (1 CHA).

While using the Bardic inspiration I plan to roll for leadership as well and so boost both morale and attack/save. Is it possible?
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

I think last time it was just the degree of devastation from the ambush. And the fact that everyone relied so heavily on pik saying "it's clear"

Actually, bards have a class skill sometimes called 'a little bit of everything', lol. Otherwise known as 'bardic knowledge'. usually nwp knowledge is more in a specific field, like a religeon, history or the like.

there is a morale system. It isnt checked for pcs, but it does apply for npcs, monsters, henchmen, etc. Basically everyone except pcs. It's more for the will to do something or keep fighting. We're not doing extra attacks ir damage for high morale.

I think you're putting an awful lot of thought into the backstory for a character who is about to go into a dungeon notorious for killing pcs... i don't mind you doing it, but the more attached you get...
Also, this is a one-shot adventure.

Arcane spells. Use the guidelines in the rules thread for choosing them. I woulld recommend stoneskin as it was incredibly helpful in the last puzzle dungeon.

-bards can choose 2 instruments when they take additional musical instrument nwps
-'Bardic inspiration' you need to choose either attack boost OR save boost, OR morale boost
-leadership check would be a separate check

You say 14 slots, but your choices total 15
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

Oops. I guess I'll remove the Poetry and stay with basic ability of a bard.
I understand it's a separate check but my meaning was that the same call to battle will function for both goals and each will be checked/selected separately. To save "in game time" that is.
Also, is it possible to use the leadership before every battle?


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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

the leadership thing could be used before each battle, sure. The bard has to 'lead' though, and it appears this applies to crew/henchmen/followers; so npcs.

Stoneskin. yes, excellent choice ;)
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

I guess I'll just "borrow" from Bren spellbook instead of going through all the "NET" spellbooks...
Can you tell me how many spells of each level can I pickup and how many should I roll for?

BTW I think I have -1 on HP being an elf!!! gosh!
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

#of spells to start depends on your highest spell level. If you are straight bard at 2 mil xp that makes you lvl 19 with access to 6th lvl spells.

[Excerpt from the Rules thread]
Any arcane caster can have just enough spellbooks (for free) to contain their spells. List your spells and I’ll roll for pages and how many books you have. This includes bards and any other class that casts Arcane magic from a Spellbook.

Starter spells:
These will be based on the highest spell level an Arcane caster has access to and their max spells/lvl based on Intelligence.
Don’t worry about rolling % chance to learn spells except for those of the highest spell level available.

Meg made a single class mage at lvl 14 with access to 7th level Arcane spells with 17 Int (14 spells/lvl).
-All spell levels up to the three highest (1-4 for Meg) can be completely filled up to the limit based on Int*
-The Third Highest spell level (5) can be filled up to 75% (10 spells)** +2 ‘freebie’ spells (explained below)
-The Second Highest spell level (6) can be filled up to 50% (7 spells) +1 ‘freebie’
-The Highest spell level (7) can be filled up to 25% (3 spells) +1 ‘freebie’
-Limited Wish can only be gained as a ‘freebie’

*(Spells/lvl will cap at 22 for character creation for PCs with 19 or higher Int, but may be exceeded later in-game)
**Fractions round down. ‘Freebies’ explained below

‘Freebie’ Spell:
This spell will be selected by the DM (I’ll just roll for it) from a list of 4 to 10 spells the player is interested in. This spell does not need to be rolled for % chance to learn. Thus if Meg really wants to get Limited Wish as a freebie, she should make a shorter list that includes it to increase her chances. If she gets a different spell, she can still try to learn it in-game provided she has access to a copy. NO LIMITED WISH SCROLLS.
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

so with highest 6th level and int 18 I understand it goes as:
1st-3rd lvl 18 spells each
4th 13 spells + 2
5th 9 spells + 1
6th 4 spells + 1 need to roll above 85%

Alarm, Burning Hands (VS), Charm Person (VS), Color Spray (VSM), Enlarge* (VSM), Magic Missile (VS), Sleep (VSM), Wall of fog, Detect Magic (VS), Mount (VSM), Read Magic (VSM), Gaze Reflection (VS), Disarm (VS) (Vol I), Phantom Armor (VSM) (Vol III), Detect Secret Passages and Portals (VS) (CBOS), Detect undead, Shield, Grease.

2nd: Gemidan's Paralytic missile (VS) (Vol II), Lightning strike (VSM) (Vol II), Zala’s Lifeforce Guardian (VS) (Vol IV), Stairway (VSM) (Vol IV), Fire Arrows (VSM) (Vol II), Cat’s Grace (VSM) (PurpleWorm), Mirror Image (VS), Flaming Sphere (VSM), Melf's Acid Arrow (VSM), Summon Swarm (VSM), Continual light, Hypnotic pattern, Knock, Strength, Invisibility, blur, ESP. pyrotechnics

3rd: Flame Arrow (VSM), Haste (VSM), Slow (VSM), Blink (VS), Gamalon's Fiery backlash (VS) (Vol II), Tenser’s Deadly Strike (VSM) (Vol IV), Drawmij's marvelous shield (VS) (Vol I), Alacrity (VSM) (ToM), Alternate Reality (VSM) (ToM), Steam Blast (VSM) (Vol IV), Shadow Blink (VS) (Vol III), Teleport Object (VS) (Vol IV), Dispel magic, Fireball, Hold Person, Hold undead, Invisibility 10' radius, Protection from evil 10' radius

4th: Improved Invisibility (VS), Emotion (VS), Fire shield (VSM), Phantasmal Killer (VS), Polymorph other (VSM), Ploymorph self (V), Shadow Monsters (VS), Stoneskin (VSM), Improved Strength (VSM) (CBOS), Slowspell, 10’ Radius (VSM) (FR, Vol III), Mordenkainen's Celerity (VSM) (CBOS), Vitriolic Sphere (VSM) (CBOS), Minor Globe of Invulnerability, Dimension door, <DM 01>, <DM 02>

5th: Demi-Shadow monsters (VS), Summon Shadow (VSM), Improved Blink (VS) (CBOS), Teleport (V), Chromatic Blade (VSM) (Vol I), Cloud kill, Telekinesis, Hold monster, Dismissal, <DM 01>

6th: Chain Lightning (VSM), Death Fog (VSM), Disintegrate (VSM), Shades (VS), <DM 01>
[1d100] = 4[1d100] = 21[1d100] = 1[1d100] = 96

So shades failed. Do I choose a different spell or lose it?

Semi-permenancy is 6th or 7th level?

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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

Special skills: (+20% 1st level + 15%*18= 290%)
Climb walls: 50% + 45% = 95%
Detect Noise: 20% + 75% = 95% + 5% racial = 100%
Pick pockets: 10% + 85% = 95% + 5% racial = 100%
Read languages: 5% + 90% = 95%

HP: 6 + 18d6 - 19 = [10d6] = 26[8d6-13] = 26-13 = 13 = 39 HP (I think it is VERY low for 19th level, no?)

Background story:
Galan Farvaris was raised in a small village but was never settled like his other fellow elves. When he was only a child he asked his parents permission and joined a caravan that passed through their village. He worked with the caravan and traveled far lands for many years, being an elf time mean less for him and he learned many skills both in the way of speaking to crowds, deceiving, speed of hands, illusions and more. With his sharp mind he could easily pick on any subject but his love was music. When he had free time he composed music and tried to gain skill in many instruments. Most of his music was romantic and heart piercing as it described the harmony of nature that the elves yearn to.
His travels with the caravan that visited their village took several years. Later on he made some travels on his own or joined other caravans. At one of the times he joined a caravan as mercenary, protecting a mage. His curiosity was ignited and with his plentiful skills, his ability with languages and the speed he picked also on the ways of the arcane just by observing the mage, he quickly caught the mage attention and became his personal assistant. In reward the mage mentored him and Galan gatherd more and more knowledge and experience with the mysterious ways.
Years later he decided to settle down for a while. He chose the city he more frequently visited along his travels as he already knew there a bunch of people and with his passion for music and performance he rent a place, turned it into a bar and later bought the place. Under the bar in a cellar he created a lab where he could practice his spells, and with the success of his bar he built a second story of it and served also breakfasts, and meals.
With his skill with people, his skill in music and the ability to make everything easier with spells, his business quickly succeed and was a gathering point for all sort of people, both high society and not so high... Galan became friend with all type of persons and was able to get information about almost anything interesting that happened close and far from his place. He also became close to political persons and have more than few of the influencing people in his debt. He also spend long time in the local library and made some business with other mages going through the city, seizing the opportunity to expend his abilities in the arcane.
In his own bar Galan met his soul mate. Elven woman, sharp minded and lovely to set eye upon. After a period of time getting to know each other and becoming close friends he courted her and eventually asked her hands. Following the elven tradition they visited both villages and performed their union ceremony on a pond shore in a forest at his beloved one land.
Later they returned to their bar and had a family, two daughters and a boy. As happy as Galan was with his family, his passion for adventure and knowledge never ceased. His family took it for grunted and on some adventures they even joined him, but for most cases he left on his own with promises to return. So far he kept his promises and he made another such promise just before leaving to the Tomb of Horror... (Muhaaahaaahaaa... ;))
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by BishGada »

What else do I need to supply to start? Character description?
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Re: BishGada (Private Thread) Tomb of Horrors

Post by TristenC »

shades failed so you can re-roll for a different one in that spot

semipermenancy is lvl 7 i believe

so i'll need a list for each spell level of your 'freebies' and i'll roll to see which ones he picks up :)

So, the hps thing... You only do 10 hit dice, then you get a base 2 hp/lvl (no con bonus/penalty after 10)
so it would be 6+9d6-10+(2*9)
lvl1, lvl 2-10, lvl 11-19
simplified to: 9d6+14
if you want to reroll the d6 part after the clarification that's fine. but yeah... rogue hps arent' spectacular, especially when you have a con penalty...
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